Gaia's screams were quite weird, making Dursley who was sitting cross-legged outside the church look weird, but now is not the time to think too much, he can be said to have raised his strength to the limit

????, the powerful spiritual sense scanned all directions.

???? And Li Xiaoyun's movements are also extremely fast, using all the power of faith he can use to burn Gaia's soul with all his strength.

???? It can be clearly seen that there is a repressed and almost invisible ghost in Gaia's soul, which is the soul of the Pope's real body.

???? "This Gaia is also a ruthless person. It is quite talented to be able to suppress the real body's soul imprint to such a small size without being discovered by the real body."

???? Li Xiaoyun nodded secretly, and began to burn the soul of the Pope's real body with all his strength.

???? "Who dares to refine my clone!"

???? The severe pain of the soul directly revived this soul shadow, and a terrifying aura diffused out.

???? The pope's ghost still doesn't know anything, completely unaware that his power has been weakened infinitely by Gaia when he was asleep.

???? If it weren't for Gaia's fear that her own origin is still subject to the pope, this soul shadow would have been crushed long ago.

???? "Okay, stop nagging, go to hell!"

???? Li Xiaoyun stretched out his finger and burned this weak soul image to death!

At this time, more than 30% of Gaia's soul was burned, and Li Xiaoyun stopped the burning in time.

???? Gaia stopped screaming, but he still felt a splitting headache, and his whole body seemed to be fished out of the water, and his whole body was drenched in sweat.

???? "Okay, it won't hurt so much next time, because you will be dead when the time comes."

???? Li Xiaoyun said with a smile.

???? "Mr. actually crushed the ghost of that real body?"

???? Gaia's lips moved, and he said in an airy voice. He was shocked. It stands to reason that the real body would definitely sense that the soul shadow was crushed, but at this time he couldn't feel the real body at all.

????A sign of awakening.

???? "Don't worry, in my magic circle, even if you have a baby, no one will know, haha!"

????Li Xiaoyun laughed, and then reminded Gaia that he was going to continue.

???? "Mr. Xiaoyun, please don't restrain yourself and cast spells directly!" Gaia gritted her teeth and squeezed out these words.

????"Do not worry."

???? Li Xiaoyun broke through Gaia's soul again at this time, and directly found the other party's spiritual consciousness!

???? After Gaia practiced the "Suppressing Spirit Art" he gave, a brand has been formed in the middle of the spiritual consciousness, something like a spar, and the imprint left by the Pope's real body in Gaia's spiritual consciousness

????, it is kinked with the spiritual consciousness that has not yet formed a brand.

???? It's twisted together like the fibers in the hemp rope, and it's basically in a state of constant cutting.

???? So Li Xiaoyun made a decisive move, directly shattering the tangle of spiritual consciousness!

???? Gaia just felt a sharp pain in his soul, and then he couldn't feel anything.

????The spiritual consciousness was wiped out, and he became a vegetable directly.

???? But this was what Li Xiaoyun expected. He really crushed Gaia's fragments of spiritual consciousness to the point of being wiped out, and then carefully took out the brand of spiritual consciousness.

????With this thing, Gaia can be reborn!

???? Then he directly pulled out Gaia's soul and threw it into the new body he made for the other party.

????Finally, put the imprint of spiritual consciousness into the opponent's soul.

???? This is easy to say, but only Supreme Beings dare to perform this operation!

???? This requires the caster to understand the structure of the human body,

The structure of the soul, as well as the spiritual knowledge, has an absolutely comprehensive cognition. If there is a slight mistake in every step, the person who is cast by the spell may die.

???? But for Li Xiaoyun, this is very familiar. His research on the soul can be said to be unique.

???? The formula developed by the world, this is also the fundamental reason why he traveled through time and space to return to this life, and the source of spiritual knowledge was not shattered by the backlash of time!

???? At this time, everything is ready, and it is just a matter of awakening Gaia's spiritual consciousness.

???? But before that, he still has one more thing to do.

???? He used the secret technique to make a puppet soul appear in Gaia's original body, and he also carved a magic circle in that puppet consciousness, even Gaia's original body was carved

????The array pattern was dropped.

????He wants to give the Pope a real surprise!

???? Now Gaia's original body can be said to be a real one, even if the magic circle in the church is removed, the Pope's real body will not sense the change in his clone!

???? Doing things must be perfect. In fact, this is also a test for Li Xiaoyun. He has never done a magic circle in the soul and body.

???? This was still inspired by the "Summoning Sutra". At this time, he was very satisfied with his work, although it only portrayed a magic circle that can only hide the realm of longevity.

???? But it's also a zero breakthrough!

???? It has been a day and a night since I finished this matter.

???? After that, he directly awakened the brand new Gaia!

???? "This... I'm resurrected?"

???? Gaia seemed to have had a long dream. At this time, he opened his eyes, the blue pupils were full of confusion, and then they were replaced by thick surprises!

???? He stretched out his hands to touch his face, and then made a mirror to look at his body.

????Speaking of which, Li Xiaoyun couldn't bear to look directly at this guy because he was still naked.

???? Gaia didn't care, staring left and right at her brand new body.

???? Then he closed his eyes again, checked his soul and spiritual consciousness, and found that the imprint of the Pope's real body had completely disappeared!

???? "It's really... amazing..."

???? Gaia's voice was trembling, tears even fell from the corners of her eyes, "I've been waiting for this day, I've been looking forward to this day for hundreds of years..."

???? "I am free... I am no longer someone's clone, I am just Gaia, I am just myself!"

???? He seemed to be muttering to himself at first, with a low voice, but later, the voice burst out, and he roared to the sky.

???? Li Xiaoyun couldn't help but sigh when he looked at the excited Gaia. This guy is really a bit tragic and independent. It's the first time he saw a clone who wanted to leave his real body.

???? His set of techniques was originally used to instigate clones.

???? "Mr. Xiaoyun, thank you so much!"

???? After Gaia yelled, she rushed over and grabbed Li Xiaoyun's hand.

???? "Put on your clothes and talk!"

???? Gaia blushed, and then realized that she was naked, and hurriedly took out a long robe and put it on her body.

???? Then Dursley, who had been guarding outside all day and night, also walked in.

???? The three of them had a table of seafood, opened a few bottles of good wine, and talked and laughed.

???? Now that Gaia has no cultivation base, Li Xiaoyun intends to throw the other party into Sea Dragon Valley to practice for a period of time, but was rejected by the other party.

???? "In the underground prison of the Holy See, there are many evil practitioners. I can refine their divine power to advance quickly, and then I can maximize the power of cause and effect!"

???? Gaia doesn't want to bother Li Xiaoyun anymore, he doesn't know how to repay this favor!

???? "Okay, then I won't arrange your business. I have to go to the vicinity of Mount Olympus."

???? Li Xiaoyun smiled, he had to see what the God of Thunder and the God of Light were!

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