Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 2430 The layman leaves

Thinking that he missed the layman too much, he had hallucinations at this moment.

But it was so real, and everything in front of him was too dreamy.

He really couldn't tell the illusion from the reality.

"Wan Bai!"

Layman Qingyun shouted, and this made Du Wanbai stunned.

"Layman, is it really you?"

Layman Qingyun just nodded and didn't say anything else.

"Layman, it's really you, so great."

Du Wanbai was very excited.

"Layman, where have you been in the past few years? By the way, Fellow Daoist Lin has been looking for you. You already know about Fellow Daoist Lin. If possible, you can directly contact the Yin-Yang Soul Beast and let them know that you are back."

Du Wanbai really wanted to find out what happened to Layman Qingyun in the past, and why there was no news.

For decades, there has been no news, and suddenly he returned to Qingyunju.

"Wan Bai, this time you leave, you may not come back for a long time. From now on, you don't have to stay in Qingyun Residence."

Qingyun Layman did not respond to Du Wanbai's words, but told Du Wanbai a piece of news that was difficult for him to accept.

He just came back, and it seems that he is leaving again, and he will not stay at all.

Moreover, from Qingyun Layman's words, it can almost be said that he may never come back in the future.

Maybe this is the last time he sees Qingyun Layman.

"Layman, have you decided to leave the Central Region?"

Qingyun Layman just smiled, and still did not respond.

Walking in Qingyun Residence, Du Wanbai followed him silently.

Watching Qingyun Layman walk out of Qingyun Residence, walk out of Tianbao City, and disappear from his sight.

This farewell may be forever.

Du Wanbai stood there as if he could not move, staring at the direction where Qingyun Layman disappeared.


Time passed, and two years passed in a flash. At this moment, Lin Yi has spent a full twenty years in the second stage of the Five Decays of Heaven and Man.

Twenty years, this is not twenty years of seclusion, but twenty years of heavenly tribulation, or the five decays of heavenly man.

That’s right, up to now, Lin Yi still hasn’t passed the second stage of the five decays of heavenly man.

“Moutai, the master should soon pass the skeleton tribulation, the master’s condition is getting better and better, and the transformation should be almost completed. There will be no other accidents in the second stage of the five decays of heavenly man.”

It can be seen from the eyes of Taotie and the others that they are mixed with joy and sorrow.

The joy is naturally because Lin Yi’s condition is getting better and better at the moment, and the end of the second stage of the five decays of heavenly man should be getting closer and closer, and the complete transformation will most likely be completed soon.

But joy is always imperfect, because the time left for them is getting less and less.

There are still eight years of life left, but the five decays of heavenly man have five stages. Even if the second stage is ended immediately, can the remaining three stages be passed continuously in eight years?

It seems almost impossible at present.

The first two stages took a full thirty-two years, and the key is that the second stage has not yet been completely completed.

Although it looks like it will pass quickly, who can be sure that the second stage of the Five Decays of Heavenly Man will be over in a short time?

No one can be sure whether there will be other changes.

In this case, there is no hope at all to pass the three stages of the Five Decays of Heavenly Man in the remaining eight years of life.

Joy is just a momentary excitement, and more often it is in extreme worry.

As time goes by, it will only get stronger and stronger.

The key is that they can't intervene at all, and can only stare and watch all this happen.

Either the life span will devour Lin Yi, or he will be destroyed by the Five Decays of Heavenly Man.

The Yin-Yang Soul Beast did not respond, what can it say.

The past time has been in silence, and for it, every moment is a huge torment.

The feeling of being helpless really makes people extremely desperate.

"Lin Yi's second stage of the Five Decays of Heavenly Man should not last for a long time. It is completely different from before. This time, we may be able to seize the opportunity of his successful passage through the second stage of the Five Decays of Heavenly Man."

In the past two years, the number of people leaving has not decreased, but has increased.

As time goes by, the desire for opportunities will gradually swallow up the fear in their hearts, and those monks who left will gradually return.

Even monks who had not come here before also came to this area.

At this moment, they are extremely excited. They have been waiting for twenty years, waiting for this moment.

Before, they could not predict when Lin Yi would pass through a certain stage of the Five Decays of Heaven and Man, and they missed opportunities every time, but this time, from Lin Yi's face, it can be seen that he is getting closer and closer to ending the second stage of the Five Decays of Heaven and Man.

It may end at any time.

At least it can be predicted in a rough range. They can be prepared at all times within this range. Once the opportunity comes, they can seize it immediately.

In an instant, perhaps they can harvest a great opportunity, a great opportunity to change their destiny.

At this time, how can they not be excited?

As for the figures of Shi Kui and others, they naturally did not see them again. Even if Lin Yi had a great opportunity, they did not dare to appear here openly at this time.

Unless they put life and death aside.

But that is impossible.

Once they arrive, it can be said that they will die.


At this moment, a terrifying breath burst out, not from Lin Yi himself, but from the fluctuation of a magic weapon.

"That alchemy furnace, the alchemy furnace that appeared in Tianshu Tower in Tianbao City before, it seems to be his life treasure."

"Before, this life treasure has never appeared and has not completed the transformation. This time it will transform into a heavenly weapon."

"It seems that he will soon complete the second stage of the five decays of heaven and man."

If it weren't for the two transformations of the Yin-Yang Five Elements Sword Formation, at this moment when they saw the Five Elements Refining Furnace, they would definitely think that Lin Yi had passed the second stage of the five decays of heaven and man.

But now, it is not necessarily the case. During the skeleton calamity, when the Yin-Yang Five Elements Sword Formation transformed into a mid-grade heavenly weapon, it is still vivid in my mind.

Although it happened two years ago, it seems like it was just yesterday.

They were getting more and more excited. The opportunity was about to come. They had great confidence that they could seize it this time.

"No, they were both natal treasures, so why did the Yin-Yang Five Elements Sword Formation complete its transformation in the first stage?"

"Logically speaking, the greater the potential of the natal treasure, the greater the difficulty in completing the transformation."

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