Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 325 You will regret it

"I hope you can agree."


Although he vaguely knew what Lin Yi was going to say, when he really heard what Lin Yi said, Xie Tian still hesitated.

The establishment of the Loose Cultivator Alliance had a great relationship with him, and he was one of them.

But in this alchemy conference, given the current situation, if you want to get a good ranking, the alchemists of other loose cultivator alliances can't count on it at all.

And Lin Yi is the only seedling of the Loose Cultivator Alliance, not to mention that with Lin Yi's alchemy talent, the first place in this alchemy conference, in his opinion, has lost suspense.

If Lin Yi withdraws from the Loose Cultivator Alliance at this time, it will undoubtedly be a major loss for the Loose Cultivator Alliance.

As a veteran of the Loose Cultivator Alliance, he certainly hopes that the Loose Cultivator Alliance can shine the brightest light at this alchemy conference.

When the alchemist Xie Tian hesitated.

A voice said loudly: "From this moment on, Lin Yun has nothing to do with the Loose Cultivator Alliance."

Xie Tian looked at the person who spoke angrily, and this person was Xue Qingyun.

Xue Qingyun was worrying about how to resolve this crisis, but he didn't expect Lin Yi to take the initiative to withdraw from the Loose Cultivator Alliance.

How could he miss such a great opportunity? He was afraid that Master Xie Tian would make an irrational decision.

He quickly agreed to Lin Yi's request on behalf of Master Xie Tian.

Although Xie Tian was very angry at this time, he had no reason to refuse Lin Yi's request.

He said: "Junior Brother Lin Yun, you are really not worthy of working for the Loose Cultivator Alliance. They must regret this decision."

"You go back to the Alchemist area first."

Lin Yun nodded and said: "Senior, I'm sorry, I can't fulfill my promise."

Xie Tian shook his head and said guiltily: "Junior Brother Lin Yi, it's me and the Loose Cultivator Alliance who let you down."

Then the two returned to their respective areas.

"Haha, now he is no longer a member of the Loose Cultivator Alliance, so we don't have to worry about it anymore."

"People who are sensational and unscrupulous in cheating will definitely be spurned by the cultivation world."

"Now it is not as simple as spurning. At this time, he is no longer a pill master of the Loose Cultivator Alliance. It is still a question whether he can save his life."

"There is no doubt that how can he save his life? He blatantly cheated in the alchemy conference. The Loose Cultivator Alliance will definitely kill him as a warning to others. He is doomed to die."

"Just killing him like this is too easy for him."

"I think it is even more of a shame to let him be spurned by the cultivation world. A torture for him. "

"You, naive!"

"Since he dared to do such a thing at the alchemy conference, he must have considered the consequences, that is, he wanted to leave his mark in the cultivation world, whether it was good or bad. "

"If he was really allowed to live, his reputation might spread more and more, which would be what he wanted. "

"As for being spurned by the cultivators, do you think he would care? "

"So, you are naive!"

"Yes, he can't be allowed to live for a second longer, he must be executed immediately. "

"Execute immediately!"

"Execute immediately!"



The shouting became louder and louder.

The elders of the Loose Cultivator Alliance didn't care about Lin Yi's life or death at this time, but hoped that Lin Yi would die as soon as possible.

If he hadn't cleared his relationship with the Loose Cultivator Alliance in time, they would also be ridiculed by these cultivators at this time.

Although they didn't dare to shout openly at this position, it was impossible for the Loose Cultivator Alliance to shut them up after leaving Xingyue City.

How can the cultivators of the Loose Cultivator Alliance raise their heads in the future?

Although Lin Yi indirectly resolved the crisis for them, their hatred for Lin Yi did not decrease at all.

The elder Xue Qingyun stood up and said to the onlookers: "I understand the feelings of fellow Taoists very well. The Loose Cultivator Alliance will never tolerate the alchemists who violate the rules of the Alchemy Conference."

"And this cultivator named Lin Yun dared to challenge the rules of the Alchemy Conference so much, and he will be punished most severely."

"I hereby announce..."

Xie Tian did not expect Xue Qingyun to want to execute Lin Yi, and he was furious.

Li shouted: "Xue Qingyun, you are so presumptuous!"

For Xie Tian, ​​Xue Qingyun had a headache and said: "Master Xie Tian, ​​for the sake of the Loose Cultivator Alliance, I must do this."

"Even if Master Xie Tian complains to the leader, I will have no regrets for the Loose Cultivator Alliance."

After that, he ignored Master Xie Tian and continued to finish what he had been interrupted before.

"Xue Mou announces..."


When Xue Qingyun was about to continue speaking, he was interrupted by another voice.

But what puzzled Xue Qingyun was that the cultivator who interrupted him was actually Master Zhixian.

Master Zhixian hated Lin Yi's behavior the most before, so why was he trying to stop him now?

Zhixian held the jade slip nervously and said, "Don't make a decision yet, wait until we finish reading it."

After that, Zhixian ignored Xue Qingyun and returned to reviewing the jade slip.

But Xue Qingyun clearly saw excitement and excitement on Master Zhixian's face.

What on earth is going on?

Turning to Master Xie Tian, ​​hoping that Master Xie Tian could explain it to him.

Xie Tian looked indifferent and said, "You will regret your behavior. Do you think I will casually invite an alchemist to participate in the Loose Cultivator Alliance?"

After that, he stopped looking at Xue Qingyun.

At this moment, he was really heartbroken. He knew without thinking that Lin Yi had really identified 150,000 medicinal herbs.

This was originally the best opportunity for the Loose Cultivator Alliance to become famous, but it was destroyed by the Loose Cultivator Alliance's own people.

In less than three days, 150,000 medicinal herbs were identified. This was something Xie Tian could not imagine, but it really happened in front of him.

If it was confirmed to be true later, then Lin Yi's name...

Xie Tian sat in grief.

The other alchemists of the Loose Cultivator Alliance also saw something wrong at this time. Could it be...

But how is this possible?

Xue Qingyun was stunned for a moment. Did he really do something wrong?

Looking at Lin Yi in the alchemist area, there was only Lin Yi in the entire alchemist area at this time.

Although the onlookers were loudly demanding the execution of Lin Yi, there was no panic expression on Lin Yi's face.

If Lin Yi really identified 150,000 medicinal herbs, then his previous decision was not to resolve a crisis for the Loose Cultivator Alliance.

Instead, it harmed the Loose Cultivator Alliance, and would inevitably become a laughing stock among the cultivators.

Such a monstrous alchemist, in order to participate in the Loose Cultivator Alliance, was actually hurriedly distanced by the Loose Cultivator Alliance.

If this is not ridiculed by the cultivators, what else will it be.

Xue Qingyun could only pray in secret that this was not true.

Although Lin Yi looked calm on the surface at this time, his heart was turbulent.

He was a small sixth-level Qi training cultivator. If they really wanted to kill him, he would have no power to resist.

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