Immortal Emperor: Reborn in the Mixed City

Chapter 276 What are you going to do, hurry up and have a baby!

For a time, tens of thousands of corpses lay dead outside the Holy See!

Since none of the people present could escape, this matter became an unsolved case in the end, and the tens of thousands of people seemed to have evaporated from the world!

Naturally, Li Xiaoyun didn't know that Gaia's attack could be so ruthless, and he was flying towards Huaxia at full speed.

After leaving Huaxia for more than a week, many changes must have taken place in this land.

The most obvious thing is that there are more and more strong people.

Of course, this strength is for mortals. It is not uncommon for young people in the supernatural realm, even teenage children have joined this rank!

But that is only a minority, and only a few sects have the background to cultivate.

What's more, the elders and the like of the martial arts sect have accumulated a lot of knowledge and made great progress in the awakened state!

And the one who has made the most progress is the reincarnated living Buddha that Li Xiaoyun enlightened before, whose cultivation has already reached half a step to the limit!

With him and some vice presidents of the cultivation world who have awakened the fifth and sixth heavens, the order of the Chinese cultivation world is not bad, at least the practitioners have not had any large-scale conflicts with mortals.

Although Huaxia's aura has recovered, the vast majority of mortals still haven't embarked on the path of cultivation.

Their aptitudes have not changed, they just have a lot stronger physique nourished by aura.

The universe is vast, and the number of human races is immeasurable, and the vast majority of them are mortals, and even top-level cultivation stars like Emperor Ziwei are mainly mortals.

Cultivation is not so easy to set foot on.

Fortunately, Datiandao didn't change the city too much when he played with the earth. He even intentionally made the cities less blocked by mountains and rivers.

Apart from saying goodbye, Datian still treats mortals very carefully.

Now the civil order in China is the same as before the change. It is time to go to work, that is, the farmers Bobole has blossomed, and now the grain production is a bit much.

It even germinated on the first day of sowing the next day, and after a week or so, it was actually harvested!

There are even a small number of mutated grains, all of which were taken away by practitioners at high prices.

For a while, many people in the city wanted to farm.

It took Li Xiaoyun less than half a day to return to Huaxia. He is still a little bit out of strength now. After all, the distance is tens of thousands of miles, and even if he flies at full strength, he can't handle it!

There are still many soldiers guarding the border, and their cultivation bases are all in the sixth and seventh heavens of the extraordinary!

They are all super fighters trained by Sea Dragon Valley. When they saw Li Xiaoyun, they all hurriedly saluted.

"If you meet strong Europeans who come to me, let them go to Sea Dragon Valley to find me!"

Li Xiaoyun returned a salute and told them, these are all good fighters, and sacrificing one would be a great loss.

And what he caused, we can't let others take the blame.

"Instructor Li, there are not many foreign cultivators coming in now. They don't know the situation in China yet."

A soldier said with a smile, this place is located on the border of China, and there is not much spiritual energy left. After all, the place with the strongest spiritual energy in China is still the original place of millions of square kilometers.

The territory of China is tens of millions of square kilometers, and the territory of Xiongguo in the north is even more terrifying.

Several important countries have held meetings, and the boundaries of the territory are directly enlarged in proportion, and there are no conflicts.

In fact, there is no leisure between countries to conflict. Now that practitioners are popping up one by one, just suppressing those dishonest practitioners is enough to cause trouble.

"Okay, I won't ask too much about your arrangements. Anyway, if you encounter practitioners you can't beat, you should retreat quickly. Let's not fight them to the death."

Li Xiaoyun casually chatted with this group of soldiers, left a few spiritual stones for cultivation, and flew directly to Sea Dragon Valley.

Xuanzhang can delay time in the Xuanjie, but if Zhang Xiaoran wants to go through the tribulation with him at that time, there will not be so much time to prepare.

Hurry up, hurry up,

Finally arrived at his lair.

Sea Dragon Valley now looks like an ordinary valley from the outside, but the inside is like a fairy cave.

"Hey, mom and dad are back?"

He keenly sensed the aura left by his parents, "Dad has awakened to the fifth heaven, and mom has awakened to the third heaven, both are amazing!"

Li Xiaoyun's parents' aptitudes are quite good, and the kung fu of traveling in mountains and rivers has not delayed his cultivation. If he concentrates on cultivation, he doesn't know what level he can reach.

"Xiao Yun, what big business did you go to Europe for a week?"

"Don't hurry up and get them all pregnant, you want our Li family to lose their incense!"

"That's right, I've made all the little clothes for my grandchildren, you look at the little quilt, it's the same style as when you were a child..."

After all, it was a family. Before Li Xiaoyun entered the valley, Li Longfei and Ouyang Nuolan had a sense, and rushed out to criticize their son.

"Oh, Mom and Dad, I'm busy practicing, I'll wait for later!"

"When Shiyin and the others reach a high level, the big fat boy born will fly!"

Li Xiaoyun directly practiced Tai Chi and made big cakes for his parents.

"That's true. Now children don't have to think about going to school. They have to think about cultivation. The higher the level of parents, the higher the child's start..."

Li Longfei raised his brows, but he remembered this point.

Ouyang Nuolan also showed a look of surprise, and then said: "What kind of realm is that child who can fly as soon as he is born? When will we wait?"


Li Xiaoyun was at a loss for words for a while, he didn't expect his mother to be so sharp, and she directly asked the sharpest question.

In fact, if a child is able to fly right after birth, then after getting Supreme!

Judging from the current speed, it would take at least two or three hundred years for his women to reach the Supreme Realm.

Lin Shiyin is much faster, and it is estimated that she will become the Supreme within a hundred years.

"Well... it will probably take decades!"

Li Xiaoyun spoke vaguely.


Ouyang Nuolan immediately raised her eyebrows, "By that time, how old am I, can I hug my grandson!?"

Li Xiaoyun was stunned for a moment, and then smiled wryly, "Mom, after a few decades, you will be in the realm of longevity. You can lift a mountain without any problem, let alone a child."

? "

"That's true, I forgot that I'm also practicing now..."

Ouyang Nuolan was rarely embarrassed.

"Okay, okay, there's no rush for this matter anyway, you can figure it out then, okay, I'll leave this place to you, your mother and I will go to other places for a walk, this is a great river and mountain!


Li Longfei did not continue to force Li Xiaoyun to have a baby. He came back this time to repay his son's safety. Ouyang Nuolan was imprisoned for so long before, so walking around was the best choice.

"Okay, then you come back once every half a month. You take this magic amulet with you. It is enough to save your life in danger."

Li Xiaoyun took out a few magic amulets that he had drawn these days, which were of a higher grade than those given to Cassie.

"Okay then, let's go."

Li Longfei laughed, he had absolute confidence in what his son gave him!

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