Immortal Cultivator Family: I am an old man who has come to marry a wife.

Chapter 478 Hundred Years of Retreat, Antarctica and Iceland

【Xu Yuming】

Affiliated force: Leader of Penglai Alliance

Cultivation: mana (Nascent Soul Dzogchen), physical body (sixth level peak), spiritual consciousness (sixth level Dzogchen)

Age: 223/10000

Sub-profession: Sixth-level top-level Talisman Maker

Spiritual roots: acquired hegemonic body of all beasts, innate star spirit body, acquired chaotic body

Talent: [Diligence can make up for weakness] (997 times)

[Eureka moment] (101 times)

[Xuan Yang Dharma Body] (99 times)

[A prosperous husband gathers wealth]: 288 times

【Rule Collector】: 992,4123 times

【Stealer】: 101 times

Domain: Chaos Domain (1001 rules)

Treasure weapon for overcoming tribulation: suspended mirror

Inherited treasure: Penglai hexagram plate

The ultimate treasure: Nine-Handed Star Flying Sword

Yinhun: Baiyinhuai at the Nascent Soul Dzogchen stage and the Three Saints of the Tidal Valley at the early stage of the sixth level

Spiritual pets: Megalodon at the early stage of the sixth level, Kirin at the early stage of the sixth level

Taoist companions: Shui Yulong (Second Heaven of Golden Elixir), Chu Qingluan (Great Perfection of Purple Mansion), Nangong Hui (Ninth Heaven of Golden Elixir), Mo Liuniang (Sixth Heaven of Golden Elixir), Xueyingnu (Great Perfection of Purple Mansion) perfect)

Beauties: Huang Yuyao - Ding Yao (Golden Elixir Great Perfection)

A hundred years passed by in a blink of an eye. When Xu Yuming walked out of the Lakeside Courtyard in seclusion, the power of rules in his body had completely mastered all the powers of rules after returning from the Demon Realm and the Southern Wilderness Valley of Fire.

1001 said, if he is willing to transform into a god at this time, he can reach the point where he became the God King of Guixu before.

The other party is the Great Perfection of Divine Transformation, which is no different from his initial stage of Divine Transformation.

After all, with the resources he has accumulated now and the vitality of heaven and earth that can be borrowed at any time, it will not take more than ten years to break through to the perfection of divine transformation.

With a thought in Xu Yuming's mind, all the collected power of rules turned into an island directly in the Xuanjing Lake in front of him. Different from the island in the center of the lake, this place is an island that he condensed using the power of the earth. There are 1,001 stone tablets on the Baili Island, but it is the power of a large number of rules that he left behind, which he gave to his disciples and close friends, the Jindan and Nascent Soul monks, to understand.


His figure flew hundreds of millions of miles directly, appeared above the Sanxiu Sea, and then flew towards the extreme south. The turbulent flow of the void instantly merged into a complete avenue of void, helping him in an instant. We arrived at an island in the south.

"This is Antarctic Iceland. It is the farthest place in the south. It is hundreds of millions of miles away. There are many fifth-level monsters in it, and there are even sixth-level Dzogchen beings. Fellow Taoists, please be careful, but Don’t carry Antarctica and Iceland on your back and get seriously injured.”

Not far away, I don't know when, Fengzu has arrived. Her cold face is full of natural charm, and her flaming feathers show her wealth and wealth.

"What is your purpose?"

"The Yuhua Immortal Palace, according to rumors, our world of cultivating immortals is the place where the souls of many immortals were sent after they died in the past. That's why strange places such as soul tombs and undersea tombs were born, and many immortals were even left behind. Inherit the skills.”

"Have you been there?"

Fengzu's eyes fell into deep thought, "There are a lot of god-transforming monsters blocking the road there, and among them are two god-transforming monsters. It's more difficult for me to deal with it. I just went to the door and tried it. I'm pregnant." With the method of transforming into ten thousand fires, your body can also be transformed into blood, or into a piece of original fire, and you can also enter."

"Why don't you and I work together to try it?"

Xu Yuming said nothing, he just looked at the other party calmly.

Feng Zu sighed, "There is a feather inside, which was left by the predecessors of the Phoenix Clan in the Immortal Realm. It should be able to enhance the power of my bloodline and allow me to develop a seventh-level body in the lower realm."

"Then what do I get?"

"Since it is an immortal palace, there are naturally many techniques. I even suspect that the feathered golden light of your Taoist Palace comes from here. Rumor has it that this feathered immortal king is also a great figure in the fairy world. At least you and I can ascend. After that, relying on his inheritance, he can become a top-notch existence among the monks."

"I won't be the bottom."

Xu Yuming stared forward, "Then you and I will go and take a look."



The two flames spanned tens of millions of miles of wind and snow. The further inside, the colder it became. Feng Zu had a body protected by ten thousand fires, so there was no problem. Xu Yuming had also mastered the Ice Avenue before, so the wind and cold became colder. To him, it is just a strong wind. Even if the strong wind falls on him, it will be melted by the avenue of wind.

This is the power of Chaos Avenue.

All things blend together, and all things restrain each other.


An iceberg in front suddenly shattered. A terrifying creature with a size of 5,000 feet directly smashed the ice covering hundreds of thousands of miles around with one fist, and captured a white whale that was 3,000 miles long deep under the sea. When he got up, the early sixth-level beluga was like a plaything in his hands. After being torn alive by him, he directly put it into his mouth and chewed it.

Xu Yuming's heart trembled when he saw the brains and the flying blood.

"Sixth level of Dzogchen, ice and snow storm bear."


Far away at the end of the sky, there seemed to be the sound of birds chirping, but Xu Yuming heard the sound and went to find no shadow.

"The divine bird of ice and snow that can hide in the wind and snow is incompatible with me. However, its bloodline is not as strong as mine, but its fighting power is indeed strong. If I hadn't been unwilling to fight back then, and they were two against one, I would have wanted to fight He’ll know it for a while.”

"The Immortal Palace is important, go first."

Xu Yuming pointed a finger, and two shadows went directly into the wind and snow to lead away the two behemoths. The two looked at each other and turned into a stream of light, falling under the ice.

There is a bronze immortal palace here, standing in the wind and snow at this time, but the hundred-foot-high portal is really not worthy of the domineering power of an immortal.

But after getting closer, Xu Yuming felt that his avenue of chaos was actually merging with itself. From then on, there was no more earth, wind, water, fire, nor yin and yang time. The void and all the ways were separated from him.

He entered it in just a moment.

When Fengzu was stunned, the ice and snow bird that was being teased was already discovered and arrived first.


Frozen for thousands of miles, the endless frost that swept over in an instant was directly shaken away by a hellfire lotus that erupted under her feet. It instantly melted into ice water and dispersed. After landing, it turned into an ice waterfall and fell.


The ice and snow bear that was led away has also returned. In the wind and snow, a transparent ice and snow bird surrounded Fengzu, one on the left and one on the right.

Fengzu tried to go in, but found that the door of this immortal palace was already closed.

"It seems that I guessed it right. This guy is indeed destined to this Immortal Palace. I never thought that I would give him a chance."

At this point, he also found that he couldn't live without it.

The divine bird of ice and snow sealed the sky, and the ice and snow bear underfoot sealed the earth.

Even if she moves her body at this time, she will feel the endless pressure of gravity.

"Then let's fight!"

She shouted loudly, and the seventh-level original phoenix fire exploded instantly. Once it exploded, it was directly blocked by the endless wind and snow. Two sixth-level perfect beings activated their original power almost at the same time and shot at her with all their strength.


Within the Immortal Palace, the [Xuanyang Body] and [Aphrodisiac] in Xu Yuming's body were rapidly disappearing.

The avenues he was missing, such as devouring, collapsing, and reincarnation, all appeared at his feet and were swallowed up by his realm of chaos.

1571 avenues...

Time has gone back dozens of days, and the fighting outside is still going on.

It's just that the seventh-level original phoenix fire has become much weaker.

Opposite her, one of the wings of the ice and snow divine bird was broken. If you look closely, it was scorched. The ice and snow bear opposite her was lying dying in the endless wind and snow. After being covered by ice and snow, its physical strength was reduced. It's actually recovering quickly.

"The origins of both of you are bound by this Antarctic Iceland. If you didn't know better, you would have thought that there is a powerful creature here that can enslave you two." Fengzu proudly stepped on the void with his bare feet, facing both sides. He looked around and said, "I am sure I can kill you two, but I don't want to continue fighting with you. If you continue to fight fiercely, then don't blame me for not holding back."

"Then you give it a try." The ice and snow divine bird spoke human words, but in a tone that was like an iceberg that lasted ten thousand years, and it was impossible to distinguish between male and female.


The Antarctic Iceland with a radius of hundreds of millions of miles seemed to have been melted by all the original power of Fengzu in an instant, and a little ice and snow was directly melted. However, the two strong men born from the ice and snow knew all about Antarctic Iceland. what happened.

"You actually shook the origin of the wind and snow at the end of the sky?" The ice and snow divine bird's face was full of rage, "You have a way to die."

After saying that, she actually melted her body and turned into an ice and snow storm, instantly trapping Fengzu in it.


Fengzu's original fire was still burning fiercely, but her entire body had already manifested itself. The phoenix the size of ten thousand feet was bathed in flames, ready to spread its wings and fly high, but was frozen in place by a powerful ice force. .

The weak ice and snow storm bear barely opened one eye and one claw at this time, just now it was the means to freeze Fengzu.

And it itself also fell down and merged directly into the endless ice and snow, gradually transforming into an iceberg and disappearing without a trace.

"It's dead?"

Fengzu couldn't help but ask.

"It's just a return to the origin of ice and snow here. You are sitting in the southern wilderness. If you are not born, no one in this world can shake you in the slightest. But why do you come to Antarctica and Iceland? Aren't you here to die?"

"This is the place where your flames are most restrained."


The Ice and Snow Divine Bird has gained the upper hand at this time. If one of the two poles of Antarctica and Iceland disappears, then she is the strongest existence here.

But...why does she feel that her original power has not been greatly improved.

Instead, the entire Antarctic Iceland is melting.

"Are you crazy? Are you burning your own fire?"

She looked at the flames in the ice with a look of astonishment. That phoenix was burning all over her body. Such origin burning would burn her to death. Didn't she know?

"You used the wind and snow to suppress the Immortal Palace. It was also because of the overflowing immortal energy of the Immortal Palace that you got such a heavy snowstorm. But do you know that I, the Phoenix Clan, also have a secret technique called Phoenix Nirvana?"

Fengzu snorted coldly, "Today you want to kill me and get the complete ice and snow origin. That is wishful thinking. I want to tell you, even if you have all this immortal energy in your hands, I can take you to hell with me."

"This is not your Southern Wilderness Valley of Fire. There is not so much magma and sea of ​​fire. If you burn your origin and reach Nirvana, you will definitely not be able to recover."

"Then even if I die, I will die with you."


Antarctic Iceland split into two, and then billions of flame light pillars appeared on the ice and snow ground, and the magma boiled, directly melting the ice and snow above...

At this time, Xu Yuming, who was deep inside the Immortal Palace, already had 2344 avenues in his body. He opened his eyes.

There were a few more treasures in front of me.

A jade slip may be the inheritance of the immortal.

A feather should be left behind by the phoenix in the immortal world. I don't know what it has to do with the owner of the Yuhuaxian Palace.

Xu Yuming put a jade ring on his finger subconsciously, and found that he could control this fairy palace. After shrinking it into a palm-sized piece, he walked out.

Carrying a large bundle of parchment behind him, there are broken islands of various sizes on it. It may be a map of a secret realm, or it may be a place where the immortals in the fairy world live.

He wanted to come out and take a look at Fengzu and ask her if she knew where she was.

I never thought that my feet had turned into a rocky island. Where did the wind and snow come from?

In his astonishment, he saw two melting ice and snow sources in the distance, and an egg lying between the two sources.

The egg, which was only the size of a millstone, was red and bursting with flames, closely connected with the phoenix feather in his palm.

He shook his hand casually, and the phoenix feather fell into it, and a stream of fairy energy came back. In just an instant, the surrounding islands turned into lava. Before he could think about it, he was dragged directly by an arm protruding from the egg. Got in.

"Hey... I don't want to have an inter-racial fight with Phoenix..."

When Xu Yuming shouted subconsciously, his whole person had been dragged into the depths of the magma. He only felt that his body was constantly falling, and then he couldn't find the east, west, north, and south.

When he was drowsy, he seemed to see the most beautiful face in the world.

After being reborn from Nirvana, she already looks like a new person, but her aura has already surpassed the sixth level of perfection.

Xu Yuming used [Prosperous Man Gathers Wealth] and [Stealer] many times in succession.

After feeling countless seventh-order origin fires in his body, the resentful eyes on the other side just stared at him, and then continued to drag him to the magma sea of ​​fire in the center of the earth.


The magma on the sea of ​​fire is dancing, and the Heavenly Dao of this world has already noticed the figure deep in the magma.


When the golden light appeared, Xu Yuming could hear her whispering in his ear.

"I am leaving. I have broken through the seventh level and will not be tolerated by the world."

"What you have in your hand should be the Ascension Map. There are three thousand realms on it. If I ascend from here, I will be sensed by the strong men of the Phoenix Clan. If you still have some attachment to me, you can go to the Phoenix Immortal Realm to find me... "

After leading the fairy light to escape, Yi Ni is no longer there, the beauty has gone.

Immortal phoenix feathers, in exchange for... one night, it was a loss. (End of chapter)

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