Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 989: Killing Intent Boiling

They still didn't kill this man, and their mood can be imagined.

Lin Yi seemed to be their natural nemesis of Fenxiang Valley, who was meant to restrain them and become the root cause of their destruction.

If they had known this earlier, they would never provoke Lin Yi.

During the disciple recruitment ceremony in the lower realm, they would definitely try their best to recruit Lin Yi into Fenxiang Valley.

It's just a pity that everything is too late!


At this moment, the word "kill" uttered from Mo Cangsheng's mouth was completely different.

It was more like a catharsis of his emotions, wanting to kill Gu Wuhou in a pool of blood.

Lin Yi blocked the way of Gu Wu and Gu Wujin.

At this moment, Lin Yi's eyes were extremely cold.

If there was no space bowl, he would really be buried in the hands of these four people.

They actually took advantage of his trust and pretended to be Qian Buchu's father to make him careless.

After this lesson, Lin Yi became more cautious.


Lin Yi's killing intent was boiling. Gu Wujin had just entered the middle stage of Jindan, and Gu Wu had only the cultivation of the early stage of Jindan.

Neither of them was Lin Yi's opponent.

Although the two of them joined forces, they could resist Lin Yi a little.

But at this moment, Lin Yi's killing intent was so strong that they had to pay the price of blood to extinguish the anger in their hearts.


The Nine-Turn Hegemon Body Art suddenly started to work.

The powerful might and overbearing pressure were overwhelming.

It leaned towards the two.

Lin Yi's figure disappeared and punched out.

Breaking through the air!

This punch seemed to break through space, time, and all obstacles.

It hit the two.

The two looked extremely solemn.

They knew that Lin Yi's cultivation was only the pseudo-Jindan stage.

But the pressure it brought to them was too great.

The strength was so strong.

It seems that it was not a fluke that Gu could not be killed by Lin Yi before.

If there is no strength to support it, no matter how many magic weapons you have, it will be useless.

You will not be given the opportunity to take out the magic weapon at all, you will be controlled and killed.

At this moment, facing Lin Yi's punch, this extremely domineering punch.

They dare not despise it at all, and they are running with all their strength, and their ultimate cultivation is released at this moment.



The two attacks went straight to Lin Yi.

Lin Yi faced two powerful attacks and did not stop his steps forward. He continued to punch them.

When the two attacks were about to reach him.

Attack suddenly!



The extremely domineering fist hit the two attacks.

The two attacks of Gu Wujin and the others could not stop Lin Yi's steps at all.

They were directly smashed by Lin Yi.

The punch still did not stop and continued to go straight to the two.

The two did not sit and wait for death, and exerted their full strength.

Summoning the magic weapon, the extremely powerful pressure of the magic weapon spread.


Suddenly running, the power of the two magic weapons was completely released.

At this moment, Lin Yi's attack finally came in front of them.

A punch was thrown, directly towards Gu Wu.

His cultivation was the weakest, if he could be defeated first.

It would be easier to deal with Gu Wujin at that time.

Nor would they give the two any chance.

But at this moment, they had already exploded their magic power to the extreme through the Xuan-level magic weapon in their hands.

There was madness in their eyes, since it was destined.

Then come!

Go directly to kill Lin Yi.

They didn't believe that Lin Yi dared to use his flesh to resist the power of their Xuan-level magic weapon.

But, it was really beyond their expectations.

Lin Yi's fist was faster, and one punch had already arrived in front of Gu Wu.

Gu Wu had no time to block it, and Gu Wujin had no time to rescue.


It had already hit Gu Wu.

Gu Wu's footsteps retreated, his face pale.

Facing Lin Yi's punch, fortunately he had blocked it before, otherwise he would definitely be defeated, seriously injured and fell to the ground, no longer able to resist.

At this moment, he finally knew how powerful Lin Yi's body was.

The fist that Lin Yi attacked him with was like facing a Xuan-level magic weapon, extremely powerful.

Lin Yi wanted to attack again, but at this moment he had to slow down.

Gu Wuji's attack had already arrived.

Although his body was very strong, facing a cultivator in the middle stage of the Golden Core, who still had a Xuan-level magic weapon in his hand.

Lin Yi did not dare to use his body to resist the full-strength killing.

Otherwise, the consequences would be unpredictable.

Yibu Tianya performed, and his figure had disappeared.

When he appeared again, he was already in front of Gu Wu.


But Lin Yi's attack had already landed, it was really too fast.

Yibu Tianya was not only extremely fast, but also moved in a small range, which was also amazing.

Before, Gu Wu had not adjusted himself to Lin Yi's attack.

He was unable to stop Lin Yi's attack at this time.


A punch fell and hit Gu Wu heavily.


Gu Wu could no longer hold on and fell to the ground.

Puff puff puff.......

Gu Wu's body had huge wounds and many bones were broken.

Gu Wujin's attack came at this time, but it was too late.

Gu Wu had lost the ability to resist.

Just one blow would definitely take his life.

At this time, there was despair in Gu Wu's eyes.

Even more crazy.


Gu Wu wanted to self-destruct, but at this moment, a magic weapon flew out.


A huge sound was heard in the field, and a fierce power exploded in the space.

Gu Wujin was in front of Gu Wu, and Lin Yi wanted to kill him before Gu Wu self-destructed.

It was impossible.

In this case, Lin Yi was also extremely ruthless.

A mysterious magic weapon flew out and directly self-destructed, directly covering Gu Wujin and the other person.

The power was released instantly, destroying the world.

And Lin Yi had no time to leave, and entered the space bowl to avoid.

As for Mo Cangsheng and the other four, they were not affected because they were far away from this place.

Even if they were affected, with their cultivation, it would not have much impact.

As for Gu Wuhou, he was already seriously injured and could not hold on.

The next attack would be killed by Mo Cangsheng.

The power weakened, and Lin Yi appeared.

An attack went directly to Gu Wujin.

At this moment, facing the self-explosion of the Xuan-level magic weapon, how could Gu Wujin escape?

He was directly bombarded, and his body was covered with huge wounds.

If it weren't for the extremely strong life of the Jindan cultivator, he would have been unable to hold on and died on the spot.

Facing Lin Yi's attack, Gu Wujin already knew the outcome.

It was impossible to block it.


Lin Yi's attack directly bombarded Gu Wujin into a bloody mist.

As for the ancient warrior, I'm afraid it has been completely turned into nothingness by the power of the Xuan-level magic weapon's self-explosion.

At this moment, there is no trace of the ancient warrior.

Even his remaining breath in the space has been destroyed by the self-explosion.

When Lin Yi killed two people.

In fact, the battle of the other four people has ended.


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