Immortal Formula

Chapter 957: relatives (below)

   Chapter 957 Relatives (Part 2)

   At this moment, Gu Yan also felt the powerful power of the magic circle above her head, and she couldn't help but smile in her heart. It turned out to be the magic-busting treasure in the Xuanmen formation. I wonder how it compares to my four treasures of refining gods?

   She thought about it, and a faint blue light flew from her leather bag, which was the blood-turning sword. After making a turn on the top of Gu Yan's head, he flew straight into the sky, and suddenly rushed into the center of the demon-busting circle. Immediately, the huge and incomparably huge demon-subduing circle suddenly stagnated in the sky. Everyone present was stunned for a moment, and in the blink of an eye, they heard an earth-shattering loud noise. The huge magic circle actually shattered in the air like this, and turned into twenty-four golden short sticks again. And the twenty-four monks who were originally in charge of the formation also flew out from the air, and blood spurted from their mouths.

Everyone was stunned and stunned, only Gu Yan smiled and didn't care. She looked up and said with a smile: "It turns out to be Taibai fine gold, and the training tool is considered a good material. Forget it, I'll take it!" , she spread her palm lightly, and the twenty-four short sticks fell down on their own and quietly spread on his palm.

  Gu Mingze and Gu Ruoyu stared at her blankly, but Shen Kuan's mouth was so wide at this time that he couldn't close at all, and they said in shock, "You, who are you?"

  Gu Yan said lightly: "I am part of the Gu family, ranked seventeenth, and my name is Gu Yan!"

   After he and she said these words, Divine Sense suddenly released outwards, and suddenly, the powerful pressure unique to Nascent Soul cultivators enveloped the area hundreds of feet in radius.

   Everyone, including the Gu family, fell down in shock at this moment. Hundreds of monks fell from the cloud and fell to the ground.

   At this moment, they were all shocked by Gu Yan. After tens of thousands of years in Luodi, a Nascent Soul cultivator appeared for the first time!

   After releasing the pressure of his Nascent Soul period, Gu Yan said coldly: "Qingyunmen is my hometown. In the future, you can't wait to come here to make trouble!"

   Everyone responded in unison: "Follow the decree of Yuanying Patriarch!"

  Gu Yan's eyes drifted aimlessly in the air, and turned around on Shen Kuan's body. He suddenly felt cold all over, and he felt like he was falling into an ice cellar from head to toe, and he couldn't even move his little fingers. There was no hint of resistance in his body, he just stood there and listened to Gu Yan's hair fall.

   Fortunately, Gu Yan didn't embarrass him, just brushed his sleeves gently and said, "Go!"

   The cultivators in the sky suddenly receded like a tide in the blink of an eye, leaving only the large empty place in front of Qingyunmen.

  Lu Zhan opened his mouth wide and looked at Gu Yan, as if he could put an egg in it, and Gu Mingze and Gu Ruoyu also looked at Gu Yan with strange eyes, as if they knew her for the first time.

   Gu Yan smiled bitterly: "You don't have to look at me like that, right?"

Gu Mingze was stunned for a long time before he said with admiration: "I should have guessed it long ago, even mediocre talents like us can cultivate to the late stage of the formation of elixir, how can a talented and intelligent person like you be like me? ?" But even so, in Gu Mingze's heart, he still felt that he couldn't believe this fact, after all, in the land of Shenzhou, it has been tens of thousands of years, and the voice of the Yuanying monk has not been heard.

   Gu Yan smiled slightly: "Sixth brother, now you can remove the formation and let me meet you!"

   Gu Mingze suddenly realized, and said repeatedly: "I was negligent, negligent!"

With a big wave of his hand, he removed the formation, and the clouds and mist around Qingyunmen disappeared immediately, revealing a green hill, a white jade-colored building standing in front of the mountain, and behind the mountain, there were blocks of In the castle, Gu Yan looked at this familiar scene, but her eyes didn't feel a little wet.

Gu Mingze smiled smugly and said, "What's the matter? Does it sound familiar? Here, I also named him Qingyun Mountain." He took Gu Yan's hand and said, "Come on, let's go in and talk together, The houses here are all arranged as you were in Qingyun Mountain back then, and I even keep the room you lived in back then."

  Gu Yan's heart couldn't help but be moved. Over the years, no matter where she went, on the land where she landed, there were always people who remembered the place she left for her.

  Gu Mingze widened his eyes and said, "What about those little bastards, haven't they come out to meet the Patriarch?"

   Gu Ruoyu said with a wry smile: "Sixth brother, we can talk about this later, let's think of a way first, how to deal with the current crisis!"

Gu Mingze let out an "ah" and said, "Yes, Shen Kuan, which **** said that the three old devils of Haixin Palace are coming to trouble us." He glanced at Gu Yan and said worriedly, "Then The three old guys are all Demon Venerable. Although you are promoted to Nascent Soul, you may not be the opponent of the three of them. Let's avoid them first. I know that there is a place in Luodi, which is very secret. …”

   Yue Yu, who had been standing obediently by the side, couldn't help rolling his eyes. If it wasn't for her master's peers, it would be her elders, she would have refuted it long ago.

  Although she hasn't been with Gu Yan for a long time, she also knows the style of Gu Yan's behavior.

In Cangwu, facing the siege of so many cultivators of the Empress Yuan Dynasty, Gu Yan still resisted the enemy with all her strength, and finally made a **** way to walk away. At this time, she came to Shenzhou, facing these three Yuanying Demon Venerables, she actually To be scared and retreat without fighting, if such a thing spreads to Cangwu, it will make people laugh out loud.

Gu Yan saw Yue Yu's careful thought, smiled indifferently, reached out and knocked on her head, and said with a smile: "It's okay, we haven't seen each other for so many years, let's talk inside. If there is an enemy coming. If attacked, my treasure mirror will warn you. What's more..." She showed a faint smile, but her tone revealed incomparable coldness, "I cover the whole mountain with this treasure, and look at the whole Shenzhou, no one can Break this ban!"

   After she said that, she raised her hand, and a golden light flew out from her sleeve, and then everyone's eyes widened. A seven-colored treasure tower also slowly rose to the sky, and the seven-colored brilliance hung down, like a seven-colored necklace, illuminating the vast world, and it was extremely dazzling. All the disciples of Qingyunmen felt this incomparably powerful coercion, and they fell to the ground one after another. Gu Mingze said in surprise: "This is..."

   Gu Yan said with a smile: "I got this treasure in Guixuhai, and it can be classified as a first-class immortal artifact. With this treasure to protect the entire mountain, unless it is a major repair from the Yuan Dynasty, no one can attack it."

   As soon as these words came out, those people looked at the reverence on Gu Yan's body, and immediately deepened by three points. You must know that a high-quality magic weapon can be regarded as a treasure of the town by Feiyumen. As for the best-quality magic weapon, they have never seen it before. In their eyes, it has always been just a legend. Don't expect to see it in person at all.

   Until then, Gu Mingze and the others knew that Gu Yan had risen to a height that they could never reach or imagine.

  Gu Mingze said with a little murmur: "It seems that you must have done a lot of earth-shattering things over the years, Sister Seventeen."

  Gu Yan saw the hesitation in his eyes and said with a big laugh: "Today, it doesn't matter what you do, it's just about friendship. Let's go in and talk, I have a lot to ask you."

  Gu Yan covered the entire mountain with the golden banner of seven treasures and the Zhuyan Mirror. If the three demons of the Haixin Palace attacked, Zhu Yanjing would be the first to warn her, and she would have enough time to react.

   Then, Gu Mingze entered the hall of the front hall with her. Sure enough, as he said before, the layout here is exactly the same as that of Qingyun Mountain in Yue Kingdom.

   Entered the hall, and everyone naturally asked Gu Yan to take the throne, and Gu Yan no longer refused, and did it at will. Sitting on the main seat of the main hall, Gu Yan thought that when he was in the same place and listened to the sixth patriarch preaching, he couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

   The three of them looked at each other, and they all felt like there were thousands of words in their chests, but they didn't know where to start. After a while, Gu Yanxian said: "I have gone to many places in the hundreds of years since I left, overseas, Luodi, South China Sea, and even the Cangwu Continent on the other side of the Tianji Mountains, all of which have been visited by me. To be honest, it doesn’t happen overnight.”

  Gu Mingze and Gu Ruoyu looked at each other, and they were surprised but also a little clear. It's no wonder that Gu Yan's cultivation is so advanced. It turns out that she went to Cangwu, which is called the Holy Land of Immortal Cultivation by everyone.

   Gu Yan said with a smile: "I'll talk about my affairs slowly, why did you leave the country of Yue and come here so far?"

Gu Mingze sighed and said, "It's a long story. After you left the family, the sixth brother listened to your words and ignored other affairs, and just urged the disciples of this sect to cultivate. There are those foundation building that you left behind. With Dan's help, in addition to me and the Sixteenth Sister, over the past few decades, several brothers of the same generation have succeeded in building foundations."

  Gu Yan said: "This is a good thing. If the Sixth Patriarch and the others had a spirit under the spring and knew about this, they would definitely feel relieved for you, Sixth Brother."

  Gu Mingze said with a wry smile: "Blessed is where fortune depends, and where fortune is where misfortune lies. The Gu family is just sullenly developing, but it has also attracted the coveting of the other two major sects in Tianmu Mountain."

  Gu Yan frowned and said, "Taiyi is so powerful that he shouldn't do such a thing. Is it the Fuyumen or the Zhushan Sect of the Lu family?"

Gu Mingze smiled bitterly and said, "It's these two schools. Ruoyu was defeated by Li Zhenren of Fuyumen as a disciple, and she became friends with Jiayan son of Zhushan Cult. These two schools see our Lu family's strength gradually growing. , all want to inhale this door, thinking that it will help. Our Gu family is caught in the middle of the two factions, it is very embarrassing. "

   Gu Yan's face was a little heavy, what Gu Mingze said was indeed something she never thought of. If she had known this earlier, she should have asked the Gu family to leave Tianmu Mountain and develop outward.

   Gu Yan said slowly: "I heard that later, the Fuyumen and Zhushan Sect seem to be gone?"

Gu Mingze nodded, "Yes, then they had a fierce battle. That was 60 years after you left the Gu family. The two sides fought fiercely, and most of the elites of the sect were killed in that battle. "

   (end of this chapter)

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