Immortal Palace Longevity

Chapter 286 Hatching Preparation (two chapters in one)

The spiritual light of the triangular formation became stronger and stronger, gradually forming a beam of light, which seemed to break through the barrier of the room.

A wave broke through the constraints of the formation, spread to the surroundings, and splashed a large amount of dust.

However, with the obstruction of the building, all the movements were restricted to the training room.

In the triangular light column, the two spirit beast eggs were gradually stained with the same breath, reaching a certain degree of resonance.

This spiritual light is warm and soft, exuding a breath that makes life feel at ease.

After the initial uneasiness, shaking and trembling, the two spirit beast eggs gradually calmed down and lay quietly in the center of the formation.

Liu Yu's pupils reflected the scene in front of him, and he observed the changes in front of him without changing his expression.

This scene lasted for about seven or eight breaths, and slowly the spiritual light began to weaken, and the triangular light column disappeared.

Only a faint spiritual light remained, turning into a star-like light like a firefly, floating towards the two spirit beast eggs.

"Right now."

Liu Yu's heart moved, and according to the content of the blood sacrifice recognition method, the style of the magic formula in his hand changed greatly, becoming completely different from the usual magic and secret arts, becoming a little overbearing and vast.

At the same time, the speed of pinching slowed down, as if there was an invisible force blocking it, and each magic formula was much more difficult to cast than usual.

Nine is the level, which secretly conforms to the law of the operation of the heavenly way in the dark.

After nine special magic formulas, Liu Yu's gestures suddenly stopped.

Looking at the spirit beast egg with concentration.

The formation was stimulated by this and suddenly changed significantly.

The three most critical "nodes" that originally composed the formation and emitted white spiritual light have turned dark red.

The red light began to spread from the three key nodes, quickly transforming the entire formation into dark red.

The star-like light that originally floated towards the spirit beast egg also turned dark red, and continued to float towards the spirit beast egg, and finally wrapped the two spirit beast eggs.

A layer of dark red, cocoon-like thing was formed.

Although it has not been born yet, the two lives in the beast eggs instinctively felt bad, and their breath fluctuated, and the eggshell trembled and wanted to resist.

But it was in vain. The dark red light cocoon was still tightly wrapped inside, wearing away its instinctive will to resist.

The trembling lasted for an hour, and the movement of the two spirit beast eggs gradually became smaller, and at the same time, the breath of life began to decline at an undetectable speed.

Everything went well. Seeing this, Liu Yu moved, and a control spell was hit on the formation.

The dark red light cocoon suddenly grew a little bigger, then shrank inward, slowly becoming smaller and smaller, as if it was going to destroy the two spirit beast eggs.

However, the knowledge that can be placed in the Sutra Pavilion has been verified and confirmed to be effective, so this situation will naturally not occur.

When it shrank to a size similar to the spirit beast egg, the dark red light cocoon did not stop shrinking, but it did not destroy the spirit beast egg, but instead merged into the spirit beast egg.

As it merged, the dark red light slowly faded.

At the same time, the surface of the spirit beast egg changed, and blood-red patterns began to emerge.

These patterns were extremely complex, and seemed to be arranged in no regular pattern, which was dazzling and full of bloody and evil meanings.

It must have an unclear relationship with the magic path.

Liu Yu thought secretly.

However, he was not surprised that the sect's Sutra Pavilion had secret techniques related to the magic path.

After all, Yuanyang Sect was a neutral sect. Not to mention the magic skills, there were even cultivators who directly practiced magic skills.

However, these cultivators were only a minority after all.

As time passed, after half a quarter of an hour, the dark red light cocoon had completely merged into the spirit beast egg.

And the blood-colored patterns on the surface of the eggshell also became extremely clear, covering the original blue lines.


Liu Yu's mana was running in his meridians, forcing it towards his heart, and at the same time, he put his left hand fingers together and tapped several acupuncture points on his chest.

Two drops of blood essence slowly moved from the heart, and finally flew out of the mouth, floating in front of the body.

The two drops of blood essence were similar in size, both were the size of soybeans, and the color was bright red, emitting a bright blood light.

It contained amazing spiritual energy and a lot of nutrients, which was a great tonic for monsters.

After the two drops of blood essence left the body, Liu Yu's aura and spiritual pressure quickly weakened a little, but it was not a big deal.

With the improvement of his cultivation to the middle stage of foundation building, and taking dragon blood fruit every once in a while to strengthen his physique, the amount of blood essence in his body has increased from eight drops in the early stage of foundation building to fourteen drops now.

The loss of two drops is only one-seventh of the amount, which will not cause any major problems. Taking hemolytic pills will restore it in a few months.

Liu Yu stretched out his hand and pointed, controlling the two drops of blood essence to fall on the two spirit beast eggs respectively.

As soon as the blood essence came into contact with the spirit beast eggs, it quickly fell into the blood-red pattern. After a while, strands of bright red blood essence spread all over the surface pattern.

Then, the blood-red pattern burst into dazzling blood light.

This blood light lasted for a long time, accompanied by a strong spiritual fluctuation, and it slowly converged after a quarter of an hour.

When the blood light dimmed, the blood-red pattern seemed to be "alive", and began to swim, slowly merging into the spirit beast egg.

Because the spirit beast egg's own resistance will had been worn out, the essence and blood merged smoothly.

After another quarter of an hour, all the blood-red patterns had merged into the spirit beast egg, leaving only a small dark red dot.

The blue lines on it were no longer covered and reappeared on the surface.

Liu Yu nodded slightly, walked forward, and moved his spells, pointing a finger at the crimson dot.

This spirit beast egg was the one with more blue patterns that he had obtained at the beginning.

More than half of the divine consciousness flowed out from the Niwan Palace and entered the spirit beast egg along the crimson dot.

The divine consciousness carried the blood essence that had been integrated into the egg before, and found the Yinming spirit snake larva that was still in the process of gestation, and began to carve the mark of a slave on its incompletely developed Yuanshen or spirit.

Begin to deprive it of its freedom.

The desire for freedom is the instinct of all living beings, let alone the Yinming spirit snake, a powerful monster with the blood of the ancient cold dragon?

Although its spirit has not yet fully developed and has not yet possessed a complete and clear consciousness, it still aroused instinctive resistance as soon as it came into contact.

This is an instinct engraved in the soul!

But how can an arm twist over a thigh?

After all, it has not been born yet, and even its spirit has not been fully nurtured. Its consciousness is in a confused state, and its resistance consciousness is not firm. How can it compete with a prepared foundation-building cultivator?

Liu Yu felt its instinct to resist, but ignored it.

The powerful consciousness carried the blood and essence, and imprisoned its spirit according to the blood sacrifice method, and then began to condense the slave mark at the core of the spirit.

The gap between the two sides in the realm of the Yuan Shen was too big, so this process went very smoothly.

In just ten breaths, the last stroke had fallen, leaving a blood-red mysterious rune on its blue spirit.

Just after this rune was completed, the resistance of the Yinming Spirit Snake's spirit suddenly disappeared, and instead a trace of closeness came.

After a lot of tossing, the spirit of the Yinming Spirit Snake's young body had a tendency to collapse. Liu Yu's mind moved to release the imprisonment and retract his consciousness, and at the same time, his hand was put down.

He could feel that he had established a strange connection with the spirit beast egg in front of him.

This connection is very clear. Through this connection, he can clearly feel the hazy consciousness in the spirit beast egg.

Liu Yu knew that this was the effect of the master-servant contract.

Through the slave mark engraved in the core of its spirit, he can decide the life and death of the spirit beast in a moment, and can also make some "punishments" at will, and can drive the spirit beast to do anything at will.

If necessary, he can even simply sense the thoughts of the spirit beast through the slave mark.

If an order is issued, it can be easily understood by the spirit beast through this connection, and then it can be executed.

If the master dies, the spirit beast will die instantly, and if the spirit beast dies, the master will only be slightly affected, not even a minor injury.

This kind of connection can be cut off or opened by the "master" if he wants, and the spirit beast has no power of choice and can only passively accept it.

This is the domineering part of the master-servant contract!

However, this kind of master-servant contract is the most likely to succeed when the monster beast is not yet born and has a weak resistance consciousness, or when the monster beast is completely willing.

Generally, the instincts of monsters will awaken quickly after birth, and they will become unruly and difficult to tame. At the same time, their intelligence is low, and they would rather die than surrender to human monks.

In this way, the difficulty of taming will increase exponentially, and it is difficult to succeed in most cases.

Following the same method, Liu Yu also engraved a mark in the essence of another spirit beast egg in a short while.

Since then, the two spirit beast eggs have successfully recognized their master.

Since the recognition of the master has been completed, the next step is to hatch them.

Liu Yu pondered for a while and decided to imitate the environment of the cold pond to make them hatch smoothly.

So he found hay and made a "nest" for them in the spirit beast room that had been empty according to the size of the two spirit beast eggs.

Then he placed many low-grade ice spirit stones and low-grade water spirit stones on the "nest".

Because it is known that the Yinming Spirit Snake is an ice and water attribute monster, there are more ice spirit stones and fewer water spirit stones.

Especially under the two spirit beast eggs, a medium-grade ice spirit stone was placed for each of them.

The ice spirit stone emitted a trace of cold air, which lowered the temperature of the spirit beast room. At the same time, Liu Yu used his magic power to condense water flow and scattered it everywhere in the room, making the spirit beast room humid.

The same cold and humid.

In this way, the environment is 70% similar to that of the cold pond. It should not be a problem to successfully hatch the two spirit beast eggs.

Liu Yu smiled and looked at it with satisfaction.

Then, through the connection of the master-servant contract, he carefully sensed the situation of the two spirit beast eggs.

The two unborn creatures were extremely fragile. During the "trouble", their vitality was slowly declining.

Until the master-servant contract was completed and they arrived in an environment suitable for survival, the speed of the decline in vitality slowed down, but it was still declining slightly, but there was a trend of stopping.

However, Liu Yu's powerful consciousness could observe that in the right environment, the two spirit beast eggs had begun to absorb the spiritual energy from the outside world instinctively, although the speed was very slow.

"The vitality of the monster beast is really tenacious."

Liu Yu sighed slightly.

Given the development of the young in these two spirit beast eggs, they will probably face the real "difficulty" of birth in a few months.

Whether they can be born smoothly depends on the luck of these two eggs.

He can't help much now, and it's impossible for him to stay here all the time.

So Liu Yu closed the spirit beast room and returned to the training room to refine a hemolytic pill, so that the medicinal power can be stored in the body and accelerate the recovery of the consumed blood essence.

After refining the hemolytic pill, he lay on the armchair in the hall, holding the "Secret Record of Taming Beasts" in his hand, intending to study the points that need to be paid attention to in cultivating spirit beasts.

In fact, he already had a way to make spirit beasts advance quickly, that is - taking drugs.

In the book of Hundred Herbs Pills given by Li Changkong, there are two kinds of pills that are specifically used to help spirit beasts advance quickly.

One is the "Feeding Spirit Pill" for first-level monster beasts, and the other is the "Feeding Spirit Pill" for second-level monster beasts.

Both of these pills were invented by ancient cultivators. They are very beneficial to spirit beasts and are suitable for most spirit beasts. However, by now, no one cares about them.

There is no other reason, it is still because of the problem of spiritual medicine.

Although the spiritual herbs used to refine these two pills are not rare, the age requirements of the spiritual herbs are relatively high, even higher than the age requirements of ordinary cultivation pills in the Qi Refining Period and the Foundation Establishment Period.

Today's cultivation world is not like the ancient times. The spiritual energy has declined and spiritual herbs and medicines have become scarce.

I can't even take the pills for my own cultivation often, so how can I provide expensive pills for spirit beasts?

Moreover, it's not that spirit beasts can immediately advance to the next realm after taking "Feeding Spirit Pills" or "Feeding Spirit Pills". These two kinds of pills are only very beneficial to spirit beasts. If they want to advance quickly, they have to take a lot.

Wouldn't it be better to use those resources to improve your own realm?

However, this is different for Liu Yu. The cost of ripening spirit herbs and refining them into pills for spirit beasts is much lower than that of other cultivators.

At the speed at which he earns spirit stones, if he can get a "loyal" spirit beast, these expenses can be completely borne.

The spirit herbs for refining Feeding Spirit Pills and Feeding Spirit Pills are just in the fairy mansion.

The pill formula and spirit herbs are complete. As long as the Yinming Spirit Snake is successfully hatched, the furnace can be refined.


Two days later, in the cave.

"The Bloody Secret Realm is extremely dangerous, and only one or two out of ten people can successfully walk out. This is not a joke."

"Have you really decided?"

Liu Yu frowned slightly while sitting on the stone bench, looking at the "younger generation" standing respectfully in front of him, and said lightly.

Just after the routine instruction once every six months, Geng Yunsong expressed his idea and expressed his desire to take risks in the Bloody Secret Realm.

"Reply to Uncle Liu, I have made up my mind."

"Yunsong is just a poor aptitude with four spiritual roots. Even with the help of my great-grandfather and my uncle, I am still in the middle stage of Qi Refining after I am over 30."

"If I continue to be in this chaos, there is no hope of building a foundation. I am really ashamed of my great-grandfather's expectations and my uncle's cultivation."

"Wealth and honor are sought in danger, and fate is taken in danger."

"Yunsong wants to go to the Bloody Secret Realm for a try!"

Facing the uncle who he has always respected and feared, Geng Yunsong gritted his teeth and insisted on his opinion. His attitude was unexpectedly firm.

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