Immortal Formula

Chapter 819: injured, in distress

   Chapter 819 Injured, Distressed

   They were stopped by the forbidden law at the edge of the secret realm of Tiangang, and they were shaken back to their original place, but the three big demons were chasing the crystal coffin flying in the air at this time, and they had no time to take care of the two of them.

   Gu Yan was startled immediately, "Xiao Fang, you have figured it out!"

He had long known that Fang Shuo was a daring and careful person, but he never thought that he would be so courageous that he dared to pull his teeth out of a tiger's mouth. In front of the three great demons, even three Gu Yanjia When he got up, he probably only had to escape for his life. He actually wanted to steal this crystal coffin!

Fang Shuo said in a low voice, "In my hand, I have a magic talisman bestowed by the master's sect, which can travel thousands of miles in an instant. Although there is only one left, it is not a big problem to break the forbidden magic here. The key is, Can you block a full blow from the three of them. Just once!"

Gu Yan's heart couldn't help thumping up. It seemed that after conceiving her baby, she became more stable in her actions. The risky actions of the year have gradually become less and less. Fang Shuo's words are again. Aroused her deep blood.

She quickly calculated in her heart that the ten-year appointment of the Demon Sect was approaching, and the war was about to break out. At this time, the three major demons came to Ziluo Gorge not far away to take this crystal coffin. Obviously, This crystal coffin is of great use to them. Maybe it will become a decisive factor in the future Dao and Demon War. At this time, it is good to be able to destroy the opponent's strength.

   Thinking of this, she said categorically: "Okay!"

   Fang Shuo's pair of thick eyebrows spread out towards the surroundings, and a smile appeared on his face, "I knew that your courage is definitely not that small!"

  Gu Yan couldn't help laughing, she couldn't help but tap Fang Shuo's forehead, "You forgot who saved you when you were in the Sword Washing Pond!"

   Fang Shuo grinned, showing a set of white teeth, like a boy next door, looking very embarrassed.

  Gu Yan whispered: "I will use the Seven Treasures Golden Pillar as your rear palace, you robbed the crystal coffin, we will leave immediately!"

  Fang Shuo nodded. He folded his hands together and stood in front of his chest. A faint golden light floated up on his body as he whispered the magic formula.

   Gu Yan said in surprise, "Have you cultivated the Vajra Indestructible Dharma Body not long after you conceived a baby?"

The so-called "Vajra Indestructible Dharma Body" is a unique secret technique of the Vajra Gate. It is a secret method that they pass on as a body cultivator to refine the Nascent Soul, such as the Dan cultivator like the Dan Ding School, or the sword cultivator like the Tibetan Sword Villa. , cannot be learned. After cultivating the Vajra Indestructible Dharmakaya, they can emerge from the body and become the second primordial spirit, which is much stronger than the primordial infants cultivated by ordinary primordial cultivators.

Fang Shuo shook his head, "How can I be so powerful, and I haven't found a prosthesis that can be repaired to a vajra body, and now I can barely keep my mind and mind together." His face suddenly became extremely solemn, "Prepare! "

At this time, Zhan Ruochen and others no longer cared about Gu Yan. The three of them joined forces and naturally did not feel that Gu Yan had any concerns. Although Gu Yan was in the celestial pole, he used the fire spirit baby to shatter Mrs. Han. The blood spirit and divine light caused her to be severely damaged, but after all, there were still a large number of Nascent Soul cultivators helping her at that time. Now, with the strength of her and Fang Shuo, they are definitely not the opponents of the three of them. All their energy was concentrated on the crystal coffin that was flying in the air.

   Mrs. Han launched the forbidden law, and a blood-colored mask appeared in the air, which was no different from the blood-spirit mysterious mask she urged back then. Gu Yan and Fang Shuo were blocked by this layer of mask at the edge of the secret realm of Tiangang, and they were blocked behind.

And the crystal coffin, after being cut off by the thousands of bloodshots connected to the ground with the sword of the fifth division of the building, is like a goshawk and a bird that has lost its bondage, soaring in the air, several times towards the sky. He rushed straight, but was stopped by the Xue Lingxuan mask. The blood in the sky turned the crystal coffin that was originally transparent into a blood-red color, and Mrs. Han shouted: "Old monster Lou, you protect the law for me!"

The Fifth Master Lou let out a low roar, and on his body, countless golden awns stood up, and eagle feathers appeared in front of him again. The one that covered the sky and the sun on the wings protected Mrs. Han in it.

   Mrs. Han chanted the magic formula in a low voice. Behind her, a blood-colored shadow slowly rose, and suddenly in the sky, a blood-colored beam of light fell across the sky.

Like a river of blood in the sky, it was poured out, the blood-colored beam of light as thick as several people embracing a big tree, pierced through the sky and shot straight down, like a long rainbow penetrating the sun, and shot at the crystal coffin all at once. superior. With a bang, the originally stable crystal coffin suddenly vibrated strongly. Gu Yan keenly saw that thin cracks had appeared on the crystal coffin.

   Zhan Ruochen shouted, "Come again!"

Mrs. Han shouted: "Fall!" The second blood-colored beam of light descended again, and Zhan Ruochen was already flying from the side. In the air, two big hands with bony bones appeared, firmly holding the crystal coffin. bottom.

Above the sky, the blood-colored beams of light kept descending one after another, slamming down the crystal coffin desperately, while Zhan Ruochen held the crystal coffin firmly with two big hands, and a huge earthquake came. , The entire Tiangang secret realm vibrated extremely violently, and the layer of blood spirit mysterious mask was smashed to pieces several times.

   At this time, the three of them didn't care about Gu Yan and Fang Shuo who were standing in the distance.

   Gu Yan said thoughtfully, "Xiao Fang, do you know what is the use of them taking the body of the Heavenly Demon Lord?"

   Fang Shuo shook his head and said, "I don't know, but this time, my master also asked me to come to the secret realm of Tiangang, saying that there is something I need here, but I didn't explain what it was."

Gu Yan frowned and said, "Master Wudi is one of the Six Great Yuan Empresses, with Taoism and profound knowledge, so he hides his head and shows his tail when he speaks. In such a dangerous situation, if you don't make it clear, you don't want to let people step on it on purpose. Are you in danger?"

   She complained, and suddenly felt that it was not necessarily disrespectful to say these words in front of Fang Shuo, so she stopped and smiled apologetically at Fang Shuo.

  Fang Shuo also smiled, his snow-white teeth lining his somewhat dark face, he was very good-looking, he whispered: "Actually, I think so too."

Gu Yan was stunned for a moment, then he laughed loudly, and said with a smile: "Master Wuji will know the wonderful truth, naturally it will not happen without a trace, I'm afraid there is something that can't be said clearly. I'm afraid you are too much. Being too persistent has fallen victim to your inner demon."

  Fang Shuo nodded, "I always feel that this crystal coffin is very important, maybe my chance this time should be here, I'll grab it and try it!"

Although the two have been separated for a hundred years, seeing him again this time is as if there is no barrier at all. After seeing him, Gu Yan felt as if he saw his brother's family. He felt very cordial, although times have changed , both of them have already married and become one of the top characters in Cang Wuzhi, but the relationship between the two is still the same as when they first met in the Sword Washing Pond.

At this time, the crystal coffin was full of cracks, and it seemed that it would shatter immediately. The fifth division of Lou had left Mrs. Han at this time, and he swung the giant sword again, countless blood lights mixed with sword energy. , and chopped it down fiercely towards the crystal coffin.

With a sudden blow, after the giant sword was slashed onto the crystal coffin, countless blood qi followed the cracks inside and quickly sank in. The entire giant sword was quietly annihilated in the air without a trace, and on the crystal coffin, Like thousands of blood-colored flowers blooming, Zhan Ruochen shouted, "Back off!"

The three quickly stepped back, leaving an open space of dozens of feet in the middle. At this time, there was a loud "bang", and the crystal coffin had burst open in the air, and the sky suddenly turned into a sky. In the sea of ​​blood, even Gu Yan was blinded.

   At this moment, Fang Shuo's figure suddenly flashed, and he disappeared in front of Gu Yan, Gu Yan said, "Be careful!"

Fang Shuo's entire body was already rushing towards the center of the sea of ​​blood like an arrow from the string. Around his body, a faint golden light was shrouded in it. The **** light in the sky couldn't actually penetrate his body. In the blink of an eye, he had already deceived him to the center where the crystal coffin was originally located. He took out a small black wooden box from his arms and threw it upwards. After the crystal coffin burst, it miraculously stayed in place without being damaged in the slightest. It became extremely small, and it kept spinning in the air, as if it was about to be sucked into the small wooden box.

  The fifth division of Lou roared: "You are bold!" He pushed his wings and rushed towards the sky, with a sharp whistling sound from his mouth, and the root of the carved feathers stood up and fell towards Fang Shuo like a rain of arrows in the sky.

   At this moment, the pale golden light that enveloped Fang Shuo's whole body skyrocketed at the same time, and when the ten thousand carved feathers pierced Fang Yuan's body several meters, they could no longer penetrate and fell one after another.

Zhan Ruochen narrowed his eyes and said, "This kid is a disciple of King Kong Sect, he has already obtained the true inheritance of that old guy Wuji, and his King Kong's indestructible body has been repaired by at least 50%. Mrs. Han, you attack directly with your blood and divine light. His soul!"

Mrs. Han sneered and flew up. She shook her hands in the air, and countless blood-colored rays of light burst out. Fang Shuo only felt that his mind was stabbed by ten thousand needles. The golden light around his body dissipated immediately, and the small wooden box in his hand Unable to hold it any longer, he let go and threw it away.

   At this time, a seven-colored light banner has descended from the sky, Gu Yan came over the seven-treasure golden banner, and shouted: "Come on!"

  Fang Shuo still couldn't block the attack of the three great devils with the talisman body protection given by Wuji, and took away the body of the gods and gods.

   The seven-colored flames covered the sky, and they had already covered their bodies. Gu Yan glanced at the dharma body that was still in the air, and stretched out one hand, trying to grab it. But a yin qi came along, and the body actually stopped in the air, unable to be grabbed by her at all.

  The fifth master of the building laughed loudly: "Two little babies, the secret method of my holy door, with the holy position of the Nine Heavens, how could you be able to drag it away with a single hand?"

  Gu Yan's reaction was extremely fast, she couldn't grasp it with one hand, and several daggers flew out from the palm of her hand. These few thunderbolts, which were pinched by her with the seven congenital fires of her own body, were re-trained in the Jiuyi Cauldron. The power was extremely amazing. Countless arcs suddenly exploded in the air. The aura came back with it.

   What shocked Gu Yan even more was that under such a strong explosion, the body of the law was still not damaged in the slightest, but there were countless black marks on the body.

  The Fifth Master Lou said angrily: "Are you going to die? Don't let everyone be buried with you!"

When Gu Yan threw the dry sky thunderbolt, she turned around and flew into the sky, and behind her, there was a muffled sound, as if the whole earth was sinking, she raised her head and looked at it. The sky above my head seemed to change color in an instant. A dark cloud came from nowhere, and it has covered the entire Tiangang secret realm.

  The Fifth Master Lou said angrily: "You have nothing to do with thunderbolts, which has attracted countless robbery clouds, are you looking for death?"

At this moment, Gu Yan suddenly realized that in the secret realm of Tiangang, it was not only Fairy Yunshang who laid down forbidden laws, but also the Heavenly Demon Lord, whose body was suppressed here, also set up a formation here to protect it. with his own legal body. No wonder his Dharma body can be stored here for ten thousand years without the slightest damage.

   This Great Demon Venerable, one of the Seven Great Demon Venerables, is actually able to evolve countless tribulation clouds here!

   Fang Shuo's face turned pale at this time, he pushed Gu Yan with one hand, "Go away, leave me alone!"

  Gu Yan grabbed his wrist firmly, like an iron hoop, making him unable to move at all, and said coldly: "Isn't it Jieyun, it may not hurt me!"

The flames, which were divided into seven layers, rose from her body at this time, like a colorful pagoda, and rose to the sky in a blink of an eye. go.

   The Seven Treasures Golden Pagoda, which can attack the mountains and the seas, and guard against the innate catastrophe, finally showed its full power at this moment!

  Zhan Ruochen couldn't help sighing in his heart, as long as Gu Yan has this treasure to protect her body, there are not many people who can kill her in the entire Cangwu. Even if the three of them join forces, they can seriously injure her at most, but they still won't be able to take her life.

The Bi Luoyan at the top, under Gu Yan's control, suddenly condensed into a thin line of fire, breaking through the air, and the boundless robbery cloud was immediately pierced by Gu Yan, and countless white arcs were The space around Gu Yan exploded, and the flames that covered the sky and the sun were scattered. Gu Yan snorted, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

But that layer of boundless tribulation clouds had also been shattered by her. At this time, the fire of the dry sky on the sixth layer had already flown, and the bright yellow flames of incomparably clear and transparent collided with the tribulation thunder that fell from the sky. , the two dispelled the bait in an instant, and Gu Yan had already burst out of the air, escaping into the distance.

  Zhan Ruochen didn't chase after them. The three of them were still trying their best to deal with the dharma body.

After being thrown out by Gu Yan, the space around the dharma body seemed to collapse in an instant, the earth sank down several meters deep in an instant, and the incomparably turbulent demonic energy surged upwards, as if To submerge the entire Tiangang secret realm. Mrs. Han exclaimed: "Could it be caused..." She and Zhan Ruochen flew up at the same time, rushing towards the center of the demonic energy. The belt on Mrs. Han's body flew fast, floating in the air like a thousand purples and a thousand reds, and quickly rolled towards the body.

   And Zhan Ruochen's two big hands with bones, it is even more necessary to firmly hold the Dharma body in the palm.

But at this time, under the ground, it was like a boiling big iron pot, and countless bubbles rushed up, and the strong impact force made the two of them, almost a little unstable, and fell straight to the outside. go out.

   The two of them firmly stabilized their bodies in the air, Zhan Ruochen put away his hands, and a pair of palms were covered with red blisters. And that Dharma body, at this time, had already fallen into the ground and didn't know where to go.

   He said in shock: "The fire of ten thousand years of candle yin is so powerful!"

Mrs. Han said lightly: "Both are extremely yin fires, and they are mutually reinforcing. This is the yin fire left by the Great Demon Venerable thousands of years ago. It is not surprising that it can suppress your white bone fire. It's just that this Dharma-respecting body, is it being sucked into... Formation?"

She and Zhan Ruochen looked at each other, both of them showed horrified eyes at the same time, Zhan Ruochen said: "I guess not, I haven't heard of the secret realm of Tiangang, which is connected with that place. Besides, the big city lord, not Are you going there, where the eye is, to get the thing he wants?"

   The voices of the two of them were so low that Gu Yan, who had already fled away, did not hear their voices at all.

At this time, the fifth division of Lou was already flying from the outside. The three of them stood together and watched helplessly as the dharma bodies that were descending as the ground subsided, had all fallen into the deep demonic energy. I don't know. Where is it being sucked in. They are all a little helpless.

   This kind of demonic energy that has accumulated for thousands of years and is extremely turbulent, even if they are demon-ranked characters who have cultivated to the middle stage of Nascent Soul, they are not sure that they will dare to advance lightly.

   Lou Fifth Division clenched his fists and said, "How could this happen?"

Zhan Ruochen said in a deep voice, "It's as simple as we thought before, that woman threw a thunderbolt, and as a result, the aura that was originally maintaining the stability of the place collapsed abruptly, touching the original central formation. The channel connected by the law, the body of the gods and gods, was sucked into the deepest part of the formation by itself."

   Mrs. Han also put away her charming smile and sighed, "Originally, we were divided into two groups, the differences were clear, and we did not offend each other. Now, do you still need to find his help?"

  Zhan Ruochen snorted coldly and said, "Why not? He wants the demon card of the Holy Gate, so he has to pay some price, right?"

  Lou Fifth Master said bitterly: "It's these two little dolls, it's a big deal! If I see them again, I must peel them and swallow them, so that I can vent the hatred in my heart!"

Zhan Ruochen sneered: "As long as you are still in the Ziluo Gorge, there will always be a chance for you. Don't worry, even if you can't kill her this time, it will definitely make her suffer a big loss!" He raised his head, his eyes revealed With a gloomy look, "That old guy can't always stand by and watch the fun and just want to get the benefits. This time, he should do it himself, right?"

The three of them stood here, gossiping, and the Tiangang secret realm in front of them has collapsed piece by piece. no longer in front of the world.

Gu Yanyu flew the seven-treasure golden banner flying at an extremely fast speed. In a blink of an eye, he had already escaped hundreds of miles away. At this moment, he felt as if his strength was about to run out, and he fell into a valley and put the seven-treasure golden banner away. I just feel that my whole body seems to be a little out of strength, and I can't even move a little finger.

Where she landed was a very low-lying valley. The valley was dry and waterless, and there was only a dry river crossing things. Gu Yan sat down on the edge of the river and groaned: "It's amazing. Great Demon Venerable, none of them are simple characters."

She simply flattened her body on the grass, and it seemed that pain radiated from every crack in her bones. Gu Yan took out a few snow melting pills and stuffed them into her mouth, which made her feel better, and turned back and said: " Xiaofang, how do you feel?"

  Gu Yan was taken aback when he saw Fang Shuo. His dark face turned a very strange bright red, and his breathing became rapid.

  Gu Yan reached out and tried his forehead, "Why is it so hot?"

   His current situation is a bit like a mortal being sick. However, since the cultivator's Qi-refining period, he has been able to channel the vitality of the heavens and the earth into his body, and he will not suffer from all kinds of diseases. As a Yuanying cultivator, Fang Shuo, how could this happen?

   Fang Shuo said in a low voice, "I was struck by the divine light of the blood spirit, which broke the Vajra body that I cultivated. The blood light entered the body and lingered, and this happened."

Gu Yan first took out a few Snow Melting Pills and shoved them into his mouth before saying, "You were really careless, even if you were going to steal that dharma body, how could you be injured by Mrs. Han? But wait for a headache!"

Fang Shuo listened to her somewhat reproachful, but concerned tone, and felt very ironic in his heart, and grinned: "It's okay, it's not a serious injury, but the Vajra body that I cultivated is damaged. , affects the original essence of the body, as long as you have a few months of practice, you can recover. The big deal, it will take a hundred years of hard work in the future."

  Gu Yan was taken aback, "Why, so powerful?"

Fang Shuo said: "The techniques we practice at the Vajra Gate are all tied to our own Dharma body. When we can cultivate the Nascent Soul to be as strong as our own Dharma body, then we have achieved the Vajra body. If the Dharma body is not damaged, the practice method can be completed. This time I cultivated into the Yuan Ying, and the master sent me out to walk around, also to find the opportunity to cultivate the vajra body without damaging it. It is just that the law body is broken, it is extremely difficult to repair, my vajra body is not yet. Achievement, she used the blood and divine light to directly enter this house, hurting the primordial spirit, if you want to repair it, you must spend a lot of energy, after returning to the mountain, it will take more than a hundred years of effort to make up for it completely."

   Gu Yan smiled and said, "That's what you asked for!"

   (end of this chapter)

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