Immortal Palace Longevity

Chapter 314: Farewell to the Ancient Palace (two chapters in one)

"My fellow disciples, we, the twelve Qingfeng teams, have separated from the main force of the sect to carry out the mission, and we may encounter difficulties that are difficult to overcome."

"When the sect reinforcements are difficult to arrive, we need to take care of each other."

After leaving the hall, the twelve team leaders all slowed down their pace tacitly, and one of them said so.

After Liu Yu looked in the direction of the voice, the information of this person quickly emerged in his mind.

Ma Yingjie, one of the most outstanding people of the Ma family of the Jindan family, has a cultivation level in the late stage of foundation building, and has a wide range of friends and a great reputation.

It seems that the Ma family is going to spend a lot of effort to cultivate this person. This time, all the members of their team are from the family, and they can easily unify the command without playing the balance game.

The Ma family has two Jindan cultivators, and their power is even greater than that of the Yan family, and they have more influence in the sect.

"That's right, we should watch out for each other when we are alone outside in the future."

A cultivator immediately answered, and his words were very beautiful.

As for what will happen then, it will only be clear then.

"When one side is in trouble, all sides will come to help. Why don't we exchange sound transmission notes now? It will be much more convenient to notify if there is any important matter in the future."

A team leader suggested.

This proposal was unanimously agreed. The twelve people exchanged sound transmission notes with each other, and then the team leaders who had a good relationship started chatting.

"Not bad, Junior Brother Qingyang, congratulations on becoming the team leader."

"Your third senior brother and I didn't expect that you are really a hidden talent."

Li Buyu said so, his attitude changed a little, but his voice was as cold as ever.

"No, no, I just rely on the excellent spiritual weapon, which is far behind my senior sister."

Liu Yu shook his head repeatedly, his attitude was very humble.

With his current strength, he can only rank in the middle and lower reaches among the twelve team leaders, and he really has no right to be proud on the surface.

But he still has many trump cards that have not been used. If the cultivators with bad intentions think that this is all his strength, there will be a big "surprise" at that time.

Revealed, but not fully revealed, no cultivator would know his full strength.

Unless, he is dead.

"Qingyang knows that his strength is insufficient, and he may encounter situations that he cannot deal with. At that time, he will ask the senior sister to lend a hand!"

Liu Yu said "solemnly".

This sentence is half true and half false, but it is also a backup plan.

After all, compared with fellow disciples who are just familiar faces, disciples under the same master are of course closer.

If an unexpected situation really occurs, the possibility that the senior sister is willing to help is undoubtedly the greatest. Now it is a precautionary measure to be prepared.

"Don't worry, junior brother, if it is really necessary, I will definitely not stand idly by."

Li Buyu nodded lightly and said seriously.

She doesn't look like a hypocritical person, and seems to have really kept this promise in mind.

"Thank you, senior sister. If it really comes to the time when you need your help, Qingyang will definitely reward you handsomely!"

Liu Yu hit the snake with the stick, regardless of whether it is useful or not, he immediately expressed his gratitude.

The two chatted for a few more words, and several people came over to discuss with Li Buyu. Liu Yu listened to a few words and left.

As a direct descendant of the Li family who was in the limelight in the sect, Li Buyu himself had a high realm and strong strength, so he was the highest among the twelve leaders, and several people wanted to cooperate with him.

But judging from the disappointment on their faces, it shouldn't be very smooth, right?

As one of the two people who challenged the upper position, there was a layer of estrangement between Liu Yu and the monk who was directly appointed as the leader.

Except for the eldest sister Li Buyu, the other nine people only maintained superficial politeness, but under the politeness was deep indifference and alienation, and there was no intention of in-depth communication.

And Wei Xiaoqin, who was also in the same position, was also excluded by the majority.

While thinking, this woman just came over. The two had the same experience, so the communication was naturally smoother, and they reached a verbal "alliance".

Unknowingly, the gate of the city lord's mansion was in sight, and the brief communication between the leaders was almost over.

They said goodbye to each other and left, but there were more than ten sound transmission notes lying quietly in the storage bag. I wonder if they can play a role.

After all, the situation in a foreign country is changeable. Even if they want to help each other, there are too many factors to consider.


Leaving the City Lord's Mansion, Liu Yu walked straight to the meeting place agreed by the team without stopping.

There was nothing left in the temporary cave, and there was nothing contaminated with his own aura. He was too lazy to clean up because he had little time.

"Senior Brother Liu (Senior Brother Qingyang)."

The members of the team, Jiang Qiushui, Yan Kai, Cui Liang, and Leng Yuexin, all stood up and greeted.

"No need to be polite, sit down."

Liu Yu nodded slightly and sat in the main seat as a matter of course.

The thoughts of cultivators are different. The more people there are, the more complicated it is. If two or three cultivators who are very familiar with each other get together, they may drink a lot and talk freely.

But among the five people in the team, some have just joined today, and they are obviously not familiar with each other yet.

So for a while, the scene was silent.

Leng Yuexin and Cui Liang closed their eyes to rest, Jiang Qiushui played with the new magic weapon, Yan Kai drank the spiritual tea with his eyes rolling around, and no one knew what he was thinking.

Seeing this, Liu Yu had no intention of intervening. Anyway, the five people were not gathered together because of the same goal. As long as he could ensure that he had absolute say in the team, it would be enough for them to completely obey his command.

They were the only table on the top floor of the teahouse. The location of the teahouse was very suitable. Through the window, you could see several long streets.

Liu Yu walked to the window and glanced down casually.

He saw that the city was now in a "chaos".

The patrol team and law enforcement team composed of disciples from the five sects were clearing out the monks in the city from house to house, driving them out of the buildings, and "exiling" them from the city.

Only monks who had industries in Guque City and had a clean family background and had no connection with Baiyun Temple could stay.

In this way, more than 90% of the tens of thousands of monks in the city were gone, and only more than one or two thousand monks should still be able to stay in the city.

Those exiled monks were of course not happy, but under the sharp edge of the patrol team's magic weapons, they had to succumb.

Of course, there were also monks who had been operating in the city for decades and had huge interests that could not be abandoned, so they chose to resist.

But in front of the law enforcement team whose lowest cultivation level was the late stage of Qi Refining, this kind of resistance was meaningless. They were quickly killed on the spot and turned into a cold corpse.

After a bloody shock, the remaining monks became honest and left Guque City honestly under the arrangement of the patrol team and the law enforcement team.

Liu Yu stood in front of the window, taking in this scene, thinking in his heart.

The benefits of doing this are obvious. After the number of monks in the city has decreased, management is undoubtedly much simpler. The remaining monks are unorganized and can't make any waves at all.

After the main forces of the five major sects left, Guque City could not have left too much power. This method effectively reduced the cost of management.

In fact, if it was the Demon Sect, there was a better way, that is, to kill most of the monks.

This indiscriminate massacre, no matter how the monks of Baiyun Temple hide, they can't escape death.

And they can also get a huge amount of resources, as well as a group of monks' flesh and blood, which can be said to be a big profit.

But in contrast, they also have to bear various consequences.

The five sects of Chu State were only neutral sects, and they did not fall to the side of the demons. Naturally, they had many concerns and could not adopt such an extreme and cold-blooded method.

Putting away his thoughts, Liu Yu sat back in his chair, closed his eyes and rested, quietly waiting for the sect's action to begin.


Half a day passed quickly, and when the time came, huge movements came from all over the city on time.

One after another, the spirit ships and spirit boats took off into the air, turning into huge monsters of dozens of feet in size, floating above the ancient Que City.

The spirit ships and spirit boats were extraordinary and exquisite, shining with various colors of spiritual light in the sky, and there was a feeling of covering the sky and the sun.

The huge shadow cast also blocked the natural light, as if to cover the entire city.

Compared with the quaint buildings, it formed a sharp contrast, giving people a sense of unreality.

When the ignorant mortals in the city saw it, they thought that the real immortals from the fairy world had arrived, and these were the ceremonial guards to welcome the real immortals!

"Xiu Xian civilization~"

A magic weapon-level Cangwu Spirit Ship, and dozens of magic weapon-level Guiyuan Boats, even Liu Yu was distracted for a moment when he saw it, sighing at the vicissitudes of Xiu Xian civilization.

"Disciples of Yuanyang Sect, listen to my order, board the boat immediately!"

Chang Feng Zhenren's majestic words resounded throughout the city, using some kind of amplification magic to ignore the barriers of buildings and formations.

As soon as the voice fell, a series of escape lights rose into the sky and landed on the Cangwu Spirit Ship or the Guiyuan Boat. There was no sign of chaos, and it was obvious that corresponding arrangements had been made.

These colorful escape lights, like rainbow rain that washes the sky from bottom to top, are thousands of times denser than meteor showers, forming a dazzling beauty.

"Can Baiyun Temple, such a powerful Chu sect, really take back Guque City?"

Those Guque City cultivators who were not exiled stared at this scene blankly, and their ideas were shaken to a certain extent, and they began to doubt the rule of Baiyun Temple.

Liu Yu's eyes moved, wandering over the Guiyuan Boats, and soon he saw a number.

His expression changed, and he said to the four people gathered around him:

"Follow me, fellow disciples."

After that, Liu Yu slapped his storage bag and took out the Lixuan Sword, which turned into a red light and soared into the sky.

Jiang Qiushui, Yan Kai, Cui Liang, and Leng Yuexin followed closely, driving their magic weapons into light and flying into the sky.

On the deck of the Guiyuan Boat with a special rune meaning of ten, Liu Yu landed the light, and then began to openly guide the cultivators on the boat.

There were originally six foundation-building cultivators on the boat, standing together and talking, one of whom was holding a token to control the Guiyuan Boat.

The Qi Refining disciples were divided into two groups, with 150 sect disciples and 150 affiliated faction cultivators, composed of cultivators from different forces.

The bright robes of the inner and outer sect disciples of Yuanyang Sect allowed the cultivators to tell them apart at a glance.

"Brother Qingyang, congratulations."

"Since you are here, this Guiyuan Boat is for you."

"I wish you all the best on this trip."

The sect's foundation-building master holding the token came over immediately and said politely, and then handed over the operation token.

The speed of escape of foundation-building cultivators and Qi-refining cultivators is very different. In order to facilitate the operation, the elders approved that each Qingfeng team should be equipped with a Guiyuan Boat.

The difficulty of refining this large flying boat is far beyond that of ordinary top-grade magic tools. Twelve teams have twelve boats, which is really generous. The sect has invested a lot this time.

"I wish you a good trip to Yan State with good luck."

Liu Yu reached out to take the token and said lightly, with a casual tone.

Facing this fellow disciple in the early stage of foundation building, although he may have some background, he is not a nobody, so there is no need to treat him seriously.


The fellow disciple said simply, and then drove away with the magic weapon.

Liu Yu nodded slightly, and after a careful scan of his spiritual sense, he checked that there was no problem with the token and the flying boat, and watched him leave.

At this time, the escape light of Jiang Qiushui and the other four also fell behind him.

"I am Meng Wenxing of the Meng family, and I meet fellow Daoist Qingyang!"

"I lead 38 disciples in the Qi Refining Stage, and I will work under fellow Daoist in the future. Please take care of me."

Meng Wenxing, a family cultivator with a thin face and white hair, came over immediately, bowed deeply and said so.

His attitude was very humble, and he did not have the airs of a foundation building cultivator at all.

The Meng family is a relatively small foundation building family, with only two foundation building cultivators in the family, but in the face of the urgent call of Yuanyang Sect, they still had to send one person to participate in the war.

He was old and had not lived for long, so he took the initiative to take over the task and let another foundation-building cultivator stay in the family.

In this way, even if he died, the family would still have foundation-building cultivators for a long time, and would not decline immediately.

Meng Wenxing was less than 20 years away from his death, and he had let go of everything and did not care much about the opinions of other fellows.

As long as he could keep a few more family disciples, he thought it was all worth it.

"It turned out to be Fellow Daoist Meng from the Meng family. Fellow Daoist, there is no need to be polite. It is not possible."

"Don't worry, Qingyang, as the leader, should be responsible for the life and death of every member of the team, and will never let them lose their lives easily and die unclearly."

Liu Yu stretched out his hand and helped Meng Wenxing up, saying so.

There is no war without death, so he naturally would not give this old guy any guarantees, but just said some beautiful words to stage a scene of the monarch and his ministers complementing each other.

"Fellow Daoist Qingyang is indeed as wise as the rumors say. With your leadership, our trip will surely go smoothly."

"If you have any orders, I will do it!"

Meng Wenxing didn't care about the strange looks of other cultivators. He still flattered them without changing his expression. He was a wise old man. Liu Yu was also somewhat pleased with what he said.

"Rumors? Wise and powerful?"

Jiang Qiushui and the others looked strange. Before today, Liu Yu's reputation was only spread in a small circle of the sect, so there was no rumor to speak of.

"Cunning old thing!"

The other four foundation-building cultivators of the affiliated forces cursed in their hearts and hurried over to greet Liu Yu to show their loyalty.

Although their attitude was not as humble as Meng Wenxing's, they were also very humble and put themselves in the right position in their words.

"No problem, no problem."

Liu Yu smiled and remembered the information of these five people.

He then greeted Jiang Qiushui and the other four, so that the ten foundation-building cultivators in the team could get to know each other.

Just as the few people exchanged their names and had the most basic understanding, the Cangwu Spirit Ship at the head of the fleet suddenly vibrated and shot out dozens of red spiritual lights, shining on each Guiyuan Boat.

After the spiritual light shone, each Guiyuan Boat also changed, as if a switch was turned on, and the same spiritual light was formed.

The spiritual lights followed the mysterious connection and tended to connect with each other.

From a distance, the spiritual lights of the Cangwu Spirit Ship and dozens of Guiyuan Boats gradually formed a whole, huge and eye-catching in the air.

After the connection was completed, it flew quickly in a certain direction in the south, like a huge "red comet".

Liu Yu was not panicked at all when he encountered this situation.

The speed of the Cangwu Spirit Ship and the Guiyuan Boat was very different. The former could travel 40,000 miles a day, while the latter could only travel more than 2,000 miles a day, which was completely not at the same level.

If the two acted together, it would obviously be very inconvenient.

Therefore, the high-level leaders of the sect had foresight and had long considered this situation. When refining the spirit ship and the spirit boat, they added the "mother-child spirit light array" to sacrifice the speed of the former to increase the speed of the latter.

In this way, the two can maintain the same speed and avoid being out of sync.

Of course, this refining method has very high requirements for the refiner, and also requires the assistance of a well-accomplished array master, and various consumptions are also 20% more than normal.

Except for the powerful Yuanying sects, small and medium-sized forces simply do not have the ability to build it.

After flying a distance, Liu Yu looked behind him.

Above Guque City, another spirit ship and spirit boat took off, and the one leading it was the "Red Dream Ship" of the Hehuan Sect.

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