Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 2442 Take the treasure map

How can they feel at ease if they hand it over to an uncertain person?

Besides, the possibility of the Lord of the Border Wasteland Palace taking action is very small, even zero.

"Mouth Cannon, if you have really decided, then contact Elder Jiuyou now. Otherwise, if there is a change, Elder Jiuyou's conditions will definitely be more arrogant. If you ask now, you may be able to get better conditions, or even no conditions."

"The master's life crisis can be hidden from others, but I believe it cannot be hidden from Elder Jiuyou. I guess he himself knows that the possibility of the master wanting to resolve the life crisis is zero. In this case, Elder Jiuyou will not put forward too much conditions, or even no conditions."

"After all, for him, it is just a matter of a word to help the master resolve the crisis after the birth of the miracle."

Taotie's words are not unreasonable. If he speaks now, he can get better conditions.

Once a change occurs, it can really see that Lin Yi has the hope of resolving the life crisis. At that time, Elder Jiuyou is likely to increase the stakes and put forward extremely excessive conditions.

Anyway, it's already like this. No matter what the result is next, they have no other choice.

"Let me think about it again."

The Yin-Yang Soul Beast did not decide immediately.

"Mouth Cannon, I mean in case, in case something really happens, you must remember the faces of each of them, and never let them get away with it in the future, and make them pay the price."

Taotie knew that if Lin Yi got into trouble, it would follow him, but the Yin-Yang Soul Beast was different, and hope could only be placed on it to avenge them.

In the final analysis, it was because they let the master forcibly impact the Void Stage.

They must pay the price in blood.

"I believe that Lin Yi can resolve the crisis and let him settle the accounts one by one."

No matter what the result of this matter is, it will definitely not let it go and let it go.

These people will definitely pay the price.

The Yin-Yang Soul Beast looked in the direction of Lin Yi, asking Lin Yi in his heart whether he supported its decision.

Let the old man Jiuyou take action, of course, at this time, it must not be able to directly transmit the message to Lin Yi.

First, they were afraid of interfering with Lin Yi's tribulation. Although the situation had improved, what if something unexpected happened because of it?

Second, Lin Yi was still in the tribulation. The Five Degenerations of Heaven and Man, even if they communicated through voice transmission, would drag him into the abyss.

Yin Yang Soul Beast didn't have the confidence that it could withstand the crisis like Lin Yi.

They could only keep their minds to themselves. Yin Yang Soul Beast knew that making this decision might bring Lin Yi into the abyss of hell.

Who was the old man Jiuyou? What was his purpose? Everything was unknown, and the result was also unknown.

There were too many variables.

Making this decision might really affect Lin Yi's fate.

It was easy to say, but when it came to making this decision, it was hard to take that step.

"Mouth Cannon, if there is any other way, I will firmly refuse, but now there is no other means to help the master resolve this crisis. We can only place our hopes on the old man Jiuyou. Maybe he is also waiting for us to speak."

"For the old man Jiuyou, there is no loss. The master cannot resolve the life crisis, and this matter is over. If the life crisis is overcome, then for him, there will definitely be gains and no losses. It is just a matter of his words."

"Decide, don't hesitate, the longer the time drags on, the more disadvantageous it is for me."

"This is all we can do. Next, it depends on the master himself to resolve the life crisis."

Taotie is more straightforward. Since there is no other way, let it be left to fate.

Betting once, it will not fall into a greater crisis because of the old man Jiuyou.

Taotie is of course aware that making this decision must be extremely struggling for the Yin-Yang Soul Beast.

It knows that the Yin-Yang Soul Beast has placed all its hopes on Lin Yi.

"Master Yuan Ling, please take us there."

As soon as these words came out, the Yin-Yang Soul Beast's decision was made. It no longer hesitated and prepared to go over to trade with the old man Jiuyou.

As for whether the old man Jiuyou would pay attention to them, it was not up to them to decide.

And if they wanted to go there without any other accidents, such as being attacked by those people, they could only let Master Yuan Ling accompany them.


Master Yuan Ling did not refuse, and took the Yin-Yang Soul Beast and the two to the direction of Jiuyou.

Master Yuan Ling would not give any more opinions, nor would he ask anything else about this.


"What are they doing?"

The actions of Master Yuan Ling and the other two naturally attracted everyone's attention. Seeing that the three of them were heading towards the direction of Jiuyou, they didn't know why.

If it was in other directions, they could understand it, after all, their strength would not be able to stop this trend at that time.

Choosing to leave at this time is a wise move.

And they can also use this time to find other ways.

But it happened to be heading towards the direction of Jiuyou.

Everyone shifted their focus from Lin Yi to the three of them, staring at Yin Yang Soul Beast and the other two.

At this time, the treasure map was still suspended in the air, and was not collected by the Jiuyou Elder into the Jiuyou Territory.

Yuan Ling Danshi and Yin Yang Soul Beast stopped far away from the treasure map and approached the Jiuyou Territory.

As for other things, she would not participate, leaving it to Yin Yang Soul Beast to deal with.

Yin Yang Soul Beast looked at Jiuyou Territory, his eyes flickering, and finally firmed up.

"Old Jiuyou, the world has ushered in an unprecedented change, that is, a devastating crisis. I believe that you are more clear than me on this point. At present, in order to resolve the crisis of the destruction of the world, in addition to those peerless figures standing at the top, there are those peerless geniuses who are growing up."

"At present, you have also seen that there is definitely this potential in the master. Although it cannot be said to be certain, it is at least one of the hopes."

"I believe you don't want to see the destruction of the world and return to nothingness. Now the master's situation, you have also seen that even if he survives the crisis of the five declines of heaven and man, he will still be killed by such a fool in the Central Territory."

"Saving the master may also be saving this world, giving hope to all the creatures in this world, and also giving hope to yourself."

Yin Yang Soul Beast naturally won't directly tell you what conditions are needed if you take action.

The first is to suppress you from the moral high ground. Of course, as an existence like the Jiuyou Elder, the Yin Yang Soul Beast knows that it is impossible to suppress the other party.

"Take the treasure map."

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