Immortal family: starting from building a family genius

Chapter 259 The ancient forces in the world, the three major camps

Faced with the doubts from the group members in the chat group, Lin Meng was obviously a little angry.

With a small lick of her lips, she transformed the scene in her memory of her fight with her family's Celestial Realm expert into a video and sent it to the group.

Seeing this, Lin Zhou didn't stop him.

After his recent investigation, he found that this chat group of time travelers did not have a so-called group leader, and the group members were relatively peaceful. The most important thing was that the carrier that made up this chat group was a kind of group that he had never seen before. The mysterious energy he had experienced was so high that it was many times stronger than the divine power condensed by his father, and even gave him a faint feeling of facing the will of the human race.

"This chat group is either a treasure conceived by all the worlds, or it is an inheritance from a certain terrorist force."

Thinking of this, Lin Zhou couldn't help but look at the chat group.

At this time, except for a few people who have been diving all year round, most of the group members have downloaded the fight footage uploaded by Lin Meng to watch.

There was silence in the group.

However, the next moment.

A series of information was directly displayed on this small light screen.

Liu Xiaohui: "Oh no, you burst out with devastating power at every turn, and it looks like @Lin Meng, you seem to be only ten years old, this..."

Wang Dalong: "Strong, it is too strong. If this power were placed in the world where I am, it would probably be destroyed long ago."

Zhao Fei: "Stop talking, if you put it here, it will split open without even a trace left."

He Tao: "Same as above."


Many members of the time traveler chat group showed extremely shocked expressions on their faces, venting their inner excitement in the group.

this moment.

The group chat became incredibly active.

[Ding, congratulations to group member Lin Meng for reaching the strength standard, triggering the challenge task and killing the world conqueror who invaded Feiyun World. After completing this task, you can become the candidate group leader of this group. 】

World conqueror?

Alternate group leader?

Lin Meng, who was watching the reactions of many group friends with great interest, was slightly startled when he heard the prompt sound coming from his ears.

Even the group chat box, which had been extremely active just now, with messages constantly scrolling on the screen, seemed to have pressed the pause button at this time.

The appearance of the words "chat group" undoubtedly affirmed Lin Meng's strength.

Not only that, the world conqueror they had been so worried about meeting now actually appeared in Lin Meng's world.

Liu Xiaohui: "What the fuck, world conqueror? @Lin Meng, you have to be careful, the world conqueror is the mortal enemy of our time traveler chat group. Their purpose is to conquer each world and then devour the origin of the world." Used for cultivation, many seniors in our group died because of encountering the world conqueror."

Wang Dalong: " @Liu Xiaohui, she is right. Have you seen those gray avatars in our group chat? These are group friends who have fallen."

Zhao Fei: "Oh my god, the legendary conqueror of the world has appeared again, and now the group is going to be lively again."


After a brief silence, the information in the chat group suddenly started scrolling again.

This time, it was ten times more violent than the last time.

Because many diving friends were directly blown up because of this system prompt.

Among them, there are some old members who are ranked in the top one thousand.

You know, this time traveler chat group has hundreds of thousands of members.

Although most of the portraits have turned gray, there are still nearly 100,000 that are still lit.

And being able to rank within a thousand among the surviving group members is extremely strong in terms of qualifications and strength.

At the very least, even Liu Xiaohui, who had traveled to the ancient world and achieved the position of Daluo Jinxian, did not dare to say that she could definitely defeat the opponent.

Zhao Hao: "World conquerors? How many years have passed? How many years have passed? I finally heard about them again. This time, I must follow the clues and uproot the rats in the stinking ditch."

Zhao Hao: " @Lin Meng, fellow Taoist, if you have any questions, just ask me. I think I have some understanding of the World Conqueror."

Wang Dalong: "The front row touches the boss up close."

Zhao Fei: "Touch the boss jpg."


As a group member named Zhao Hao suddenly appeared, the originally scrolling information suddenly changed direction.

And through the information revealed by the group members and his personal information.

Lin Meng also had some understanding of this Zhao Hao.

Zhao Hao joined the chat group very early, so early that he was almost ranked among the top 100.

He is also very powerful.

Because he once killed a ninth-level world conqueror.

World conquerors and chat groups are both heaven-level forces.

The level divisions are also similar.

From level one to level twelve.

Among them, the first level corresponds to the cultivation level below the mortal level.

The second level corresponds to transformation from the ordinary.

The third level corresponds to magical powers.

The fourth level corresponds to the true spirit.

By analogy, all the way up to the ninth level corresponds to those who are strong in the Delusion Realm.

"Being able to kill a strong man in the Breaking Delusion Realm, Zhao Hao is said to have the cultivation level of the second or even third tribulation in the Breaking Delusion Realm. He may even have entered the level of accumulating the power of reincarnation."

Although it is said that strong people in the Delusion Realm are no longer a rare existence in the Lin family.

But looking at all the worlds, Pohuan Realm is actually very powerful.

Most of the strongest people in the world have not yet achieved the level of breaking through delusion.

Even Liu Xiaohui’s mid-range position.

His saints are only comparable to the immortal gods who have just entered the realm of immortality.

And she, the Great Luo Jinxian, is only at level eight when converted into a chat group. Above her, there are quasi-sages corresponding to level nine.

"Dad once said that the world has experienced more than one catastrophe. At the beginning of each catastrophe, many ancient forces hidden behind the scenes will come out and cause waves of turmoil in the world."

"These forces are strong or weak, and are divided into three camps. They are order, chaos and neutrality."

"According to the way the chat group works, it is most likely to be in the order camp, and there is also a small possibility that it belongs to the neutral camp. But in any case, the chat group should have no conflict with our human race. Even if we take this opportunity to control the chat group, Maybe it can also be a great help to my Lin family and even the human race."

Lin Zhou and Lin Meng discussed with each other while watching the messages passing by in the chat group.

Judging from the information they learned.

This time traveler chat group has great potential.

According to the level classification of the chat group, if the group members can reach level 12, they are likely to be comparable to the powerful God King Realm in all the worlds.

And this is just the group members.

If Lin Meng could become the group leader and take control of the chat group, he would even have a chance to break through to the legendary sage realm and become the top being in all the worlds in one fell swoop.

"Opportunity, big opportunity."

When they thought of this, the eyes of Lin Zhou and Lin Meng could not help but flash with joy.

Even though they have extraordinary talents and are born with a trace of the power of the source of annihilation, if they want to fully develop this power, they also need the blessing of various opportunities. Otherwise, if they continue to practice step by step, it will take until the Year of the Monkey and the Horse to achieve this breakthrough. realm.


Just do it.

After the two made their decision, they started taking action.

Lin Meng: "Fellow Taoist Zhao Hao, can you tell us about the characteristics of world conquerors and their overall strength?"

Zhao Hao: "No problem."

Zhao Hao: "The techniques practiced by the plane conquerors are biased toward the demons, but they are more violent and evil than the demons' cultivation methods. They use all living beings as their material and the origin of the world as their opportunity. Whenever they encounter the world, , as long as conditions permit, I will almost never miss it. Our chat group has played against each other several times over the years, and we have almost never taken any advantage."

Under Zhao Hao's narration.

Lin Zhou and Lin Meng also gradually deepened their understanding of the world conqueror.

If a world conqueror below level nine appears in front of them, Lin Meng and Lin Zhou are very confident that they will be able to recognize it.

Of course, this is not the most important thing.

What makes Lin Zhou and Lin Meng a little incredible is that.

According to Zhao Hao's description, the time traveler chat group is clearly no match for the Plane Conqueror, so why hasn't it been wiped out by the opponent?

And as the two asked this question.

Many group members who had joined the group not long ago also had a flash of curiosity in their eyes, silently staring at the light screen in front of them, waiting for Zhao Hao's answer.

And Zhao Hao did not hide this.

After sorting out his thoughts, he said this in the group.

Zhao Hao: "Our time traveler chat group is indeed no opponent of the other party, but it does not mean that the time traveler chat group is not their opponent."

Lin Zhou: "You mean, there is more than one chat group for time travellers?"

Zhao Hao: "Yes, there are many chat groups for time travellers. Although most of them have not developed yet, as long as they grow to a certain stage, the various chat groups will begin to merge. The group number of our chat group is 1999. In other words, the chat group ranked 1,999 has experienced three integrations. When our ranking enters the top 1,000, we will merge with other chat groups again."

Zhao Hao: "If we don't develop to this point within a certain period of time, we will appear in the integrated chat group pool and be integrated by a stronger chat group."

Zhao Hao: "Actually, it's not just us, the world conquerors are the same. They also have multiple platforms. It's just that the branch we are fighting against is stronger than us."

Countless chat groups.

When they grow to a certain stage, they start to merge with each other?

As Zhao Hao narrated, a glimmer of understanding flashed in the eyes of Lin Zhou and Lin Meng.

Raise Gu.

This kind of method is not too common in all the worlds.

Even the human race itself is using this method to stimulate the potential of its people.

After all, there is a saying that goes well, if you don’t push yourself, you don’t know how much potential you have.

In the same way, if you want to become a truly strong man, in addition to a steady stream of opportunities, you must also have a gradually determined heart to seek the Tao.

If there is no encouragement again and again, you may not have the chance to become a strong person.

Lin Meng: "Hey, I just looked at the number of the chat group. It was clearly number 998? @Zhao Hao, didn't you say it was number 1999?"

Zhao Hao: "What? Let me see."

Zhao Hao, who was in an extremely ancient world, was slightly startled when he saw the news about Lin Meng and quickly checked it.

When he clicked on the chat group information, he saw the familiar number in the column.

When there were really only three digits left, he couldn't help but open his eyes wide, and finally muttered to himself: "That's not right, I saw it a few years ago, it was clearly one thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine? Why?" Has it changed? I’ve never heard of that group member breaking through to level ten.”

Judging from some strong people in other chat groups he came into contact with.

Chat groups that can be ranked in the top one thousand basically have level 10 time travelers.

In this case, unless there are group members in their chat group who have broken through to level ten, how can they possibly improve the ranking of the chat group so much?

Zhao Hao: " @Everyone, which fellow Taoist has broken through to level ten?"

Li Fan: "I don't. Level ten is a threshold. How can it be so easy to break through?"

Tang Hao: "Plus one."


Following Zhao Hao's Aite, some old people who have been diving for many years also stepped forward to speak.

Suddenly, the group suddenly became more lively.

But as a result, the doubts in everyone's eyes became more and more.

What exactly is going on?

Liu Xiaohui: "Everyone, can I just say a few words?"

Zhao Hao: "Tell me, if you have any problems, I'll take care of them for you."

Liu Xiaohui: "That's right, just before @Lin Zhou @Lin Meng and the two brothers joined the group, I happened to take a look at the group chat information. The ranking at that time was indeed 1,999."

As soon as this statement came out, the entire chat group fell into silence.

All the group members couldn't help but have a look of disbelief in their eyes.

The message contained in this sentence is really terrifying.

Zhao Hao: "I'll make a real beep and a false beep jpg."

Zhao Hao: "If this is really the case, then @Lin Meng @Lin Zhou, is your cultivation level already at level ten?"

Tang Hao: "Let me go, you two brothers and sisters look only eleven or twelve years old, how come you are already at level ten? This makes us old guys so embarrassed!"

Li Fan: "Comparing people to each other is really irritating."

Lin Meng previously triggered the task posted by the chat group. Although they were a little surprised, they were relieved after seeing the battle footage she uploaded.

After all, more than half of these old members have triggered this mission.

However, very few can accomplish it.

I originally thought that the cultivation level of the two brothers Lin Meng and Lin Zhou was at least level eight, but it turned out

When they think of this, they feel that they have trained like dogs at this age.


After seeing the messages in the chat group, Lin Zhou and Lin Meng couldn't help but look at each other, and they both saw a trace of speechlessness in each other's eyes.

Don't look at how small they both look.

But in fact, they are already over 600 million years old.

It's bigger than most of the group members in the chat group.

However, age is a secret when away from home, and Lin Zhou and Lin Meng did not explain it too much.

As for their strength, they were even less willing to say more.

After learning that this time traveler chat group was different from the chat group he imagined, even Lin Meng knew that he had to leave some trump cards for himself.

She still understands that talking too much leads to mistakes.

ps: Now it’s the end of the month again. Let’s continue to set up an extra update rule. A thousand monthly tickets will be issued before the end of the month. Next month, we will continue to have an extra seven days of extra updates. The number of words will be the same as last month.

Thanks to the book friend: 20170324023401387 for the 500 starting coin reward

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