Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 343 Rules of the Second Competition

At this moment, most of the alchemists began to calm down their emotions. The first competition was over, and it was useless to think more now.

One incense stick of time passed quickly.

Xue Qingyun stood up again and said: "Now we will start the second competition."

"You already know the rules. Now I will announce the content of the second competition."

The onlookers were looking forward to it. The first competition was so exciting. What kind of surprise will the second competition bring them?

The participating alchemists focused on the content of the second competition. They also wanted to know what the second competition would be about.

Xue Qingyun said: "The second competition tests the alchemists and the most basic alchemy."

"The alchemy conference will stipulate three kinds of pill recipes. Within one day, the pills of these three pill recipes will be refined."

"The one with good pill quality and short time wins."

"As for the specific content, please invite the alchemist who presides over the second competition to introduce it to you in detail."

The one who stood up this time was Alchemist Sun Xuan, who is also a famous fourth-grade alchemist.

Sun Xuan said: "The second round of the assessment will be hosted by Sun, and of course the judges will still be the alchemists."

"I believe that all the Taoists present here want to know which three kinds of elixirs are to be refined in the second round of the competition, and how to judge the rankings?"

"Here, Sun will explain one by one."

"Refine first-grade elixirs, select elixirs to get started, and officially enter the ranks of alchemists."

"Many alchemists want to quickly upgrade to second-grade alchemists after becoming first-grade alchemists. There is nothing wrong with this pursuit."

"But if you really want to be in the alchemy industry, To go far on the path, in addition to one's own alchemy talent, a foundation in first-grade alchemy is also very important. "

"If you wait until you encounter a bottleneck and realize that you lack a solid foundation for first-grade elixirs, it will be too late. "

"And the second competition of this alchemy conference is to refine the three most basic elixirs to test the alchemists present. "

"These three elixirs are the Bigu Pill, the Qi Condensation Pill, and the Spirit Purification Pill. "

Hearing these three elixirs, the onlookers seemed incredible. The second round of the competition was to refine these three elixirs.

What's so good about this? These three elixirs are too common. Almost every cultivator has them.

In the world of cultivation, they are commonplace.

But in the alchemy conference, the alchemists were asked to choose to refine this kind of elixir.

This instantly lost the interest of the expectant cultivators.

When these participating alchemists heard about these three elixirs, they were all very excited. Refining these three elixirs was too easy for them.

With eyes closed, they can easily refine it.

When they step into the alchemy master, these three kinds of elixirs are one of the elixirs they must refine.

They were still worried before, but now these alchemists are full of confidence. This level is an opportunity for all alchemists.

Every alchemist has the possibility of getting the first place, so that they can make up for the temporary backward situation in the first competition.

After the first competition, the current points situation.

Lin Yi: 15 points.

Jing Ming: 10 points.

Hong Ji: 9 points.

Yun Shu: 8 points.

Wan Jianchen: 7 points.

Ye Qing: 6 points.

Yan Bin: 5 points.

Wang Qingyu: 4 points.

Gu Tianyou: 3 points.

Guo Li: 2 points.

As for the other alchemists, they all have one point.

Anyone has a chance in the second competition. If they can get the top few in the second competition, the backward situation will immediately change.

Hong Ji looked at Lin Yi and thought to himself, "Even if you won the first place in the first competition, no matter how high your talent for identifying herbs is, I don't believe you can still get the first place in the second competition."

"As long as I win the first place in the second competition, I can still leave you behind."

Hong Ji regained his confidence at this time and was full of confidence in refining these three kinds of elixirs.

Jing Ming had a similar idea and believed that he still had a chance to get the first place.

The onlookers and alchemists had completely different reactions.

The onlookers said: "Master Sun Xuan, these three kinds of elixirs are too easy for the participating alchemists."

"Even if it is based on time and quality, it is difficult to define the specific ranking."

The other monks also nodded. It was too difficult to determine. Unlike the first competition, there were clear indicators. It was how much it was.

Master Sun Xuan said: "As for how to judge the ranking, the elder has just said something about it."

"Sun will answer in detail here to answer the questions in the hearts of fellow Taoists."

"In order to ensure fairness and justice, the Alchemy Conference has made detailed judging criteria for the second competition."

"There are two most important indicators in the judging criteria, one is the quality of the pill, and the other is the time spent on refining the pill."

"The quality of the pill, Sun doesn't need to say much about this. Of course, the one with good quality wins. Under the condition of the same quality, the time is compared. The one who takes the shortest time to refine three pills wins."

"There is no doubt about the time judgment, it is clear at a glance."

"Now the key is the quality of the pill, in order to reflect the actual situation as much as possible, without human interference that affects the real results."

"After receiving the pill, the judges will not know which alchemist made the pill. At the same time, ten alchemists will score the pills individually, with the lowest score being zero and the highest score being 100."

"The score of a pill is counted, and the highest and lowest scores are removed to get the final score of the pill."

"In this way, it is guaranteed to be not affected by too many factors as much as possible, reflecting the true performance of the participating alchemists."

"Everything is based on the refined pills."

"This is just the case of one pill. The final score of each alchemist is obtained by adding up the three pills."

"If the scores of the alchemists are the same, and the time mentioned before the competition is still the same, then they are tied for the same place."

The cultivators present did not expect that the Loose Cultivator Alliance would be so thoughtful. If this is true.

Then any of the participating alchemists will have the opportunity to get the top ten in the second competition.

Lin Yi thought to himself: "It seems that the Loose Cultivator Alliance has really put a lot of effort into this alchemy conference."

"It's almost all-round, taking many issues into consideration, and there won't be any major mistakes."

This is also good, so that all participating alchemists can speak purely with elixirs.

For these three kinds of elixirs, Lin Yi is naturally confident. He dare not say that the best elixir will appear, but the top quality is easy for him to get.

Alchemist Sun Xuan said: "Before we start, Sun has one more thing to add."

Cultivators: "..."

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