Immortal Formula

Chapter 992: lose

   Chapter 992 Lost

   The Jiujixuan ice cone that travels around, like Du Que's penetrating needle, is a magic weapon that penetrates the sky and the earth. Back then, they relied on this treasure to travel through the underground of the Tianji Mountains, and they could go anywhere. There was actually a sea of ​​blood on the top of their heads suppressing them, so they escaped smoothly. Anyway, the stone ball was already in their hands, and they could advance and retreat freely.

   Zhou You held the stone ball to open the way, while Gu Yan held the Dayan sword to break the back, but there was still a trace of unease in her heart. Where did Xuan Ting go after releasing the sea of ​​blood of the devil? Gu Yan was shocked that the incomparably miraculous armor that covered the sky was able to escape from such a powerful forbidden law.

   At this moment, Zhou You suddenly trembled, stopped, and said in a low voice, "Something seems to be blocking the front."

Gu Yan said categorically: "It should be the outermost formation of Tianxing Island, wait for me to split it!" She flew up and rushed forward, twenty-four Dinghaizhu had already flown up at the same time, mixed with the Dayan sword The formation, the overwhelming force, pushed forward at the same time.

  The boundless gravity pushes forward, like destroying the dead, and the barriers in front of him are separated layer by layer toward both sides. At this time, a warning sign suddenly appeared in Gu Yan's heart. She swiped the magic trick, Ding Haizhu and Dayan sword were withdrawn at the same time, and converged to one point at a very fast speed. out.

There was a loud bang, and countless sword qi blasted, and the entire ground was shaken. Xuan Ting's figure was revealed not far in front of Gu Yan. Impossible. He sneered and said, "You can actually see where I am?"

  Gu Yan was also in extreme danger just now. She attacked with all her strength to break the forbidden law on the outer layer of Tianxing Island. If Xuan Ting suddenly made a sneak attack at this time, she would be seriously injured if she did not die.

   Xuan Ting sneered and looked at the stone ball in Zhou You's hand: "This is the collection of my soul, even if you go to the ends of the earth, I can still find out where you are."

   Zhou You pursed his lips, took two steps towards Gu Yan's side, and said, "I'll stop him, you go with the stone ball!"

Gu Yan said solemnly: "How can you be his opponent alone? He said just now that even if I go to the ends of the earth, he will still be able to find the traces of the stone ball. It is better that the two of us join forces to fight against him, no matter what. Life and death can be considered a fight!"

In Cangwu and Tianji, the two fought together several times, going to life and death together, without being too polite to each other, Zhouyou nodded: "I will try my best to restrain his armor, and the rest will depend on you. The longer we drag on, the better chance we have of winning!"

Gu Yan nodded slightly, her body suddenly shot up straight up, and the seven-colored Changhong dozens of meters long had broken through the air. In the blink of an eye, the outermost formation of Tianxing Island was broken by her, bright The sky suddenly came in.

   Xuan Ting sneered. He held the Heaven-shielding Sword and chased Gu Yan. In this extremely small space, the two of them exchanged dozens of blows in a blink of an eye, and the loud rumbling sound kept coming. Gu Yan's left hand suddenly pressed towards the air, and an incomparably huge star had come from the void and fell silently towards Xuan Ting's head.

   She brought Dinghaizhu to one place. The power of the boundless stars was concentrated at one point and burst out. Its potential was no small matter. Even if Xuan Ting was wearing a battle armor that covered the sky, he would not dare to force it. The golden pupil has already flown down from the sky again, mixed with seven-color flames, like a huge incomparable fire cover, covering the sky and covering the sun, falling towards Xuan Ting's head. Countless flames were like golden snakes, and before the golden banner was pressed down, countless fiery snakes had already surrounded Xuan Ting's body.

Xuan Ting let out a loud roar, and his body slammed upwards. Above the sky-covering battle armor, profound light appeared, and several firelights fell on it, revealing pieces of burnt black marks, and his figure was already straight. Rush into the sky, the Dinghaizhu in the ground suddenly burst open at this time, with a loud bang, the boundless air waves continued to extend into the distance, the entire ground was almost turned over by the shock, and boundless smoke and dust flew up. , Tianxing Island collapsed suddenly.

   Everyone was exposed to the sky, and they were all shocked when they saw the scene around them. The ground is full of the remnants of countless magic cultivators, and no one survives. The sight of it is unbearable. Under the light of the sky, Xuan Ting's aura seemed to have also declined a bit. He looked at Gu Yan coldly, "Do you think that if you destroy Tianxing Island and expose me to the blue sky, you will be able to release the power of the sky and suppress me?"

   He sneered: "I am now wearing a battle armor that covers the sky, ignoring all the laws of the world, and the heaven and the earth let me come and go!"

   After saying that, he turned around abruptly and rushed towards Zhouyou, who just flew out of the ground. His aura was even stronger than before.

   He rushed in front of Zhou You, Zhou You also flew into the air at the same time, the cold light of the ninth-level mysterious ice cone stabbed in front of him. Xuan Ting let out a wicked laugh, his figure was stubborn, he straightened his chest, and the Jiu Ji Xuan ice pick was stabbing the goggle on his chest.

With a muffled sound, Xuan Ting groaned, but his figure didn't stop at all. A huge black palm rushed towards the top of Zhou You's head.

Zhouyou protected the stone ball with one hand, and his figure retreated rapidly, while Xuan Ting was chasing after him. Behind him, Gu Yan had already used the Dayan sword and came out of the sky. Chasing, the sword energy broke through the air, and above the water surface, it stirred up one after another of the sky-high water column. At this time, Xuan Ting's big hand had already caught Zhou You's head, he snorted, his palm was suspended in the air, and in the void, an invisible palm was pressed down.

   Zhouyou's whole body couldn't help but fight a cold war at this time. He wanted to step back, but found that the acupoints all over his body seemed to be locked. Knowing that he had been hit by the other party's soul-purging method, he made a decisive decision, biting the tip of his tongue and spurting blood, and a blood arrow spurted out of dozens of acupoints all over his body at the same time, and his body quickly moved towards the water surface. fall.

   Xuan Ting roared and attacked in the air. At this time, Gu Yan flew from behind with the sword light. She didn't say a word.

In Xuan Ting's eyes, there was only the Yuan Ling in the stone ball at this time. He sensed the attack of the sword behind him and gave a low cry. On the armor of his back, runes appeared, and he didn't dodge or avoid it. A sword.

The sky-covering armor is extremely strong, and it can withstand a blow from an immortal weapon without being damaged. However, where the Dayan sword fell, Xuan Ting's hand was worthy of grasping the stone ball in the air, but suddenly he felt a sudden shock in his heart. The cold air came, and Gu Yan's sword energy actually penetrated through her body!

His hand was only a few meters away from the stone ball, and it was close at hand, but Gu Yan's sword energy was able to break his heart. Above the sky battle armor, an incomparably fine crack has appeared.

  Gu Yan put the thousand-fold sword intent on the Dayan sword, coupled with the power of Ding Haizhu's stars, it exploded suddenly, and finally pierced a gap in the armor. The force of the shock she suffered was really not light. At this time, he was standing in the air, and Xuan Ting had already flown from the side, flying towards her like a big bird.

   The sword edge in his hand smashed heavily on the Seven Treasures Golden Eyes, Gu Yan let out a deep cry, the powerful impact force had knocked her out, and a mouthful of blood immediately spewed out.

  Zhouyou was already flying up from below, he held Gu Yan in one hand, and half the bottle of medicinal pills had been stuffed into her mouth at the same time. As soon as he raised his hand, countless flying needles flew forward at the same time, stabbing on Xuan Ting's body and immediately bounced off by his sky-covering armor.

  Gu Yan's true qi has been passed down, and her injuries have recovered. She frowned and said in a low voice, "Is this sky-covering armor really impossible to crack?"

Xuan Ting was wearing a battle armor, and neither magic weapons nor magical powers could hurt him. The two of them were suppressed by him to the point where they could hardly fight back. Gu Yan's attack just now was unprepared for him, it was sudden and almost impossible to copy. .

Zhou Youdao: "The armor on his body that covers the sky. It is one of the three weapons of the Demon Gate. Only the same weapon can be restrained. When I came back to Shenzhou this time, I was looking for the heavy weapon of this gate. A has fallen into his hands."

   The two of them only had time to say a word, when Xuan Ting was already flying towards each other, and his pair of huge palms had already reached across the sky. The mountain-like force was pressing down on the head, and the mask of the Seven Treasures Golden Pillar had been pressed so thin that it seemed to be shattered at any moment.

Xuan Ting snorted coldly: "Go!" He grabbed one of his big hands in the air, and his arm seemed to have grown thousands of feet invisibly. He actually broke through the protection of the golden building and grabbed the one directly. Stone ball!

The stone ball flew up in the air, and the two of them were suddenly shocked. Zhou You had already jumped up, Gu Yan swiped the magic formula, and the Dayan sword was slashed into the air. Guang Hengkong grabbed it, and countless spirit and demon auras quickly extended along the sword light, Gu Yan groaned, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and his body flew to the side.

Zhou You Lingkong jumped up, and the Heaven-shading Sword was already suppressed from the top of his head, Xuan Ting shouted in a deep voice: "As a disciple of the Demon Sect, do you think that with your own cultivation, you can stop the Demon Sect's heavy weapons? "

  Zhitian Jianguang immediately bounced Zhouyou away, and the stone ball was already caught in his hand by him.

   He looked at the stone ball shrouded in a red cloud, and the demon inside seemed to sense its presence, and calmed down slowly, as if looking at him with some anticipation.

   Xuan Ting laughed, he reached out and grabbed the stone ball with undisguised pride in his eyes.

Gu Yan couldn't help but feel helpless at this time. The injury she suffered at this time was really serious, and she had exhausted all means. Even the formation arranged by the Great Demon Venerable was used by her, but she tried her best, but she still couldn't. To restrain Xuan Ting's sky-covering armor, do you really want to watch him recover his soul?

   (end of this chapter)

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