Immortal Formula

Chapter 912: outline

   Chapter 912 Outline

  Volume 11 - What about being alone in the world

  Gu Yan went to the Yuxu Palace, saw the three ancestors for the first time, entered the immeasurable jade bi and went out, in exchange for Gu Yan's concubine's nine-turn real art, he came to the conclusion. The owner of the lotus pond left a verse.

   Take away Yue Yu, and learn the last three chapters of the Nine-Turn of the Young Lady, a total of twelve changes, which are in harmony with the Nine-Turn Golden Body Art, the ancient profound art! Upon learning of the Shenzhou incident, Yue Yu recalled that the Gu family was at its peak, and Lin Ying was taken to Cangwu.

   Deciphering the verse, Gu Yan entered the Lotus Mountain, and under the moonlight of the lotus pond, Gu Yan gained five spiritual qi.

When    met Yan Huan again and led out the Yellow Daoist, the situation was different, and the feeling of seeing him during Foundation Establishment and Nascent Soul did not change. Steal the old bones? The Yellow Daoist, the overhaul of the Spirit Transformation Stage, brought Yue Yu to and from the Celestial Pole. Gu Yan was shocked when he noticed the Xuantian spirit root in Gu Yan's body! Let Gu Yan go back to China to find the answer.

  Fang Shuo met at the border, killed with Momen, fought Xiao Moran, and the Momen chased and killed, Gu Yan was puzzled. Encountered by Su Manjian and Zhang Daniu, came to meet him, killed two Yuan Yings, escaped, lost, and accidentally fell into the ** Valley, Gu Yan found Dan Zhu! Together with the big city lord, the two demons are present. Yan Huan was in a coma, and Gu Yan found out. Kill the eighth-order monster.

  The guardian fled, Gu Yan took the blood of the spirit beast, chased and killed again, rescued Yan Huan and told the secret, took the stubbed root to verify, Gu Yan guessed the secret of Xuantian's spirit root. The demon ancestor attacked, and it was found that he was carrying the secret of Xuantian Linggen, and both sides were hurt. Learned: the core of the Dao and Demon Wars! The key to unlock the space node! The secret back then was obtained by Yan Yuan, and Zi Mo wanted to use it to open up the spirit and demon world. Yan Yuan made an agreement with Xuanmen, and Zi Mo killed him! A few years later, when the demon ancestor was about to be completed, Gu Yan felt that the danger was coming.

   In the melee, Gu Yan met Danzhu and joined forces with Zhang Daniu to destroy him. In the old days, Tianzhu took away the small half-spiritual root, and the ancient battlefield was besieged and killed, and fell into the hands of the Danding faction. To feed them with the blood of spirit beasts.

Zhan Jun (the fourth son of Zhan Ruochen, a member of the Danding faction, with a low status and high ability) wanted to take revenge, and started a blood sacrifice formation in Lingyun Gorge. Also appeared, shocked! This place is where Zi Mo was seriously injured back then! Lu Xiao didn't know. At the same time, he shot at Zhan Jun.

  The Soviet side was regarded as a traitor, and the crowd was so angry that they wanted to kill them. The anger and savings poured out. Huayan took action and Yudi was arrested in Yuxu Palace. Combined with the premise of the retreat of the previous nine factions, Cangwu Sanxiu was dissatisfied, and the situation was going to be in chaos. If it is revealed, the secrets of the Danding faction, the secrets of the Yuxu Palace (withdrawing, in order to maintain the connection with the demons, the nine factions are high above, disdain the loose cultivators, and set fire to the fire), the rationality of the war between Dao and demons will be subverted The entire Cangwu situation. Back then, when the Dao and Demon War was secret, Xuanmen used disgraceful means to collude with Zhanjia to rebel against the water, and Zimo was defeated. If it is revealed, the image of the Great Heavenly Venerate will collapse. Gu Yan came back and wanted to uncover the truth. The Danding faction remained silent and did not come to the meeting. People do not allow it, words need to take into account the overall situation. The Yuan Ying wanted to sacrifice the two of them. Ye Yunting was furious!

   Yuxu Palace suppressed this matter, and Gu Yan went straight to the Infinite Pond! The questioning is meaningless, and the truth is revealed before the scattered cultivators, but the people do not believe it.

   Gu Yanjue is sad, the road is his own, can he sacrifice the truth for the benefit of many people? In this world, people who do good deeds deserve justice! I may be selfish or ruthless, but I have my own way, which cannot be trampled on! That being the case, what about the world alone! Borrowing the golden robe to break into the Infinite Pond, the white dragon fish transformed into a talisman to remove the formation, awakening Fang Shuo.

   Sylvia Lin and Du Que came to help. The two sides fought against Tianzhu Peak, stirring up the golden lotus vision. Gu Yan took advantage of the chaos to rescue the two and escaped. Bixia Sect and Cangjian Villa fully supported her. The scattered cultivators besieged her and broke through the siege. There were casualties, Juxian Village? Some people began to believe in the truth, and Cangwu was in complete chaos. Escaped from Tianyun Prefecture and wanted to return to the south, Hua Yan personally took action to intercept him, seeking blood. When the three ancestors attacked, Huayan used the power of heaven to resist, and the situation was completely out of control. Mengdingshan was in a scuffle, questioning her without meaning, and Gu Yan reprimanded her for being hypocritical. Heaven is impermanent, world events are unpredictable, I only stick to my own way! chaos. Gu Yan was trapped in the Wanfa bronze furnace and saw through Huayan's identity. Jiuyi Cauldron collapsed, and everyone fought for spiritual roots. In the chaos, Gu Yan sucked the spiritual energy and wanted to escape. The master of the six peaks besieged him, and the teacher of Yan Huan let him live. recast. The secret of Gu Yan's spiritual roots was revealed. Huayan finally decided to rebel against the nine factions and join forces with the Demon Gate to reveal his identity, the big city master! The third ancestor of Yuxu was beaten in the face, and the troubled times of Cangwu came.

  The way back was cut off, everyone fled north, the demon gate was besieging and blocking, splitting up and fleeing north, Gu Yan was subdued, killed Xiao Moran, and Lu Youge fled. To the extreme north, I met Zhouyou, Yuetaki, met Du Fangye and others, Ye noticed the relationship between Luoyunzong and Longyuan Pavilion, Guyan Luoyunzong saw the lotus pond and entered a tour, and now there are twelve changes in Xuanling, Guiding the extreme north, Gu Yan noticed his relationship with the monster world. Chuangtian Ridge! Companions: Du Que, Zhou You, Fang Shuo, Sylvia Lin. Traveling identity? Trapped in the Black Dragon Swamp, Xuantian Linggen sucked the breath of the dragon, Gu Yan noticed that it was related to the monster? In the latter part, the Mountain of Ten Thousand Beasts, the pit of the bones of ancient mythical beasts, the owner of the lotus pond secretly pushed his hand. Trapped in Zhuxiantai, everyone was separated. Activate the bloodline and escape the catastrophe. Trapped for nineteen years. Induction, the Haotian Jian opens automatically, and the Four Treasures of Refining God show their power. The origin of the Eight Wildernesses, the descendants of the Taihao family, who share the same clan as Xiehou, guard the secrets of the ancient inheritance, and violated the ancestral teachings. Zhuxiantai was destroyed, Gu Yan returned to Shenzhou, the purple ink jade box opened automatically, looking for the inheritance of the magic door, Gu Yan went to Luodi, and met the descendants of the Gu family.

   At that time, everyone had formed elixir and preached in the Gu family. Characters appeared in Shenzhou, the Demon Gate was revived, Luodi was at its peak, the Shangqing Palace was destroyed a few times, and Mingyan Pavilion recalled the past and kept it empty. Yue, Song and others appeared. Gu Yan killed the demon cultivator, fought the battle, repelled the three demons, went straight to the Haixin Palace to obtain the remnant spirit of the demon ancestor, assimilated it with Zhu Yaojing, and permanently suppressed the demon cave. It was found that Zhouyou was trapped, revealed his life experience, the son of the devil, and gathered the power of Shenzhou. Gu Yan returned to the country of Yue and searched for Gu's bloodline in the Red Leaf Valley. The giant bird appeared again, awakening Gu Yan's five-pointed star. The blood vessels are almost awakened, only the last step is complete.

  The Gu family left the country of Yue, and the Taiyi family Lin Jiaxiu was in power, remembering the old things. Shenzhou established Bixiazong branch. Huayan came after him with the Demon God Card, and ordered Cangwu Demon Cultivator to obtain the Guyan Star Map. Divine Demon Cultivator splits and fights. The secret of the ascension of the hidden sword, the enlightenment left by the star map for it. All the people appeared, and after a series of battles, Shenzhou turned into ruins, Gu Yan decided to escape into Jiutianya, opened the teleportation array again, and returned to the ruins. Help Gu Xichao to have a baby. See Yuan Zheng, Lin Nan and others again. Lin Nan is married. There is a female forest bamboo. Enter the Kunyuan, discover the mystery of the beast (useful for Dafeichuan in the future), and take away the bone dragon that lived here in the past. Re-enter the stone room of the master of the return to the ruins, open the treasure cave, and reveal the secret of the three people's encirclement and suppression of Xuan Ting. Collecting the residual spirit, Ning Fengzi restores his memory, Zhu Yanjing restores his soul, and the third fairy is born! The road to the sky needs to be opened with twelve top-quality spirit stones, returning to a passage left by the owner of the ruins. With the help of Rong Hua, nine fire tempered for eighty-one years, the nine-turn golden body art has been completed, the Taixuan art has been upgraded, the bloodline has been awakened, the chaotic space has changed again, and the twelve transformations of the true spirit have been cultivated. Double avatar. The supernatural powers are boundless, in the late stage of promotion! Du Que turned on the jade plate, and the two lights merged into one. Join forces to kill Hua Yan!

  The owner of the returning ruins left behind a formation that linked the two places, and Gu Yan used this to return.

   Wen Nanqin returned, but learned that Gu Yan had returned to Cangwu.

  Volume 12 - The Road to Heaven

   Obtained the Demon God card and ordered the group to repair. The strength of borrowing the card crossed the ridge of the sky again, and brought everyone back to Xuhai, and returned to Cangwu. It was already two points. The Tibetan Sword Villa was forced to ask about the whereabouts of the star map.

   Re-enter Tianzhu Peak, peek through the mystery of the golden lotus, open the star map, the secret realm of Little Kunlun, and the bimu yuanjing is used to connect the space nodes. The Demon Ancestor and the Third Ancestor of Yuxu joined forces and wanted to trap Gu Yan. The Third Ancestor turned blood and died. The first space node was opened. Only the spiritual body could pass, and Ning Fengzi flew up! Gu Yan became the leader of Xuanmen. After several battles, the last battlefield, he returned to the South China Sea, pursued the last relic of Zimo, collected Feitian Yaksha, slaughtered Zhu Zidao, opened the twelve Yuanying puppets, and the twelve true spirits controlled the twelve puppets separately. , Take out the soul stone in the puppet, the top-quality spirit stone! Single-player evolution to kill the sky! All the world worship. Bixiazong alone shocked Cangwu. Re-determining the situation, Tianji is divided into two points, east and west are repaired, and Gu Yan becomes the first person in Cangwu! Returning to the city of five colors, collecting the nine mysteries, Gu Yan's bloodline awakened, Longyuan Pavilion returned to his heart, and opened the road to the sky. The identity of the owner of Guixu, the messenger who guarded the blood of the year, the star map, the road to the sky left behind in the past. The bloodline of the divine beast suppressed by the spiritual world was distributed to various places. Gu Yan opened the nine seals, and the bloodline was awakened!

   Entering the extreme northern glaciers, Dafeichuan, Li Fujian Bingru, the Beast King Talisman obtained by Kunyuan is compatible with the Tiger King, and the Tiger King recognizes the master! The axis of the earth, ask Tianlu to smelt the original essence, transform the gods! Reply to Phoenix Bloodline! The Four Huashen opened the Lingxiao Palace and fought a battle. Gu Yan won.

  Gu Yan's true identity, the bloodline of the ancient phoenix, is compatible with humans! With two bloodlines and serious injuries on his shoulders, the journey to the immortal world will be extremely difficult and dangerous.

  Before the road to the sky, everyone worshipped. The choice, this world is the king, and the spiritual world is difficult and dangerous to seek longevity? It was easy for Gu Yan to pass through, but the road to the spiritual world was extremely thorny because of his blood, and the rest of the gods were not easy to pass through, so they all flinched. Gu Yan resolutely decided! Looking back and staring, Wen Nanqin came over, looked at each other, had no regrets, and took the road to heaven. End of the full text!

   (end of this chapter)

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