Immortal Formula

Chapter 962: Massacre (Part 1)

   Chapter 962 Killing Ring (Part 1)

This is also the three Demon Venerables of Haixin Palace. It was the first time that they appeared in front of people at the same time. Everyone, including the disciples of Qingyun Sect, couldn't help but gasp. This is unprecedented in the history of Lodi.

  Gu Mingze and the others couldn't help but worry even more. In their opinion, although the cultivators in the Nascent Soul stage were extremely powerful beings, it was still impossible to fight against three. Gu Mingze looked left and right, thinking about how to get out if Gu Yan was defeated? But he thought and thought, and it seemed that there was still no way.

   Gu Yan didn't seem to see the eagerness of the people behind him. She just looked at the three Demon Venerables in front of her in a leisurely manner. When she was in Luodi, she had even seen the Demon Ancestor, and it was nothing to the three in front of her.

   She just glanced at it, and then matched the names of the three of them. Standing in the center was Tian Lan, the Palace Master of Haixin Palace. The left and right are naturally his two junior brothers, but they don't know the names for a while. Except for Tian Lan, who was in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, the other two were at their peak in the early stage of Nascent Soul. Gu Yan's spiritual sense swept over, knowing their cultivation realm, and she was certain in her heart. Although she was not afraid of these three people, knowing herself and her enemy was the lowest policy for Gu Yan. Because of this, she can win every battle and defeat her opponent.

  Tian Lan was also looking at Gu Yan carefully. They were both monks of the same level, and they had nothing to hide from each other. Naturally, they saw Gu Yan's cultivation, and couldn't help but be a little surprised. Originally, he thought that Gu Yan was just a cultivator who had just cultivated into Nascent Soul, but now it seems that her vitality has been condensed, and the top three flowers and five qi have been formed. It seems that she is one step ahead of herself. Could it be that she has reached the peak of the middle Nascent Soul? Tian Lan's eyes narrowed slightly. If this is the case, Gu Yan's combat power will probably have to be recalculated.

The three of them stood here at the same time, and under the strong pressure, the cultivators in the distance couldn't help but step back, but Gu Yan didn't seem to feel the pressure at all, she said calmly. : "I came from Cangwu, yes, I ordered the young master to attack me at the edge of Luodi, but it was not me who shot it myself, but one of my friends and two disciples, who sent it away. His behavior is really bad, and it's not what I want to actually end up being completely destroyed."

Tian Lan snorted coldly, his eyes fell on Yue Yu and Lin Ying who were behind Gu Yan, and his brows showed breath, "Fellow Daoist, are you kidding me? Your two disciples are still there. With this friend, at most, he is only in the late stage of forming an elixir, and he is at least one level away from my son. Today, the three of them will be able to beat my son to annihilation, who can believe it?"

  Gu Yan said lightly: "What's not to believe? If you don't believe it, send another person with similar cultivation to try it!"

Tianlan snorted coldly and said, "Since there is such a grievance and a debt, I will first check your apprentice's sacrifice flag, and then I will find you to settle the account!" After that, his figure suddenly took a step forward, and a The big hand stretched out and grabbed the top of Yue Yu's head.

  Yue Yu watched the big hand grab it, the speed seemed to be very slow, but unfortunately, he had no way to avoid it. A yin qi quickly descended above her head. She suddenly felt cold all over her body, as if she couldn't even move a little finger, and the golden core in her body swayed slightly, as if it was about to burst out of her body.

Gu Yan snorted coldly, and flicked her fingers, a small fireball had already flew above Yue Yu's head, and with a bang, it burst into the air, and the black smoke from Tian Lan instantly disappeared. Gu Yan said coldly: "As a Demon Venerable, you actually take action against lower-level disciples. Is this your Luodi's rule?"

Tianlan laughed and said: "You monks in Xuanmen, what do you pay attention to to maintain balance and do not take a step easily, we do not have such rules in magic. We always pay attention to pleasure, kindness and hatred, and kindness may not be remembered in our hearts. There is vengeance, but it must be avenged. This time you will admit it!"

   His voice was extremely loud, but he didn't take a step forward. The evaluation of Gu Yan in his heart quietly rose to a new level. His shot just now seemed to be an understatement, but in fact, he used the mysterious fire of the mysterious sea, which was secretly practiced by the Haixin Palace. As long as the ordinary cultivator of the formation of alchemy came into contact with this fire, he would add the golden elixirs to his body, and all of them would be transformed into Flying ash, and Gu Yan just made an understatement to dissolve his secret method. This method can't help but make Tian Lan's heart a little amazed.

Gu Yan's face gradually became cold, she turned back and said to Yue Yu and the others: "Go back to the mountain, help the uncles and teachers, and guard the mountain protection formation. I will take care of them first, and then go back to find you guys. Yes." Her words were extremely arrogant, but Yue Yu and the others seemed not to be surprised at all, they bowed and responded, "Respect!" After speaking, they flew towards Qingyun Mountain, leaving only Gu Yan was fighting the enemy alone in the sky.

  Tianlan laughed and said: "You Daoist is really big, you dare to fight one against three. You must know that the three of us have never shot at the same time since our debut."

  Gu Yan said lightly: "Gu Yan traveled to Shenzhou and then to Cangwu. He experienced countless battles, big and small, and he never retreated because of his big gestures. If you have any skills, just use them!"

Tian Lan laughed loudly: "This is the first time I've seen an arrogant person like you, even if you cultivate into Nascent Soul..." Just as he was halfway through his words, he suddenly stopped, his face showing surprise and ecstasy With an expression on his face, he stared at Gu Yan tightly and said, "What did you say your name was?"

   Tian Xing, who was standing behind him, took a step forward and said in a deep voice, "Brother, he said his name is Gu Yan!"

  Tianyue shouted sharply: "You are Gu Yan, the one who stole that helmet from Fan Sixian on Mount Taihua back then?"

   Hearing this sentence, Gu Yan couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. For her, what happened back then was a very distant memory. She even forgot that there was that helmet on her body.

  Tianlan's expression turned solemn. He raised his hands and quickly swiped a few spells, and black spells suddenly appeared in the air. Gu Yan suddenly felt that in the depths of the magic bag, there was an aura that kept surging, as if it was about to burst out of the body. She reacted extremely quickly, pressing her finger on the Vajra Seal, and shouted in a deep voice, "Stop!" The surging breath immediately calmed down.

  Tianyue and Tianxing were overjoyed at the same time: "Big brother is right, it's her, the missing helmet is on her body!"

Tianlan laughed loudly: "It really took no effort to get it, we worked hard and searched for something for hundreds of years, and it turned out to be on you, hand it over quickly, otherwise, I will let the entire Qingyun Mountain , no chickens and dogs!"

He turned around and shouted, "Where are the disciples of Haixin Palace?" Not far behind him, there was a burst of noise, and black figures kept appearing. Only then did Qingyunmen find out that Haixin Palace actually has such a Many disciples followed, I'm afraid there are hundreds of thousands of people?

  Tianlan coldly shouted: "Bu Xuanyin Twelve Demon Formations!"

He looked at Gu Yan, and said coldly: "Today, if you hand over your helmet and go back to Haixin Palace with me to die with your disciple, I will spare Qingyunmen, otherwise, you will die. Let's be buried with them!"

  Gu Yan couldn't help but smile. Speaking of which, she hadn't heard such cruel words for a long time, and she still missed it for a while. After a short pause, she turned her head and said to the following: "Yingzi, Xiaoyu, together with your uncle, you will control the mountain protection formation, and you must not let outsiders invade." Then she said coldly: "Today I want to Here, start the killing ring!"

  The Three Demon Venerables burst into laughter. In their hearts, Gu Yan was regarded as an arrogant and arrogant person. Even if she became the first monk to cultivate into the Nascent Soul since Luodi's ten thousand years, it does not mean that she can run wild. Maybe in the Xuanmen, she can be the only one, but now, they are three to one, are they still afraid?

   The three of them gave a quick wink, and they had a plan in mind. At the same time, they took a few steps back, forming a zigzag shape, and surrounded Gu Yan. Tian Lan suddenly made a secret gesture and shouted, "Attack!"

  Behind him, a **** light suddenly appeared, black figures kept pouring out of the void, and the sky seemed to turn into a sea of ​​blood. Immediately, strips of blood light, like meteors, flew down towards Qingyun Mountain.

  Gu Ruoyu is very knowledgeable, she quickly shouted: "This is the blood and fire flying star of Haixin Palace's secret refinement. All the spiritual veins contaminated by it will be polluted, and the spiritual energy will be lost. Everyone, all stand back!"

  Yue Yu and Lin Ying still didn't go. Under the influence of Gu Yan, they dared to fight even if they faced Yuanying Demon Venerable. What's more, they still had the important task of controlling the mountain protection formation. Yue Yu said without looking back: "Masters and uncles, please step back, and leave this to Yingzi and me." The two looked at each other, and the tacit understanding they had formed over hundreds of years had become clear to each other. Said: "Open Nine Heavens Thunder!"

The twelve Dingshan pillars roared at the same time, and twelve incomparably huge beast heads emerged from the clouds. They opened their mouths at the same time and roared to the sky. A thunderbolt slashed straight down from above the Nine Heavens. There was a loud bang, and the blood light was struck impartially. The two flashed in the air and annihilated each other. The air suddenly filled with a stench of stench, but it was completely covered by clouds, and not a trace fell on Qingyun Mountain.

   (end of this chapter)

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