Immortal Formula

Chapter 944: Ming Yan Pavilion ((1)

   Chapter 944 Mingyan Pavilion ((1)

Lu Zhan nodded, "Yes. That was more than a hundred years ago. At that time, we Qingyunmen just came to Luodi, and the six Luodi gates under the leadership of the Shangqing Palace were already in contact with Haixin Palace. The battle was fought. The two sides had a stalemate several times. Later, for some unknown reason, it seemed that the magic cultivators used an extremely powerful magic weapon. They penetrated the mountainside, attacked from a distance, and directly attacked the inner gate of the Shangqing Palace. The master of the Qing Palace, Mingyu Zhenren, is retreating to attack the Nascent Soul. The defense inside the Shangqing Palace is weak, and they put their defense forces on the periphery. Unexpectedly, the magic cultivator directly invaded the inner palace. Suddenly the whole palace is in chaos, and the magic cultivators are prepared. Come here, take the opportunity to cover up, and the other sects can't rescue them, and they were killed by the demon cultivator."

   Gu Yan said: "Is there anyone who survives?"

   She thought of the real Mingyu whom she had seen back then. She was a person who she respected as a god, a person who had completed the formation of elixir and had great hope of conceiving a baby. He didn't expect him to die like this. Then, what about my two friends in the Shangqing Palace, did they escape the catastrophe?

  Lu Zhan shook his head, "I wasn't born at the time, so I don't know. I just know that the magic cultivators set the Shangqing Palace on fire, and the corpse capital became mutilated."

  Gu Yan gave a "hmm" and asked, "Then, have you been fighting against demon cultivators?"

Lu Zhan nodded, "Yeah. Later, the six sects of Luodi were united, but after the battle, Haixin Palace consolidated its position in Luodi, and seemed to have stopped and no longer faced the outside world. Expansion, rumors from the outside world say that the palace lord of Haixin Palace, when he attacked the Shangqing Palace, beheaded the real Mingyu, but was also seriously injured and was recuperating. Therefore, the young master usually presides over the affairs. In recent years, there have been frequent fights between the two sides, but there have been few major battles."

   Gu Yan smiled, "Maintain the surface peace. But in this case, I am afraid that the war that will occur will be more violent."

Lu Zhan nodded with understanding, "But I heard my mother say that there is more than one palace master of Haixin Palace, they are carrying out a very mysterious event, so they can't make time to deal with us mysterious people. Where's the door?"

He suddenly covered his mouth, turned his head, and said, "Who are you, why are you asking me about these things?" For some reason, when he saw Gu Yan, he felt a little kind, and he said without knowing it. So much talk. It's only now that I realize it's a bit too much to talk about.

  Gu Yan smiled and patted his shoulder, "I was originally from China, but I went overseas many years ago, and I just came back now. I don't know the current situation very well. I don't know how far it is from Luodi?"

Lu Zhan said: "This is already the border of Luodi. Originally, Luodi is not so big, but in recent years, it has been occupied by Haixin Palace. The boundary controlled by our six gates is here." He pointed to the northwest with his hand, "From here for 79,000 miles, it is the Xinghai Wuji Haixin Palace!"

  Gu Yan nodded. She had heard this name from Fan Sixian's mouth back then, but she did not expect to deal with them once hundreds of years later. She glanced at Lu Zhan, smiled and said, "Thank you, this is a gift from me."

Lu Zhan was stunned for a moment, then he felt a cold jade bottle shoved into his hands, and heard Gu Yan smiling and saying, "That injured Taoist friend probably has a good relationship with you, you take this, to heal his wounds."

   Before Lu Zhan thanked him, he felt his body light up, and only then did he realize that he was already standing among the group of people.

  The old man rushed up first, grabbed Lu Zhan's shoulder with his hand, and kept looking at him up and down.

A young man next to him said, "Young Sect Master, don't blame Uncle Gu for worrying. I don't know why, but you suddenly disappeared. We all thought that it was someone from Haixin Palace who took you away from the void. If this is the case. If so, how sad will your mother be?"

  Lu Zhan shook his hand and said, "That's not the case. An expert rescued me. She said that she had been away from China for too long and wanted to ask me something. It was the master who helped the three of us."

The old man sucked in a breath of cold air, "Those three fellow Daoists are very skilled, even though they are young, their cultivation base is extremely deep, and the magic weapon in their hands is even more extraordinary, and even with the strength of our Qingyunmen, none of them can compete with them. Compared to them, what kind of powerful person is their master?"

Lu Zhan scratched his head with his hand. He suddenly felt that Gu Yan's appearance was very vague. Naturally, he didn't know that this was Gu Yan's method of using mysterious light to hide his appearance, so that he could see it clearly at the time. , the feeling after that is just a hazy. Lu Zhan just felt that there was an innate closeness to her. He hesitated for a while and said, "I can't remember what she looks like, but I just feel that she is like my relative."

Seeing that he couldn't hear anything from his mouth, Uncle Gu sighed and said, "Let's cook it, we have to rush back to Qingyun Sect right away. This time, it's my fault, Young Sect Master, that you are so reckless, you are alone. Just ran out with the heavy treasure, if it was really caught by the Haixin Palace, how could it be good?"

  Lu Zhan remembered the situation just now, and was also a little scared, and said in a low voice: "This is what my father left for me. I didn't know it was so important. My father said before that with this, I can find him."

Uncle Gu sighed, "I haven't told you about these things before. When I go back, let your mother tell you in detail. The sixth patriarch has been in seclusion for many years and has left the seclusion again. He will take over the affairs in the door. After you go back, explain it to him."

  Lu Zhan stuck out his tongue, "Has Uncle Liu got out of the border, how is he entering?"

   Uncle Gu said: "It's still one step away from completing the formation of the pill. His old man once sighed that it seems that Nascent Soul is hopeless in this life."

   "Oh." Lu Zhan was playing with the corners of his clothes with some fear. In the Qingyun Sect, what he was most afraid of was this sixth uncle. Discipline yourself without giving your mother face at all. He clenched his fist nervously and felt his palms get cold, then suddenly remembered what Gu Yan said before parting and asked, "How is the fourth brother?"

   Uncle Gu sighed, "He was injured by the White Bone Hammer of the Demon Sect, and his yin qi penetrated into his internal organs, and there is no cure. We will take his body back and bury him alive."

"Ah, how could it be?" Lu Zhan shouted. Although he is young, he has a distinguished status in the family and has few friends. This is his cousin, ranking fourth. He has the best friendship with him. The same exit and the same entry, this time he sneaked out, and the fourth brother also accompanied him, how could he suddenly die?

   He thought of the jade bottle that Gu Yan gave him, and hurriedly handed it over, "This is given to me by that expert, saying it's a panacea, does it work?"

Uncle Gu took it casually, "As the saying goes, a medicine doctor won't die, the old four are gone, and there is no medicine..." Before he could finish speaking, he suddenly stopped, holding his hand in his hand. That jade bottle, with round eyes, "This is... Come and see, what kind of medicine is this?"

He held a cyan jade bottle in his hand, which exuded a faint fragrance, which was refreshing when he smelled it. Uncle Gu only felt that the meridians in his body were unobstructed by three points, as if he had been cultivating for several years in a place where spiritual energy was extremely abundant. Same. He said in surprise: "This medicine pill contains countless vitality, maybe it can really bring back the dead!"

Lu Zhan shouted: "Then why are you hesitating, let the fourth brother drink it!" Everyone hurriedly moved the big man's body and brought the bottle to his mouth. Entering his mouth, the already dead skin on his body miraculously revived.

   Uncle Gu exclaimed: "It's really an elixir of resurrection, could it be that it's an immortal?"

  Gu Yan is naturally not an immortal, but in the eyes of these people, the elixir she made is not much worse than an elixir. She just gave Lu Zhan half a pill of avoiding dust. This is the holy medicine used by the Yuanying cultivator to heal wounds. She restored it from the ancient pill recipe. The fourth brother just conjured pills. Because the golden pills were smashed to pieces, people showed a state of suspended animation. But if Gu Yan's Bichen Pill was not given to him, and there were no Yuan Ying-level monks here to heal his wounds, he would be dead in the next three to five or seven days. At that time, even the Daluo Immortal would be saved. Do not turn around. At this time, half a grain of dust avoidance pill is enough to be effective.

   She was standing high in the sky at this time, and everyone surrounded her. Yan Huan had just fought a battle and said excitedly, "Where are we going?"

Gu Yan took out the jade box in her hand and was still pointing in the northeast direction. Obviously, the jade box was pointing somewhere in Luodi, she hesitated and said, "Of course, go to Luodi, but before solving this jade box , I want to go to Guanque City first and explore a hometown."

  Yue Yu raised his head and asked curiously, "Is that where Master used to practice Taoism?"

Gu Yan smiled and said: "Maybe it is. I used to have a friend who I didn't know for a long time, but I could entrust my life and death. Unfortunately, he is no longer there." She waved her sleeves and flew into the air without hearing the following. What Lu Zhan and others said.

Far in the direction of the extreme west and extreme north, there is a ring-shaped mountain range that stretches for tens of thousands of miles. The mountains and peaks are so dense that the fog is so dense that ordinary people cannot get in and out. In the deepest part of the mountain range, there is a large natural lake with a radius of thousands of miles. Such a large lake on the flat ground is called "Haizi" by the locals. And this piece is called "The Promise Sea of ​​Stars". It was created tens of thousands of years ago by a Demon Venerable who traversed this place, known as the "Xinghai Demon Venerable". The martial art he created at that time was called "Haixin Palace", which has been passed down from generation to generation.

   I don’t know if it’s because of the fever that made my brain confused. After uploading, I forgot to click publish…



   (end of this chapter)

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