Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 2444: Across the World

"How do you let the master escape through the treasure map? You don't mean to open the space passage where the Yin Yang Taoist sits and transforms, right?"

Taotie asked.

"No, if that's the case, I directly rejected it. The treasure map is Suan Ni's animal skin. You already know this. The strongest natural ability of Suan Ni's animal skin is the power of space. When the time comes, I will You have a way to get Lin Yi to open up his space power. Even a small amount of space power is enough for us to escape."

"But the problem now is that once the treasure maps are gathered together, they will automatically merge together and will not be controlled by us at that time, opening a space passage. If it weren't for this, I would have agreed immediately. "

"With the current situation, I cannot be sure whether the merger will not lead to an out-of-control opening leading to the place where Onmyoji Taoists are seated."

From what Old Man Jiuyou said, there may be different changes, but Old Man Jiuyou did not say absolutely.

Maybe it was just to lure them into agreeing to this condition, deliberately tempting them.

The Yin Yang Soul Beast was indeed worried about this matter, otherwise, he would have agreed immediately.

At present, the first thing to be solved is how to survive the crisis after Lin Yi resolved the Shouyuan crisis.

But the current situation is that it is impossible to determine whether Lin Yi can avoid that crisis. If it is impossible, why take the risk and agree to the other party's conditions.

This is not rescuing Lin Yi from trouble, but creating trouble and possibly a devastating crisis.

After hearing the words of the Yin Yang Soul Beast, Taotie also fell into silence. Old Man Jiuyou was clearly determined to eat them.

"You talkative, do you have any way to control it?"

At this time, Taotie could only place his hope on the Yin Yang Soul Beast. Being able to say this also meant that if there was really no other way, he could only agree to the conditions of Old Man Jiuyou.

"No, I'm not sure whether it can be controlled."

Both of them fell into silence, and finally Taotie spoke and said: "You talkative, you should agree to the other party. Old Man Jiuyou is just waiting to see his master lose his life. Moreover, we have no other way. The most important thing is, The owner currently has no hope of getting out of the crisis. "

The Yin Yang Soul Beast nodded and said nothing. It was meaningless to refute Taotie's last words at this time.

Agree to the old man Jiuyou.

They didn't leave with the treasure map, and they couldn't take it with them. They didn't dare to mess with the aura of the five degenerates.

Seeing the return of the three people, everyone has been focusing on the three people, not knowing what happened.

Have you reached some consensus with Old Man Jiuyou?

They were indeed a little worried.

"Don't worry, they are playing tricks, thinking that we will be fooled, and want to convince Old Man Jiuyou to stop us. How is it possible? Old Man Jiuyou will not agree to them, so we don't have to worry."

In fact, anyone with a discerning eye knows what the three Yin-Yang soul beasts are doing, but it still causes them some psychological pressure.

However, it is naturally impossible to make them retreat.

If Old Man Jiuyou was really willing to speak for them, he would have warned them directly.

From the beginning to the end, Master Yuanling didn't ask anything, he just protected the safety of the two of them.

As time passed, Lin Yi's condition improved at a speed visible to the naked eye, and everyone could see it very clearly.

At present, although Lin Yi's face is still extremely pale, his condition is obviously much better.

Moreover, as time goes by, the status is getting better and better.

However, for the Yin Yang Soul Beast and the others, their expressions became more and more worried, and their eyes became more and more desperate.

In a blink of an eye, another year has passed, which means that Lin Yi still has almost two years left.

In the next two years, if they want to survive the five declines of heaven and man, they themselves do not believe that there will be a miracle.

The third stage of flesh and blood calamity is not over yet, let alone the subsequent two stages of the decline of heaven and man.

It is destined that the longevity crisis will destroy Lin Yi.

The Yin and Yang soul beasts became more and more silent. As for the treasure map, they had forgotten about it.

Does it still make sense?



At this moment, two terrifying aura fluctuations rose up, coming from the Yin Yang Five Elements Sword Formation and the Five Elements Gathering Furnace.

One is a mid-grade peak heavenly weapon, and the other is a low-grade heavenly weapon.

At this moment, the aura of the Yin-Yang Five Elements Sword Formation rises rapidly, heading towards the top-grade heavenly weapon. If it can survive the five declines of heaven and man, the Yin-Yang Five Elements Sword Formation is likely to directly transform into a top-grade heavenly weapon.

As for the Five Elements Gathering Furnace, it may still take time. It is unlikely that it will transform into a top-grade alchemy furnace.

However, are these current transformations still important? If Lin Yi can't even resolve the longevity crisis, even if they transform into Taoist weapons, it will have no meaning.

If you don't even have your life, what else do you need some external objects for?

Lin Yi's pale face completely disappeared, and a surging wave of life energy emitted, and the terrifying energy and blood fluctuations were as vast as a galaxy.

It can also be seen that the flesh and blood tribulation has been completely ended by now, and it took six years.

But he only had two years left to live.

Lin Yi opened his eyes, looked at the two natal treasures above his head, and sighed in his heart.

There are still two years left, and he himself knows that the possibility of passing this hurdle is zero.

If he had a normal life span, although the next two levels of the Five Decays of Heaven and Man would be difficult, he had the confidence to get through them.

But now, he was only given two years, how could he resolve it.

The fourth stage of the Five Decays of Heaven and Man was the end of his life, the end of his life.

However, Lin Yi did not give up. As long as there was a trace of breath left, he would persevere to the end.

The fourth stage of the Five Decays of Heaven and Man would only come after the two natal treasures were transformed. At this moment, Lin Yi could only wait helplessly.

He looked in the direction of the Yin Yang Soul Beast and the other person. It might be the last time they saw each other.

At this moment, the Yin Yang Soul Beast wondered if he could notify Lin Yi to bring the treasure map over. It couldn't touch it, but Lin Yi was fine.

However, it was still worried that if it contacted Lin Yi, it might be forced to fall into the Five Decays of Heaven and Man.


The sword energy fluctuations of the Yin Yang Five Elements Sword Formation of the upper-grade heavenly weapon were extremely terrifying, and the sword energy was overflowing, spanning the world.

As for the Five Elements Refining Furnace, it would take some time to transform into a mid-grade heavenly weapon.


At this moment, the Yin-Yang Five Elements Sword Formation disappeared, and when it reappeared, it had already reached the edge of the Nine Nether Realm.

"What's going on? I didn't tell Lin Yi."

"Mouth Cannon, is that you?"

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