Immortal Formula

Chapter 517: Ambush

   Chapter 517 House of Flying Daggers

The musical instruments in the hands of the four maids made a crisp sound at the same time, and the strings on the guzheng and pipa trembled rapidly. Ming, Gu Yan's fingers quickly plucked on the bowstring of Queyue, the sharp and piercing voice, mixed with the power of the lunar yin, overwhelmingly suppressed it.

   Duanmuqing sneered, she took out a flute from her bosom, put it in front of her lips, and played it quickly. The voice was desolate and gloomy, with an incomparably strange feeling, and immediately suppressed the sound of the bowstring made by Gu Yan.

  Under her suppression, the instruments in the hands of the four maids played simultaneously, like a desolate and incomparably charming song, flying from the sky. The sea of ​​blood in the Ming Pond in front of her suddenly turned upside down. Countless blood waves rolled up layer by layer, and in the blood waves, there were countless white bones standing up. Viciously attacked Gu Yan. An aura of deathly silence came over him immediately.

The power of Taiyin released by Gu Yan was naturally restrained in this Jedi, and the sonic attack of the Queyue Bow was suppressed by Duanmuqing's chorus of music. In a blink of an eye, countless bones were scattered. When he rushed up, it seemed that he would be willing to turn her into a skeleton.

  Gu Yan kept raising her hands, countless thunderbolts exploded from her palms, and a pair of bones were shattered, but even more rushed up, killing them layer by layer. Some of them rushed out from the sea of ​​blood, and turned to attack the Jinyun Dish that was still parked not far away.

Bi Zhenzhen gritted her teeth, the rotating light cut in her hand was divided into two, two silver lights kept flying in the air, desperately resisting the attack of the bones in the air, every time the glory flew out, there must be a pair of bones across the sky. Underground, there are just too many densely packed, and it is impossible to kill them all. Every time one was killed, ten rushed up from behind, and in the blink of an eye, countless bones were scattered on the ground.

Lin Zitong and Zhu Ying both stood on the Jinyun Plate, struggling to resist. Zhuying waved the dragon and phoenix rings in her hands and tried her best to protect the square inch of the Jinyun Plate, while Lin Zitong did not. The Qingming sword in his hand is waiting for the opportunity to come out, looking for an opportunity to harvest one life after another. Every time a pair of bones was beheaded, a drop of blood would splash out of their skulls, and several people had been splashed with blood, but they still fought hard.

   Gu Yan let out a long roar and quickly rushed up from the pile of bones, such a **** battle would not work! Although their blood energy has not decreased, the other party controls the pile of bones in the sea of ​​blood in the Ming Pond, and the cycle goes on and on, and there will always be a moment when they will be exhausted. The Zhu Yanjing in her hand spun quickly, and the blue air spun and flew out, forming a huge whirlwind in the air, shaking all the bones around her, flying and landing on the Jinyun dish, saying: "This is not possible. , we're going to rush out!"

   In this Jedi, Gu Yan's magic weapon was naturally restrained, and the Jinyun dish was sucked by the sea of ​​blood in the pond, and the speed became slow, and it could no longer break out from the ground like before. At this time, she didn't dare to release the monsters in the Jiuyi Cauldron easily. The monster energy of the sea of ​​​​blood in the pond in front of her was too heavy, for fear of being swallowed into it.

   At this moment, the flute in Duanmu Qing's mouth became more and more eager to blow, and dozens of bones flew up from the blood pool, with thick blood on their bodies, and flew towards Gu Yan and others. As soon as Gu Yan raised her hand, two big thunderbolts smashed out, causing blood droplets in the air to splash around, and countless bones flying in the sky, she whispered: "You protect your head, I'll go down and take a look!"

   After she finished speaking, she jumped off the Jinyun saucer and sank into the ground like a swimming fish. Since she can't rush out from above, I will do the opposite and directly pry your foundation from below!

   The Zhu Yanjing mirror in her hand was seven roads in front, and the green energy condensed into a huge drill bit, whirling in front of it, and countless blood-colored soil splashed backwards, forming a blood mist in the air.

   Duanmuqing's expression changed when she saw Gu Yan's actions, and she shouted, "Stop her!" She played the dongxiao quickly, the bones kept rushing out of the blood pool, and she rushed towards the direction of Jin Yundie with her teeth and claws.

Bi Zhenzhen and the other three girls all gritted their teeth and held it hard. Bi Zhenzhen's face was already splattered with blood at this time, but she didn't realize it. With a shout, she chopped off the two skulls, kicked with both feet, and the shattered bones were kicked into the sky.

Two pairs of white bones rushed from left and right, Lin Zitong waved the Qingming sword to meet him, a sword pierced the waist of the white bones, the sword edge was tightly locked by the joints, and the skull grinned and waved his two big hands tightly. Jump over. The long joints scratched her ribs at once, and blood gushed out immediately.

Lin Zitong gritted his teeth as if he had never seen it before, his lips were bitten by her force, he pulled out the Qingming sword at once, and his spiritual energy was activated. On the front of her chest, a blood bead was stabbed by her sword.

   She took out two pills of medicinal pills from the magic bag, smashed them into pieces with her hands, then slapped them on the wound, gritted her teeth, turned her head and killed them again. Zhuying tightly locked a pair of white bones with the dragon and phoenix double rings, but could not kill it for a while, Lin Zitong shouted loudly, the sword edge spit out a long green light, swung it away with a sword, and immediately slammed it out of the skull. Sword cut off.

Countless bones and blood mists were flying around the Jinyun dish. A small white light had already been obscured by the sea of ​​blood in the sky at this time. She was reaping one life after another, and she was distracted to control the shield on the Jinyun dish, so as not to be pierced by the **** stalactites falling from the sky.

In the distance, the five women headed by Duanmuqing were playing music non-stop, and the waves of attacks were evacuating like turbid waves. With a very firm will, they just gritted their teeth and stood up. At this moment, they all burst out with great energy that is not commensurate with their own cultivation!

Under the ground, Gu Yan was attacking the earth like a destructive force. She could already see countless spiritual veins surging in the ground. It was cloudy, and hundreds of towering stone pillars penetrated deeply into the center of the earth, and I don't know how deep the end is. With these hundreds of stone pillars as the axis and countless spiritual veins as the network, the surrounding spiritual energy is drawn in endlessly. Turning around in the sea of ​​blood in the Ming Pond, it turned into an extremely gloomy yin and evil energy, spreading rapidly around.

  Gu Yan ruthlessly slashed forward, slashed! cut! cut! The azure energy emitted from the Zhu Yanjing mirror was like an incomparably gigantic axe, swinging forward recklessly, cutting off the spiritual veins and stone pillars that were blocking the road ahead. As long as the aura in the ground is destroyed, making the sea of ​​blood in the Ming Pond unsustainable, then this predicament can be broken.

Seeing that they were attacking with all their strength, Duanmu Qing was unable to break through the obstruction of the three girls on the Jinyun Plate, and snorted coldly, "You entangle them!" She stomped on the ground with her toes, and her figure rose quickly, the hole in her hand pointing towards With a wave, the ground below suddenly cracked open silently, and she rushed down!

The veins below are as dense as cobwebs. She dare not let Gu Yan rush to kill unscrupulously. If she really destroys this sea of ​​blood in the pond, even if she kills Gu Yan in the future, how can she explain to the Qin family who provided this place? ?

Duanmu Qing rushed into the ground, and the cyan cloak turned into a cloud of light to protect her, as if she had entered a realm of no one. In a blink of an eye, she met Gu Yan face to face. She pushed her hands forward, two cyan The semi-circular Baoguang flew up and slammed into the middle, and an incomparably chilling murderous aura rushed towards the face. Duanmu Qing shouted: "Fairy Gu, how about you try my Qingtian Jue?"

   The two quickly hit each other, the distance from each other was almost less than ten meters, and the faces on the opposite side could be clearly seen. Gu Yan had already seen two groups of cyan treasures coming together from the left and right, closing in the middle, and returning to their place of murderous intent, and her spiritual sense already felt a pain.

Gu Yan waved her hand and flicked it lightly, and the blue and white qi in the Jiuyi Ding flew up on its own, splitting to the left and right, blocking the two pieces of blue sky. Qing, snorted: "Hide!" Gui Yuan arrow flew out of the string like a flying rainbow, and quickly stabbed with a rumbling sound.

   Duanmuqing's shoulders twitched, and the cyan cloak draped over his shoulders flew up on its own, turning into a cloud of cyan light, pounced forward, and wrapped the three Guiyuan arrows in a blink of an eye.

This cloak of hers is an extremely powerful treasure for protecting the body. It contains eight kinds of Baoguang vitality of different attributes. When they are closed, there is nothing that cannot be refined or transformed. Back then, a cultivator who had formed an elixir was forcibly trapped. It was refined and died in it, and now the blue cloud light quickly closed, and suddenly eight different colors of treasure light shot up into the sky, so brilliant that it almost made people's eyes dazzle.

   There was a creaking sound in the blue light, and the three Guiyuan arrows seemed to be about to break free and rush out, but they were bound by endless power. Suddenly, Gu Yan flicked the Queyue bowstring in her hand, and there was a sound of "hum". All the spiritual energy in the space seemed to be shaken by an invisible shock, and it quickly spread around.

   On the other hand, she dodged and bullied her. In a blink of an eye, she was in front of Duanmuqing, her hands were like knives, and she slashed down towards Duanmuqing. Since this is the Jedi, no fire spirit formation can be used, so they should come face to face with a real chapter!

Duanmuqing did not expect Gu Yan to be so decisive. She said that she would throw away her magic weapon. There was only one flower in front of her. Gu Yan had already deceived herself to the front. The broken hair on the forehead suddenly flew out a few strands.

Duanmuqing's response was also very fast. She had already quickly raised a short blue staff in her hand, the top of which was the head of a giant blue bird. As soon as it was raised, countless blue mists kept flying, shrouding the two of them. in. Only the sound of "ding ding ding dong" was heard incessantly, and in the blink of an eye, the two of them had already made hundreds of blows in the air, sparks flying everywhere.

The nine-handled short blade in Gu Yan's hand had already been smashed, and the magic weapon of the Five Elements could not be used here. Although she poured the primordial energy of chaos into it, after all, the attributes of the two could not be naturally matched, and Duanmuqing couldn't use it. The Qingluan staff in her hand was restrained. At this moment, Duanmuqing stepped back and was already two feet away from Gu Yan. With a wave of the Qingluan staff in her palm, a cloud of blue light flew out, flying in the air. Blast.

Gu Yan also raised his palms at the same time, and each thunderbolt thunder light exploded in the air, annihilating each other with the blue light emitted by Duanmu Qing. At this time, Gu Yan had already retreated before the three Guiyuan arrows, and she suddenly recited the mantra, and raised her five fingers quickly. The group of blue light and three Guiyuan arrows were copied in their hands.

Immediately, it made a "click" sound like countless pieces of wood bursting. The golden light from the big hand tightly wrapped the blue light in the middle. Duanmuqing only felt that the spiritual connection between himself and the magic weapon was suddenly destroyed. Cut off, a burst of heat surged up in his chest, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

She reacted very quickly, she split her hands and threw out the flute in her hand. The nine holes kept spinning in the air, making a strange sound. The sound was shrill and almost pierced everyone's eardrums. With a shock, there was a buzzing sound in his ears, and he couldn't help loosening his hands. The azure light quickly escaped and fell on Duanmuqing's body again, turning into a cyan cloak. It's just that her face has become pale as paper at this time, there is no blood on her lips, and she stares at Gu Yan with extremely vicious eyes.

   The flute that she threw out had already become torn apart, and the big hand that Gu Yan had transformed into the air was holding the three Guiyuan arrows tightly at this time, and the three long arrows actually changed on their own in the air.

Gu Yan stood there quietly. In this critical situation, she felt a sense of emptiness in her heart, and her mind kept circulating in her mind. After the middle stage of promotion, she still had no time. She calmed down and realized and stabilized her state, but today in this very dangerous place, her state of mind actually has the stance of breaking through. This is truly true and does not lie in foreign objects. She responds purely to her own mana and supernatural powers. She suddenly let out a long whistle, and her big hands in the air joined together. The three Guiyuan Arrows condensed into one body in the air, and then the shape changed rapidly.

   Layers of white awns flickered rapidly, and the strong lunar power kept stirring, as if it was about to take shape in just a moment, but it didn't knot, as if waiting for something.

At this moment, Duanmuqing also saw that Gu Yan seemed to have made a breakthrough again. She was at a threshold where her state of mind was about to be broken but not broken. As soon as she gritted her teeth, she rushed forward, shaking her shoulders, and the cyan cloud light on her shoulders. Flying towards the surroundings, it immediately made a mess of the surrounding earth veins. Countless spiritual veins were cut off by her, and the entire sea of ​​blood in the pond overturned.

   Countless blood water poured into the ground, and all the bones of the forest retreated at once, and the pressure around Bi Zhenzhen and others suddenly lightened. Duanmuqing twitched his lips and shouted, "Play the sound of the gods!"

The faces of the four women changed. At the same time, they raised the musical instruments in their hands, and a shrill music sounded suddenly. Duanmuqing also made a shrill whistling sound at the same time. In the big hole, pieces of gravel collapsed and shot into the air. The stalactite wall above crashed down, and countless blood splashed in the sky.

   And those bones that quickly retreated into the sea of ​​blood spun around in the pond, turning into countless white bone arrows that pierced the ground quickly. In an instant, the thick layer of soil and stone on the ground was pierced, and countless bone arrows covered the sky and covered the ground, shooting towards the square-inch land centered on Gu Yan.

Gu Yan stood there, countless golden lights flickering around her, and the murals she saw in the secret stone room flashed through her mind quickly, and the words came from nowhere. What came from here came to her mind, and she suddenly realized something, and let out a long whistle, like a nine-day blue bird, making a very clear and long cry, and people were very light and quickly turned in circles in the flat ground, countless people. The golden light sprinkled down like a goddess scattered flowers. And that big hand had already tightly grasped a golden long sword in the air.

Gu Yan smiled a little, "With the power of Taiyin, this sword can be called 'Tai'ah'!" She chanted the name of the sword in a deep voice, then took the long sword and swung it into the air. The golden glow shone and flew through the sky like a long rainbow through the sky. Under the light, countless bones rustled and fell, as if darkness met the rising sun, and were mercilessly crushed to pieces.

  Gu Yan couldn't help but want to laugh out loud, all laws return to the original, all phenomena return to one, this is the original form of the return arrow! This is the gathering of the power of Taiyin, the treasure of the eternal demon. Otherwise, how could it be placed in the underground palace by the seven great devils at that time, Yongzhen Shengling, suppressing the primordial spirit of the devil Yan Yuan? Under this sea of ​​blood in the pond, the spirituality of Guiyuan Arrow was completely stimulated, and with Gu Yan's golden light forbidden method, it became this Tai A sword under the combination of chaotic vitality!

The    long sword was swung, and the ding dong sound of the bell and pendant sounded, and the bone arrows that pierced the ground were all swept into powder by Gu Yan's sword, and then she stepped on the Zhu Yan mirror and rushed forward from the ground.

The azure energy spewed from the twelve beast heads, like 12 azure dragons, guarded her and was invincible under the ground. Gu Yan raised his sword and slashed, but after a few counts, most of the underground spiritual veins had been cut off. , the whole sea of ​​blood seems to be poured down.

   Duanmuqing knew that it was impossible, so she rushed up quickly. If Gu Yan really emptied the entire underground of the Ming Pond, the consequences would be unimaginable. She flew under the Ming Pond, and a piece of bright red jade talisman in her hand had been raised, and she quickly swiped the magic formula, and the huge sea of ​​blood in the Ming Pond slowly stabilized.

And Gu Yan has no intention of entanglement with her. The most important thing is to rush out of this place as soon as possible. She cut off several spiritual veins in the ground, leaving Duanmuqing no time to care about it. Surrounded by a white light, it avoided the sea of ​​​​blood in the Ming Pond at an extremely fast speed, and rushed forward again. According to the previous strategy, they will open up a road from the ground, and then break through the Seven Jedi and leave Cloud Broken Cliff!

Nan Xianzi stood in the air, watching the clouds surging under the ground, the **** aura rushing toward her face, her face was tensed, and she couldn't see a trace of expression, and suddenly saw countless bone fragments flying out of the ground. Then the whole earth trembled rapidly, and dozens of surrounding peaks rose up at the same time. She couldn't help but angrily said: "What is Duanmuqing doing, why can't even the sea of ​​blood in Mingchi be trapped?"

   At this time, a disciple outside came to report quickly, "Palace Dugu, the master of Changqing Palace, has already gone outside the Broken Cloud Cliff."

Nanxianzi said coldly: "Let her come in and tell her that Duanmuqing can't stand it anymore, and I will preside over the Jedi arrangement above. If the Evergreen Palace can't contribute, then tell her, the benefits after the event will also be No part of them!"

Dugu Yuerong, the second palace lord of Changqing Palace, looks to be a younger and more beautiful woman than Duanmuqing. She has extremely fair skin, but she wears a black cloak, as if she wants to hide all her body there. Inside the big cloak. But she had layers of murderous intent on her face, and when she heard the envoy sent by Fairy Nan tactfully relay her words, she just snorted coldly and asked, "Where are they now?"

The messenger pointed down tremblingly. Dugu Yuerong turned around and rushed into the ground. Her hands were raised rapidly at the same time. There was a small magic weapon in the palm of her hand, which was a piece of nine small trees tied by ropes. She threw her hands down, and nine huge wooden stakes pierced into the ground and slammed into the ground. Countless gravels were agitated by her and flew around, and Dugu Yuerong quickly rushed into the ground.

Gu Yan was rushing forward on the Jinyun Plate, and felt an incomparably huge pressure on the top of her head. She quickly raised the Zhu Yanjing mirror and greeted her. Twelve cyan dragons roared and rushed forward. Then I heard a "bang", smoke and dust were everywhere, and nine huge wooden stakes descended quickly, trapping the twelve giant dragons in the middle. They let out low-pitched roars at the same time, soaring and changing in the air, but how could they not escape this encirclement.

  Bi Zhenzhen whispered: "It's the Dragon Pillar! This is the Dugu Palace Master of the Changqing Palace!"

The nine wooden stakes just landed on the surrounding nine palaces, locking the direction of their advance and retreat. The ground silently cracked a large gap, and a figure quickly descended from the air. Deep in the ground, a man wearing a black cloak, The whole body is hidden in the cloak, and only a pair of girls with bright eyes are exposed, looking at the four with cold eyes, "Today, none of you can be born out of this place!"

   (end of this chapter)

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