Immortal Formula

Chapter 1023: Jiutian Cliff (below)

   Chapter 1023 Nine Heavens Cliff (Part 2)

   Gu Yan smiled and said: "Yes, I did go back to the old place for a visit, but I didn't hear your whereabouts."

There was a hint of embarrassment on Ye Yunting's face, "It's a long story, after we left the Northland, we went south along the sea road, and also wanted to see the scenery of Shenzhou, but just after leaving the mainland, we found a very secret place It was Lao Du's divine needle to warn us, and we discovered that there is a very powerful forbidden law on that island, which was left by a monk of the Empress Yuan."

   Gu Yan said in surprise: "Did you read it right?" You must know that in Shenzhou, there have been no Yuanying cultivators for thousands of years.

Ye Yunting said: "How could I be wrong? The forbidden laws there are very cleverly arranged. I think it was deliberately laid out by the island owner at that time. He wanted people to discover his ruins. The forbidden laws there can only be formed. Only people from Yuan Ying can find out. We were all very curious. The three of us went to the island together. We didn’t expect to be careless. We were trapped by the forbidden law on the island. Later, a teleportation formation was discovered on the island, and it was teleported to this place. Just under the ground where the two of you are fighting, three thousand feet away. The island owner is indeed a very powerful character, especially proficient in kendo and physical training. Fa, we have all benefited a lot, but if you two fought in the air and destroyed the underground spiritual veins, it would take us more than ten years to come out."

  Gu Yan asked thoughtfully, "What's that cultivator's name?"

   Sylvia Lin replied: "His name is Ai Zhenzi!"

  Gu Yan couldn't help but let out a "Yeah", this name was naturally familiar to her. Back then, the first ancestor of the Qin family built the Nine Heavens Cliff with one hand, and left behind the glazed jade box. He was able to obtain the immortal artifact such as the Seven Treasures Golden Pillar, thanks to a lot of people. Unexpectedly, the place where he finally sat down was indeed in Beihai. She was stunned for a moment and asked, "Are there any relics left?"

   Ye Yunting took out a jade slip from his arms, "This is the way he left behind."

  Gu Yan bowed respectfully to the jade slip for a few times, "I have benefited a lot from this person, and today's prayer is a return to the past."

   Ye Yunting suddenly said at this time: "Behind the jade slip, it is also mentioned that he has a former residence, and there is a picture of the formation above. Look at it!"

Gu Yan took Yujian over and looked down. Sure enough, there was a sketch of the formation on it, and the method of opening the teleportation formation. She was overjoyed. At this time, the speed of their progress suddenly stagnant. Du Que, who was controlling the Earth-penetrating Needle at the forefront, turned his head and said, "It should be here!"

The    God Needle pierced upwards, the ground cracked open, and everyone rushed up at the same time, Ye Yunting looked around, and couldn't help grinning, "This is where we're coming?"

   There is a broken wall around, countless low peaks and huge rocks, as if they have experienced many earthquakes, they are extremely broken.

Gu Yan nodded slowly, "This place is called Jiutianya. Back then, I experienced a life and death here, and I almost never came back. Don't underestimate this place, this was where Ai Zhenzi's family lived. There is a secret place he built underground. Back then, when I launched a forbidden law and locked the underground, even the Nascent Soul cultivator could not crack it."

   Ye Yunting said puzzled: "What's the use of that?"

Gu Yan smiled and said, "Thanks to the jade slip in your hand." Originally, what she thought was to use the land of the Nine Great Cliffs to avoid Huayan, but Gu Yan was not sure how to open the underground forbidden law. With the jade slip she brought, she was certain in her heart.

   She glanced around, and when she released her spiritual sense, she felt a little more settled in her heart, and said, "The entrance is here, Xiaoye and Du brother, please protect the law for me."

The crowd surrounded Gu Yan in a half-fan shape. Gu Yan put his hand on the jade slip, and whispered a magic formula. The surrounding area suddenly glowed with light. There seemed to be countless rock layers on the ground, one after another. Peeling off, those black lacquered rocks that seemed to have been burned, all fell down, exposing the ground paved with countless spar.

  Ning Fengzi whispered to Gu Yan at this time, "I smell a familiar smell here!"

Gu Yan couldn't help laughing: "This is where I used Zhu Yanjing for the first time, and it was also the first time I saw you." At that time, she summoned Zhu Yanjing's last forbidden spell, and in a flash, the entire Jiutianya was swept away, and because he lost his spiritual energy, he was sucked into the secret ground underground. If he hadn't activated the teleportation array, his life would have been buried here.

   Ye Yunting said at this time: "Where is your primordial spirit?"

Gu Yan said: "My primordial spirit has left the body to do an important task. It's not enough..." Before she could finish her words, suddenly, a sharp whistling sound came from above her head. It was a sunny day. The incomparable sky seemed to be obscured by dark clouds in an instant. A huge figure came out of the sky, and the voice almost pierced everyone's eardrums, "You guys, all of you are going to die!"

   Ye Yunting couldn't help but startled, "This old guy, why is he chasing after him so quickly!"

In fact, Hua Yan was still far away from them at this time, but his voice had already broken through the air. Gu Yan looked up, her eyesight was excellent, she had seen Hua Yan's figure in the distance, and her face suddenly became solemn: " This time he suffered a lot."

Hua Yan's description at this time seemed extremely embarrassing. His white beard and white hair had almost been burnt clean at this time, revealing most of his bald head, the robe on his body was also broken into strips, and there were countless of charred traces. Apparently, he was hit hard by that thunderbolt. This time, he was too careless. He just wanted to win with his strength. He didn't expect Gu Yan to have such a clever way. Because of this, the anger in his heart was extremely high. , turned away the thunder, and just came an hour earlier, in order to stop them here. You must know that Gu Yan is quirky and eccentric, and her methods are endless. If she was given time, she might run away from her somewhere.

   Gu Yan shouted categorically at this time: "Let's go first!" She pressed the jade talisman with her palm, bit the tip of her tongue, and a drop of blood essence was sprayed on the jade talisman. Suddenly, the rays of light flourished, and countless black clouds rose into the sky. It was a thick layer of rock that was peeled off on the ground and was thrown into the air like a cloud.

  Under the ground, an incomparably bright spar is exposed, reflecting the sunlight, flashing a fiery red color, like a fiery cloud in the sky, Ye Yunting said in surprise: "Is this the Scarlet Primordial Crystal?"

Gu Yan's face was sinking like water, and he was unmoved. At this moment, the sound of Hua Yan's roar was approaching fast. Gu Yan held up his hand and shouted, "Get up!" Thousands of flames pierced towards Hua Yan in the air.

Hua Yan let out a loud roar, he pushed his palms forward, and the Jiuyi Xuanling Pagoda had already swept in, almost as if the ground had been ploughed once, and countless dirt and huge rocks were rolled up one after another. When Gu Yan moved the sword art with one hand, the sword energy in the air was vertical and horizontal, and countless spar flew off the ground and slammed into the Xuanling Pagoda.

Her fingers quickly swiped the magic formula in the air, and the countless spiritual currents kept changing. It seemed that they had moved thousands of times in a blink of an eye. Anyone present would be shocked by her immersion in the formation. thereafter.

   Countless crystal stones were in the air, and at this time they had gathered into a huge crystal ball, extremely crimson, eye-catching, Gu Yan shouted: "Sunyao reincarnation!"

Her hand suddenly drew towards the sky, and the sun, which was already gradually falling towards the west mountain, suddenly lit up, as if there was an incomparably dazzling brilliance, flying towards, covering the red crystal ball Above, the light suddenly pierced the world and went away, and everyone couldn't help but close their eyes.

  Gu Yan shouted: "Come on!" At this moment, a large crack had opened in the ground, and with her as the head, the six people rushed in.

The crystal ball in the air had exploded at this time, and countless shards of incomparable spar flew towards the surroundings, like a torrential rain, the huge impact force made the Nine Pagoda Xuanling Pagoda stop abruptly. In the air, it also blocked Hua Yan's figure.

His face was ashen, looking at the flat ground as before, he said coldly: "It's actually arranged in advance, which ancient cultivator's cave is this? It's a pity that it may not be able to stop me, don't you know, I am The people who are going to ascend to the spiritual world in the future, how can people in this world be compared with me?" He suddenly raised the demon card in his hand and shouted, "Broken!"

  A jet-black beam of light has quickly penetrated into the ground, and a shallow mark has appeared on the ground. Hua Yan sneered and chased after the trace.

  Gu Yan and the others rushed under the ground, and in front of them was a wide and incomparably deep corridor. The stone walls on both sides were inlaid with countless jade stones, which were extremely gorgeous. This is a place where Gu Yan has never been before. Obviously, what she walked through was not a normal entrance, but because of the power of Zhu Yan Mirror, it tore through the space and entered.

  The six of them didn't say a word, they rushed forward quickly, led by Gu Yan, she held the jade slip in one hand, and quickly walked through the corridor, passing through countless intersections.

   At this moment, there was a muffled sound of "flapping" from the top of the head, and a jet of black brilliance shot out from the void, covering Mingkong's body.

Mingkong was startled, Zhouyou was beside her, he flew up, blocked Mingkong with his back, and the light covered his sky-covering armor, with a sound of "Peng", Zhouyou's body Xing was hit and fell to the wall, his face suddenly pale.

  Mingkong immediately understood, she whispered: "He used the Demon God card to find our traces in the air!"

The Demon God card in Hua Yan's hand is one of the three weapons of the Demon Gate. With Mingkong and Zhouyou, the two saints and saints, they can interact with each other. Even if they drop the Tianxinhuan and the sky-covering armor, it is impossible. Hidden away.

  Ming Kong pursed his lips and said, "Let's split up, I'll lead them away!"

   (end of this chapter)

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