Immortal fate

Chapter 43 Mutated Demonic Bat

After packing up his things, Li Yi decided to leave here.

With a flash of green light on his body, Li Yi appeared in a smelly and dark cave. After coming out, Li Yi frowned, because this place was no longer the place to store the small tripod. It seemed that someone had taken his small tripod. As for where this was, Li Yi didn't know, but judging from the surrounding environment, it should still be in the monster's cave, which made Li Yi breathe a sigh of relief.

Seeing this scene, Li Yi immediately put away the green small tripod on the ground, and then sacrificed the Huang Yuan Zhong. The Huang Yuan Zhong turned into a small bell of ten feet in size and flew to the top of Li Yi's head, forming a golden small bell phantom, covering Li Yi in it. This was the effect of Li Yi's cultivation entering the tenth level of Qi training, and he fully stimulated the power of the small bell. He tried it and the yellow small bell phantom had good defense.

Then a green small fan appeared in his hand, and he walked towards the exit of the cave.

Before he took a few steps, he heard a series of sharp screams of "squeaky squeaky." Then, in front of him, a white bat more than ten feet tall appeared. There were half-foot long snow-white fangs on both sides of the bat's mouth. A pair of small black eyes stared at Li Yi with a very vicious look.

Li Yi raised the green fan in his hand and fanned the white bat twice. More than twenty wind blades attacked the white bat. Looking at the attacking green wind blades, the white bat opened its huge wings and protected itself firmly in it. The green wind blades did not cause any damage to its wings.

"Well, it's a third-level monster, and its defense is so strong." Li Yi said in a low voice, and then he sacrificed a green sword and a red knife, all of which were high-level spiritual weapons.

Although this white monster bat was a third-level monster, Li Yi was not afraid at all, because his cultivation had reached the tenth level of Qi training, and he had a high-level spiritual weapon in his hand, so he didn't need to be afraid of anything.

After the attack of the green wind blade, the white monster bat suddenly spread its wings, flew into the air, opened its mouth and began to roar. At this moment, Li Yi felt that his head was about to explode, and invisible sound waves attacked him.

Li Yi's face changed drastically, and then a spell was hit on the bronze bell above his head, and then a series of low bell sounds rang out. Li Yi felt much more comfortable at this time. The white bat in the distance seemed to have not expected that Li Yi also had a sound wave attack method. It swayed in the air, as if it was about to fall.

"Good opportunity." Seeing such an opportunity, Li Yi naturally did not want to miss it. He controlled the green sword and the red knife to attack the bat. Even so, Li Yi did not give up. He fanned the small fan in his hand several times in a row, and dozens of wind blades immediately appeared in the air, forming a small storm, as if it was going to swallow the white bat.

Seeing the intensive attacks in front of him, the white demon bat showed a fierce look on his face, and desperately flapped the white wings on his back, and then an incredible scene appeared. The white demon bat disappeared in the air. All of Li Yi's attacks were in vain, and he attacked the wall of the cave fiercely, making a loud noise.

"Not good." When Li Yi saw the white demon bat disappear, he cried out secretly and immediately used his spiritual eyes to find the bat.

There was another sharp hissing. This time Li Yi was prepared. The bat's sonic attack did not cause any harm to him, and was all blocked by the yellow bell.

But the next scene shocked Li Yi again. He saw the white bat suddenly fly to the yellow bell, and then began to bite it crazily. During the biting, although it did not cause damage to the body of the bell, Li Yi felt that the mana on the yellow bell was actually losing crazily.

With the loss of mana, the shadow of the bell on Li Yi's body was slowly fading, and it seemed that it would soon disappear.

"No, I can't go on like this, or the magic power on the small bell will soon be lost."

Li Yi immediately injected his magic power into it, and then quickly activated the Huang Yuan Bell, shaking the white bat away, and continued to activate the flying knife and flying sword to attack, but every time he attacked the bat, the bat would send out a sound wave attack, shaking the top-grade spiritual weapon and flying everywhere, and then the white bat flapped its wings and could actually teleport to another place, making Li Yi's attack miss, which was very mysterious.

Seeing the white bat trying to escape again, Li Yi immediately turned the small bell around, aimed at the white bat, and sent out a "boom, boom, boom" sound wave attack, but every time at this time, the white demon beast bat would also roar at Li Yi's small bell. This attack was also an invisible sound wave, and it could also offset the sound wave attack of the Huang Yuan Bell, which was very strange.

Although Li Yi's attack did not hurt the bat, the demon beast bat did not dare to get close to Li Yi to attack. For a while, Li Yi and the white bat were actually in a stalemate.

Looking at the stalemate, Li Yi frowned, then sighed, and only used that thing, and said that Li Yi took out a wooden box, in which was the purple talisman. Li Yi took out the purple talisman and continuously injected the mana in his body into it. After a while, a purple short blade appeared on Li Yi's head, flashing with a faint lightning.

"Dang, dang, dang." Li Yi continuously urged the yellow bell in his hand and launched continuous attacks on the bats in the distance. The white bat felt the invisible sound waves and began to roar at the Huang Yuan Bell. The white bat looked at the purple short blade and showed a trace of fear in his eyes.

Li Yi pointed at the purple short blade above his head, roared, and said: "Right now, Li Yi roared, go."

The purple short blade above his head, with a whoosh, made a sharp long whistle, dragged a long purple light, and shot towards the white bat.

Looking at the flying purple short blade, it was not affected by the sound waves at all. The weird white bat was extremely frightened. He roared and flapped his wings frantically, thinking about launching a spell to teleport out, but the bat's mouth was not closed yet, and the purple short blade shot into his mouth, and then flew out from behind his head. It shot fiercely into the stone wall of the cave and penetrated several feet deep.

After the blow, the white bat died, fell to the ground, twitched continuously, and died after a while.

Li Yi waved his hand, and the purple short blade flew into his hand, turning into a purple talisman, which Li Yi put into the wooden box.

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