Immortal Palace Longevity

Chapter 22: Chasing and Escape

One treasure after another was sold. The final auction item actually had a flying knife-shaped top-grade magic weapon, which even caused a fierce competition among the foundation-building cultivators on the second floor.

"The top-grade magic weapon, the Divine Fire Knife, starts at 800 spirit stones, and each bid must not be less than 30 spirit stones!"

"900 spirit stones"

"930 spirit stones"

The many Qi-refining cultivators in the hall were silent, watching the bids of the foundation-building cultivators in the private room in awe. No Qi-refining cultivator dared to compete with the foundation-building cultivators, otherwise even if they won the bid, they would probably die.

Liu Yu watched all this quietly, feeling the gap brought by the gap in cultivation realm.

"One thousand and one hundred spirit stones"

The Divine Fire Knife magic weapon was finally bought for one thousand and one hundred spirit stones.

And with the sale of this top-grade magic weapon, the auction slowly came to an end.

"Thank you all for coming to support us. This auction is over now. See you next time!"

"Please leave in an orderly manner."

Ji Guanglin's fat face was full of smiles. He must be very satisfied with the price of this auction, and the profit should be very considerable.

He clasped his fists and said with a smile.

After that, the closed doors around him slowly opened, and the monks who came began to leave. There were two men in black on both sides of the door to maintain order.

Without staying for too long, Liu Yu slowly got up, followed the door he came from, and left the auction along the dimly lit passage.

Standing outside the grocery store, Liu Yu thought about it. At this time, the Yellow Dragon Pill was in hand, and all the purposes of coming to Jiatai Market had been achieved. There was no need to stay here. The most urgent thing was to return to the sect to break through the realm.

Taking advantage of the night, Liu Yu walked towards the entrance of the market as if nothing had happened. The night was long and dreams were many, and he did not plan to return to Xianke.

At the exit of the market, Liu Yu found from a distance that a woman in a pink dress was already walking in front of him.

She seemed very happy to get the item she liked. After leaving the market, she quickly took out a lotus leaf-shaped magic weapon and flew towards the Yuanyang Sect.

"Looking at her clothes and figure, it seems to be the rabbit-faced female cultivator who sat next to me just now. The direction she left seemed to be towards the Yuanyang Sect. Could she also be a cultivator of my Yuanyang Sect?"

Liu Yu thought silently in his heart, and then he noticed that two sneaky cultivators followed the red-dressed female cultivator from a distance. It seems that some bad ideas came up.

Based on the principle of less trouble, he did not want to join in the fun, nor did he think about the fate of the red-dressed female cultivator. He just hoped that she would be blessed.

Carefully observed whether there was anyone following him around, but no one noticed, so Liu Yu walked out of the market.

After leaving the market, in line with his usual cautious style, Liu Yu quickly used the wind control technique to hurry on his way, extremely low-key.

His figure quickly merged into the darkness.

After running for about ten miles, Liu Yu noticed that there were two rays of light rushing towards him in a hurry.

His face changed, and he immediately changed direction and moved forward, and the rays of light also turned.

"The other party's target is me!"

Liu Yu's face darkened, and he slapped the storage bag to take out the giant wooden sword, injected mana into it to rapidly grow larger, and jumped on it to control the giant wooden sword to fly quickly.

While controlling the giant wooden sword to fly at full speed, he turned his head and looked back, looking at the two rays of light, one blue and one red.

Liu Yu had a vague guess about the identity of the pursuers. It was probably the Confucian monk couple at the auction. The target might be the Huanglong Pill. But he didn't expect the two of them to be so bold and unscrupulous!

Dare to pursue so blatantly!

Liu Yu suddenly felt angry, his eyes turned cold, and a hint of murderous intent flashed.

Carefully feeling the spiritual power fluctuations emitted by the newcomers, one was at the seventh level of Qi Refining, and the other was at the sixth level of Qi Refining, Liu Yu looked solemn.

In this way, they chased and fled for dozens of miles, and Liu Yu's mana was consumed by a small half.

He knew that he couldn't run like this. Although they were both driving middle-grade magic tools and their escape speeds were almost the same, his cultivation was lower than that of the other party. If he continued to chase like this, he would be the first one to run out of mana, and then he would be slaughtered. He must stop and fight, give them a taste of color, and it would be best to make the other party retreat.

He took out two spiritual stones and slowly absorbed the spiritual power in them to replenish the consumed mana, while scanning with his eyes, trying to find a favorable battlefield.

Suddenly, noticing a dense forest below, Liu Yu's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly controlled the giant wood sword to fly into the forest. At the same time, he used the hidden spirit technique to converge his breath, and hid behind a tree after landing.

After a few breaths, two escape lights, one blue and one red, stopped above the forest, and two figures appeared.

They were a man in Confucian robes who was at the seventh level of Qi Refining, driving a green flying knife, and a charming female cultivator who was at the sixth level of Qi Refining, driving a red silk magic weapon.

At this time, the enemy was in the open and I was in the dark, and Liu Yu was quietly observing the situation in the dark.

The man in Confucian robes saw Liu Yu's escape light disappear here, and he scanned the woods left and right but did not find Liu Yu's figure, but the surrounding terrain was open, and only this woods could be hidden, so it can be concluded that this person must be hiding in it.

He sneered and said loudly:

"My fellow Taoist, this Huanglong Pill is very much needed by my wife. I hurriedly chased you just for the Huanglong Pill, and I have no ill intentions. As long as you hand over the Huanglong Pill, my husband and I are willing to pay 500 spirit stones to buy it, and then we will pretend that nothing happened."

The man in the Confucian robe controlled the green flying knife to fall slowly. He released his spiritual sense to scan the surroundings, and at the same time, his eyes kept an eye on the surrounding movements. He spoke loudly, trying to trick Liu Yu out.

The charming female cultivator immediately agreed, and at the same time controlled the red silk to surround the two people, alert to possible attacks at any time.

The voices of a man and a woman spread in the woods, but after a while, the woods were still silent and did not respond.

The moonlight sprinkled, and there was no other movement except the chirping of insects.

In a place where the Confucian robe man's spiritual sense could not observe, Liu Yu leaned tightly against a tree, his face was neither sad nor happy, and he could not see anger or fear, and his heart was calm.

He did not believe the words of the two Confucian monks at all, and he had no intention of entrusting his life to others.

At this time, Liu Yu had already held the Golden Dragon Sword and the Giant Wood Sword in his hands, waiting to fire, and carefully observed the actions of the two people. As long as the other party showed a flaw, he was ready to control the Golden Dragon Sword to launch a thundering attack at any time.

Seeing that the two men in Confucian robes only took out two ordinary medium-grade magic weapons, Liu Yu was relieved. He judged that the two Confucian monks should be the descendants of a small family with a foundation-building monk in charge, and they should not be direct descendants.

As long as such a small family monk can kill two people today, Liu Yu, who is backed by Yuanyang Sect, is not afraid of the revenge of the other family.

Moreover, the magic weapons of these two people are not as good as those of the pockmarked monk. They must not have any sharp means, but they are just relying on their higher cultivation and more people to be fearless.

Thinking of this, Liu Yu felt relieved and his eyes became sharp.

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