Immortal Formula

Chapter 1007: Treasure of Tianmu Mountain

   Chapter 1007 Treasure of Tianmu Mountain

  Everyone was stunned by the sudden change at this moment. The disciples of Tianmu Mountain stopped the fight in their hands at this moment, raised their heads and stared blankly at the incomparably splendid wonders in the sky. In their life, they had never seen such a brilliant fireworks bloom, but everyone did not appreciate it, and there was only deep fear in their hearts.

   The mountain protection formation of Tianmu Mountain, which was said to be unbreakable and could withstand the attack of dozens of cultivators of the formation of pills, was broken like this!

Haohui and the others, who were rushing towards the air, all stopped quickly at this time, and the extremely huge impact force brought by the explosion of the purple-gold mask rushed towards them like an overwhelming sea. Brother Qian was hit by the air wave, and he couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood, falling like a kite with a broken string.

  Long Yuanzi, who was fighting endlessly in Qiankun Hall, also saw the vision above his head at this time.

   He took a deep breath, his figure seemed to have grown a few points suddenly, the outer robe was cracked, and his palms were as tight as a halberd, attacking the Bone God Monarch.

   In this extremely narrow space, the Bone God Monarch couldn't dodge at all, and he didn't want to dodge at all. With his hands up, a pair of Bone Awls appeared in his palms, facing Long Yuanzi head-on.

And Long Yuanzi's eyes almost turned red at this time, he was like a madman, rushing towards the white bone god, countless white bone cones, all of a sudden stabbed on his shoulders, and However, Long Yuanzi seemed to have no response. The white bone awl only pierced halfway, and he could no longer enter. Not a trace of blood flowed out, and his figure had suddenly deceived the white bone god. The palms slammed heavily on his chest, and there was a soft click, and the sound of bones collapsing was clearly audible.

  Bone God Monarch spat out a mouthful of blood, and his body floated back quickly. His words were filled with surprise that could not be concealed: "You actually practiced the Vajra body?"

   The vajra body is different from the indestructible vajra body that Fang Shuo cultivated. This is a secret method of cultivating the body in Xuanmen. He never imagined that Long Yuanzi was actually a body cultivator. Moreover, his progress has reached such a point that it will not be difficult for him to have a baby after spending hundreds of years.

The White Bone God sneered: "It's a pity that I met me today!" He took a deep breath, the pain was still like a needle stick, then Long Yuanzi rushed forward again, he sneered, but did not dodge , said: "You look up and look out!"

Long Yuanzi has not yet reacted. Under the base of the Qiankun Temple, there was a sudden loud noise. The blue bricks in the ground were almost all shattered at this moment, and the earth cracked a deep hole. In the gap, a violent blast of air swept through. The two of them were shocked by this counterattack, and they both rushed out of the temple. This air wave went straight to the sky, and the roof of the Qiankun Temple was actually lifted open. .

The tables, chairs, benches, tea sets, and other utensils in the    were all shattered by the air waves. Only the statue of the Taiyi Sect Patriarch was still intact, rushing out of the top of the Qiankun Temple and flying into the air.

After the    purple-gold mask shattered, more than a dozen demon cultivators in the air put away their instruments at the same time, turned around, and rushed towards the statue in the air.

  Long Yuanzi's thoughts turned, and at this time he realized that the other party had obviously guessed the whereabouts of the rune, and it must have been Dingshan who had used some method to spread the news before he died.

At this time, the loud noise of rumbling sounded continuously, as if thousands of firecrackers exploded at the same time on Tianmu Mountain, the peaks of the peaks were blown apart, and the powerful air waves swept through, and the disciples' voices kept coming. With screams, those demon cultivators who were fighting with the disciples of Tianmu Mountain were also caught up in this wave of air. Obviously, this attack would not distinguish their opponents.

Shouzheng was rescued by Gu Yan, but he was in a scuffle on the battlefield. He fought ignorantly. He didn't see the situation in front of him. He grabbed Gu Yan's arm and shouted loudly, "It's dangerous here, go back to the mountain!" After he finished speaking, he rushed out behind him.

  Gu Yan sighed, flicked his fingers, and fell softly to the ground when he stood upright, at least he could save his life by his side. Gu Yan still had a little bit of affection for this somewhat reckless but warm-hearted young man.

The sound of explosions around    is still coming. Taiyimen and Momen are almost at a loss, and no one has taken advantage. Ning Fengzi didn't know when, but she had sneaked out quietly. She stood beside Gu Yan and said curiously, "Since you saved this little guy, why didn't you save Taiyimen as well?"

  Gu Yan said lightly: "As a cultivator of Nascent Soul, I am one of the characters who can influence the laws of this world. I must not act as easily as a mortal. In my eyes, under Nascent Soul is like an ant, and I cannot interfere easily!"

  Ning Fengzi pouted, showing a disdainful smile, Gu Yan smiled and said, "Besides, I'm not familiar with them at all!"

On the one hand, she was bickering with Ning Fengzizi, and on the other hand, she kept using her spiritual sense to sense the movements of the underground. In Gu Yan's heart, although the battle was lively, it was not in her eyes. He was most concerned about it. Yes, it is still the mutation from the ground.

   Obviously, the series of explosions that occurred underground was someone quietly cracking the forbidden law in that magic weapon.

Legend has it that it was the magic weapon left by the ancestor of Taiyi. It was nailed into the mountain protection formation, and it was connected with the spiritual veins in the ground. It was firmly locked and no one could shake it. The method is to crack the underground formations one by one, and the aura in the formation's eyes changes, causing this series of explosions.

  This person does have some means, and he can even avoid his own spiritual thoughts and sneak in quietly. Even if the magic weapon he uses is not comparable to the ninth-level black ice pick and the earth-penetrating needle, it is probably not too much.

Suddenly there seemed to be a strange omen in her heart. She raised her head and looked into the air. At this time, Long Yuanze was already flying up from the air, and he was swept up in the air. At this time, half of his hair and beard were cut off. The clothes were scattered and embarrassed, but he still ignored his appearance and rushed towards the statue in the air.

The Bone God Monarch was also hit by the air waves. Because he was hit by Long Yuanzi before, his injuries were really serious. At this time, his reaction was half a point slower. Long Yuanzi rushed into the air first. More than a dozen demon cultivators have been besieging him in a fan shape, and behind him are the brothers of Taiyi Sect.

   was headed by Haohui, Long Yuanzi's electric gaze fell on him, and he shouted sharply, "Go away!"

Everyone was taken aback by what he said, thinking that he was dissatisfied with Haohui's failure to come to help in time, but only Haohui knew in his heart that Senior Brother was telling him to go away sooner, with that magical rune. , and the elite disciples of this sect, leaving the last trace of fire for Taiyi Sect.

  Long Yuanzi was even more furious when he saw Haohui stopped in the air and shouted: "Get out, I don't need you!"

  Haohui's eyes couldn't help but get wet, he nodded heavily, turned around and rushed down without saying a word.

  Gu Yan saw all of this, and she couldn't help but think, should she help this cheap master?

At this time, Long Yuanzi had already rushed to the statue. He raised his hand and grabbed it towards his waist. More than a dozen people had already rushed to him. All the law enforcement treasures landed on him like a normal attack. With an angry shout, the clothes on his body were rolled off, revealing his naked upper body like fine steel. Those magical weapon attacks landed on his body, leaving only pieces of white marks. Even if a scar was rolled out, no blood would flow out. Long Yuanzi firmly grasped the statue with one hand, while the other hand swung wildly into the air. Most of the more than ten people were hit by his big handprint, and blood fell from the air. Long Yuanzi's injuries were not light at this time. The simultaneous attack of more than ten magic weapons caused great damage to the meridians in his body. At this time, several brothers and sisters behind them had gathered around at the same time, and they shouted loudly: "Master!"

   Several demon cultivators were shot down by Long Yuanzi, but there were still several people rushing up from behind him, all the law enforcement treasures, and the real Jiedan of Taiyimen, fighting in one place. The battlefield between the two sides shifted from the ground to the sky. The battle on Tianmu Mountain had gradually ceased, and everyone focused their attention on the sky.

  Long Yuanzi took a deep breath. He felt every inch of the meridians in his body hurt like a knife. Knowing that he was at the end of the shot, he raised his hand firmly in his eyes, and was about to bombard the statue in front of him.

Before he could lift his hand, suddenly there was a loud bang, and the statue in front of him suddenly burst open without warning. Long Yuanzi was caught off guard and was knocked away dozens of feet away, and his body The previous statue has turned into smoke and dust.

He was about to wave away the smoke in front of him, when suddenly he felt a chill behind him, and reluctantly moved to the left, a long bone spear had stabbed straight in from his shoulder, this shot pierced his protective body True Qi, King Kong At this time, the body was no longer effective, and the blood suddenly spurted out like a gulp. He turned around and saw that the Bone God Monarch was standing behind him, holding a Bone Spear, showing a smug smile. Facing his gaze, he laughed: "Are you playing with these tricks and thinking that I can't see it?"

   He suddenly turned his head, no longer looking at Long Yuanzi in front of him, but shouted: "Haohui, you can't leave today!"

His words fell, and on the countless peaks of Tianmu Mountain that had been blown up, suddenly there were countless beams of light rushing up at the same time. It kept coming, and under the ground, a round of silver plates, inlaid with countless spar, has slowly flew up. Gu Yan couldn't help but be a little surprised that this magic weapon that locked the spiritual veins of Tianmu Mountain was actually dug out from the ground!

   (end of this chapter)

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