Immortal Immortal

Chapter 511 The Death Tomb erupts, as I wish

Time has passed, and nearly thirty people have died in half a year, either becoming strange objects in the compartment, or being eaten up.

The surviving sword cultivators have gradually become accustomed to the death tomb.

Perhaps due to the sword cultivators stationed in the Death Tomb, the size of the Death Tomb in the compartment no longer continued to grow. Tianjian Sect took this opportunity to start repairing the gaps in the Great Sun Sword Tomb to prevent the situation from deteriorating.

The expressions of the monks onlookers varied, and Li Mo's performance not long ago was still vivid in their minds.

Even if Qi Yunfei takes back the Sky Mirror, they still know that the Death Tomb cannot harm Li Mo, whose immortal body is simply invincible.

Speaking of being a swordsman, Li Mo used his body to resist taboos from beginning to end.

But he happened to have Rudao sword intention.

Among the land gods present, there may only be a few people who possess Rudao sword intent, and they are all old monsters that are more than ten thousand years old.

Li Mo is the only one who has only been around for a few hundred years.

The most outrageous thing is that Li Mo actually comprehended hundreds of sword intents of various spiritual attributes, displaying his talent to the fullest.

All the monks were curious about how far Li Mo could bring the Great Sun Sword Tomb.

Qi Yunfei murmured: "It's ahead of schedule."

"The Death Tomb's consciousness is awakening, and it will soon lead to a new round of outbreaks."

He looked around and said in an extremely confident tone: "The sword cultivators who set foot on the Death Tomb are all paid attention to by the consciousness in the room. It is indeed good for Taiji to protect his fellow disciples, but..."

Qi Yunfei glanced at Zhang Qiyang, "The taboos Taiji encounters will become more terrifying and attract a large number of sword ghosts."

"It's hard enough to be alone in the death tomb. Oh, I'm afraid that I will inevitably have to abandon a few burdensome people, otherwise my life will be in danger."

Master San Yan retorted: "How can I think Taiji is enjoying himself?"

"Qi Yunfei, maybe what they want is to be tabooed. How can I guess the mystery of the immortal body? At least I don't understand it."

Qi Yunfei waved his hand and said, "There is no such thing as enjoying yourself. The Immortal Body is not omnipotent."

The two couldn't help but quarrel, but Zhang Qiyang remained silent. Based on his understanding of Li Mo, he would indeed make unexpected choices.

If the foundation is damaged because of this, wouldn’t it mean that there is no hope for the integration period.

But voluntarily giving up his fellow sect and giving Qi Yunfei a reason to attack would at least not allow Da Ri Sword Tomb to rise easily with the help of Li Mo.

Zhang Qiyang also noticed that Li Mo was using taboos to polish his physical body, but it was not physical cultivation at all. It was purely through the Great Wilderness Immortal Body. It was unrealistic to want the physical body to transform into the combined stage.

Once the taboo exceeds what Li Mo can bear, the situation will inevitably get out of control.

"According to common sense, two to three hundred sword repairers should not receive the attention of the Death Tomb. Could it be that the Death Tomb is aware of the threat from Taiji?"

The sky mirror was released again.

Even Yu Xiao couldn't help but open his eyes and pay attention to the follow-up of the sword tomb in the compartment. For a while, everyone was staring at the mirror.


There is no way to know the outside world in the Sword Tomb, and the only things they face are rooms.

And there are endless taboos.

If you are not careful, your body will appear strange and attract the sword ghost hiding in the dark.

Xiayun knelt down in the corner and scanned the surroundings warily.

Compared to the sword cultivator who was already on the verge of death, Xiayun was in relatively good condition, his injuries were within control, and his spiritual power was relatively abundant.

"Huh, there are seven sword ghosts that I have come into contact with so far. They are all night wandering gods. They cannot be eliminated in a short time and can only keep running away."

The Death Tomb seems to have an inexplicable aura, and any monk who turns into a sword ghost in the chamber will reach the status of a night wandering god within a few days.

Xia Yun had seen with his own eyes that after the distraction period of Shuiyuan Jianzhong disappeared, a small night swim full of water stains crawled out of the abdomen.

As soon as Xiao Yeyou took a few steps, his flesh and bones began to morph more and more.

In just a few breaths, the Sword Demon transformed into a great Yeyou who had completed his stage of being a Bishen. This alienation intensified and continued until the Yeyou God ended.

The dangers of death tombs can be imagined.

Xia Yun skillfully dealt with the shoulder injury. The tear had an organ that looked like a tongue proliferating, and the saliva secreted could hinder the healing of the injury.

Bang bang bang...

Footsteps gradually approached.

Xiayun ignored the injury, pierced his spine with his fingers and fumbled for a while, taking out the blade fragments.


The Mahayana Sword Intent [Only an Inch] exploded.

Xiayun disappeared instantly, and shortly after leaving, a 100-meter-long human-faced dolphin-pig sword ghost broke through the wall.

She came to the place where the fragments of her natal flying sword were previously hidden. The sword demon could no longer search for her aura, so she was safe for the time being.

Xiayun gasped for air, feeling powerless in his heart.

Qi Yunfei talked about the sword test meeting in detail.

The sword trial will probably last for about ten years, and the survivors will receive the resources of Tianjian Sect to prepare for promotion to the integration stage.

"Ten years? It's only half a year now."

Yunxia suppressed distracting thoughts and removed the alienated organs, "If you don't know the deadline, you will go crazy sooner or later. The underworld is nothing more than that."

Her advantage lies in her foresight and preparation.

Coupled with the resources provided by Qi Yunfei, Yunxia herself feels that the chance of passing is not small, and she can even beat the natural immortal.

"A born fairy..."

"What kind of reincarnation of an immortal is this? Why do you need to come to the Sword Trial Club?"

Yunxia's lips showed a mocking look. At least she didn't think that she was born as an immortal and was superior to others. She might even have died somewhere in the death tomb.


Yunxia's thoughts were interrupted.

She suddenly heard a vibration coming from the southwest. She thought it was a sword ghost, but she heard a man talking slightly crazy to himself.

"Too little, too little! There should be more taboos."

"Crazy one."

Yun Xia estimated that the other party would not live long. Making such a noise would definitely attract the attention of the sword demon, and the result would be nothing more than eating him.

In the death tomb, everyone is in danger, and everything must be based on survival.

"He must have been unstable with the sword on weekdays. As a result, he was possessed by a demon in the death tomb. He has narrowly escaped death, no, ten deaths and no life."

Xiayun felt it carefully.

"The Great Sun Sword Tomb? I heard that they are almost extinct, so I guess they were distracted while trying to make up the numbers."

She shook her head slightly, not intending to stay where she was for a long time. After the sword demon had eaten the opponent clean, it might affect her.

"If we continue three thousand meters south, it should be safer."

Xiayun reached into his spine.


The fungus carpet on the wall grows for no reason, gradually forming a structure like hair, reflecting countless human faces, making it look extremely ferocious.

Yunxia immediately fell to the ground and stopped moving.

"Jianzhong regained consciousness? But... it shouldn't be."

"According to Elder Qi's estimate, it would have taken at least two years for the riot to start. Has the situation changed? Has there been an unknown deterioration in the death tomb?"

Yunxia felt despair for a moment.

She understood that the awakening of Death Tomb's consciousness meant that the sword trial meeting had officially begun.

It was just a small fight before.

Even though they had encountered countless taboos in the past six months and were chased by groups of sword demons, in reality it was all the instinctive reaction of the Death Tomb.

No matter how chaotic the rules are, certain dangers can always be avoided.

After the consciousness of Death Tomb awakens, it is completely different. It will actively intervene in the taboo and control the sword demons to encircle and suppress them, just to kill the invading sword cultivators.

No matter how hard Yunxia hides it, it's useless.

Because they were undefended in front of Death Tomb Consciousness, and their location was clear at a glance.

The more conspicuous you are, the more attention you will receive, but if a swordsman chooses to hide his clumsiness, his death may be even more miserable.

It was already a doomed situation.

"Why did you wake up!!!"

Yunxia couldn't help but regret that if she didn't know the information about Death Tomb's consciousness, she wouldn't be on the verge of mental collapse.


She spit out blood and her condition improved.

Before Yunxia could think of a countermeasure, an extremely strong smell came out of the pores all over her body, and light green smoke continued to spread outwards.

"What the hell is taboo?!"

The smoke and dust shimmered with phosphorescence, mixed with the indescribable corpse stench.

"Something's wrong. I'm afraid the Sword Demon can smell the smell of corpses, which means you can't stay in the same room for too long. You must always be on the move to ensure your own safety."

Yunxia was shocked to discover that the erosion of other taboos would intensify the body odor.

"Injuries affect the body odor, attracting more powerful sword demons, and encountering sword demons will inevitably trigger taboos, creating a vicious cycle."

After Yunxia was briefly at a loss, she quickly calmed down.

She believed that even if all the sword cultivators were defeated, with the movement escape technique of Fang Cun Sword Tomb, the last few would die.

"My corpse odor should be relatively mild. Unfortunately, the square-inch sword body is not good at resisting alienation, and the advantages brought by corpse odor are not obvious."

"The poisonous horn is famous for not being afraid of alienation, and the chief [disaster] will definitely be like a fish in water..."


Before Yunxia finished speaking, the doors and windows were blown open by the strong wind mixed with the smell of corpses.

In comparison, she was just the smoke from a few burning firewood. The sudden body odor had reached the level of a sandstorm. What kind of taboos were the monks at the source suffering from!

The sword ghosts roared one after another and rushed towards each other.

Yunxia could still hear wild and strange laughter. She was not crazy at all. She was clearly treating her trip to the death tomb as a leisurely activity of picking green leaves in early spring.

"That Great Sun Sword Cultivator?"

Yunxia fell to the ground in disbelief and murmured: "A natural born fairy."

"Is the gap really that big? He faced taboos thousands of times greater than mine. Not only did he not die, but he became stronger and stronger."

"What kind of monster? Is he at the Void Refining Stage?"

Yun Xia was deeply shocked, and her right hand holding the blade fragment couldn't help but tremble. It was the first time she was afraid of a monk of the same realm she had never met before.

No wonder Elder Qi said that the entire Great Sun Sword Tomb only needs to pay attention to Taiji.

"But... is he crazy? He wants to challenge the death tomb on his own. Does he really think that the chamber is a blessed place for enlightenment?"

“The trees are beautiful in the forest, but the wind will destroy them.”

Yunxia took a deep breath. She didn't think Li Mo could survive to the end.

No matter how strong you are, you are only in the void refining stage. After all, you cannot advance to the combined stage in the Death Tomb. There is no benefit at all in showing off.

"That's good. Taiji alone can attract most of the attention of Jianzhong's consciousness, at least giving me a little more confidence in survival."

Yunxia looked deeply into the depths of the smoke.

Li Mo's figure could not be seen, but his voice became more and more deafening.

“Not enough, not enough!!!”

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