Immortal Palace Longevity

Chapter 351: The Demon's Fame Gradually Rising (Additional Updates Asking for Monthly Tickets)

Liu Yu knew that conquering the "kingdom" and governing the "kingdom" were two completely different things.

To some extent, governing the country was no less difficult than conquering the country.

If you don't want to have repeated changes in the future and cause yourself endless trouble.

Then when governing, you must never take too simple and rough methods.

"To show your firm position and determination to support the alliance."

"I beg you, fellow Daoist Qingyang, not to lift the soul-locking ban first."

"I have abandoned the dark and joined the light, and I am wholeheartedly loyal to the alliance. What's wrong with a mere soul-locking ban?"

"But I am still guilty after all."

"It won't be too late to lift it after the war is over."

Xiao Chong stood up and said seriously.

He was just a casual cultivator. He was good at fighting, but he couldn't get a word in when it came to strategic governance.

In order to show his presence and some more important considerations, he took the initiative to raise this question.

As soon as these words came out, the scene suddenly became quiet!

The cultivators in the room looked at Xiao Chong with strange eyes. They had different thoughts in their minds, but they didn't show any of them on their faces.

Liu Yu had a blank expression on his face, showing no joy or anger, making it hard to guess what he was thinking.

He didn't answer, but asked the two from the Wei family:

"What do the two Daoists from the Wei family think?"

Wei Guping cursed Xiao Chong in her heart. Her years of experience made her aware of the sensitivity of this question.

According to what Xiao Chong said, if they were in a hurry to lift the soul-locking ban at this time, wouldn't it be considered that their position was not firm and the alliance was not "loyal" enough?

But it was clearly agreed in advance that the ban would be lifted after conquering Phoenix Mountain! ?

She didn't know how to answer, so she could only look at the clan leader Wei Guangzheng.

"Daoyou Xiao is right. We are wholeheartedly submitting to the alliance and have no second thoughts. Why should we rush to lift the soul-locking ban?"

"I also ask Daoyou Qingyang to take back your order!"

Wei Guangzheng bowed his hands and said as he bent down.

But his eyes, which were lowered, became a little deep.

"Several Daoists want to show their loyalty to the alliance and their firm stance. With such sincere hearts, Liu Yu certainly cannot bear to interfere."

"In that case, let's follow Daoist Fellow Xiao's words and fulfill your wishes!"

Liu Yu sighed softly and said "deeply and sincerely".

It seems that he was really moved by the "loyalty" of several people.

"Thank you, Daoist Fellow Qingyang!"

Xiao Chong and Wei Jia bowed.

Liu Yu nodded with a smile and encouraged the three people.

Then he stopped smiling, looked around at the cultivators in the seat, and said seriously:

"Everything has been discussed almost, and there is no time to lose. We will set off immediately!"

"Everything will be carried out according to the content decided at the meeting."

"Please convey the decision to the Qi-refining cultivators in the team."

"Then now, start to gather the cultivators and prepare to set off!!"

"It's time to completely conquer this area."

The unquestionable voice echoed in the cave, and it seemed to reach people's hearts.

With the identity of the leader, strong strength, and decisive style, he naturally has a kind of majesty that people dare not ignore.

"Yes, Senior Brother Liu! (Daoyou Qingyang)"

The twelve foundation-building monks in the seat all stood up, bowed heavily and said loudly.

Then, they turned and walked out of the cave one after another, and began to summon the Qi-refining monks to prepare to implement the plan of fully conquering the 500 miles south of Jinquefang City.

Looking at the backs of everyone leaving quietly, Liu Yu smiled.

Remove the soul-locking restriction now?

He had no intention of doing so from the beginning.

This was just a temporary statement to appease the monks who surrendered.

The destructive power and influence of a foundation-building monk are not small. If he suddenly rebels at a critical moment, it is likely to cause a heavy blow to the team.

The team suffered heavy casualties and his own plan failed.

If he secretly communicated with the monks of Baiyun Temple and cooperated with them from inside and outside, he might even endanger his own life.

So if there is no means of control, he can't use it at all.

For his own safety and the safety of the team, even if Xiao Chong did not take the initiative, Liu Yu would find an excuse to delay and postpone the lifting of the soul lock restriction indefinitely.

A gentleman can be deceived by his own methods, and he doesn't mind being a "villain" who goes back on his word.

At this time, can Xiao Chong and the Wei family still say "no"?


Yan Kai noticed the improvement of Leng Yuexin's cultivation and the extremely unstable aura of this woman.

Associated with the magic skills she practiced, if her attitude during the last meeting, what happened is self-evident.

This made him feel inexplicably heavy in his heart, as if he was pressed by a huge rock. He rarely spoke at this meeting and felt a sense of boredom.

"Perhaps, war is so cruel."

"Is this the norm in the world of immortal cultivation?"

Walking out of the cave, Yan Kai sighed softly after stopping behind everyone.

"I was not born in a peaceful era, but in a powerful sect!"

Standing for a long time, looking at the setting sun in the sky, Yan Kai suddenly had many insights.

It seemed that he had figured out a lot, and his originally depressed mood began to improve. He no longer hesitated to control the escape light and go away.

As a disciple of the sect, you should look at everything from the perspective of the sect.

Even if you want to change the current situation of the world of immortal cultivation, you have to wait until you are at the top before you can change the rules.

Otherwise, it will only be a laughing stock.

After the strategy and details were finalized, the team took action soon.

In the dim sky, beams of light shot up into the sky, forming a dazzling galaxy.

With Phoenix Mountain as the center, the troops were divided into several groups and went in all directions.

After the Bai family was destroyed and the Wei family surrendered, there were only a few weak foundation-building families and a few scattered cultivators in the foundation-building period in this area.

Why use a butcher knife to kill a chicken?

At this time, of course, there was no need for the entire team to attack together. Just send a few foundation-building cultivators and some Qi-refining disciples to form a team.

But even so, facing the remaining families and scattered cultivators, they still had an absolute advantage.

In this way, efficiency can be greatly improved.

Under such a strategic arrangement, the entire team was divided into three groups.

Liu Yu personally led two foundation-building cultivators, Jiang Qiushui and Wei Guping, and eighty Qi-refining cultivators to attack the nearest immortal cultivation family.

The other two teams were led by Cui Liang and Yan Kai, each with four foundation-building cultivators and eighty Qi-refining cultivators, and they were also heading for the territory of a foundation-building force.

Leng Yuexin and the remaining Qi-refining disciples stayed in Phoenix Mountain to guard the territory that had already fallen into their hands.

As the three teams came into contact with the immortal cultivation forces in this area, the news that the Bai family had been annihilated spread completely.

For a time, all the local Yan State cultivators and forces were extremely shocked, and their reactions were also different.

Under the threat of death and extinction of the clan, most cultivators did not dare to confront Liu Yu's team directly, and either chose to temporarily retreat from the open to the dark, or simply "go with the flow".

Of course, there were also a very small number of cultivators who, for various reasons, did not understand the general situation, leading to a dead end, and the forces behind them were also implicated.

Feeling the number of casualties in the team and the seven-day reorganization time to capture Phoenix Mountain, Liu Yu had already taken action and began preparations before fully conquering.

He had already sent intelligence personnel to spread some news that was beneficial to his side, similar to "conquest and surrender documents".

The general idea was that if the cultivators and forces took the initiative to surrender before the army arrived, not only could they retain their original industries and interests, but they could also receive various leniency and rewards.

If they surrendered after the army arrived, they could also retain their original industries and interests, but they would not receive any special leniency and rewards.

Once there were casualties in the battle with Liu Yu's side, there would be no turning back, and the only option was the destruction of the forces and the death of the cultivators.

The situation personnel also specifically listed several examples, such as the "leniency" of the Wei family and Xiao Chong after they surrendered.

And - the fate of the entire Bai family.

After three or five days, the news of the Bai family's destruction was confirmed, and the "conquest and surrender documents" spread.

It was like a huge stone thrown into a calm lake, which immediately caused an uproar.

Many casual cultivators were panicked and chose to give up their business connections and immediately packed up their belongings to escape into the secular world.

There are also many flexible and unhappy casual cultivators who choose to take a gamble and come to Phoenix Mountain overnight to seek refuge.

But there are still many forces that are still waiting for the "king master" of Baiyun Temple and choose to resist to the end.

Through Jiang Qiushui's report, Liu Yu learned that there are many cultivators who come to surrender, which makes him somewhat relieved.

Perhaps it is because of the examples of the Wei family and Xiao Chong, or perhaps a levy letter played a role, or perhaps the fate of the Bai family shocked these cultivators.

The reason is not important, as long as it works.

Under the leadership of the local snake, Liu Yu's team's subjugation operation went very smoothly.

Among the three foundation-building casual cultivators, one chose to surrender and was willing to accept the soul-locking restriction, and the foundation-building cultivator in the team increased by one more person.

When the team rushed to the residence of the remaining two people, it was already empty.

As for several foundation-building families, one also chose to surrender, and the foundation-building cultivator increased by one more person, and the overall strength of the team was strengthened again.

However, perhaps it was because the Baiyun Temple had accumulated too much prestige, and the family cultivators were full of concerns.

The other families either chose to resist to the end, or chose to lead their clansmen to escape into the secular world. In short, they did not choose this path.

Although it was a bit regrettable, Liu Yu did what he said and strictly followed the "conquest and surrender document".

For the families that did not "surrender" when the enemy was at the gates of the city, they were all ordered to be exterminated without any hesitation, and many of them also affected the secular mortals.

Of course, they did not kill them all like the Bai family.

Because it was too troublesome, and the number of cultivators in the team was limited.

However, most of the cultivators died, and the sacred mountain and industry were also lost. According to the saying of the cultivation world, it was also a true extermination of the clan.

The process of conquering the 500 miles south of Jinquefang City lasted for a month, and there were waves of bloody storms, which made the cultivators feel insecure!

And Liu Yu's "reputation" was also completely spread in this area.

But of course this is not a good reputation, but he was scolded by the monks here as a butcher, a robber, an evil cultivator, and even a demon.

They secretly called him Demon Qingyang.

But on the contrary, as the situation became better and the harvest gradually increased, Liu Yu's prestige in the team also rose steadily.

He was respected by the monks in the team as Uncle Master Qingyangzi.


However, in just one month, the pattern around Jinquefang City has undergone earth-shaking changes.

This change is greater than the previous thousands of years combined.

Some forces perished, and some forces rose.

There are also monks who were originally unsatisfactory, because they surrendered to the demon early, and turned into "celebrity" on the demon's side.

Becoming a demon and managing this area, maintaining stability, and gaining a lot of benefits.

The future is bright.

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