Immortal Palace Longevity

Chapter 15 Cold Moon Fairy

After Liu Yu returned to the cave, he took a Qingling Pill every day when he was meditating and practicing, and the speed of his cultivation was greatly accelerated.

The reason why he only took one pill a day was that with his current cultivation level, he could just refine the medicinal power of one pill every day. If he took too many pills, the medicinal power that could not be refined would accumulate in his body and gradually form pill poison.

Pill poison would cause great obstacles to the cultivator when breaking through the realm or breaking through the bottleneck. The more pill poison accumulated, the more difficult it would be to break through.

But even if he only took one pill a day, it was comparable to the treatment of the direct descendants of the big family and the core disciples of the big sect.

Time passed, and half a month later, Liu Yu clearly felt that his mana had increased a little, and his cultivation of the fifth level of Qi Refining had steadily advanced a small step.

Since today was the day he agreed with Senior Brother Shang to go to the preaching peak together, Liu Yu ended his half-month hard practice and walked out of the cave.

The sky was still dark when the hour of the Ox arrived. After leaving the cave, Liu Yu took out the newly acquired giant wooden sword, injected mana into it, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a green broadsword about two feet long and two feet wide, and then turned into a green escape light and flew to Qingzhu Peak.

Qingzhu Peak is located between Qingmu Peak and Chuandao Peak, not far from Qingmu Peak. After flying for about a cup of tea, Qingzhu Peak has appeared in sight. Liu Yu did not go up the mountain directly, but landed in a small pavilion built of bamboo next to the bamboo forest at the foot of the mountain, sat cross-legged and meditated, slowly breathing in and out spiritual energy to restore the consumed mana.

This was all agreed in the sound transmission talisman, and Liu Yu did not wait for long. After about a quarter of an hour, Senior Brother Shang appeared in the air with a fan-shaped magic weapon.

Senior Brother Shang's full name is Shang Chuanjiang. He is 26 years old and has reached the sixth level of Qi Refining. He belongs to the "family faction". He is a foundation-building family attached to the sect, and a child of the "Shang Family", but he is not a direct descendant of the family and has not received many resources.

He has a square face, dark skin, and a lean figure. He looks a bit like an old man in the secular world and looks quite experienced.

"Hahahaha, Junior Brother Liu, I haven't seen you for a few months. I hope I didn't keep you waiting for a long time!"

Before the person arrived, a hearty laugh came first. Senior Brother Shang walked into the bamboo pavilion with a smile and greeted Liu Yu.

Shang Chuanjiang looked at Liu Yu meaningfully and noticed the changes in his realm and magic weapon. He didn't expect that this Junior Brother Liu not only improved his realm by one level in just two or three months, but also changed his magic weapon to a medium-grade magic weapon. This is not something that ordinary outer disciples can do!

"Senior Brother Shang, how are you? Junior Brother has just arrived here. There is no time to lose. Senior Brother Shang, let's set off now. If we reach the preaching peak earlier, we may be able to occupy two good positions that are closer."

Liu Yu clasped his fists and greeted him. He chatted skillfully for a few words. Then the two of them drove the magic weapon and turned into two escape lights, one blue and one white, and disappeared into the sky.

Shang Chuanjiang always felt that this "Junior Brother Liu" was different from other outer disciples. When talking with this junior brother, he vaguely sensed his difference.

Especially some novel ideas often made him admire, so he intended to make friends with this junior brother of the "separate courtyard school" and maintain a good relationship with him.

The preaching peak is located in the north of Yuanyang Sect. This sacred mountain is about 700 feet high. It is not high among the mountains of Yuanyang Sect, but it is a place that many outer disciples are familiar with.

Every two months on the 15th of the month, the sect will arrange a master uncle in the foundation-building period to come here to preach. From the key points of Qi refining to some techniques of learning and releasing various spells, it is possible to talk about it. Of course, what to explain specifically depends on the ideas of the master uncle in the foundation-building period.

The preaching place is on the cliff of the preaching peak. A square with a length and width of nearly 100 feet has been opened on the cliff. The square is filled with cushions. There is a small platform on the cliff wall above 70 to 80 feet in the square. That is the location where the master uncle in the foundation-building period preaches.

When Liu Yu and Shang Chuanjiang arrived here, the hour of Mao was about to pass.

The sky was bright, and a big red sun rose slowly in the eastern sky, illuminating everything.

Although Liu Yu had set out early, the journey was still long. When he arrived at this huge square, there were already people sitting near the platform. A rough count showed that there were about two hundred outer disciples waiting here.

There is never a lack of diligent and hardworking cultivators on the road to cultivation!

Liu Yu secretly warned himself that he was fortunate to get the help of the Immortal Mansion, and he had to work hard to cultivate, so as not to let down this opportunity!

There were both male and female cultivators in the square. When they met familiar fellows, they would whisper a few words or nod to each other. However, several small groups were still clearly divided, and there was very little circulation. The family faction gathered together, and the other courtyard faction huddled together.

As for the master-disciple faction, the qualifications of those who could be formally accepted as disciples by the foundation-building or golden elixir cultivators were not too bad. Generally, they entered the inner gate directly. There were not many in the square, so they did not form a group.

Liu Yu was a member of the Other Courtyard Sect, but he was a marginalized little person. This time, there was no one familiar to the Other Courtyard Sect, so he did not sit close to the Other Courtyard Sect. When he met someone he knew, he would just bow or nod to greet them. That was enough.

The two found two seats near the small platform, sat cross-legged on the cushion, and began to exchange their cultivation experiences in a low voice.

Although they were talking, most of the time Shang Chuanjiang was talking and Liu Yu was listening. However, Liu Yu occasionally said one or two unique insights, which also made Shang Chuanjiang feel fresh.

As time went by, more and more monks came to the square, and finally there were about two thousand people. Excluding those who were doing the sect's external affairs, practicing in seclusion, and going out for training, there were also some older monks who had given up the immortal path, or those who could not come for various other reasons. Two thousand people were not too many or too few.

Although there were already two thousand people sitting cross-legged in the square, it was not noisy. Occasionally, there were familiar fellows who greeted each other in a low voice, and they did not dare to make loud noises. The Preaching Peak is an important place in the sect, and loud noises are strictly prohibited. If a disciple violates the rules, he will be immediately arrested by the law enforcement monks. Not only will he be severely punished, but he will also be banned from entering again for life!

The reason why the square is full of outer disciples wearing gray robes, but there is no inner monk wearing white clothes.

This is because the inner sect has a "Wendao Peak", where foundation-building monks preach every month, and the knowledge imparted is much more profound than that of the Preaching Peak, so inner disciples generally do not come to the Preaching Peak to listen.

But it is precisely because the treatment of the inner sect is far superior to that of the outer sect that has inspired many outer sect disciples who are unwilling to be mediocre to practice hard and want to be promoted to the inner sect!

Suddenly, a blue sword light with amazing momentum broke through the sky and came to the platform on the cliff in an instant. This blue flying sword exuded an amazing chill, and the sword body was printed with an extraordinary ice bird. The blue flying sword quickly became smaller, and a figure as proud as a cold plum appeared in everyone's sight.

This is a cold woman, wearing a dark blue wide-sleeved fairy dress, with bright starry eyes, flawless jade face, and a white ribbon tied up her long black hair.

"Fairy Cold Moon!" "Top-grade spiritual weapon!"

There were bursts of low shouts from the crowd from time to time, and someone recognized the identity of the person who came.

Bai Yuxuan, one of the two beauties of Yuanyang, the "Fairy Cold Moon"! Liu Yu was also amazed for a moment, but he had seen many beautiful women in his previous life, and soon came back to his senses and said the identity of the person in his heart.

The Yuanyang Twins are the titles of the two outstanding female cultivators in the foundation-building period of the Yuanyang Sect. They are both outstanding among the cultivators of the same level. Not only are they highly skilled, but their looks are also one in a million.

"I didn't expect that Uncle Bai would come to give a lecture this time. It's really worth the trip to see Uncle Bai's peerless beauty!" A cultivator next to him murmured.

Liu Yu smiled secretly when he heard this. The Yuanyang Twins are very famous, and there are many admirers in the sect. If he had known that it was her who came to give a lecture, I'm afraid the two thousand people present would have doubled. You know, there are many people who want to see the face of Fairy Leng Yue!

Bai Yuxuan's face was as cold as frost, and her starry eyes glanced at the square lightly, and then released the powerful spiritual pressure of a cultivator in the late foundation-building period, pressing on many outer disciples in the field.

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