Immortal Formula

Chapter 939: Back to China (Part 1)

   Chapter 939 Return to China (Part 1)

Behind Gu Yan, there was a loud bang. After losing Dinghaizhu's suppression, Zhuxiantai was collapsing continuously, from bottom to top, layer by layer, constantly turning into flying objects. Ash, almost only the top four eternal statues remain.

At this time, Gu Yan was at the intersection of the two space cracks. Countless turbulent currents were constantly squeezing her. This was the overwhelming force of the entire space. Obviously, she was not one of those with supernatural powers. The ancient monks are absolutely incapable of resisting this pressure. She is like a small boat floating in the storm, it will be overturned by a sudden wave at any time, and then completely submerged without leaving a trace.

   That group of golden light quietly floated from the top of her head at this moment.

  Gu Yan was stunned for a while at first, in her impression, she had already forgotten about this thing. She kept it in the Qiankun bag for hundreds of years, and she couldn't remember that this thing existed. But at this time, it came out quietly as if it had received a silent induction.

Back then, when she was in the South China Sea, on Qianjing Island, she joined forces with everyone to kill Bahuang completely, and also took away his Four Treasures of Refining God. At that time, Bahuang wanted to use a space magic weapon to escape, but He was blocked by Gu Yan with the golden banner of seven treasures, and finally beat him to the fullest. That magic weapon was also collected by Gu Yan, which is the Haotian Jian in Gu Yan's hands now.

   This magic weapon was put away by Gu Yan and the Four Treasures of Refining God, and it would last for hundreds of years once it was put on her body. There seems to be an invisible forbidden spell on these magical treasures. Even if the Eight Desolates are already in shape, she can't take the Four Treasures for her own use. After a while, Gu Yan had already forgotten about them, but today, Haotian Jian flew out on its own, as if sensing the changes outside.

The appearance of Haotianjian is a golden ball. After the originally dull golden ball flew to the top of Gu Yan's head, it suddenly became brilliant. In Gu Yan's Qiankun bag, there was a continuous sound of ding dong, and she was stunned. , The Four Treasures of Refining Gods held by the Eight Desolates flew out one after another.

The Refining God Jue, the Falling God Stele, the Muye Map, and the Blood-turning Divine Sword all floated in the air. At this moment, Zhuxiantai finally collapsed completely, and endless smoke and dust flew up. Immediately, Gu Yan's eyes widened. .

   In the place where Zhuxiantai was originally, a smaller altar was exposed. On the altar stood a statue about the size of an ordinary person. She seemed to have seen the costume of this statue somewhere.

  Gu Yan tapped his forehead with his hand, yes, it seems that the little Xie Hou once wore similar clothes. But the style is similar. The statue in front of her is gorgeous and noble, far better than the Xie Hou she has seen. In comparison, Xie Hou is like a servant. And this one in front of him is the truly noble master.

After Zhuxiantai collapsed, only the original four statues remained. At this time, the four statues seemed to be alive and floated around the altar in the middle of their own accord. Meet the real owner.

   This statue seems to be alive. It raised its head, glanced at Gu Yan, and a low voice came out in the air, "You are not a descendant of my Taihao family, why do you have Haotian Jian?"

   In its voice, there is a strong and heavy pressure, so that Gu Yan can hardly lift his head.

   But the turbulent flow in the surrounding space seemed to stop at the moment when the statue appeared, and the originally chaotic space returned to calm.

   Gu Yan faintly felt that this person was not talking to himself, but to the void.

Sure enough, it didn't wait for Gu Yan's answer, and went on to say: "My Taihao family protects the secrets of the ancient inheritance, and divides the world into two parts. This will not change, but now, there is still my Taihao family. heirs?"

  Gu Yan's heart was already extremely shocked at this time!

   Obviously, the person in front of him has an extraordinary origin.

   It seems to be an ancient monk who existed in the world when the two worlds were not divided. It seems that he is still the patriarch of the Taihao clan. And the mission of this family is to guard a secret passed down from ancient times.

   At this moment, Haotianjian had already flown to the top of his head on his own, one of the statue's hands stretched forward, and the golden ball just landed on the palm of his hand. And the other Four Treasures of Refining God also rushed towards it. The Refining God Jue landed on the belt, Mu Yetu was on its back, the Blood-turning Divine Sword fell on the leather bag, and the Falling God Monument floated on his shoulders. The Four Treasures of Refining God and Haotian Jian are obviously their treasures!

At this moment, a great doubt appeared in Gu Yan's heart. If Xie Hou was a descendant of the Taihao clan, then why did the Haotian Jian and the Four Treasures of Refining God, which represent the supreme of the Taihao clan, be in the eighth place? Wild's hands? You know, Marquis Xie and Bahuang, even if they are not enemies, are almost the same. She has been in the South China Sea for hundreds of years, and she has never heard of any relationship between these two people. When the Four Treasures were there, Xie Hou also knew about it, and he didn't say anything. Or, he didn't know that these Four Treasures and Haotian Jian were the magic weapons of their own clan?

   She suddenly remembered the notes Xiehou once gave her, which recorded the experience of their ancestors, who went through the sky and finally came to the South China Sea. Gu Yan remembered every word on it clearly.

   According to Marquis Xie, their ancestors had a mission passed down from the old age, that is, to guard something. For this mission, they traveled thousands of miles and went through all kinds of hardships to come to the South China Sea. Could it be that this is what the statue said, the secret of ancient inheritance, this secret, finally fell in the South China Sea?

She quickly took out the notebook, turned to the last page, and the scribbled handwriting on it read, "Yu waited hard to go through the sky, entered the secret place, and was surprised to see the relics of the ancestors, and was very happy. Betray it, walk away with the treasure, grieve over invincibility, hurt, hurt!"

The handwriting    was very scribbled, and there seemed to be no words after that.

   Gu Yan vaguely heard Xie Hou mention that their family is a very mysterious ethnic group, and many inheritances are passed down by dictation and not in words. On the way across the Sky Ridge, 100% had already died and 90% had died, so the secrets passed down by the old people in many clans were lost. All he knew was the secret of the highest guardian in the clan. As for the rest, not even Xie Hou's father knew much, let alone himself.

  Although Marquis Xie didn't mention what the secret of guardianship was, obviously, this was Xie's ancestral training, and he had to do it. And Gu Yan could also guess that the highest secret of guardianship was what the statue in front of him said, the secret of ancient inheritance.

   As mentioned in this notebook, the person who defected with the treasure must have some connection with the Eight Wildernesses.

   In terms of age, when Xie shi crossed the sky ridge, Bahuang was not born at all, but this traitor should have some connection with Bahuang. Maybe it's his master, or maybe not the patriarch. After he took away the Four Treasures of Refining God and Haotian Jian, for some reason, he also went to the South China Sea and passed on this treasure to the generation of Bahuang, but the secret was unknown to Bahuang, so he just Using these as treasures, I don't know what it has to do with the Taihao family, and Xie Hou also doesn't know that the treasures of inheritance mentioned by the ancestors are the four treasures of refining gods used by the Eight Desolates. Under such a coincidence, the Four Treasures of Refining the Gods fell into the hands of Gu Yan, making them dusty. Until today, they appeared in front of Zhuxiantai.

The statue didn't seem to be angry, it was still talking: "The Xuanmen cultivator built this Zhuxiantai to suppress the Wan Beast Mountain, those rebellious monsters in the Cangming Sea, and later The two worlds will be divided, Cang Minghai was taken away by them, and the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain, together with this Zhuxiantai, were abandoned here, and I borrowed it and used it for the inheritance of my sect. Now Zhuxiantai has been destroyed. , but this place is related to the Tianji Mountains, and it cannot be destroyed. This Haotianjian can replace Zhuxiantai and use it to suppress hundreds of millions of demon spirits here. Magic Treasure, since you have opened this place, it means that you have found the place of inheritance back then, then I will teach you the formula for controlling the Four Treasures."

   After hearing these words, Gu Yan suddenly realized. It turns out that the Four Treasures, as well as the inheritance formulas, are not as simple as those that were sacrificed and refined in the Eight Desolations. Gu Yan estimates that the Eight Desolations of the past must have been made by using some side-door method to make sacrifices of the Four Treasures, but it was not in harmony with the original magic formula. Therefore, after his death, the Four Treasures were closed again. . Not even Gu Yan could refine them.

   The statue was still talking at this time, "As a member of the Taihao family, you have the blood of your own family flowing in your body. You don't need to say more, just remember the sixteen characters."

   It whispered a mantra in a low voice, all of which were extremely difficult and incomprehensible ancient words. But all Gu Yan was able to reveal at this time was only a wry smile.

   She has nothing to do with the Taihao family at all, where did she come from the blood of her own family?

  When the statue finished reciting the sixteen-character formula, the Four Treasures slowly rose again and fell towards Gu Yan's head. The statue said solemnly: "Stimulate the blood of this family!"

  Gu Yan looked up speechlessly, hoping that this ancient Primordial Spirit would not slap himself here because he was not from the blood of the Taihao family. In that case, it would be too unfair.

  The Four Treasures fell from the air and spun around Gu Yan's body quickly, but the strange thing was that Gu Yan didn't have any intention of disobedience. In her heart, it seems that these four treasures are already her own, and now it's just a formality.

The    statue kept reciting the mantra, and the Four Treasures turned faster and faster. It said quickly: "Fast Yun Yuanling, it is in harmony with the body!"

   (end of this chapter)

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