Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 971: Ten Years of Change

The figure had no color in his eyes, and walked towards the two monks step by step.

When he came to them, no matter how they begged for mercy, there was no response.

A hand pressed on the head of the monk surnamed Liu.

The monk surnamed Liu made an extremely miserable cry, and the monk surnamed Zhao next to him was almost fainted, sweating and trembling.

Not long after, a palm slapped down, and the monk surnamed Liu was completely dead.

Without stopping, he pressed on the head of the monk surnamed Zhao again, and it was obvious that he was searching his soul.

After the end, the life of the monk surnamed Zhao was also ended.

At this moment, there was only the figure of a monk in the cave.

"I didn't expect that ten years had passed."

The figure sighed, he was none other than Lin Yi.

Nothing happened, and Lin Yi was not possessed.

However, Lin Yi didn't expect that a full ten years had passed since those monks left Yin Yang Valley.

For ten years, he had been in a coma.

Precious ten years just passed.

Fortunately, no accidents happened, and no one knows what happened later.

Did Taoist Bingpo kill the Yin-Yang Soul Beast? Did Taoist Bingpo do anything bad to him?

After being controlled by Taoist Bingpo, his memory was blank.

There was no memory of the past ten years.

Lin Yi's consciousness came to the depths of his mind and came to the mysterious bead.

However, what surprised Lin Yi was that the condition of the mysterious bead became worse.

Don't know what happened?

Did the mysterious bead take action during this period, causing its situation to become worse?

If Taoist Bingpo took over his body, the mysterious bead should have recovered after swallowing Taoist Bingpo.

Or did Taoist Bingpo take over his body, but Taoist Bingpo's cultivation was too strong, and the mysterious bead had not recovered at that time.

Unable to swallow it, and had to resist Taoist Bingpo, so it was damaged again?

Or did the Taoist Bingpo also want to destroy him when he triggered some strange power, and the mysterious bead took action?


Lin Yi thought of many possibilities, but no matter which one it was, the mysterious bead must have saved his life again.

Through the previous soul collection, Lin Yi also knew that the area he was in was still in Shuiquanzhou.

In the past ten years, too many things have happened in Shuiquanzhou.

Lin Yi's eyes suddenly became cold.

He also knew about Master Zhixian.

He was controlled by the elder of Jiushamen and now he was unknown whether he was alive or dead.

Jiushamen, no matter what happened to Master Zhixian, must make him pay a heavy price.

The only thing to do now is to improve his cultivation.

Only by improving his cultivation can he fight back.

In the past ten years, through the memories of the two, the situation of Biluo Sect was not good.

Ghost Sect, Fenxiang Valley and Jiushamen seemed to be united.

And Tianfeng Sword Sect and Biluo Sect had no choice but to unite and fight together.

When in Yinyang Valley, Lin Yi already knew that Bi Luofan was killed by the Ghost Sect, and the two sects would fight to the death.

There is no room for redemption.

The relationship between the Biluo Sect and the Fenxiang Valley is even more so, and it has long been a fight to the death.

Although no cultivator saw that the Nanmen Yuanhua of the Jiusha Sect was killed by a Biluo Sect cultivator, almost no cultivator would not doubt that he did not die at the hands of the Biluo Sect.

The contradiction between the two sects is also irreconcilable.

Although there have been many frictions in the past ten years, there has not been a full-scale war.

There is another thing, Qingyue successfully passed the tribulation and was promoted to the Golden Core Stage.

Lin Yi did not expect that the first cultivator who entered the Tongtian Tower and was promoted to the Golden Core Stage was Qingyue.

However, Lin Yi could also understand that, first, he was in a coma for ten years and lost ten years, and second, the death of Bi Luofan must have greatly stimulated Qingyue.

Let Qingyue desperately need to improve her cultivation and avenge Bi Luofan.

After Qingyue improved her cultivation, her strength was extremely strong.

With the cultivation of the early Jindan stage, she would have the opportunity to kill a cultivator of the middle Jindan stage.

The advantage of the human foundation was completely established.

If nothing unexpected happened, once her cultivation broke through to the late Jindan stage, no cultivator would be able to stop Qingyue.

Bi Luofan was dead, and Gui Dao and him had no news. Shuiquanzhou only had a cultivator of the human foundation.

It can be predicted that if Qingyue is given some more time, Tianfeng Sword Sect will stand at the top of Shuiquanzhou.

Lin Yi now also has a sense of urgency. He must upgrade his cultivation to the Jindan stage as soon as possible.

No one knows when Qingyue will break through again.

At that time, no one can check and balance her.

Qingyue now is not as cold-blooded as before.

Although the Biluo Sect and the Tianfeng Sword Sect have joined forces, they are only temporarily huddled together for warmth. Once the Tianfeng Sword Sect's power is achieved.

It will definitely attack the Biluo Sect.

Who in Biluo Sect can stop Qingyue?

Lin Yi doesn't have much time left.

He must return to the sect as soon as possible. If that situation really happens, if his cultivation breaks through to the middle stage of the golden elixir.

He will not give Qingyue any chance.

You know, he really has a Shengling Pill on him.

Originally, Lin Yi was not going to hand over the Shengling Pill. When he breaks through, he can take the Shengling Pill immediately. In a short period of time, he will break through continuously and be promoted to the middle stage of the golden elixir.

By that time, Lin Yi had absolute confidence that no cultivator in Shuiquanzhou would be able to threaten him.

He no longer needed to change his body shape, and no longer needed to flee everywhere.

The cultivators who dared to have any intentions against him would be slaughtered by him.

However, if something unexpected happened, he would have to hand over the Shengling Pill.

Let the Biluo Sect give birth to a cultivator at the peak of the Golden Core to prevent future changes.

Now let's go back to the sect first.

First, use the sect to quickly collect the spiritual medicine for the Yinlei Pill.

Second, use the sect to find out the news of Master Zhixian, hoping that Master Zhixian has not had any accidents and there is a chance to meet again.

Lin Yi looked in one direction and changed his body shape.

Now he had to be cautious and not let the cultivators recognize him.

Otherwise, with his current strength, he could not protect the Shengling Pill at all.

He could not protect the Biluo Sect.

It's better to be careful.

Lin Yi's figure disappeared, and the place became quiet again.

At present, the area where Lin Yi is located is the North Region controlled by the Ghost Sect.

There is still a long distance to the Biluo Sect.

In the Northern Region, you must not encounter the Jindan cultivators of the Ghost Sect, otherwise, there may be trouble.

It is okay for cultivators in the early Jindan stage, but it would be bad if it is a cultivator at the peak of the middle Jindan stage or above.

Lin Yi stood in a place.

After crossing this realm, it is the Eastern Region and the territory of the Biluo Sect.

There were no accidents along the way.

The only accident was that on the way from the Northern Region, I met a familiar figure, Fang Gushan.


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