Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 80: Enlightenment

Looking at the little girl's expectant eyes, Lin Yi said: "Okay, let's bake another one, but the last one. Can we raise the others?"

When the little girl heard Lin Yi's answer, she nodded happily and promised: "It will definitely be the last one."

Lin Yi caught a dozen pheasants today and came back. It was lucky to say that he came across a pheasant nest with more than a dozen pheasants in a group. Lin Yi thought why not catch them and raise them so that they would not be without chickens to eat after he left.

I brought a pheasant to the nest, and I was wondering if the storage bag could hold pheasants, so I took one for testing. The pheasant died immediately after it entered the storage bag. It turns out that live animals cannot be placed in it.

"Xiao Yue'er, do you want to learn how to make roast chicken?"

Xiao Yue'er blinked her eyes and said excitedly: "Okay, okay!"

Lin Yi cut a piece of meat from the cooked pheasant, set up two grills, and while grilling, he taught Xiao Yue'er. Xiao Yue'er carefully grilled his own piece, imitating Lin Yi's appearance, and followed Lin Yi's example. Yes, very excited and full of expectations.

After the meat was roasted, Xiao Yue'er's little face was pitch black, which looked very funny with her cute face.

Looking at the barbecue in Xiao Yue'er's hand, the appearance is really ugly and a bit hard to swallow, but Xiao Yue'er is full of joy, "Brother, I can also barbecue."

After saying that, he took a big bite, chewed it, and then spit it out continuously, "Bah, bah, bah."

Xiao Yue'er looked at Lin Yi aggrievedly, "Brother, Xiao Yue'er's roast is so unpalatable, Xiao Yue'er is really useless."

Lin Yi broke off a piece of chicken in his hand and handed it to Xiao Yue'er, saying: "Xiao Yue'er, don't be discouraged. My elder brother's first barbecue was worse than yours, but he didn't lose heart. Now his cooking is delicious. It has been practiced many times, so Xiao Yue'er just needs to try it a few more times. "

Xiao Yue'er took Lin Yi's barbecue and ate it with relish. At the same time, she nodded seriously and said, "I will cook it as delicious as big brother."

Lin Yi returned to the Hugang Mountains. When the beasts in the Hugang Mountains saw Lin Yi, they fled in all directions as if they had seen the god of plague. This was not the first day that such a scene appeared.

Before and after, Lin Yi had been in the Hugang Mountains for many days. He had regarded the Hugang Mountains as his own back garden. When he had nothing to do, he would tease these wild beasts. Every time the wild beasts were teased by Lin Yi, they lost their temper at all. But there is nothing we can do.

Now whenever the beast sees Lin Yi, he immediately looks like he is seeing the God of Plague. Those who are not clear think that Lin Yi is the beast.

Lin Yi came to the location where he jumped off the cliff last time. There was a large flat area on the edge of the cliff. Today he mainly practiced the Wind Step, taking a fancy to the location advantage here.

I followed the footwork instructions over and over again, but I always couldn't get the point. A long time passed without any results.

Lin Yi took out the jade slip and compared it carefully. There was no problem. Why couldn't he practice? What was the problem?

After thinking about it for a long time, I have no clue and can't find the reason. If I continue practicing, the result will still be the same.

When I came to the edge of the cliff, I stood quietly and kept thinking. Suddenly, the wind from the cliff blew past my face, giving me a slight chill.

My head suddenly woke up. Yes, the focus of Wind Step is on the wind. We can't explain how the wind comes, but the characteristics of the wind are invisible, erratic, no direction, no trace, and not bound to any form. Great freedom.

Grasping the light in his mind, Lin Yi practiced selflessly, imitating the appearance of the wind, not constrained by form, free and easy. Gradually, he saw Lin Yi's figure sometimes appearing on the left, sometimes strolling in front, erratic. indefinite.

I don’t know how long it took, but when Lin Yi stopped, he had already mastered the Wind Step. It was already good to achieve small achievements before, but he didn’t expect that once he had an epiphany, he not only practiced the Wind Step, but also continued to improve. level.

What really makes Lin Yi happy is that not only has he reached the level of the Great Wind Step, but what he has mastered is a little different from others. He has really learned its essence. Others' great achievements in the Wind Step are absolutely incomparable to Lin Yi's. In comparison, Lin Yi estimated that even if the other party reached perfection, it would be difficult to match him.

Practicing hard is important, but enlightenment is sometimes even more critical.

But Lin Yi also understands that enlightenment depends on chance. If you don't get the chance, you may never have such an opportunity in your life, so you still have to practice hard and down-to-earth.

Lin Yi knew that no matter how hard he continued to practice, he would never be able to reach perfection, so he wanted to consolidate his current achievements now.

Then he continued to devote himself to the practice of the Wind Step. Although the Wind Step is a Qi-level skill, it is incomparable to Zhongbu. The speed alone is far behind, not to mention the Wind Step, which is erratic and ethereal. ability.

If he were to face Chu Miaoyin again now, and he could absolutely suppress her in terms of physical skills, he wouldn't be so embarrassed.

Thinking of Chu Miaoyin, Lin Yi gradually stopped. It was estimated that she had returned to the sect at this time, but this vengeful woman must be thinking about how to kill him all the time.

Just look at the ending of Caodu and you will know that the world of immortality is so big that it is probably difficult to encounter her, but if she is afraid of returning to the Hugang Mountains, even if she is alone, Lin Yi will not be able to resist her when she recovers, let alone this Women like to find helpers the most, and I guess the helpers I found this time are even more powerful.

When thinking of this, Lin Yi also knew that he could no longer stay in the Hugang Mountains. It was time to leave, otherwise he might cause trouble to Mr. Chen and Xiao Yue'er.

According to Chu Miaoyin's injury, she shouldn't be able to recover so quickly, but there might be a panacea in the world of immortality.

When he thought of this, Lin Yi performed the Wind Step, and a series of Lin Yi's figures appeared in the air. It was unknown which one was real and which one was fake. They disappeared in the space in a short while.

"Big brother, you eat."

Xiao Yue'er raised the barbecue in her hand to Lin Yi, looking forward to his response.

Lin Yi took a look and thought, well, during the time he was away, another pheasant was gone. It was probably not killed by this little girl. She didn't have the courage to do so, but it was probably related to her. She must have asked Chen Lao to help her kill it.

Seeing the chicken in her hand, it was grilled in a very good way. Lin Yi took Xiaoyue'er's grilled meat, took a bite, and praised: "It tastes great!"

Lin Yi asked Xiaoyue'er: "Xiaoyue'er, who grilled this? It smells so good."

Xiaoyue'er said unhappily: "Big brother, of course it was the cute and smart Xiaoyue'er who grilled it. You can't tell that, you're so stupid."

Lin Yi said in surprise: "Xiaoyue'er is really amazing. She can grill such delicious grilled meat so quickly. She is much better than big brother at the beginning."

Xiaoyue'er was a little embarrassed and said carefully: "Big brother, I killed another pheasant. I promised you that it would be the last one. Big brother, you won't blame Xiaoyue'er, right?"

After that, Xiaoyue'er lowered her head and waited for Lin Yi's judgment.

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