Immortal Formula

Chapter 922: Black Dragon Marsh

   Chapter 922 Black Dragon Marsh

  The Fire Spirit Spider saw that a foreigner had come in front of it, and on its three heads, it showed an excited expression at the same time.

   It is here, it has been sleeping for tens of thousands of years, and it seems that he has forgotten how long ago, he once saw a visitor from afar, and Ye Yunting in front of him was just the second time. Its six eyes opened at the same time, and six flames spurted wildly.

   Gu Yan whispered: "This is all innate fire!"

The fire spirit spider in front of him has indeed entered the realm of innate cultivation, and what is nurtured in the body is actually innate fire, and a monster that is casually taken out from the Tianji Mountains is like this. is extraordinary!

   Ye Yunting's expression did not change at all, his palm was split in half, and suddenly it froze in mid-air, but the whole person suddenly disappeared in place, and all six flames were sprayed in the air.

   The fire spirit spider roared, it suddenly turned around, and countless tentacles rolled away in the void.

   Fang Shuo said in surprise, "This fire spider has such a keen sense of spirit!"

  The invisible sword qi that Ye Yunting cultivated came and went freely, free and easy, and it radiated in places where it couldn't, but this fire spider was able to detect his changes. This natural spiritual sense has made everyone stunned.

The moment the Fire Spirit Spider turned its head, at the place where Ye Yunting had disappeared, the aura suddenly fluctuated violently. A giant sword, which had quietly tore apart the space, appeared behind the Fire Spirit Spider, with a sword light like snow. He slashed across the sky.

With a    "flash" sound, blood splattered and fiery red blood spurted out.

   This sword, with at least a dozen tentacles, was slashed to pieces!

   This is Ye Yunting's method of hiding his sword!

   His figure flashed in the air, and the invisible sword energy from the sky was rushing in, the clanging sound was incessant, and blood was constantly splashing from the Fire Spirit Spider's body.

   Gu Yan suddenly said: "Not good!" She said, "Brother Du, lend me your Kunling Lamp!"

   She made a move, and nine lantern flowers flew up with her, and at the same time, she activated the magic art with one hand, and the sky-shattering rainbow transformed by the golden banner of the Seven Treasures had already rolled over in front of her.

   At this moment, the fire spirit spider suddenly burst out with an earth-shattering roar, its huge body like a hill, moved quickly, and the rumbling sound was incessant, as if it had not moved for ten thousand years.

   Ye Yunting scolded angrily, "Damn!"

   It was only then that he realized that the fire spider in front of him actually used his sword energy to help it cut off those chains on its body!

  Although the Fire Spirit Spider also suffered serious injuries, thanks to Ye Yunting's sword energy, these chains have been chopped to pieces, and now it can completely move its body.

The mountain-like body moved, and its movement was not trivial. The thousands of miles of quicksand were immediately rolled up into chaos, and the Fire Spirit Spider showed a hideous smile. Its three heads rushed into the air at the same time, and its three big **** mouths, facing the Ready to swallow Ye Yunting away, to swallow him all at once.

   The aura around Ye Yunting seemed to be all fixed by the fire spider at this time, and countless flames swept in, and it would be completely swallowed up in the blink of an eye.

At this time, Gu Yan finally flew from the top of her head. Her five fingers quickly pressed down, and the nine lights were pressed towards the top of the Fire Spirit Spider's head at the same time. The surrounding area exploded, and purple-blue lights were scattered all over the sky.

   The Fire Spirit Spider roared angrily, and was shaken by this powerful explosion to retreat backwards, Ye Yunting shouted angrily, flew up, held the giant sword in the air with one hand, and slashed down heavily.

   There was a loud bang, and the infinite sword energy shot out, slashing heavily on the golden scales of the fire spider, and fiery red blood splashed up.

   On the scale armor, he had cut a long slit.

   At this moment, Gu Yan shouted: "Brother Ye, you can restrain it, I will fight it with sword formation!"

   As she shouted, twenty-four Dinghaizhu had already poured out from the sky, twenty-four beams of light quickly fell, firmly holding the surrounding spiritual energy, and countless thunders crashed down. The seven-treasure golden banner hangs high in the air, and it stubbornly suppresses the fire spirit spider on the spot. It controls the seventh-level innate fire on the seven-treasure golden banner and keeps rolling towards the fire spirit spider. There are countless Dayan sword formations. The sword qi of the fire continued to spurt on the side of the fire spirit spider, cutting off the scales on its body layer by layer.

At this time, Gu Yan had released Jiuyi Cauldron, and the chaotic energy turned into thousands of chains, gushing out and rushing towards the body of the Fire Spirit Spider. It kept roaring, but it was unable to break free from these chains. At this moment, Ye Yunting had already seen the gap, he flew down from the sky, the sword qi seemed to cut through the void in an instant, thousands of murderous auras condensed into swords at this moment, and finally turned into that invincible sword qi , Gently wiped it from the neck of the Fire Spirit Spider, the head as large as a hill has already fallen down. Immediately after being surrounded by sword energy, it turned into powder in the air.

   A fiery red shadow flew up and was taken away by Jiuyi Ding.

After being beheaded by Ye Yunting, the Fire Spirit Spider became even more violent. It kept shouting furiously, desperately charging towards the periphery, but was firmly suppressed by the Seven Treasures Golden Pillar. Without getting up, Gu Yan stopped drinking in a deep voice. Countless seven-color thunderbolts rolled down from the top of his head, and a big golden hand pressed it down.

   The fire spirit spider's momentum was finally suppressed by Gu Yan, Ye Yunting swung the big sword, cut it off again, and the second head fell into the air.

   Gu Yan whispered: "Be careful of its backlash before it dies, wait for me to restrain its demon pill first!"

She waved her hand and swiped the magic formula. The chaotic vitality in Jiuyi Cauldron suddenly increased its strength and forcibly dragged the Fire Spirit Spider towards the Cauldron. The two were at a standstill in the air. The shadow of the beast has spewed out from it. The body of the Fire Spirit Spider was surrounded, followed by a burst of non-stop nibbling.

At this time, the Huo Lingying in Gu Yan's body had quietly emerged from the Purple Mansion and stood on top of the Fire Spirit Spider. Up and down, the golden giant palm, carrying the seven-color thunder, rolled down.

The fire spirit spider let out a miserable cry, and the fire of protecting the body was completely dissipated by Gu Yan's blow. At this time, Ye Yunting saw the gap and slashed it with a sword, and a huge column of blood spurted wildly. With a single sword, it was finally completely beheaded here!

The third demon spirit was also taken away by Jiuyi Ding, leaving only a pigeon-egg-sized Yuandan suspended in the air. After the monster was beheaded, Yuandan lost control and quietly floating there, Ye Yunting took it into his hand at will.

   At this time, Zhou You was driving the Xuan Bingzhuan, and he rushed to the front of the two of them, shouting: "Come on!"

   enveloped the two of them in the cold light, and then rushed forward like electricity.

As the Fire Spirit Spider was beheaded, the entire quicksand layer became chaotic, and countless quicksand rushed towards the surroundings, but under the combined force of the Jiu Ji Xuan Ice Cone and the Earth-penetrating Divine Needle, there was no Fire Spirit Spider's obstruction. With no stubbornness, he quickly passed through the quicksand layer of thousands of miles.

   There was a loud rumbling sound behind him, and thousands of miles of quicksand were pouring out, and the momentum was so great that it was earth-shattering.

However, none of these could hinder them. After passing through the quicksand, their bodies suddenly became lighter, and the pressure around them seemed to be relieved suddenly, Gu Yan asked in a low voice: "Brother Zhou, this is the place Where is it?"

  The jade slips she obtained from Xie Hou also recorded some dangerous places in the Tianji Mountains, but there were no records of these places. Obviously, they did not take this road. In contrast, Zhouyou knows more.

After they passed through the quicksand, they entered a layer of water. This layer of water exudes a touch of heat, like a hot spring. The warmth makes people feel very comfortable, but Gu Yan's heart is a little more. Vigilance, in peace, may often breed greater risks.

   Zhouyou shook his head, "I don't know either. Master didn't tell me the details of the Tianji Mountains. He just asked me to prepare some things. Now it seems that this is mostly the way to deal with it."

   The five of them have been together for a while and gradually got to know each other. Sylvia Lin smiled and said: "Speaking of which, I have never asked about the origin of Brother Zhou's teacher. Is your teacher from Shenzhou Continent?"

Zhou You shook his head dazedly, "I don't know either, Master's magic power penetrates the sky and the earth, and it is not inferior to Nangong Zhenren, all I know is that I was carried by his magic weapon when I was infancy, and came all the way across the ridge of the sky. But in my memory, there is nothing about the Shenzhou Continent and the Tianji Mountains. After I grew up, I heard others say that when my master took me across the Tianji, to the extreme north snow field, and That Jianhu King fought a battle before finally being able to settle here. He has a very good relationship with Nangong Zhenren, but he has no intention of letting me settle down here. Otherwise, he will not refuse Nangong Zhenren's request. ."

Gu Yan knew that he was talking about becoming a dual cultivator with Yuetaki. This is a very common thing in Luoyun Sect. It's just that Yuetaki didn't look for a disciple of his own sect, but he fell in love with an outsider. , but was rejected again, and his mood can be imagined.

   But this time, seeing the two get along, there is nothing unpleasant, and their emotional entanglement is hard to say.

   But if you travel around, Gu Yan suddenly thinks.

  Although she and Zhou You are good friends, they don't have much contact with each other. She always thought that Zhou You was a native of Cangwu, and that he wanted to cross the Sky Ridge just to fulfill Master's last wish. Now, he is still carrying the ashes of his master, ready to be buried in the designated place after returning to Shenzhou.

   She also heard Zhou Yu talk about that place, it seems to be somewhere in Lodi.

   But Gu Yan didn't know that when traveling around, he was originally from the mainland of China.

  If he is just an ordinary baby, then why did his master take him, travel thousands of miles, and take all the hardships to come across the ridge of the sky?

   Her eyes suddenly became strange, and she looked up and down to travel around. Is there anything hidden in this person?

   Zhou You shuddered when she saw it, and smiled bitterly: "Don't look at me like this, I don't know anything."

Ye Yunting laughed, and he held up the Yuan Dan in his palm, "I have also read some classic books, it is said that in the ridge of the sky, the most dangerous and dangerous place is none other than the Five Elements, this Yuan Dan, maybe It will be of great use.”

   Zhou Youdao: "I also heard Master say the name of the Five Elements Dangerous Land..." He suddenly exclaimed, "I see, it is probably the Black Dragon Marsh in front of me!"

He quickly said: "There are five most dangerous places in the Tianji Mountains, and the Black Dragon Marsh is one of them. I heard that this place used to be the place where the ancient dragons were transformed. The breath of the dragon was crushed into powder, but we haven't found anything abnormal now."

   Gu Yan said indifferently: "It's not necessarily, you sense your magic weapon, don't you think the speed of the Xuan Bing Ai and the Earth-penetrating Divine Needle are getting slower and slower?"

The huge pool around them is like a mass of paste, trapping them in it, and unknowingly, it consumes the spiritual power of the magic weapon. completely trapped here.

  Gu Yan's palm was raised, and a large golden hand smashed straight down from the sky. With a bang, golden light radiated in all directions, dispersing all the surrounding water vapor.

   Zhu Yanjing released a ray of light at the same time, and they realized that they were in a huge blister.

  This blister is extremely sticky, the Mysterious Ice Cone and the Earth-piercing Needle just keep going around in circles in this blister.

   After Gu Yan shattered the water vapor, a foul smell came to him.

   Gu Yan whispered: "Dragon's Saliva?"

   Only the saliva left by the so-called ancient dragon can trap them unknowingly without noticing it.

   The Tianji Mountains are indeed dangerous everywhere, and it is impossible to guard against them. If you are not careful, you will end up with no bones left.

   Gu Yan said: "The saliva of the dragon needs to be cut with a sharp sword, Brother Ye!"

   Ye Yunting was already flying up at this time, the swords of others merged into one, turned into a sword light, flew towards the sky, and actually pierced a gap with this big blister.

   Countless white mists rushed up and wanted to close the gap. At this time, the Dayan Sword Formation issued by Gu Yan had already arrived, and under the sharpening of countless sword qi, the gap was finally pierced.

   At this moment, Du Queduan shouted, he waved the halberd in his hand, and shouted: "Crush!" The other three rushed towards the gap at the same time, just as they were at a standstill.


   An incomparably excitable voice of Qingyue quickly resounded between heaven and earth.

  Gu Yan's whole body was shocked, and everyone was stunned at this moment.

   The blood vessels in her body surged up with this roar, and every inch of meridians in her body were beating suddenly.

   With this long howl, countless white mists dissipated in front of them. Only then did Gu Yan realize that the few of them were in a huge abyss.

   Countless cliffs stand like knives, covering the sky, and the mountain walls are all transparent like crystal. On these mountain walls, with the simple method of knife carving, there are five-clawed dragons carved. Feiteng changes, and the momentum is incomparable.

  Zhouyou murmured: "This is the Black Dragon Marsh, the legendary place where the dragon was born and degenerated, what we feel is the real breath of the dragon!"

   Ye Yunting also said: "If it wasn't in the Tianji Mountains, where would you see such a wonder?"

  Gu Yan raised her head, her eyes were slightly closed, and she felt the strong breath of the dragon that was swaying around her. It seems that some kind of wonderful induction is taking place with the blood vessels in his body. She felt the aura in the chaotic space, as if some uncontrollable rushing out.

After the first long howl dissipated, the breath of the dragon that echoed in the valley was not as majestic as the previous one, but with a full sense of closeness, it floated around the crowd, making everyone feel a little touched. Don't get your head around.

   When they broke into the Black Dragon Marsh, they violated the majesty of the dragon.

  Although there are no real dragons here, all that is left are the bones and the breath of ancient dragons, but the power of the dragons is still like the power of the sky, making it difficult for people to touch.

   But the current Dragon Breath seems to have its own spirituality and is very willing to get close to them.

  Fang Shuo suddenly sat down. He closed his eyes and meditated. The golden light on his body faintly appeared. In this mysterious place, he actually felt that his realm was about to break through.

   Everyone also sat down to practice, only Gu Yan was still standing there, smiling bitterly in his heart.

   This divine dragon breath was clearly aimed at him.

   In other words, not because of herself, but because of the mysterious root in her body!

   She now understood the meaning of what Nangong said before leaving, and sure enough, in the Tianji Mountains, Xuantian Linggen would really have some kind of special reaction.

This spiritual root is a derivative of the chaotic fairy vine, which can break the space law of this world, and the breath of the dragon, the breath left by this ancient beast, has its own spirituality, and it is also mixed with some kind of heaven and earth Yuan force, The two reacted on their own.

  Gu Yan can feel that the two auras on Xuantian's spiritual root have all sensed the breath of the dragon from the outside world, and are constantly rushing towards the sky, as if they will break through the chaotic space at any time.

   Without warning, the second whistle sounded suddenly.

   All the surrounding mountain walls erupted with dazzling golden light, and the dragon carved on it seemed to be alive at this time, with its teeth and claws flying and changing in the clouds.

In front of Gu Yan, on the mountain wall facing her, there is a five-clawed golden sculpture with the largest volume. It has long horns on its head, and the golden scales are scattered all the way, like a thousand rays of rays of light. Magnificent.

Gu Yan's eyes suddenly flashed, and she felt a golden light flashing in the eyes of this dragon, and then the center of her eyebrows stinged, as if there was a golden thread piercing along the center of her eyebrows, Straight into the chaotic space within the body!

   As expected of the breath of the ancient dragon, after sensing the spiritual energy in her body, she was able to break the boundaries of the chaotic space and break the laws of space!

After the golden thread pierced, the turbulent dragon's breath reverberated in the chaotic space, and countless purple-gold auras kept rising, while Xuantian spiritual roots began to grow wildly upwards, with two branches on the left and the right. , according to each side, they are all very large, two different colors of aura, separated from the left and right, but they are all going in the direction of the breath of the dragon.

   Gu Yan's brows showed murderous aura, she suddenly flew up, and the Dayan Sword was already in her hands.

   In her pair of eyes, all the light was shining, as if she saw the golden thread coming from the sky, she slashed with a sword without hesitation.

   If the breath of this divine dragon is left to stir in her body, sooner or later the chaotic space will be thrown into chaos, even if it is the breath of ancient divine beasts, she will definitely give it a try!

   The golden thread in the air was as thin as spider silk, almost invisible, but Gu Yan slashed it with a sword, but it didn't move, and the sword energy was instantly rebounded.

Gu Yan snorted, the spiritual energy in her body revolved rapidly, golden light radiated from the Dayan sword, the immortal sword handed down from the ancient monks erupted with infinite power at this moment, and the layers of dragon patterns on the top appeared. , which is powerfully opposed to the dragon's breath transmitted from the opposite side. Thousands of heavy sword intents kept rushing towards the golden thread.

  The sound of rumbling was endless, as if in the void, countless cliffs collapsed layer by layer, Ye Yunting opened his eyes and exclaimed: "Xiao Gu, stop!"

   Everyone was amazed.

Gu Yan, who was standing in the air, didn't realize at this time that she was in the middle of all the mountain walls, above her head, where the sun shines from somewhere, and the dragon carved on the mountain wall , a clear shadow was reflected in the air, and the shadows of countless dragons were projected to the position where Gu Yan was standing, with the place where she stood as the core, as if dozens of giant dragons had gathered.

The continuous roar of the sky, the powerful pressure, shocked everyone's heart. At this time, the surrounding mountain walls began to fall one by one, and in front of Gu Yan, an incomparably huge mountain pass appeared. , Layers of white mist continued to pour out, wrapping Gu Yan's body, quickly inhaling it into the cave, and disappearing in a blink of an eye.

   Ye Yunting let out a loud roar, and flew towards Gu Yan's direction, but only caught a ball of air.

   After the layer of white mist receded, the ground in front of him became smooth as a mirror, but Gu Yan disappeared from everyone's sight.

   Ye Yunting fell to the ground and looked at Zhou You fiercely, "What the **** is going on?"

The other three people's eyes were not good, Zhou You couldn't help shivering, he thought for a moment, and then said: "Black Dragon Marsh is fire by nature, and it is one of the dangerous places of the Five Elements here, I don't know why it suddenly broke out. Gu swallowed it in, but I can still sense her breath, it's not far from us, we might as well check her traces first."

   Du Que, who had not spoken for a while, suddenly said, "Do you think we can leave here?"

   (end of this chapter)

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