Immortal Formula

Chapter 1011: confrontation

   Chapter 1011 Confrontation

  Hua Yan was stunned for a moment, then he couldn't help laughing: "It's really over-the-top and arrogant!" With a sudden wave of his hand hanging in the air, the Demon God Card pressed down towards Ming Kong like the weight of Mount Tai. Originally, the bright moon was in the sky, but it was immediately covered in black.

  Gu Yan didn't take action at this time, on the contrary, she deeply hid her aura. There is no intention of helping. Although she hadn't seen him for decades, she didn't know how far Huayan had entered the country, but as early as back then, Gu Yan had regarded him as the most terrifying figure in Cangwu's Six Great Empresses. In particular, he has the remnants of the Xuantian Spiritual Root, which can avoid the power of heavenly punishment and unscrupulously display all his strength, plus the help of the immortal artifact such as Jiuyi Xuanling Pagoda, even if Gu Yan has now been promoted to In the middle stage of Nascent Soul, under his subordinates, he still only had the chance to escape.

   After not seeing him for so many years, Hua Yan's cultivation seems to have become even more unfathomable. With the strength of Gu Yan's spiritual sense, he can't even sense the slightest trace of him.

Mingkong saw the Demon God card in Huayan's hand and pressed it down from above. He just wanted to activate the surrounding formation, but he was shocked to find that all the surrounding spiritual veins had been suppressed by him. The thunder was overwhelming, and the formidable coercion had spread from all around like a stormy sea. She was horrified to discover that this was actually a cultivator at the peak of the Queen of Yuan Dynasty, and could be called one of the highest existences in this world!

At this moment, the    Demon God Card had become overwhelming, and the statue engraved on it was as if it had come to life.

Those disciples from Taiyi Sect and Baigu Sect, who had already avoided Mingkong and far away, fled into the distance in embarrassment, but the attack of the Demon God card still mercilessly involved them, and those disciples who had not yet had time to escape. , Can only scream for a while, and then vanish.

   Wan Gu's eyes showed unbearable meaning, but he didn't say a word. Only he knew how terrifying Xuanxiu, who was of unknown origin but held a Demon God card, was in front of him.

   When he was cultivating overseas, with the body of a Demon Lord, all the demons obeyed, and he was arrogant. But just a few months ago, the person in front of him suddenly found him. He wanted to use the power of Baigumen to come to Tianmu Mountain to find a mysterious magic weapon, and promised himself that Baigumen could build a foundation in the Central Plains in the future and develop his power. Wangu didn't want to listen, but Huayan turned his face immediately. He just took the action lightly and restrained Wangu. Dealing with Wangu was like dealing with an ant. The cruel means made Wangu no longer able to resist. Now that the silver plate was in his hands, it was obvious that in Hua Yan's eyes, the disciples of the White Bone Gate were nothing more than a group of ants.

There was a deep smile on Hua Yan's face. The purpose of his trip was for the silver plate in his hand. He fought with Bai Jizi and others in Cangwu for decades. rest. The two sides reached a silent tacit understanding, and they stopped fighting until they found the root of Xuantian. When the cultivation base has reached their realm, the purpose is no longer to compete for the short and the long. All he does is seek longevity and seek the Dao. For this reason, Huayan came across the ridge after making arrangements. To find this silver plate, he also needs to find Gu Yan's whereabouts. He guessed that it was Gu Yan who swallowed the Xuantian spirit root. To find this Xuantian spirit root, he must finally land on Gu Yan. on the body.

With his cultivation level, Shenzhou was indistinguishable from vertical and horizontal, and as he expected, he easily took out this silver plate from under Tianmu Mountain. If Mingkong hadn't suddenly shot out from the oblique stab, he wouldn't even have to use it. Show up in person. But in Hua Yan's heart, there is no intention of anger. At this moment, he has already moved the idea of ​​capturing Mingkong alive.

In the decades that he has obtained the Demon God Card, he has participated in the details many times, because he feels that this treasure is hidden in the avenue of heaven and is unfathomable. Aside from the Heaven-covering Battle Armor, a magical weapon that was born purely for war, the Heavenly Heart Ring, which can be ranked in the same row as the Demon God Card, will definitely be of great benefit to his practice. And Mingkong, as the reincarnated Priestess of the Spirit of the past, his status is even more noble and mysterious. If he can be captured, it will be of great use in the future. As far as Hua Yan knows, there is an extremely mysterious double cultivation method of spiritual body in the Demon Gate. If you cultivate to the highest realm, you can shatter the void and go away. Furnace.

   It is precisely because of this that he made a killing move as soon as he made a move, showing no mercy. The shadow on the Demon God's card pressed down, and the surrounding disciples who were caught in the shadow screamed and became dead.

  Ming Kong calmed down at this time, she said lightly: "I have only seen your cultivation base so high in my life, but dealing with me with the method of this sect is a bit too much."

   She counted the hours silently. Even if her husband came from overseas without stopping, it would take at least two hours to get here. And Hua Yan, who was in front of her, obviously wouldn't give her such a long time.

The magic shadow in the sky swept across the sky at this time, Mingkong gave a low scolding, and suddenly turned into a white light, like a frightening shadow, rushing up, the light of Tianxinhuan was bright, surrounding her whole body, and she I, I have rushed straight into the shadows.

  Hua Yan snorted coldly: "It's beyond your own power!"

   He waved his hand, and the Demon God card pressed down heavily. In the Tianji Mountains, he used this card to pass through countless dangerous places and finally reached Shenzhou safely. In the Tianji Mountains, countless monsters were hunted and killed by this divine card.

The demon card fell from the sky, and countless spiritual qi were shaken. The heaven and the earth shook, and the mountains collapsed. At first, countless peaks had been blown up. At this time, they all collapsed on their own, and there were gaps in the earth. At this time, more than ten main peaks all began to collapse downward, and with a bang, countless spiritual energy rolled up, and the entire Qiankun Temple was razed to the ground.

  Long Yuanzi looked forward with a gray face, there was not a trace of anger in his eyes, the legacy left by the ancestor was finally destroyed by his own hands today.

   Ming Kong was the only one alone, she was not afraid at this time, she had already rushed to the front of the Demon God Card, raised her left hand, and pressed it towards the Demon God Card. There was a soft and holy light on her face, and the hideous-looking demon **** saw her, and the incomparably vicious expression actually stopped on its own, and countless ghosts flew around, but not a trace rushed up to hurt her. .

   As Mingkong said, she is the Holy Maiden of Yuanling, and nothing in the Demon Sect can harm her.

   She put her hand on the Demon God card, and said in a low voice and sincerity: "Please return to your place!"

The Demon God Card, which was originally huge, actually gradually became smaller. From Mingkong's palm, a milky white light emitted, covering the Demon God Card. In the milky white light, there seemed to be an image of a very holy woman. , was smiling at the Great Demon God.

   The phantoms that were flying around, actually gradually stopped at this time. Although they were ghostly chirps, they were extremely gloomy, but they strangely gave people a sense of holiness.

   And Mingkong's hand was already caught on the Demon God card!

  Hua Yan's eyes couldn't help narrowing, he looked at Mingkong's figure forcefully, as if to imprint this woman deeply in his mind, and whispered: "Interesting..."

  Mingkong pressed the Demon God card with one hand, and gave a low voice: "Zi!"

On her pure and jade-like palm, countless runes flashed out at almost the same time, the light of the demon card shrank rapidly, and the ghosts were all swept away by the brilliance of Tianxinhuan, she grabbed the demon card with both hands, and her body The shape quickly pulled into the air.

  Hua Yan said coldly: "Do you think I only have this method? Even if I don't have the Demon God card, it's easy for me to deal with you!"

   His big hand suddenly grabbed towards the air, the light of the Demon God card suddenly increased, Ming Kong swiped the magic formula, and countless ghost figures suddenly turned and rushed towards Hua Yan.

  Huayan waved his sleeves, and in the void, the spiritual power from the sky swept in, and the ghosts were instantly scattered. These ghosts were almost as ticklish for him as a post-yuan overhaul.

Mingkong shouted sharply at this time: "My **** is back!" She put her palm on the Demon God card, and Tianxinhuan had drawn a drop of blood in her palm, soaked on the Demon God card, and the blood suddenly collapsed. The Great Demon God on the Demon God Card actually had the tendency to fly out of his body.

  Gu Yan's brows moved slightly, and she already felt keenly that the spiritual energy in Tianmu Mountain was changing, as if a black hole suddenly devoured all the spiritual energy, then shifted it to a point, and suddenly burst out.

  Hua Yan couldn't help laughing: "You really have some means, but you want to use the 'Breakthrough' to escape?" His voice suddenly turned cold, "It's a pity that you met me!"

His huge body suddenly pulled up into the air, and at this moment, the light of the Demon God card soared, and the great Demon God on the card suddenly came out of the card. When the body collided in the air, there was a loud rumbling sound, and there was a sudden flash in the entire sky. The smoke disappeared in a moment, and it seemed that there was no trace of the bright sky.

  Hua Yan stood quietly in the air, for a moment he seemed extremely quiet, as if nothing had happened.

But it was only quiet for such a short moment, and then the sound of a sky-high explosion sounded, and dozens of peaks around Huayan collapsed at the same time, countless spiritual currents swayed and swirled, and Mingkong's figure, At this time, it has already appeared in the distance of Huayan.

   There was a hint of panic on her face at this time, and above her head, the sky was already covered by clouds and mist, and there was a red-yellow exquisite pagoda falling from the sky!

   (end of this chapter)

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