Immortal Formula

Chapter 926: Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain (Part 1)

   Chapter 926 The Mountain of Ten Thousand Beasts (Part 1)

  Gu Yan fell from the air and took a deep breath. This slash with all her strength had already consumed most of the real essence in her body. In this slash, she used the transformation of Taixuan Jue to secretly activate twelve demon spirits. Although she couldn't leave her body too far, it was enough to lock the changing places around her. Finally, this monster hidden in the dark was beheaded.

   The head that was as big as a grinding disc flew up, and then scattered in the air without leaving a trace, wandering around for a while, and said, "This is not a monster, but a monster spirit left in the past!"

   Everyone's faces showed horror, Fang Shuo exclaimed: "How is this possible?"

For a long time, monsters have been able to compete with human monks, relying on their incomparably tyrannical bodies. If a monster loses its body, then there is no magic pill that can mobilize the natural energy of heaven and earth. Almost 90% of the 100% of their power was removed, just like when they were trapped in the Sword Washing Pond by four mirages left over from that year. Although those mirages lost part of their bodies, they still could not. There is nothing like it is now, only demon spirits exist.

   And just relying on the body of the demon, they dared to confront the five Nascent Soul cultivators head-on, and they were indistinguishable, so how powerful would their bodies be?

   Gu Yan pondered: "Several, you can see clearly, what is the shape of the monster just now?"

The four of them all shook their heads. The demon spirit just now was beheaded by Gu Yan with the Dayan sword. It was only a startling glance that he saw that its head was as big as a grinding disc, and its body had long limbs, full of feet, and its shape was extremely vicious. never seen before. Not only in Cangwu, even after they entered the Tianji Mountains, they had never seen them.

Ye Yunting suddenly said at this time: "Although I don't know this monster, the image seems to be familiar." He hesitated and said, "When I entered the Sword Washing Pond, I once saw some figures on the stone wall of the white sand beach. There are some monsters in them, which are similar to those here."

  Gu Yan couldn't help but let out an "ah", she also remembered at this time, she seemed to have seen the same scene in Yunmengze. Those are some murals that record the secrets and changes of ancient times. It seems that the bodies of these demon spirits are not all things in this world today, but ancient alien species.

Du Que said: "It is recorded in the ancient classics that there is the Mochi God Jiao, swallowing clouds and breathing mist, soaring clouds and controlling qi, changing rapidly, and all things are inexhaustible. If it is really such a demon, even if The absence of the main body, with its own abilities, is enough to trap us."

Gu Yan said: "Do you still remember what we heard just now, it seems that this place is the place where the largest monsters inhabit the Tianji Mountains. Maybe this is the time when the two worlds were divided. Some of the ancient monsters and aliens that remained were beheaded by the monks with great magic power, and their resentment persisted. They were left here and turned into monsters. From that sentence, it is clear that their spiritual intelligence is not low, and , is deliberately leading us astray."

   Zhouyou said thoughtfully: "In your opinion, are these demon spirits just guarding that mysterious place?"

  Gu Yan said: "Any possibility cannot be ruled out, and we have no way forward. If we want to cross the sky ridge, we have to break into the place guarded by these demon spirits."

   As soon as she said these words, everyone fell silent. After all, the danger of fighting against these demon spirits left over from ancient times is no worse than the flesh-and-blood fight with the three ancestors of Yuxu.

  Sylvia Lin laughed, "Why, are you all afraid? We're going to walk this way, and it's a life of nine deaths. Even if we really die here, it's nothing!"

At this time, everyone discovered that the layer of magic that was shrouded in the surrounding, enough to affect people's will, had dissipated at some point, and the faint mist in front of them also dissipated at the same time, appearing in front of them. , is a huge swamp.

This swamp seems to have been weathered for countless years. Large swaths of silt, as well as towering rock walls, all show a red color, like volcanic rocks that have been washed many times. In front of them, about a hundred meters away, stood three peaks that were not very high, but they felt extremely majestic at first sight. It was engraved with three crooked characters by someone unknown.

  —The Mountain of Ten Thousand Beasts!

The characters    are not beautifully written, but each stroke is horizontal and folded, reflecting the rocks behind, as if written in blood, making people shudder when they see it.

  Du Que said categorically: "These three words should be written by those demon spirits, who named the place where they live as the Mountain of Ten Thousand Beasts."

Zhou Youdao: "When I was reading the classics, I once heard that there is a mountain of ten thousand beasts, and there is a sea of ​​​​blue seas in the mountain. After the earliest war between humans and monsters, those powerful cultivators raised countless monsters and aliens. Among them, There is no lack of blood of ancient beasts, which were domesticated by monks as spirit beasts, is this the famous beast mountain in the world back then?"

Ye Yunting said: "I have also read this notebook, but it clearly states that the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain has been brought to the spiritual world by those major cultivators when people were different. How could such a spiritual land still exist? Left in this world?"

A shrill scream suddenly came out, which made people feel heartbroken, and a sinister voice laughed loudly: "You juniors, you actually have some knowledge, and you also know that thousands of people originated from ancient times. Beast Mountain, yes, although this is Ten Thousand Beast Mountain, there is no Cangming Sea. Because what was really brought to the spiritual world was only the Cangming Sea back then."

   Another sad voice said in a low voice: "Because only Cangminghai is the place to really raise our divine beasts. As for the Mountain of Ten Thousand Beasts, haha!"

As if it had not finished speaking, it was interrupted by another demon spirit, and then a majestic voice sounded: "I have stayed here for thousands of years, and not many people have been able to break into this place. Since you guys are here, it's just a sacrifice to the Beastmaster, it's too late to go out now!"

The gigantic swamp suddenly changed flexibly at this time. Countless silt, like turning into ten thousand spiritual snakes, kept rushing out from the ground. In the sky, countless chaotic rocks kept flying, and the whole ground It's like it's about to tip over.

   Gu Yan shouted: "Fast back!"

The five people walked all the way, and their hearts have already been united. Gu Yan shouted, and the five people flew up at the same time. Du Que shouted, "Go!" The countless lanterns and flames flying in the sky were gathered together in an instant, and turned into nine purple and green flowers again. Quickly pressing down, Gu Yan pressed down with her left hand, and twenty-four rays of light have already descended.

  The power of twenty-four Dinghaizhu is enough to stabilize the mountains. Back then, Gu Yan used it to suppress the eighth-order monsters and Zhan Ruochen's primordial spirit.

   But now that she settled on Haizhu, Gu Yan suddenly felt an overwhelming force of rebound coming along, causing her blood to surge, and a mouthful of blood couldn't help spurting out.

   She let out a long whistle. She was not discouraged by the slight setback in the castration. Instead, she became more and more courageous.

  Golden light flashed, the Dayan Sword was already in her hands, and the sword light instantly rose to several hundred meters long, and with a silent flash, it disappeared into the ground without a trace.

Under the swamp, the whispering sound of the cricket has already been heard, and the sullen voice said: "This woman really has some means, with her own strength, she can actually resist the ancient giant ape. , Lao Jin, can you take her down?"

A very rude voice came out: "Old Monster Yin, don't just hide behind and do nothing, have you ever seen Mo Jiao being slashed by her sword? The killing is so miserable that only the primordial spirit is left to escape back to the place where the magic lamp is located in Wan Beast Mountain. It takes 1900 years to re-train before it can be transformed again. It must be the sword used by the ancient overhaul, maybe it is Those old demons from the mysterious gate were specially refined to deal with those demon cubs. We have stayed here for too long, and we have also been contaminated with demonic energy and suffered from Chiyu. If you didn't come up with a bad idea, you would lure them into Wan Wan. Beast Mountain, if we deal with it again, we have already activated the Heavenly Fire Swamp outside and made them into fly ashes, do you still need to pay for this?"

The old monster snorted coldly, "You old gold has always had a rigid mind and is not good at thinking. Besides, this is the idea of ​​Boss Jiao, not me. We have stayed here for hundreds of thousands of years before slowly nourishing the demons here. Being reborn from anger has long been inseparable from the magic qi here. If it wasn't for the magic crystals there, it would not be possible to re-refine your spiritual wisdom. Besides, this place has been desolate for a long time, and no one will come at all, even if there are a few Lengtouqing wanted to break into the sky ridge, but was killed by those monsters as early as the periphery. It is rare that there are a few Nascent Soul cultivators who have broken into this place. If we take the Nascent Soul from their bodies, refine them, and re-refine Cangming. Couldn't the progress of the sea be greatly accelerated, don't you want to be trapped in this ghost place for the rest of your life?"

Lao Jin snorted angrily, "Okay, anyway, they have been lured into the Myriad Beast Mountains and come to our heartland, don't want to leave in this life, let's play with them slowly. Ben... ah, not good!"

Before he could finish his words, he suddenly exclaimed, and then a pillar of fire that was thousands of feet long shot up from the ground, and countless flames shot upwards at a speed that was difficult to catch with the naked eye. Out, it was like a huge volcano erupting, and all the restlessness around it stopped strangely.

   (end of this chapter)

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