Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 2566: The boy is teachable

Lin Yi himself knew that compared with the existence of the hemp-clothed Taoist, the resources he had were insignificant.

The hemp-clothed Taoist casually took out a little resource, which was enough to change the fate of others.

"Senior, I will exchange the Phoenix Feather and the Purple Sun God Gold."

Lin Yi did not hesitate to exchange the two spiritual objects that he needed most at the moment.

Whether the Five Elements Body can be perfected is too important for future cultivation, and it may even be related to his life.

Moreover, if the Five Elements Body cannot be perfected, there will be no chance to practice the sixth transformation next.

The Yin-Yang Soul Beast was naturally not surprised by Lin Yi's choice. He was looking forward to the next choice, hoping to exchange the Zhoutian Xingdou Great Array.

"Lin Yi, are you sure?"

"Senior, I am sure to exchange the Phoenix Feather and the Purple Sun God Gold."

Lin Yi's eyes were extremely firm. What he wanted to exchange, you, the hemp-clothed Taoist, didn't know.

If he hadn't tempted himself with them, he wouldn't have appeared here.

"Lin Yi, you have earned more than 2.8 million points in total, or 2.83 million points to be exact. Am I right?"

"Yes, senior, you are right. My points are indeed 2.83 million."

Lin Yi nodded.

"If I am right, then the points needed to exchange for Feng Ling and Zi Yang Shen Jin are 4 million."

"Old ghost Ma Yi, why don't you go and rob them?"

Hearing what Taoist Ma Yi said, Yin Yang Soul Beast was furious. It was like saying that there was no chance to exchange for two ultimate spiritual objects.

It could only exchange for one of them, and it was not clear which of the two could be exchanged.

Yin Yang Soul Beast felt that Taoist Ma Yi was deliberately making things difficult.

"Yin Yang, you know whether I am robbing or not."

"Lin Yi, with your current war merit points, you can only choose one of them. No matter which one you choose, whether it is the Phoenix Feather or the Purple Sun God Gold, they can only be exchanged for two million war merit points."

For Lin Yi, hearing this news is undoubtedly a bolt from the blue. Although he can get another ultimate spiritual object, he cannot get all of them. Even if he gets four of them, it is still meaningless.

If he wants to get the last one, it will be extremely difficult for him to get it from other areas.

But now, there is no hope of getting more than one million war merit points.

"Senior Ma Yi, can I exchange it with resources?"

It is impossible to rob from Taoist Ma Yi. Lin Yi naturally starts from other aspects, hoping to exchange the last gift.

That can only rely on resource trading.

"The resources of the Border Wasteland Palace can only be traded for military merits. As long as the abyss is still there, it will never change."

The meaning of the hemp-clothed Taoist is very clear, and it cuts off Lin Yi's hope.

For Lin Yi, the mood at this moment can be imagined, extremely low.

"Senior, I will exchange for the Purple Sun God Gold."

For him, there is no other choice. The ultimate spiritual object of fire attribute can only be found when the time comes.

Of course, Lin Yi's choice of the Purple Sun God Gold is not a random choice, but he still has Dan Fire on him.

At that time, perhaps Dan Fire can be used as a substitute, as for whether it can be used, he is not sure.

But the ultimate spiritual object of gold attribute, he has no substitute.

In this case, it goes without saying what choice will be made.

Feng Ling is right in front of him, but he just watches with a dull look in his eyes.

"Senior, I am willing to give my war merit points to Master Lin Yi. Although my war merit points are insignificant, I hope I can help Master Lin Yi."

At this moment, a figure stood up and offered to contribute his war merit points to Lin Yi for free.

After hearing what Taoist Ma Yi said, he knew that it was almost impossible to exchange the treasures above with his points.

For him, it was naturally a very regrettable thing. Who doesn't want to get the treasures they like?

Since there is no chance, why not use this to improve the relationship with Lin Yi, hoping to eliminate some of Lin Yi's resentment towards the Central Region.

"Senior, I am also willing to give my war merit points to Master Lin Yi."



After that person spoke, the others looked at each other and chose to stand up and be willing to give their war merit points to Lin Yi.

They themselves knew that this was a great opportunity.

It can be clearly seen that both the Purple Sun Divine Gold and the Phoenix Feather are extremely important to Lin Yi.

Didn't you see the change in Lin Yi's expression?

If they can't seize the opportunity now, then when will they?

Or do they want to ask Lin Yi for forgiveness, but they just say it verbally and don't want to pay any price at all?

They were forced to bow their heads only because of Lin Yi's powerful power.

It can be said that if they can use this opportunity to resolve their grievances, they will definitely gain a huge harvest at the lowest cost.

"Not bad, not bad, the boy is teachable!"

The Yin-Yang Soul Beast was extremely happy to see this scene. It was very clear about the situation. Gathering five kinds of five-element ultimate spiritual objects was very important to Lin Yi at the moment.

Unfortunately, many people have not returned to the Bianhuang Palace, otherwise, there might be a great chance.

There are even other possibilities.

"Are you sure you want to give it to Lin Yi? Although there has never been a precedent in the Bianhuang Palace for giving away military merits, and the Bianhuang Palace will not allow it, this time, I can make a leniency and set this precedent. This is also the only time. As long as you are willing, the Bianhuang Palace will not interfere."

"Senior, we are willing, absolutely willing, not to atone for our mistakes, but to thank Master Lin Yi for his great contribution to our Central Region. It was Master Lin Yi who saved our Central Region, saved all of us, and future generations of Central Region cultivators."

"We can never repay Master Lin Yi for his kindness to us. This little military merit is insignificant. I hope it can help Master Lin Yi."

"Please don't refuse Master Lin Yi."

Everyone looked at Lin Yi and said very sincerely.

Will Lin Yi be moved by their behavior?

"Thank you, but there's no need to do this!"

To be honest, Lin Yi was still a little moved. Although he knew their purpose, he really needed to obtain the military merits that could be exchanged for Phoenix Feathers at this time. It was extremely important for his future and even related to his life and death.

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