Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 596: Human-Demon War

How could these cultivators have the mood to find trouble with Lin Yi? Now they wish they had eight legs and could quickly leave this swamp.

"Fellow Daoists, don't disperse, otherwise we will be defeated by these monsters one by one, and no one will be able to walk out alive."

But at this time, people's hearts were scattered and fell into infinite fear.

Seeing a large number of cultivators die in the mouths of monsters, and more and more monsters appeared.

It will soon be their turn, and they are even more terrified.

Only a small number of cultivators gathered together.

"Brother Wudao, the foundation-building cultivators are disappearing quickly."

At this moment, there are two more people around Jun Wudao, that is to say, with Jun Wudao, there are already eight cultivators from Fenxiang Valley.

One of the two people they met later did not choose to break through.

It was because he could see that the guiding light spot was disappearing quickly.

Only because those who broke through to the day of cultivation no longer guided.

There is another possibility, that is, those cultivators who chased the disciple were being killed quickly.

Jun Wudao of course also knew that the guidance was disappearing quickly, and frowned slightly.

Although the first possibility exists, it is disappearing every moment, but it is impossible to disappear so quickly at the same time.

This means that many of the cultivators have been killed.

The strength of that disciple is so strong that he is not killed in the face of so many foundation-building cultivators, but is killing them.

Who is it?

Could it be the cultivator of Biluo Sect?

He knew that there was an extremely evil disciple in Biluo Sect, who could compete with the cultivators of the foundation-building stage with the strength of the Qi training stage.

Even Elder Tangyu, who was in the middle stage of the foundation-building stage, died at the hands of that disciple.

It is estimated that it is very likely that it was that person.

Unexpectedly, it has only been a short time, and the strength has been improved again.

Jun Wudao was worried. If they meet that cultivator, what can they use to resist.

Now they can only pray that the disciple will be killed by those cultivators.

Jun Wudao said: "Hide all the sect symbols on your body and change your body shape at the same time."

At this time, Jun Wudao had to do this.

With the relationship between Fenxiang Valley and Biluo Sect, if the cultivators of the two sects meet, it will be a life-and-death battle.

It's okay to meet other cultivators, but it's not good to meet that cultivator.

Many disciples still don't understand Jun Wudao's intention. Even among the cultivators of Fenxiang Valley, only a few people really know that Biluo Sect has a demon-like disciple.

Just as he was about to speak, suddenly, several foundation-building cultivators changed their faces and said, "Brother Wudao, the light spot of that disciple disappeared, right?"

When Jun Wudao heard it, his face was ecstatic, and the crisis was resolved.

But then, the faces of those cultivators changed again.

He said, "Brother Wudao, it seems that the time has come. If you don't kill that disciple, the light spot of that disciple will not appear in the next half an hour."

"And those monks who are chasing him are still disappearing quickly."

Jun Wudao's face, which was originally ecstatic, immediately became extremely ugly.

"Quick, do as I ask, and don't have any opinions."

While Jun Wudao was speaking, Jun Wudao was already changing his appearance and putting away the marker with the Fenxiang Valley.

It's too scary.

Other disciples saw Jun Wudao's unquestionable tone. Although they didn't understand what happened, they estimated that it was related to that disciple.

Could it be?

No one dared to delay and quickly did as he was told.

The only thing that made Jun Wudao feel at ease was that fortunately, the disciples around him who had broken through had passed the time limit.

That disciple couldn't rely on guidance to find them directly.

In the swamp, at this time, the battle between the monks and the monsters was still going on.

By this time, 50% of the monks had died at the hands of the monsters.

Another monk was killed, but the monster had a puzzled look in its eyes.

It was killed by it, but it seemed that it was not killed by it.

This scene has been staged many times.

However, these monsters did not think too much, but swallowed the monks directly after killing them.

As time went on, the number of monks who died was even greater while the monsters died.

However, these monks were finally getting closer and closer to leaving the swamp.

And those monsters were even crazier.

Lin Yi was in a space, and he was smiling at this time.

Every time a monk was killed, he would go to harvest.

The fourth color above his head has been lit up.

He has two sharp weapons, the invisibility cloak and the space bowl.

Once he saw a monk was about to be killed, he used the invisibility cloak to kill him and quickly hid in the space bowl.

The space bowl was shrunk to the extreme by Lin Yi, almost integrated with the space. If you don’t observe carefully, you can’t find it at all.

But now these monsters and monks are so bloodthirsty that they don’t have the mind to focus on this.

Every time Lin Yi sneaks in, or should we say snatches the spoils of the monsters, it goes very smoothly.

As long as the monks are killed by Lin Yi before they die, their luck will be absorbed by Lin Yi.

It’s really cool.

Lin Yi can’t miss such an opportunity, since these monks are going to be killed by monsters anyway.

It just happens to fulfill his wish.

Lin Yi never tires of this and is always paying attention.

Once the monk’s breath is about to be cut off, he will kill him instantly.

Finally, a monk successfully left the swamp.

At the moment of leaving the swamp, he almost collapsed to the ground.

But he didn't dare to stay. He looked behind and was still frightened.

He saved his life and left quickly in one direction.

As the first cultivator left the swamp, more and more cultivators successfully left.

But many of the cultivators who left were already seriously injured.

Lin Yi accelerated the pace of harvesting. If he missed this opportunity, he would never have it.

If he went to take them one by one, he didn't know how much time he would waste.


At this time, the monsters finally found something wrong. Lin Yi accelerated his pace, and loopholes inevitably appeared.

There was actually a damn ant.

Many monsters rushed towards the fluctuations revealed by Lin Yi.

But they missed every time, and the cultivators were being harvested quickly by Lin Yi.

"He, he must be the murderous demon."

At this time, these cultivators hated Lin Yi to the extreme, but they were also terrified to the extreme.

It was because of him that too many cultivators died.

But Lin Yi didn't care about these. He was also calculating the time. Half an hour was coming.

After harvesting the last monk, Lin Yi did not choose to stay in the swamp.

Because when the time came, if there was a guide in the swamp, it was obvious that the light spot must be him.

He didn't want to continue to be the target of their pursuit.

He directly used the invisibility cloak to leave the swamp.

At this time...

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