Immortal fate

Chapter 1799: Fierce Battle with Demonic Spirits, First Test of Formation

At this time, looking at the huge blood demon spirit in the sky, some demons still didn't recognize it and began to ask, "What on earth is this blood demon spirit? It looks very scary."

"Of course, this guy, but the demon spirits born on the battlefield of ancient demons are countless wronged souls and the blood evil aura. The monsters formed are very terrifying."

One of the old demons said with a frightened expression.

"That's right, let's leave quickly! Every year, many adventuring monks die in the mouth of this demon. This guy is not very intelligent, but he is indeed very strong.

I once saw a saint ancestor of the Mahayana stage, carrying a sacred weapon in his hand. After a fierce battle, he was still swallowed by this demon. "

There were also demons who said fearfully.

"Although this lord is powerful, it is difficult to escape from this demon's poisonous mouth. Let's leave quickly! If we leave too late, we will be doomed."

Another person said.


These words were not hidden from the surrounding demons. After hearing these words, the demons who were unaware at first turned pale and frightened, and fled away at extremely fast speeds.

Just a short moment later, the demons who were still surrounding him had already disappeared without a trace.

Only a small number of demons remained in the same place as if they were still evil-minded, but they just watched from a distance and did not dare to get close.

The blood demon spirit above the sky looked at Li Yi, suddenly opened his mouth, exposed his fangs, and said angrily: "Give me this formation, and I will give you a way to survive."

The powerful voice spread out quickly, making the monks present full of fear. They felt that their souls were about to be shaken out. Involuntarily, they flew far away again with a look of horror on their faces. , looking at the huge demonic shadow in the sky.

"Hmph, it's a joke that you want to kill me."

Li Yi said sarcastically with great disdain. The black and white millstone behind him was constantly rotating to resist the opponent's spiritual attacks.

This demon is extremely powerful, so it can be used to test the power of the Xuantian Divine Evil Formation.

"Looking for death, I will swallow you up."

The blood demon spirit roared and rushed towards Li Yi. He raised his four arms and smashed them down on his forehead. Each arm carried a magical weapon with astonishing power. able.

Looking at the blood demon spirit rushing towards him, Li Yi waved the formation flag gently, and countless evil spirits spread to the surroundings.

"Buzz, buzz, buzz..."

The twelve array flags and the dark red array disk in the sky emitted a layer of gray light. Above the light mask, there was a large amount of red light, which continued to emit outwards.

On top of the light shield, there are twelve monster shadows, condensed into a strange formation, roaring crazily on top, and constantly wandering around.





Four explosions erupted from the light shield, and the faint halo seemed to have infinite power, easily blocking the attack of the blood demon spirit.

On top of the demon gold, that strange aura also broke out at this time, spreading crazily towards the distance.

The strange aura was instantly connected to the bloody demon spirit.

The eyes of the blood demon spirit were filled with bloodthirsty madness, monstrous murderous intent, and endless resentment.

He rushed over again, waving his arms constantly, and the magic weapons in his hands burst out with shocking power. Each one was filled with the power of law, which was so rich that it went crazy on Li Yi's formation. .

"Bang, bang, bang..."

The blood demon spirit's crazy attack only caused ripples to appear in the light in front of Li Yi, and quickly disappeared.

The monks watching the battle in the distance just glanced at the large formation in front of Li Yi with a look of fear on their faces.

"What kind of formation is this? It has such great power. The attack of the blood demon spirit seems to have no effect at all."

"If this continues, there will be something good to see. A big war will definitely break out between the two sides, and our opportunity will come."

"Wouldn't it be too risky?"


Just as everyone was talking, a strange aura spread instantly. The face of the monk who was still talking just now was distorted for a while, his reason quickly disappeared, and he roared like a wild beast.

"Hoo, ho, ho..."

Then, his eyes were blood red, and an astonishing amount of demonic energy erupted from his body, and he rushed towards the formation where Li Yi was.

“The evil aura of this demonic demon gold is so terrifying, it can actually affect it so far.

However, the power of the Xuantian Divine Evil Formation is really good. With a wall of light, it can withstand the siege of dozens of combined-stage demons in the middle stage of Mahayana. "

Li Yi murmured to himself.

"Yes, the power of the Xuantian Shensha Formation is really good, even the ordinary Immortal Realm Formation is probably not as good as it.

Moreover, the current formation is just a defective product. I really don’t know how powerful the complete formation can be. "

Qilinzi said with a shocked look on his face, his heart was filled with shock and confusion.

"Well, I haven't even begun to show the power of this array. Now is the time to try the power of this array."

Li Yi's eyes were shining brightly and he said with great excitement.

After finishing speaking, Li Yi waved one hand, and the Xuantian Mingsha Flag in his hand, along with a large number of spells, penetrated into the large formation in the distance.

At this time, above the sky, the dark red octagonal array emits a burst of light, and the space ripples are transmitted instantly.

Countless evil spirits emerged at this time.

In just a moment, Li Yi discovered that the entire formation had covered dozens or hundreds of miles, surrounding the blood demon spirits and the demons.





With roars of beasts, they rushed out in an instant and rushed towards the demons and blood demon spirits above the formation.

In an instant, blood flashed wildly, and the demons were torn into pieces by these monsters in just a split second.

Immediately, these monsters opened their bloody mouths, swallowed the flesh and blood, and began to chew continuously.

"Click, click, click..."

The sound of bones being chewed was heard continuously, making Li Yi's scalp numb for a while.

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