Immortal Immortal

Chapter 149 Top Grade Magical Weapon [Daluotian]

Li Mo waited until his injuries were almost recovered before leaving the main hall.

Unknowingly, five days have passed.

Because of the sudden alienation in Qiongshan, he understood that the Ziqi Sect was not a pure land and also had unknown troubles.

Li Mo felt a sense of crisis in his heart.

No matter what, the first task is to promote the haze and fog's spiritual power to the first stage, at least to have a certain ability to protect themselves in the Ziqi sect.

Instead, you can consider putting the Ash Spiritual Power Foundation Building and the Haze Spiritual Power Pill Formation together, and use the movement of the furnace to cover it up.

Li Mo walked through the mass burial furnace, and the expressions of his fellow disciples around him were slightly complicated.

The Xinggong Hall had always been dimly lit by candlelight and shrouded by a magic circle, but after the induction ceremony, the lights suddenly came on.

Qiongshan has no intention of returning to the mass burial incinerator. It is obvious that the Xinggong Hall was specially prepared for Li Mo, and his treatment can be imagined.

They need to use spiritual stones to exchange for the use time of the retreat room, but Li Mo is already in the Xinggong Hall, and his cultivation may be advancing rapidly.

All the disciples felt powerless in their hearts.

Even though Li Mo didn't reach the final stage, it was like a mountain pressing on them.

Not only was it fermented in the mass burial incinerator, but both the inner and outer sects had learned of Li Mo's existence. A large number of weapon cultivators were very curious about the Five Paths Body, whether it was really as mysterious as the rumors.

What is the concept of the five entities not conflicting with each other?

Even if there are many single innate Tao body cultivators, if you want to master the acquired Tao body, you must constantly consider the fit between the Tao bodies.

Qingtian's Taoist name has spread, and the Ziqi sect is constantly making waves.

They didn't know the meaning of the word "Qingtian". They only felt that Qiongshan planned to let Taoist Qingtian suppress his peers from the Ziqi sect.

Everyone, including Sheng Ge, was secretly paying attention to Li Mo's situation.

Before Li Mo had done anything, his reputation had already spread throughout the nine-level small world, and even the casual cultivators at the port had heard about it.

The five-path body is rare in modern and ancient times, and they want to see if Taoist Qingtian can ascend to Nascent Soul.

Li Mo didn't realize yet that there were tens of thousands of eyes staring at him.

Along the way, he could see buildings one after another.

The "Creation Furnace" for practicing magic; the "Secret Pavilion" for inheriting magic; the "Big and Small Furnace" for refining weapons in seclusion...

The Xinggong Hall is deep in the mass burial furnace, and the surrounding aura is the richest.

As soon as Li Mo arrived at the entrance of the Xinggong Hall, he noticed an old Taoist monk with his back bent, who was obviously waiting for him on purpose.

Lao Dao's limbs are pieced together from metal waste, and he has two faces at the same time. The chimney behind his head emits billowing smoke.

When Li Mo approached.

The old Taoist threw a communication talisman and said in a stiff tone: "Zhang Sheng, Master Qiongshan's registered disciple, if Junior Brother Qingtian needs anything, you can contact me."

There must have been more than one Qiongshan disciple in the Mass Burial Incinerator, but they were all named disciples, so Qiongshan didn't mention them at all.

"I've met senior brother Zhang Sheng."

Li Mo felt something was wrong. Zhang Sheng's smile seemed plain, but it revealed an inexplicable shudder.

"I'm here to find you, I'm here to find you, I'm..."

Li Mo turned around and entered the Xinggong Hall. The magic circle did not create any obstacles.

Zhang Sheng still stayed where he was, with a burst of phosphorescence coming from his slightly opened mouth, and the two faces slowly merged in the phosphorescence.

Li Mo's figure has disappeared into the exhaust gas that enveloped the Xinggong Hall.

Li Mo noticed Zhang Sheng's strange behavior through the mist, and the brilliant phosphorescence in his mouth reminded him of the strange phenomenon of the Qiongshan statue erupting.

"Is it near death?"

"It's better to stay in the Xinggong Hall honestly."

After walking for a few minutes, Li Mo came to an exquisite and elegant courtyard.

The courtyard is covered with lush metal plants and trees, the chirping of insects is endless, and you can even see a large pond in the corner.

The water quality of the pond was blue-yellow and emitted a pungent and unpleasant smoke.

Li Mo noticed that there were indeed fish swimming in the water, but they were covered in metal scales and could not see any signs of living things.

The swimming fish are large and small, proving their ability to thrive.

Li Mo couldn't help but be speechless.

The vegetation, birds and animals in this world are far more adaptable to the environment than imagined, or is it that the corrosiveness of metal toxins is too terrifying?

As soon as he set foot in the Xinggong Hall, a piece of information came into his mind. It was obviously deliberately retained by Qiongshan, introducing the distribution of the Xinggong Hall.

There are three floors in the Xinggong Hall. The first floor is used for daily practice, the second underground floor stores Qiongshan's Taoist treasures, and the third floor is used for practicing spells.

The furniture and furnishings are three to four times larger than normal. It can be seen that even if Qiongshan shrinks its body, it should still be about five or six meters.

Metalized animal heads can be seen on the wall, all covered with a layer of dust.

There is a statue of a human pig with no arms or legs placed in the corner, which can be connected to the distant Qiongshan Mountain by instilling consciousness.

Li Mo was immediately attracted by the magical weapon suspended in mid-air.

The shape of the magical instrument is a palm-sized potted plant, without any vegetation growing on it. The appearance is slightly similar to a metal garbage mountain, and it exudes the unique aura of a high-grade magical instrument.

Li Mo could tell at a glance that the potted plant was a high-quality magical artifact.

Although not as good as Corpse Mountain, who has transformed many times, Qiongshan is not stingy with his actions, and he gave the magical weapon embryo because his cultivation is still shallow.

Even if the Ziqi sect has abundant spiritual materials, there are many who do not have high-grade magic weapons in the pill formation stage.

Li Mo picked up the potted plant and played with it, then released the ash spiritual power to refine it.

At the moment when the furnace showed spiritual power fluctuations, the ground suddenly shook, and the metal and fire spiritual energy was forcibly expelled by the magic circle.

Then a strong wind blew out of thin air, and ashes from the outside world poured into the Xinggong Hall.

The spiritual energy of the ashes was like substance. Before Li Mo could run the life-protecting heart sutra of his son, the furnace couldn't wait to swallow up the spiritual energy.

It is worthy of being a temple built by Nascent Soul Equipment. The aura content alone is amazing.

Li Mo did not rush into retreat. He first conveyed the strange behavior of Zhang Sheng to Qiongshan through the statue, but unfortunately the latter did not reply.

The situation Qiong Shan encountered in the deep layers was probably very complicated. It could be seen from his hurried departure from the mass burial incinerator that it was not optimistic.

For Li Mo, the advantages of Qiongshan not being a mass burial incinerator outweigh the disadvantages.

At least I can retreat and take elixirs with peace of mind.

With the magic formation of the Xinggong Palace present, not even the alchemy weapon cultivators can force their way in.

While Li Mo was refining the potted magic weapon, he used the spiritual power of the ashes to wash away his five internal organs, and suddenly there was a numbing tingling sensation in his internal organs.

"Cough cough cough..."

He couldn't help coughing a few times, and his lungs had begun to regain their vitality.

If nothing else goes wrong, Li Mo will be in the Hall of Exertion for at most half a year, and the disadvantages of being forcibly promoted to the weak crown stage will be wiped out.

After a while, the potted instrument became like an arm.

Li Mo decisively kicked the Shingon Sect's secret bones out of his five internal organs. Anyway, as a defensive weapon, insect transformation has little significance to the Shingon Sect's secret bones.

The potted plant is called "Daluotian" and it is a special metal-yin magic weapon.

Li Mo's expression was subtle, and he continuously poured the haze spiritual power into Daluotian.

There was a rhythm in Daluotian, and then sprouts sprouted from the potted plants, and a faint spiritual power of haze emanated from it.

Under Li Mo's gaze, the granulation sprouts were rising like bamboo.

When the granulation was completely formed, Li Mo spent only one-tenth of the haze spiritual energy, which was really economical as a high-grade magic weapon.

He took off the finished product, which was a fleshy limb that looked like bamboo and wood.

There is indeed a palm at the end of the flesh limb, and the whole thing looks extremely weird. The multi-jointed structure allows the flesh limb to expand and contract at will.


Li Mo hesitated to speak.

With the presence of Da Luo Tian, ​​the energy is constantly giving birth to flesh limbs that suit oneself.

Even though the flesh limbs bred by Da Luotian can last up to twelve hours and can only be transplanted into the monks themselves, the effect of the flesh limbs can be enhanced through subsequent refining.

However, Li Mo's Kengjin mutilation method does not require frequent replacement of limbs at all.

He smiled bitterly and shook his head. He had to find a way to reverse the effect of Daluotian at the twenty-first refinement period, otherwise a high-grade magic weapon would be in vain.

After the Daluotian insect transformed, it turned into a piece of multi-colored coral.

The surface is full of large and small holes, and its attack method is slightly weak, with arm-like parasites extending out of the holes.

Daluotian also has the function of storing things. There is a piece of human slip stored in it, which records the distribution of power in the nine-layer small world.

And thousands of mid-grade spiritual stones.

Li Mo finally understood why the Qi cultivator looked down on the spirit stones of the Heart Beast Sect. It was mainly because the spiritual stones of the Zi Qi Sect were very pure.

Two-thirds of the spiritual stone is occupied by metal spiritual energy, and the whole stone seems to be an amber stone with slight impurities, which is extremely crystal clear.

Even if the Heart Beast Sect's middle-grade spiritual stones have the same spiritual energy content, their quality is really poor, and the sub-weapon party should not recognize this.

The nearly 100,000 mid-grade spiritual stones collected from the Shanhai Market suddenly became boring.

"Fortunately, spiritual materials are always hard currency."

Li Mo looked at Da Luotian for a long time, and after taking it back into his body, he couldn't help but look at the mountain of corpses.

The ecology of the four Corpse Mountains is stable, and the herds of beasts thrive on their respective peaks, and thirteen total-horned pseudo-weird beasts were born.

Not to mention spiritual materials.

Many of the low-grade spiritual materials scattered all over the mountains and plains have transformed into mid-grade spiritual materials.

Li Mo's fortune depends on the mountain of corpses. The resources of the mass burial furnace are enough to form an elixir, but his practice after forming the elixir depends on himself.

After he figured out the first floor of Xinggong Hall, he stood up and walked to the second floor excitedly.

A Daozang of Nascent Soul Cultivator must be all-encompassing and will definitely not be limited to the inheritance of Ziqi Sect.

The layout on the second floor of Xinggong Hall is simpler, a bit like the Terracotta Warriors and Horses, with bronze statues made from corpses arranged neatly.

Li Mo saw the unique jade slips of the Ziqi sect more than once, but still felt his scalp numb. He used the corpse as a container to store information. He didn't know which weapon cultivator created it.

The message Qiongshan left in advance sounded.

"Disciple Li Mo, you can still read through my master's Dao Zang at will, but you can only choose three spells. It's better to have less than to overuse."

As expected, some people were shrouded in spiritual power, and Qiongshan was afraid that Li Mo would use the Five Paths Body to cause chaos.

Li Mo felt a little regretful, but three spells were enough.

He has long wanted to see the Ziqi sect's unique body transformation spell, and he also considered practicing a spell that complemented Hui Qingyi, otherwise it would be difficult to use the tattooed beast in the Ziqi sect.

Li Mo dove into Tao Zang, absorbing the nutrients hungrily.

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