Immortal Palace Longevity

Chapter 242: Cold Mist Camp

The vegetation is sparse and the wild animals are extinct.

Countless ordinary creatures were affected by the war of the immortal cultivators and turned into ashes.

In some inconspicuous corners, animal remains can still be seen.

The natural ecological environment was forcibly changed, and the bottom species had to leave their homes in order to survive.

The law of the survival of the fittest is vividly demonstrated!

On this "cleansed" land, camps connected by small wooden houses have taken root. There are five large camps in total, occupying five corners of the "cleared land".

The distance between the wooden houses is two to three meters. The more peripheral the wooden houses are, the simpler and smaller they are, and the more luxurious and spacious the wooden houses are.

The large house in the center of the camp occupies the largest area, reaching about ten meters in radius, and is also the most solemn and imposing.

There is also a large flag on the roof, which is the symbol of each sect.

Walls with different colors and styles and painted with various symbols protected all the wooden houses. There was also a powerful formation that was opened, forming a faint light shield to protect the walls inside.

It looked like a small city!

Pairs of allied monks looked resolute and indifferent, and repeatedly patrolled the camp. If they found anyone suspicious, they might be killed on the spot.

Although the camp did not reach the level of one sentry every three steps and one guard every ten steps, it was not much different. With the spiritual sense of the immortal cultivators, it was enough to ensure that there were no blind spots.

The overall layout of the five camps was similar, but there were some differences in details. There was at least a distance of more than ten miles between them.

On the flag of a camp in the south, there was a cluster of burning crimson flames, which was the symbol of Yuanyang Sect.

The square-holed copper coin magic weapon flew above the camp and stopped instantly, and then slowly landed in front of the camp.

It was not affected by inertia at all, showing the profound cultivation of its owner.

Liu Yu and other foundation-building cultivators in Hanyue City knew a little about the information about the Hanwu Camp, so they naturally understood that they had arrived at the camp of their own sect.

Needless to say, many foundation-building cultivators jumped down from their magic weapons and stood there waiting for the order of the Golden Core Elder.

Liu Yu kept looking around and took in everything.

He noticed that only ten miles away from the sect camp, there was a camp that was no less large than the sect camp. On its flag was painted a slender and exquisite sword that was still sharp without the tip of the sword.

"Can Yue Valley?"

Liu Yu thought secretly.

About half of the cultivators in Can Yue Valley were sword cultivators, who sacrificed a sword that was cultivated with their lives and pursued "one sword to break all laws".

Yuanyang Sect and Can Yue Valley have always been allies, and it is normal for the camps to be closer so that they can help each other.

Elder Yan landed before Liu Yu and the others. After he landed, the copper coin magic weapon quickly shrank to an inch in size in the blink of an eye, landed in Elder Yan's palm, and was then put into the storage bag.

It was not taken into the body for cultivation, so it was obviously not the life magic weapon. The purpose of taking it out was mainly to take Liu Yu and other foundation-building cultivators for a ride.

Because the magic power of the Jindan cultivator can already get rid of gravity, it does not need to rely on magic tools and magic weapons, and can fly in the air with only the flesh.

Because of the war, the foundation-building cultivators in Wangyue City have more or less seen Elder Yan several times.

Such a huge magic weapon and movement had naturally been observed by the cultivators in the camp, and soon a foundation-building cultivator came out.

After both parties verified the token and the secret code to confirm their identities, the foundation-building cultivator bowed his head respectfully and obeyed.

"Go in and call out all the cultivators of Qingzhou League."

Elder Yan put his hands behind his back and said lightly.


The foundation-building cultivator respectfully accepted the order, then entered the camp and began to convey the elder's order.

The camp soon had a big movement, and more than a hundred foundation-building cultivators filed out and respectfully greeted the elder.

Cui Liang, who Liu Yu was familiar with, was among them. After a long war, sixty or seventy foundation-building cultivators of Yuanyang Sect died, but this man was greedy for money, lustful and afraid of death, but he was safe and sound. It must be said that he was really tenacious.

There were a hundred foundation-building cultivators in the camp, and even more Qi-refining cultivators. At a glance, including those who came from Wangyue City, there were at least eight or nine thousand, and the mobilization was quite spectacular.

Among these Qi-refining cultivators, there were only about three or four thousand disciples of Yuanyang Sect, and the rest were sent by various affiliated forces to participate in the war.

The main gate was not big, so it was naturally not possible for so many cultivators to come out in a short time.

However, with the presence of the Jindan elder, no one dared to show impatience.

Most cultivators were patient. It was because they had been meditating and refining Qi for ten years. Wasn't it hard to endure?

As if it was agreed, after the arrival of Elder Yan's magic weapon, waves of power reaching the Jindan level were heard from the sky in other directions.

Four magic weapons of different styles were seen by everyone in Qingzhou.

These four magic weapons were all huge, dozens of feet in size, and even the foundation-building cultivators looked insignificant in front of them.

They were a sword, a mirror, a building, and a car.

The sword was a silver-white, bright, sharp flying sword magic weapon. Ordinary cultivators would be afraid of being shadowed by the murderous aura when they saw it. Thinking back, they felt their necks cold and their hair stood on end.

The mirror is a magic Bagua mirror with a simple style and profound Taoist charm. It is engraved with the pattern of "Big Five Elements and Small Three Wonders", which explains the theory of the mutual generation and restraint of the Three Wonders and Five Elements. Its owner is most likely a person with broad talent and love of learning.

The building is an exquisite and elegant, gorgeously decorated embroidered building magic weapon. The overall color of this building is deep red, but there are bright red lanterns on the top. The lights flicker in it, which gives it a sad and ominous meaning.

The car is a dragon car pulled by a black dragon. If you look closely, you can find that this dragon is not a "real dragon", but a three-clawed dragon with mixed blood. Moreover, the dragon has no vitality and has obviously died for a long time. The carriage is bright yellow, which looks extremely noble.

The black dragon is the vehicle, and the carriage is decorated with bright yellow. It is really a grand show!

Liu Yu looked at the four powerful magic weapons that appeared almost at the same time, but the waves in his heart were smaller. After all, he had seen it twice before.

He could calm down, but many cultivators could not calm down. They burst into exclamations and talked about it.

Regardless of his fellow disciples around him, Liu Yu guessed the forces represented by these four magic weapons.

He guessed that the party with the flying sword magic weapon should be the cultivators of Cangyue Valley.

The magic weapon of Hongxiulou should belong to the cultivators of Piaoxue Pavilion. Except for this sect where women account for the majority and are mainly female cultivators, other sects probably feel embarrassed to use such magic weapons to carry their disciples.

The magic weapon of Baguajing should belong to the Taoists of Qingxu Sect.

The "dragon carriage" with the most pomp and circumstance is naturally the group of people from Jingzhou Hehuan Sect.

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