Immortal Formula

Chapter 978: escape

   Chapter 978 Escape

  Gu Yan saw through the secret method of Xuan Ting's incarnation, and used the Dayan sword formation to break the formation of his connection with the Dharma body, and then released the blood-turning sword, which hit him with one blow.

Xuan Ting's spiritual body, so he was severely injured, he was not prepared, he broke the illusion, and appeared, but his face was like No. 4, not surprised, half, shouting, Gu Yan, in the magic bag The helmet broke out.

  The helmet flew up on its own, as if it was not hindered at all, breaking through the barrier of the surrounding spiritual energy, and flew straight towards the top of Xuan Ting's head.

   Gu Yan was suddenly startled, she reached out to grab it, but felt empty. That helmet, as if it suddenly became spiritual, actually moved its own trajectory in the air, escaping Gu Yan's grasp. The distance between the two is only a few dozen feet. In the blink of an eye, the helmet flew to Xuan Ting's head.

  Gu Yan frowned slightly, she instinctively felt a hint of danger, this armor that covered the sky had an incomparably strange aura. It is by no means an ordinary magic weapon to compare with.

   She drank immediately, and her body shot forward like electricity. Pushing forward with both hands, the seven-color flames immediately covered the sky, rolling up the sea of ​​fire that filled the sky, and the rumbling giant flames attacked forward like a mountain.

Xuan Ting's body quickly retreated back, and in his mouth, there was a arrogant and unrestrained laughter, "You probably don't know, this armor that covers the sky is the time when the two worlds of man and sky were divided into two. The great sage in the door, one of the three magic weapons left here. There are countless magical uses, as long as you get close, I will be able to attract it by myself.”

Gu Yan snorted coldly: "Who will kill the deer, I don't know yet!" Her ten fingers stretched forward at the same time, and the flames in the sky were pouring down like a dense rain. With a move with her left hand in the air, the giant blade formed by the purple sky fire, Already in the palm of his hand, he slashed forward with force. The flames were raging, and the sword energy was strong. Everything around seemed to freeze at this moment. The helmet that flew to Xuan Ting's head suddenly stopped moving.

   At the same time, Gu Yan pressed down in the air, and a large golden hand suddenly fell from the top of Xuan Ting's head.

   Xuan Ting shouted angrily. With his hands hidden in his sleeves, he kept swiping the magic tricks, urging the formation of the entire Tongtian Tower to suppress Gu Yan's magical powers.

   At this time, all the blood vessels in Gu Yan's body had already reached their peak. Around her body, a layer of light clouds and mists actually appeared, and there were countless shadows of giant beasts, looming.

  Under her all-out efforts, Taixuan Jue, a supreme jutsu from ancient times, finally showed its edge in Gu Yan's hands.

  The surrounding ghosts in the sky pressed down like a mountain, but before they approached Gu Yan's body, they were bounced off by the clouds around her, and they never approached her body once.

   And Gu Yan's figure was flying close to Xuan Ting's side at this time, and that big golden hand was about to grab the helmet.

   Xuan Ting's brows could not help raising. As the primordial spirit of the demon ancestor, he wears a sky-covering battle armor. Naturally, he will not lose his mind like Tianlan. With his own strength, Gu Yan can actually match the formation set up by several demons in the demon gate. contend. And the magical power she used was something she had never seen before.

   Xuan Ting roared, and the giant axe in his hand swung upwards. It smashed heavily on Gu Yan's purple giant blade. The two suddenly collided, and there was a loud bang, and the mountain shook in an instant. Countless thunderbolts exploded in this extremely narrow space at almost the same time, and the entire Tongtian Tower almost shook.

   Gu Yan snorted, her body in the air suddenly took a few steps back, her face was blood red, it seemed that the blood vessels in her whole body were flooded, and it would explode at any time.

The    purple giant blade was split apart by Xuan Ting's axe. And the giant axe in his hand couldn't stand the force and flew out. The body-protecting infuriating qi that enveloped Xuan Ting's body had all been destroyed by Gu Yan's Ziluo Heavenly Fire. Under the blow of their full strength, the two actually fought a tie, and there was no winner.

At this time, Xuan Ting had already flew up, and his pair of giant palms, which were tightly wrapped by the sky-covering armor, went straight to the air and collided with Gu Yan's big golden hands. Even after more than ten hits, no one took advantage. The entire space has been shaken, and it will collapse at any time. And the helmet, in the middle of the confrontation between the two, stopped there quietly.

  Gu Yan had already whispered: "Go!"

   A faint shadow quietly flew out from behind her, and under the shadow of the magic shadow in the sky, it flew to the side of the helmet unknowingly,

   Suddenly, an incomparably huge treasure cauldron appeared in the air without warning. The mouth of the cauldron swirled, and the nine orifices exhaled blue energy at the same time. One was the same as Gu Yan, but the size was reduced countless times. Moving the law, the nine green qi rolled out at the same time.

   Xuan Ting suddenly shouted angrily: "Damn it! You are out of the body? How can you use it? This is a great supernatural power that only a cultivator of the Empress Yuan can use!"

   This is Gu Yan's real killer move!

She protected her body with the Tai Xuan Jue, and the twelve changes of Xuan Ling blocked the suppressing power of the surrounding formations. She quietly left Huo Lingying from her body, controlled Jiuyi Ding, flew to the side of the helmet, and suddenly appeared again, all at once. He hit Xuan Ting by surprise.

   Nine green qi swiftly wrapped around the helmet and pulled it outward. But the top helmet, as if there is an attraction force from the void, is firmly fixed in the air. With Jiuyi Ding's mighty force, which is like shaking mountains and moving mountains, it only moved it by a few points.

   Xuan Ting roared, he abandoned Gu Yan's golden hand in the air, and flew down. He grabbed the helmet in an embracing shape with both hands, and immediately held the helmet in his palm.

   But Gu Yan's big golden hand in the air also went down at this time, hitting Xuan Ting's back heavily.

   Xuan Ting groaned, and the armor that covered the sky suddenly swelled up quickly. Gu Yan's golden hand slammed heavily on it, and a mouthful of blood immediately spewed out of Xuan Ting's mouth.

   In the blink of an eye, Jin Guang's big hand was already behind Xuan Ting, hitting several times in a row. Xuan Ting's body fell backward like a kite with a broken string, but his hands were still holding the helmet tightly.

  Tianlan was dazzled by the sight, and his heart was ashes. He knew that at this time, he could really see Gu Yan's strength.

   In front of him, this enchanting master who was so oppressive that he almost didn't even have the courage to raise his head, was beaten by Gu Yan and vomited blood and was injured. You know, this is a Demon Sect overhaul comparable to the Great Demon Venerable!

Gu Yan was not proud at all. She naturally knew that it wasn't her own strength that really surpassed Xuan Ting, but that he was able to take care of that helmet under the ingenious situation created by Gu Yan's tactics. Injured as a last resort.

   However, the helmet was still in his hands. Gu Yan grabbed the Dayan sword, flew forward and charged forward. At this time, twenty-four Dinghaizhu had already pressed down from the air in turn.

   Xuan Ting lost the first move, and Gu Yan's magic weapon came out all at once, like a storm and thunder, and he hit him with no chance to fight back. In the blink of an eye, the sword light of the Dayan Sword Formation had already slashed on him countless times. All the attacks were blocked by the sky-covering armor, and did not leave a single scar on Xuan Ting's body.

   He turned his head, glanced at Gu Yan angrily, and said in a deep voice, "Forget it, I'll give you this Tongtian Tower!"

   He suddenly reached out from his arms with one hand, and a pitch-black jade talisman had been thrown out by him.

   Gu Yan's face froze, and he quickly took a few steps back. The stone walls in the entire Tongtian Tower were all peeled off. Xuan Ting gave a wicked smile: "In this Tongtian Tower, there is a sea of ​​ten thousand devils laid down by the devil gate. I would like to see if you can escape from it?"

   After saying this, his body suddenly disappeared in the air, and in a flash, he appeared next to Tian Lan, grabbed him, and immediately disappeared into the void.

  Gu Yan reached out and grabbed the black jade talisman in her hand. As she expected, this jade talisman was the general map of the entire Tongtian Tower and the seven-layered formation. Xuan Ting did not hesitate to abandon the general plan, to launch the last blow in the formation, to destroy the entire Tongtian Tower, and to bury Gu Yan here. This flipping approach is indeed ruthless enough. So, how do you get out of it?

Gu Yan stroked the jade talisman with her hand, and her face was uncertain. She was now on the second floor of the Tongtian Tower, and she could clearly sense that the first floor tower under her feet was constantly collapsing. go down.

   Suddenly a mouthful of blood spurted out of her mouth, Gu Yan's face was pale, and all the magic weapons were taken back by her.

   Just now and Xuan Ting's frontal blow, although the opponent was hit hard, the backlash against Gu Yan was also heavier. After all, it is the primordial spirit of the demon ancestor who is comparable to the cultivation of the Great Demon Venerable. Although Gu Yan has reached the peak of the Yuanzhong realm, she is still one step away from the Yuan Dynasty. The challenge, the backlash suffered is really not small.

   At this time, she didn't care about the chaotic situation around her, she sat down on the ground cross-legged, took out a few Snow Melting Pills and swallowed them.

Ning Fengzi had come out of the chaotic space without knowing when, she said with a smile: "I didn't expect that you haven't done anything with anyone in the past few decades, but this murderous aura has not diminished in the slightest. The two Demon Venerables chased after the Great Demon Venerable and fled in embarrassment."

   Gu Yan smiled bitterly and said, "This kind of thing can happen and can't be repeated. Didn't you see that I'm almost powerless now?"

  Ning Fengzi curled his lips and said, "Small wounds like this are just tickling for you. You'd better think about how to deal with the crisis in front of you!"

  Gu Yan meditated for a while, then stood up, tapped her head and said, "At least for more than ten days, I won't be able to do anything with others, but unfortunately, I still couldn't get the helmet back."

   Her voice fell, and suddenly she felt that her feet were empty, and a large area of ​​the ground had turned into a puff of blue smoke and dispersed. Countless demonic flames under his feet formed ten thousand red lotuses, flying into the air, as if to burn everything in this world to ashes!

   (end of this chapter)

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