Immortal Formula

Chapter 919: Behind the Yuanying Overhaul

  Chapter 919 Behind the Nascent Soul Overhaul

Tsukitaki said proudly: "This is the essence of the mysterious soul that the founder of the Falling Cloud Sect took from the ten thousand zhang terrestrial veins of the extreme northern snowfield, and it was placed here for a thousand years, and it was derived from it. A piece of mysterious ice, hidden inside is the night pearl left by the ancestors. In the extreme night, the light of this place can radiate three thousand miles away, and countless creatures on the sea iceberg will come to that time. Here, ask for asylum."

  Gu Yan nodded silently. She had heard Zhou You said that at the most primitive point of the extreme northern snowfield, there is a wonder of half a year of polar day and half a year of polar night. This is already a place in the extreme north, and polar night will also happen.

She noticed more carefully that the cultivators at the stage of forming pills, each wore a jade pendant around their necks, with a faint blue light on it, it seemed that an invisible shield was formed around their bodies, allowing the They are not hurt by the strong cold.

  Yue Taki led the crowd into the Yunxiao Palace. At this time, Xuan Yi took the disciples away, and Tsukitaki led them to the place where the guests were entertained.

They had just walked halfway, and Gu Yan and the others were still looking at the wonders of the Yunxiao Palace. At this moment, a female disciple hurriedly flew over from the other side. She stood beside Yuetaki and whispered in a low voice. After a few words, he quit.

  Yuetaki couldn't help being a little surprised. She glanced at Gu Yan and the others before saying, "Master has a life, let me invite you all to sit in the back mountain. Please come with me."

  Gu Yan and others were a little unclear, so they followed Yuetaki. But Zhou Yu was a little surprised.

   He knew that the back mountain that Yuetaki said was the place where Nangong Zhenren usually practiced. On the days when he is not usually around, the palace will be closed by forbidden methods, and even the inner disciples of Luoyun Sect are rarely able to enter this place. Not to mention open to entertain guests. Obviously, this is Nangong Zhenren's order.

  Gu Yan and the others didn't know the mystery. They walked on foot, but after a while, they had already passed through the front hall. The scenery behind was completely different from the front hall.

   This place seems to be built on a floating sea, with countless icebergs floating on the water surface, Gu Yan frowned and stopped a little.

   She can see that in this piece of iceberg, there are all extremely exquisite formations, and there are killing formations everywhere.

   Gu Yan, who had experienced life and death danger countless times, instinctively stopped, but she couldn't help but hesitate.

   In the vast iceberg in front of her, she seemed to sense something that was constantly calling her. Make her unable to resist moving.

  Tsuki Taki walked to the sea of ​​ice at this time, she stretched out her hand in the air and made a move. Between the countless icebergs in the distance, there was a floating boat like dead wood, floating from nowhere, she smiled and extended her hand.

   Ye Yunting and others all looked at Gu Yan at this time, and Gu Yan got on the floating boat without hesitation.

  Tsuki Taki was at the forefront, she led the crowd and walked forward very leisurely.

  People keep coming and going between the icebergs, and the orientation is unpredictable and impossible to remember. I just feel that surrounded by icebergs, there are countless crystal brilliance, which is really beautiful.

  Yue Taki said: "This place was excavated by the master with great magic power back then, and it penetrates the heart of the earth, and can be connected with the snow peak in the extreme arctic ice field. The cold air here is also the purest in the entire Yunxiao Pavilion."

   Everyone's hearts couldn't help but tremble. If it is as Yuetaki said, then the cultivation of Nangong Zhenren can be seen. Never under the Yuxu Three Ancestors.

   I didn’t expect such a master to be hidden in the clouds in the extreme north.

What   yuetaki said, the thousand-zhang snow peak in the extreme northern snowfield is said to be the highest mountain in the entire Cangwu. The earth axis that connects the north and the south is also the foundation of the entire Cangwu. There is also the place where the monsters are entrenched, and they are shrouded in clouds and mist all year round. Only when the Dharma body has been cultivated to a very strong level can it be able to withstand it. Generally, when a monk enters, he will be swept away by the wind. .

That Qianzhang Xuefeng is said to be one of the most mysterious places in this world. It can be compared with the Tianji Mountains and the 100,000-mile quicksand of the South China Sea. However, those who are occupied by monsters all the year round are monsters in the world. The last piece of paradise, the monsters headed by the ninth-order tiger king, will never allow human monks to meddle here, so very few people have been there. It just left countless legends in Cangwu.

   Ye Yunting raised his brows slightly, and when he heard Yuetaki's words, he felt that he had to re-evaluate the strength of Nangong Zhenren.

  Luoyunzong has rarely stepped out of the cloud over the years. This seems to be the default and convention of the entire Cangwu. If they secretly arranged such a big power as Longyuan Pavilion, then their plans must be very small. It's just that Ye Yunting is not a person with deep scheming, and he can't figure out why in today's chaotic world like the Dao and Demon War, the Luoyun Sect did not take advantage of the situation, but rather restrained. Moreover, there is no coveting for the Xuantian spiritual root on Gu Yan's body. If this is the case, then what exactly are they planning?

  Gu Yan came here with a step-by-step caution. The fact that she has a mysterious spiritual root has spread throughout Cangwu. Now in the Central Plains, every cultivator wants to get it quickly, not to mention the three ancestors of Huayan and Yuxu who were fled by her face to face. So she didn't want to stay in the cloud at all, she just wanted to go straight to the sky ridge. But Zhenren Nangong made an invitation, but she couldn't refuse, and she felt that Zhenren Nangong didn't seem to be malicious.

  The boat was floating on the iceberg, and the large pieces of crushed ice kept passing by their eyes, flashing with brilliance like crystal, which made people dazzled at first sight.

At this time, after passing through several icebergs, Gu Yan suddenly felt a fragrant smell coming towards her face. She looked at Yuetaki in surprise, but the other party smiled, and then everyone including Ye Yunting and Fang Shuo were shocked. Eyes wide open.

   After bypassing the biggest iceberg in front of them, what appeared was a spectacle that shocked them.

   Surrounded by countless icebergs, it seems like there is a small island. This small island floats quietly on the sea surface. Inside, there are immortal mountains and spiritual grasses, exotic flowers and stones, and it is very beautiful.

   And at the back of the island, there is a small pond, from which the fragrance Gu Yan smelled came out.

   It was a small lotus pond with countless lotus leaves floating on it. There was a small pavilion in the middle of the lake with a small boat tied to it. There was an old man with Eguanbo who was standing on the head of the boat.

  Tsuki Taki looked at everyone with a smile, including Zhouyou, everyone who came here for the first time was shocked by this scene.

If it was simply a sea of ​​icebergs, it wouldn't be so surprising, but among countless icebergs, there is such a small island that is like spring in all seasons. In an extremely cold place, having such a place is tantamount to subversion. awareness of several of them.

Tsukitaki said with a light smile: "When the master used great magic power to excavate this place, he directly connected to the true sun fire in the center of the earth. There are eighteen hot springs here, and there are four seasons in Changchun. If you can cultivate here, it is better than outside. The fairy mountain paradise is several times."

   Fang Shuo said sincerely: "It's no wonder that your sect's fellow Taoists are reluctant to leave the mountain. With such a paradise, how can they still miss the outside world?"

  Yue Taki smiled and said, "Even if there are monks from this sect, few can come here. Let me lead you there."

   She led the boat and turned her head, only then did Gu Yan realize that at the other end of the island, there was a small stream slowly being introduced, and their boat was flowing along this place.

   There are countless exotic flowers and animals on the island, but Gu Yan didn't have the heart to look at it. What she paid most attention to was still the small lotus pond.

   This lotus pond gave her the same feeling as the lotus pond when she was in Gusu City, and even the lotus pond under the moon in Lianhua Mountain was not as authentic as it was here.

  The boat was just going forward, and the old man standing at the end of the lotus pond suddenly said in a loud voice, "Yue'er, take these little friends and walk around first, and ask Fairy Gu to come to my pavilion."

As soon as his voice fell, his big sleeves waved, and a colorful bridge driven by a seven-colored Changhong quickly rose from the other end of the lotus pond and fell directly in front of Gu Yan. Gu Yan only felt a strong force that he did not know. Where did she come from, her body flew upwards involuntarily, and was led away by this rainbow bridge.

Du Que and the others were shocked at the same time. One of his hands had already touched the Kunling lamp in his arms. At this time, the old man had already said, "You don't need to be alarmed, the little friend of the Du family. When I met with Fairy Gu, I was also entrusted by my old friend. , you can leave in a moment, you can explore the island by yourself, and if you see anything, you can take it as you please."

  Tsuki Taki was slightly surprised when he heard this. The island of Zhenren Nangong is actually one of the secret realms of this palace. It can be used as a place for trials at ordinary times. All the treasures left on the island are treasures. If a disciple of Luoyun Sect wants to take one, it also needs a lot of money. The chance of the two, but now they are free to send each other, this face, but it is really big.

   Although she was shocked in her heart, her face remained calm, and she led the crowd away from the channel and went in another direction.

   As for Gu Yan, she had already landed on the boat in front of the pavilion. She stood at the other end of the boat, facing the old man far away.

   This old man was purplish-red complexion, tall and tall, wearing an Eguanbo belt like an ancient emperor, Gu Yan bowed slightly and saluted, "Gu Yan, the last generation of the junior high school, pay homage to Nangong Zhenren!"

   Although she has a humble attitude, her spiritual sense has been secretly released, and she wants to measure the strength of this extremely mysterious cultivator.

Among Cangwu's six great queens, the third ancestor of Yuxu and Huayan have already reached the peak of queens, and they are only one step away from crossing that threshold. Therefore, when they face the enemy, they dare not do their best. Do your best, for fear of being punished. And this real Nangong, Gu Yan felt that his cultivation was not below these people!

Nangong Zhenren is deeply hidden in Mobei. Although he is in the Yuan Dynasty, his reputation is not well-known. The monks in Cangwu only know that there is such a Yuan Dynasty monk, but no one knows how strong he is. His reputation over the years has gradually increased He was pushed over by Chen Yuanfeng, Lianhua Sheng and others. But Gu Yan knew at this moment that his cultivation was by no means inferior to Huayan and Baijiazi, and even slightly higher than Wuwei and Cang Mingzi!

However, her expression was still very calm, but Nangong laughed first, this dignified old man actually seemed quite easy-going, he said with a smile, "Fairy Gu looks at my lotus pond, does it look familiar? "

He laughed loudly: "I know, you once walked through the lotus pond under the moon in Lianhua Mountain. You may think the two are somewhat similar, but I tell you, his lotus pond was actually copied from me. Yes, do you believe it?"

  Gu Yan looked at him in amazement. The Lotus Pond under the Moon was the secret realm of Lianhua Mountain. It had existed for at least thousands of years. If she killed her, she didn't believe that Nangong would live for that long.

Nangong smiled and said: "This lotus pond actually existed here long before the Falling Cloud Sect. Later, I used this power to dig a cave house, attract the real fire of the iceberg, and build this small island. Lifespan must never be confused. It connects several mysterious places in this world, and it is a secret that very few people know about in my Falling Cloud Sect.”

   His voice suddenly sank, his eyes staring at Gu Yan, and a powerful pressure suddenly rushed towards his face.

  Gu Yan didn't seem to care, she just said casually: "So, the lotus pond in Gusu City is probably one of them?"

  Nangong laughed loudly: "Yes, you are indeed very smart."

Gu Yan said slowly: "The owner of the lotus pond has helped me several times, and I feel very kind to me, but why is she taking care of me so much? Presumably today, Master Nangong can help me clear my doubts? If I can't understand it, If so, I am afraid that I will not bear the kindness of Your Excellency.”

Nangong couldn't help rubbing his palms and laughing, "You are indeed a wonderful person, and only you can say such a thing. The owner of the lotus pond is indeed the most beautiful person in the world, but her actions have deep meanings of their own. , how can I wait, can guess?"

   These words were bold, but gently and skillfully shied away from Gu Yan's question.

   But Gu Yan's heart couldn't help but tremble.

Her words are quite tentative, and Nangong Zhenren doesn't seem to have any intention of hiding. He is obviously implying that Gu Yan, the master of the lotus pond, is not at the same level as him, so she really has Having crossed the step of the Yuan Dynasty, just like the Yellow Daoist Gu Yan met that day, crossed that threshold and became one of the unsurpassed beings in this world?

Huang Daoren also knows that he has profound roots, but obviously, he has no coveted heart, nor does the owner of the lotus pond, otherwise, as early as Tianmen Gorge, she would not let herself go easily. leave.

   In this world, the two highest-level people she knew did not covet this Xuantian Spirit Root that could break the boundaries of space. Don't they want to soar? Or, the matter of ascension is actually not as simple as Hua Yan and others imagined?

   Such a real secret of ascension is beyond what Gu Yan can peep at now, but she has always been accustomed to keeping everything under her control, and the feeling that she can only rely on others makes her feel very powerless.

  Nangong seemed to see what she was thinking, and smiled: "You think too much, at least, no one is forcing you to do anything. I invited you to come here today because I was entrusted by others."

   He said solemnly: "I want to invite you to the lotus pond!"

Gu Yan's mind changed, she had gotten rid of the previous mood in a short period of time, she was not excited when she heard Nangong's words, she just lowered her head slightly and said, "Senior has a life, I don't dare to disobey. , but if it takes a long time, I'm afraid some of my friends will be remembered."

Nangong laughed loudly: "You little girl, you are still using these scheming against me. In this lotus pond, I am like a chestnut, and it is just a few minutes away, but I can return in a single stick of incense. And you Don't worry, after entering the lotus pond, as long as you can come out safely, there will be benefits for you."

   He said slowly: "How about if you come out of the lotus pond safely, I will personally take you into the Argus Mountain Pass?"

Gu Yan was a little stunned and didn't understand the meaning of what he said. Nangong couldn't help laughing: "Do you think the extreme northern snowfield is so easy to enter? That is the last place where monsters entrenched, and human monks are never allowed to be lighthearted. Enter, the ninth-order tiger king regarded the entire territory as his own ban, especially back then, there was a very bold monk who quietly abducted his daughter on the extreme northern snowfield, and since then , Every cultivator who trespassed into the snow field was shot to death, without my protection, how could you be able to compete with that beast king with just a few of you?"

   Gu Yan's heart moved, she raised her head, "I only know that the senior has a deep relationship with Longyuan Pavilion, but I don't know that he also has such a deep relationship with the Jian family king on the snowy plain?"

Nangong smiled and said: "We get along next to each other, so naturally we will have some friendship. From my face, it will not embarrass you and your friends. I also know that you have some friendship with Zhou You, but his master, early Just dead, he doesn't have much say in the polar ice sheet!"

  Gu Yan lowered his head slightly, as if he was thinking about something, and Nangong was not in a hurry, he just looked at Gu Yan with a smile on his face. Suddenly she raised her head again, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, "When I was in the South China Sea, I once met a man named Xie. Do you know the seniors, do you know them?"

Since Gu Yan came to this boat, the two exchanged words several times, but Nangong had the upper hand, so Gu Yan had to follow his words, but her words suddenly let Nangong Surprised, the original momentum also fell by three points.

Seeing his expression, Gu Yan laughed immediately, and did not speak. She gently stroked her palm in front of her. The boat, the cable that was originally tied to the pavilion column, had been cut by herself, and it was floating. Go to the center of the lotus pond.

This lotus pond looks unsteady and very calm, but when Gu Yan was sailing away, the lotus leaves in front of him separated to the sides, and in the center of the lotus pond, it suddenly seemed like Like a huge whirlpool, countless colorful brilliance rushed towards her at almost the same moment. A fast wave hit, and the water surface was calm again, but Gu Yan was no longer in sight.

  If someone stood on the island and overlooked it at this time, they would see that this lotus pond had disappeared from the island, including Nangong Zhenren himself.

But the current Nangong Zhenren is still standing on the pavilion. The difference from before is that there is a soft couch above the pavilion. On the couch sits a woman with eyebrows like distant mountains and eyes like waves. , The temperament is very high and splendid, she raised the dongxiao in her hand, but it was just a pruning bamboo, and the bamboo leaves on it had not been cut off. It is the mysterious owner of the lotus pond.

  Nangong was standing in front of her at this moment, and beside him, there was an old man. If Gu Yan saw this person, she would be very surprised. It was Shi Jiemei, the six pavilion master of Longyuan Pavilion, who she had seen in Jietian Pavilion.

   Both of them were standing at this moment, with a very respectful look. On Shi Jiemei's face, there was a hint of pride. Nangong couldn't help but want to rob him, "Sixth, even if you found this little girl, you don't have to be proud of it now!"

  Ishi Jiemei laughed haha: "Third brother, you don't have to provoke me like this. Although you are the leader of a faction and dominate the huge area in the north, when it comes to luck, it's not as good as me."

  The owner of the lotus pond put down the dongxiao in his hand and said with a chuckle, "You two always like to argue with each other. After another hour or three, we can see a resolution, right?"

Nangong hesitated for a while, but still said: "Since the pavilion master has a certain degree of certainty, we can conclude that she is the person we are looking for. Why didn't Gu Yan help when he was trapped in the bronze furnace of Wanfa? That is the real The realm of life and death."

  The owner of the lotus pond shook his head slightly, and the blue silk on his head was gently swaying with the breeze, which was extremely pleasing to the eye.

"I can't do anything until I'm sure, which is limited by the regulations of the year. Therefore, I saw her twice, and I didn't save her life, but only inspired her to cultivate. Look at her. Look, can she just find her own bloodline. That time in Tianmen Gorge, even if I don't take action, she will never be in any danger."

  Nangong's face also became serious, "As the pavilion master said, do you think she found her?"

The owner of the lotus pond shook his head, "Chaos bloodline, how hard to find! Over the past tens of thousands of years, we have also found more than ten people who have fulfilled the destiny, but until the end, no one was the target we were looking for. It has been passed down for more than ten generations, in my hands, even if there is a glimmer of hope, I will continue, and that is why I am so cautious!"

   If Gu Yan heard what she said, she would be extremely shocked.

   Because of her casual words, she has already revealed Gu Yan's biggest secret in this world!

   (end of this chapter)

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