After planting the spiritual plants, 뀘 Yun focused on the spiritual beasts. The spiritual fish and spiritual chickens in the space were growing step by step. There were 128 tiger horn pomfret and blood treasure fish seedlings. It was too early to mature, and the harvest was far away.

As for the adult fish bought at that time, they would be slaughtered and eaten after a while.

The spiritual roots of the Thunder Yuan Ling Eel and the Thunder Yuan Ling Fruit depended on each other, but the spiritual roots were severely damaged and there was no sign of regrowth for a while. 뀘 Yun had been watering them with vitality spirit liquid, but it didn't work.

Maybe it was because of the wrong planting method!

There were only 1 green scale carp left, and 뀘 Yun collected them all in one breath. The blood and flesh were made into feed, and the reward of green scale spirit liquid was collected by 뀘 Yun and prepared to be used to refine magic tools.

At the same time, he also took out the captured demon beast, the Golden Tooth Black Bee Queen, which had been trapped by vines by 뀘云 for three whole days. The black bee colony in the spirit beast bag had been restless. If 뀘 Yun had not been using the bee colony thinking to simulate the breath of the bee queen, I am afraid they would have died long ago.

The bee colony is a highly group-based organization. Once the bee queen disappears, the entire colony will not be able to reproduce offspring and will gradually collapse.

뀘Cloud can't hide it for much longer. The black bee colony will soon notice the disappearance of the bee queen.

Because the bee colony has no new eggs, these black bees will soon go to emergency status.

But 뀘yun will not choose to let this bee queen go, because it already has a certain wisdom. It knows 뀘yun's human identity and will not let 뀘yun enslave its people.

Because 뀘云 didn't have the method to force a contract to control the spirit beast, the Blood Spirit Seal was a routine in martial arts after all, too low-level, and it didn't work for this kind of intelligent monster.


뀘Cloud controlled the vines to gather up, like a big-bellied queen bee, strangled into a pile of blood plasma.

Although this monster was in the late stage of Qi Refining, it had been pampered for many years and had never fought, so it had lost its guard and was attacked by 뀘云 and trapped by the vines.

After all, it was almost impossible for a Qi cultivator to break through thousands of worker bees and soldier bees to the depths of its nest, and the cultivators at the foundation building stage would not provoke the golden-toothed black bee for no reason. After all, this bee was not enslaved, so why provoke it?

Who would have thought that such a freak as 뀘云 would quietly sneak into the nest of the black bees? 뀪木灵 restrained his relationship and captured him, and falsely passed on the order of the bee mother to enslave the entire bee colony.

Now it has died, which is the so-called reincarnation. According to the beekeeper who asked 뀘云 for directions at that time, there are monks and mortals who died under the bees.

By the way, 뀘云 was still looking for spiritual objects in the nest of the black bees at that time, and put them in the storage bag he bought himself. 늘云 was busy opening other people's storage bags, and was too excited to forget about this matter.

He took out and sorted them out. Probably a few kinds of herbs are more precious. I will plant them and take a look later.

As soon as the queen bee died, 뀘yun took out the poison needle on its tail and a pair of golden fangs. These are top-grade refining materials!

There were suddenly many buzzing sounds in the spirit beast bag, as if the black bee colony sensed something.

뀘云 only conveyed information to comfort it, but the effect was very small, and the black bees were difficult to calm down.

The queen bee was dead, and the next problem was not easy to deal with. If the bee colony could not find a new queen bee in time, they would take some emergency measures.

One situation is that the worker bees will start to cultivate new queen bees.

The worker bees will select some active larvae and promote them to develop into new queen bees through special feeding and care.

But this process is relatively long, it will take at least two or three months, and it is inseparable from one thing, royal jelly!

However, the golden-fanged black bees do not produce, they only plunder the honey of other spirit bees to feed themselves.

The entire bee colony is mostly omnivorous. Although they like to eat honey, they also eat spiritual objects and blood, especially human flesh and blood.

When Yun ordered them to kill Ah Fa and Ah Cai before, he found out.

Because the countless flesh and blood on the two were taken away by the black bees.

But by chance, Yun happened to have the royal jelly of the golden honey spirit bee, and the effect was the same.

However, according to common sense, the second-generation bred bee queens are not as strong as the original bee queens, so Yun didn't know whether to give up the entire bee colony and breed a new first-generation black bee queen, or to keep this colony?

After thinking for a moment, Yun decided to take them all!

Now, these mature black bees in the spirit beast bag are wild and difficult to tame, so Yun naturally doesn't want to place them in the space, otherwise the spirit bee colony in his space will be slaughtered, and other spirit beasts and spiritual objects will also be affected.

This batch of bees will be raised outside first, and a second-generation queen bee will be cultivated. When the time is ripe, they will be separated and a first-generation queen bee will be cultivated again and raised in separate spaces.

Of course, this ripe time refers to when he has the method of controlling insects.

Now, Yun Yun relies on simulating the pheromones of the bee colony to command the black bees. Therefore, when attacking the enemy, the black bees have no rules and act on their own. It is okay to deal with one or two people, but it is not enough to deal with cultivators with high cultivation or a large group of cultivators.

When he has the method of controlling insects, this problem will naturally be solved.

With the bee colony thinking and the method of controlling insects, the above situation will naturally not happen again.

As for cultivating queen bees, it may consume a lot of royal jelly. Fortunately, Yun Yun has expanded the spirit bee colony in the space before and stored some.

Then, two big barbarian bulls were arranged. A cattle pen was built next to the chicken coop, near the edge of the thorn forest.

Yun found that this fast-growing thorn was really a good thing. Its tender leaves and buds were used to feed the cows. There would be rewards for collecting them. At the same time, they were also used to extract vitality and practice magic.

There were two big barbarian bulls, and there seemed to be some hidden dangers on them. The ghost-faced thief wanted to kill for money, so he thought of selling spirit bulls and put special marks on the spirit bulls to seriously injure the monks who bought the bulls.

Moreover, this mark could not even isolate the spirit beast bag. This wonderful technique came from the "Blood Refining and Soul Seizing Method" obtained from the second.

It is called Root Tracing, and it is a bloodline tracking spell. This magic method plants the mark of blood explosion on the barbarian bull, and suddenly attacks, blowing up the monks who bought the barbarian bull, and robbing their property.

Because this spell involves some principles of mechanism, ordinary space spells basically do not work, unless it is a self-contained Xumi space!

At that time, Yun had already prepared to seize the black bee, so as soon as he left the workshop, he emptied the spirit beast bag, and the barbarian bull was placed in the immortal mansion, so he did not get hit.

But this spell is really wonderful! Yun was very moved after reading it, and wanted to practice it.

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