Immortal Formula

Chapter 972: Slash Yuan Ying! (superior)

   Chapter 972 Slaying the Nascent Soul! (superior)

   The sudden sword light made Tian Lan's whole body tremble. The stone gate opened in front of him, and he only saw boundless murderous intent directed at him. Under the shock, his body was like electricity, and he quickly stepped back, and the pattern in his hand was thrown behind him.

  Tianyue pressed the pattern with one hand and waved with the left, just swiping the magic. The formation on the second floor of the Tongtian Tower was activated immediately. The surrounding stone walls began to shake constantly, with countless patterns on them, dazzling and colorful. Every magic cultivator engraved on the stone wall wants to come alive. He jumped down from the stone wall and pressed towards Gu Yan.

  Gu Yan was also surprised. She released the Dayan Sword to split the Shimen, but the Shimen opened in response to the sword energy.

   After Shimen, the two brothers Tianlan and Tianyue appeared. Tianlan held a map in his hand, as if he wanted to do something with people.

  Gu Yan's reaction was very fast, she suddenly realized that Tianlan was going to use the array map to make her. What he holds in his hand is the formation diagram of the Tongtian Tower!

  The boundless pressure was already surging from the stone wall. Gu Yan gave a low drink and waved her left hand, and the golden banner of seven treasures flew out of her hand, helping each other's whole body. As for her figure, she flew straight ahead, driving the Dayan Sword Formation, and rushing straight towards Tianlan.

  Although here, the magic weapons and Taoism of Xuanmen are suppressed. But the Seven Treasures Golden Pillar, this immortal weapon that can be used for the innate fire of hell, even if its power is weakened, it still blocks all the attacks from the four walls. Gu Yan flew straight ahead, and in the blink of an eye, she had crossed the hundreds of feet long corridor. The sword was so strong, it stabbed towards Tianlan's eyebrows.

  Tianlan retreated at a very fast speed. But Gu Yan's speed was not even half a point slower than his. The two didn't even fight in the air, just advancing and retreating, they chased hundreds of feet away in the blink of an eye. At this time, Tianyue had been soaked by both of them.

  Tianyue shouted loudly at this moment: "It's the first formation that she broke!"

  Tian Lan's whole body was shaken, and he suddenly woke up. That's right, Gu Yan's sword was not aimed at him, but at the stone gate. It just so happened that at this time, the stone gate was opened by himself, so the power of the sword qi was fully endured by himself.

   This woman can even decipher the mysterious formation in the Demon Gate. What else does she have that she doesn't know?

  Tianlan was embarrassed by her chasing, but the sword light always locked his Qi machine firmly, so that he couldn't take the chance to fight back. He shouted in a deep voice, "Second child!"

   Now, he has been firmly suppressed by Gu Yan, but the array map is in Tianyue's hands. Only when the two of them join forces can they have a chance to win. In his heart, there is also a trace of resentment. In Tongtian Pagoda, a secret place that can suppress Xuanmen cultivators, doesn't he have a chance to win?

   This Tongtian Tower is not only the secret place of the Shenzhou Demon Cultivator back then, but it has also been reinforced by ancient overhauls. The mystery is hard to describe.

   The more Gu Yan flew forward, the more pressure he felt from the Seven Treasures Golden Pillar, like a thunderous thunder. Gu Yan gritted her teeth, the bones of her whole body rattled at this moment, but the long sword in her hand slashed mercilessly.

   At this time, Tianyue, who was behind him, also held the formation chart and pressed him. On the surrounding walls, there are thousands of shadows, rushing down at the same time, the Seven Treasures Golden Banner, spinning rapidly in the air. Every instrument above is buzzing. Gu Yan shouted in a deep voice, "Open!"

   In the air, there are countless shadows of magic cultivators. Each of them, holding a magic weapon, slammed heavily on the Seven Treasures Golden Banner.

   Tianyue, who was holding the array map, turned pale at this time. He never thought that it would take such a large amount of magic to control this array. Almost all the demonic energy in his body has been sucked out. If this blow doesn't hurt Gu Yan again, I'm afraid he will fall first.

   Countless shadows pressed up on top of each other, smashing heavily on the Seven Treasures Golden Pillar. Gu Yan snorted, and a trace of blood dripped from the corner of his mouth. But the Dayan sword in her hand still fell mercilessly.

   But the Seven Treasures Golden Pagoda behind Gu Yan, because of the heavy pressure, shifted its orientation, and the sword energy released by Gu Yan also shifted by a few points. It didn't pierce Tianlan's eyebrows directly, but slid across his shoulder.

  Tianlan let out a miserable cry, covered his shoulders with his hands, and floated backwards like a kite with a broken string. Although Gu Yan's sword did not cut off his arm, his qi pulse was obviously severely damaged by the sword qi. Gu Yan watched it draw a long trajectory, floated towards the distance, and whispered: "Break!"

With the sound of    "Peng", a blood mist burst out on his shoulders, followed by a scream from Tianlan.

  Gu Yan penetrated the sword energy into his body, and then exploded suddenly. At this time, his entire shoulder was blown to a **** mess, leaving only a trace of flesh attached to his arm.

  Although they, as Nascent Soul cultivators, have incomparable supernatural powers, it is beyond the ability of ordinary people to suffer such a heavy damage to the Dharma body.

  Tianyue cried out, "Big Brother!" At this moment, he also reddened his eyes, opened his mouth, bit on the tip of his tongue, and a drop of blood essence spurted out.

Above the    formation map, it suddenly became blurred with blood mist. The entire corridor was quickly filled with fog, as if a sea of ​​blood was floating in the sky. It's impossible to move people in it.

  Gu Yan immediately stopped, and the seven-treasure golden banners guarded around him, forming a seven-color mask, but this mask was already oppressed by the surrounding children, only a few feet square.

  Tianyue had already flew past Gu Yan's side at this time. After he did his best to launch a blow from the array map, he forcibly released blood essence, urging the formation, and his vitality had been greatly damaged. At this time, his face was as pale as paper, and his figure was shaky.

   He supported Tianlan, took out a black stone bottle from his arms, tore the lid off with one hand, and stuffed all the medicinal pills in the bottle into Tianlan's mouth. At the same time, in his other hand, he seemed to be holding a bottle of ointment and pressed it against Tianlan's shoulder.

  Tianlan let out a low cry, his voice extremely painful. He was injured by Gu Yan's sword. Not only was his legal body damaged, but the sword energy penetrated deeper into his meridians. At this time, half of his body had been sealed with infuriating energy by himself. The hunting and killing energy contained in it will follow the meridians and go straight to the heart. At that time, even the Great Luo Immortal could not be saved.

   He gritted his teeth, his face was as pale as paper, and he said bitterly: "I didn't expect this woman to be so powerful, second child, how are you?"

Tianyue's complexion was not much better than his, he took a deep breath and said, "I just mobilized the formation map, I have already exerted all my strength, just now I used my blood and essence, and I have no more energy to fight with others. ."

Tian Lan looked at the sea of ​​blood in the sky in front of him, and said in a deep voice: "This array is really exquisite, but we are just beginners, and I am afraid that the power that can be exerted is less than 30% of it. , can trap him for a moment or three at most, as long as she will come out, and the strength of my two brothers, it is not his opponent. Second child, light the letter incense, please come out to deal with the messenger of the devil."

   He said coldly: "If we want us to help him, we must first eliminate our opponents!"

  Tianyue reluctantly took out the letter incense, the Venerable once said, let them use the array to capture Gu Yan, then light the letter incense and summon him back. But he really didn't expect that Gu Yan would be able to do his best to inflict heavy damage on their brothers when all the magic weapons and supernatural powers were suppressed.

   But when he took out the letter incense and wanted to light it according to the previous method, he was surprised to find that this letter incense, no matter what method was used, could not be ignited.

He suddenly remembered something, patted his forehead, and exclaimed: "I remember that Venerable said that after lighting another incense stick, it will take two hours to light another one. It's only been an hour and a half!"

   The two looked at each other, and a hint of panic rose in their hearts. Although half an hour was just a short moment for them, in their hearts, they were not sure at this time.

   None of them could tell whether Gu Yan would rush out of the formation in this short half hour and then come to trouble them again. When I think about it, I feel a little sad. Back then, the three brothers were unrivaled in Luodi, and even the Shangqing Palace was swept away, but now they were forced into such a situation by a woman. It was something they could never have dreamed of before.

  Tianlan shouted categorically: "Go! We have a general map of this layer of formation in our hands, and we are dealing with her in the Tongtian Tower. I don't believe it will be delayed for half an hour!"

   He was injured by Gu Yan's sword energy, and his aura was also stunned at this time. He was not thinking about how to fight against Gu Yan, but just thinking about how to pass this moment safely.

Far above the seventh floor of the Tongtian Pagoda, it was a haze of gray, like a vast void in this void. Suddenly it turned into smoke. A low voice said: "These two things are really useless. They haven't caught people yet. Hmm... Why does the formation seem to have changed?"

He snorted coldly and said, "The little guy named Xinghai back then, after he got the armor that covers the sky, dared to break my promise and didn't come to help me get through the Ziyu Bridge. Fortunately, there are two more now. Fool, come here to die." His tone suddenly revealed joy, "Yes, it really is a battle armor that covers the sky."

He laughed loudly: "After waiting for hundreds of thousands of years, I finally got this day. Now, the sky-covering armors have gathered in the Tongtian Tower, as long as I gather the three magic weapons, I will You can leave the Tongtian Tower, restore your primordial spirit, and roam the world!"

   Countless clouds in the void slowly condensed to form a tall and incomparably tall human figure, and then he raised his head and let out a rumble of laughter.

   (end of this chapter)

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