Immortal Palace Longevity

Chapter 437: The True Form of the Star

"The power of Taiyin is extremely dangerous. If you use it to temper your body, you will be in danger of death if you make a mistake."

"However, as long as you prepare enough auxiliary resources, you can find a way to overcome these difficulties and minimize the danger."

"The important thing is that "Taiyin Refining" is indeed a top-notch body-refining technique."

Seeing this, Liu Yu couldn't help but smile.

"Taiyin Refining" really made him quite satisfied. It is even more difficult to find in the current world of immortal cultivation. If there is no better choice, it should be this technique.

"Forty-three points of merit."

Looking at the price of the technique, Liu Yu's face remained unchanged.

Although this price is high, most foundation-building cultivators can hardly reach it in their lifetime, but he now has fifty-five points of merit, which is completely within an acceptable range.

That is, now that physical cultivation is declining and magic cultivation is the only one that stands out, this top physical cultivation technique is so "cheaply sold" that you can get the whole book for forty-three points.

If it is a top-notch magic cultivation technique, it starts at at least sixty points of merit, and can only be exchanged for the part below the Jindan stage.

As for the sect-protecting technique "Three Yang Burning Heaven Technique", it is impossible to exchange it without 100 merits, and at least one needs to be a true disciple to be eligible for exchange.

After quickly reading the uncovered part of "Taiyin Refining Form", Liu Yu became more and more satisfied, and nodded slightly, feeling relieved.

However, he still put down this technique for the time being. The last bookshelf has not been finished yet. Maybe there will be better and more suitable techniques?

The jade slip was placed with care, and the pages were turned gently.

Not long after, the last bookshelf on the seventh floor had been basically read.

"It seems that "Taiyin Refining Form" is the best physical cultivation technique that can be found at present."

Liu Yu said secretly, but he finally got something, and he was not disappointed.

Then, he reached out to the last book.

This is the last book on the seventh floor.

If there is no accident, "Taiyin Refining Form" is the only top physical cultivation technique in the sect.

In the current world of immortal cultivation where the magic cultivation is the only one in the world, the declining physical cultivation is not valued, and the value of each aspect is far different.

These physical cultivation techniques on the seventh floor may be all that the sect has.

As for the Sutra Library in Tongtian Peak, there may be better techniques, but it is more likely that there are none.

With the harvest, Liu Yu picked up the last book with a peaceful and casual mood.

This book seems to have gone through a long time. Although the sect has always paid attention to maintenance, there are still signs of decay on the pages, and the corners are left with traces of time.

The yellowed ancient book is placed on the bottom shelf of the bookshelf, not conspicuous at all, and looks very ordinary.

Compared with the extraordinary "Taiyin Refining Form", it is simply a world of difference.

When Liu Yu looked at this book, he had no hope in his heart, but he did not give up reading it.

Details determine success or failure, and the king is not accidental.

Opening the first page of the ancient book, the original four-character title has been missing due to the decay of time.

Only br /\u003eThese two characters, compared with the characters in the current world of immortal cultivation, have more and more complicated strokes, and seem to be from ancient times.

However, from ancient times to now, although there have been several turbulences, the inheritance has never been interrupted, and it can be said to be passed down from one generation to another.

So the characters are just simplified, and Liu Yu can still recognize them.

"True body"

For some reason, he read out two "traditional characters" from ancient times.

Seeing this, Liu Yu's heart moved, and he couldn't help but have some interest.

As far as he knows, there are various rules for naming the exercises in ancient times.

Generally, there will be no situation where the name does not match the reality.

Those that can be named "True Body" are at least top-grade exercises.

With some expectations in his heart, Liu Yu gently turned the pages and looked down, fearing that he would destroy this ancient book that was decayed to a certain extent because of excessive force.

Although the sect must have a backup, "original" has a special meaning.

Fortunately, although this ancient book has decayed to a certain extent, the following handwriting can still be clearly recognized without any defects.

As he continued to watch, Liu Yu couldn't help but open his eyes wide, feeling incredible!

It turned out that the technique recorded in the ancient book was called "Star True Body", which was similar to "Taiyin Refining Form", and was also a technique to absorb the power of stars to temper the body.

However, the purpose of the technique was higher and broader than the latter!

"Taiyin Refining Form" only absorbs the power of Taiyin in the moonlight, while "Star True Body" can theoretically absorb all the power of stars to temper the body.

Including "Taiyin Power" and "Sun Power", as well as the power of all other stars.

When the technique is cultivated to the highest level, it becomes a real "Star True Body", which is enough to rival the cultivators who have achieved great success in the transformation of the spirit.

It's a pity that although the purpose is high, even the founder of the technique, "Star Observing God", has not cultivated the realm of "True Body".

Only a sigh of "regret" is left to warn those who come later.

According to the description of the technique, the "Starry True Body" progresses layer by layer, and each stage requires the absorption of different star powers.

The entire technique is divided into five levels, corresponding to the great realms from the Qi Refining Stage to the Spiritual Transformation Stage, and each realm has different titles and characteristics.

When the second level of the "Starry True Body" is perfected, the Taiyin power in the body is full, reaching the realm of "Bright Moon", even the best spiritual weapon can hardly cause effective damage to the physical body.

Seeing this, Liu Yu was already excited.

This kind of technique with broad prospects and powerful combat power is what he likes most!

But then, a question emerged in his heart.

"Why has such a powerful technique been covered in dust?"

But after just a little thought, Liu Yu understood the reason and felt a little embarrassed.

With the end of the ancient war, the spiritual energy between the whole world is constantly declining, and the power of the stars is no exception, gradually becoming thinner.

Compared with the ancient times, there is already a very big gap.

The various resources consumed by the way of physical cultivation are much more than those of magic cultivation. In addition, if you practice the "star true body", you need to absorb a certain degree of star power to advance.

With the thinning of star power, it is not surprising that no one cares about this technique.

Liu Yu felt a little embarrassed when he thought of this.

"In today's world of immortal cultivation, is it really the right choice to choose a technique with such harsh cultivation conditions?"

For the billions of creatures in the world, the sun, moon and stars are almost eternal, and the richness of the star power is difficult to change.

Even if you use the power of the formation to improve, there is always a certain limit.

If you choose to forcibly cultivate the "Star True Body", it may not be the right choice, and you may face a dead end.

At each stage, if you do not absorb enough corresponding attribute star power, you cannot advance. This restriction is too great!

"The first two realms of "Taiyin Refining Form" do not require so much Taiyin power. Maybe it is the most suitable choice?"

Liu Yu flashed this thought, and his heart fell into thinking, constantly weighing the pros and cons.

With "Star True Body" in one hand and "Taiyin Refining Form" in the other, his eyes kept wandering over the two classics, and it was a bit difficult to choose.

The cultivation conditions of one are extremely harsh, but the prospects are very broad, and it is enough to directly cultivate to the realm of transformation.

The cultivation conditions of the other are a little loose, but the combat power is slightly weaker, and the prospects are not so broad.

On the contrary, the consumption of resources for cultivation of immortals by both is several times that of the cultivation of the same realm. This is not a problem for Liu Yu, who has an immortal mansion.

The seventh floor of the Sutra Pavilion was silent.

Holding two top-notch techniques, Liu Yu was in a state of hesitation.

After a moment, he suddenly smiled, feeling amused by his blindness.

"Both techniques are of the same star attribute, so it is not very difficult to switch to another technique."

"You can try "Star True Body" first, and if this road does not work, then switch to "Taiyin Refining Form"."

"The two techniques have similar attributes, especially in the early stage, there are certain commonalities."

"Even if you switch to another technique, you don't have to start all over again."

Thinking of this, Liu Yu has made a decision in his heart.

After becoming a true disciple, you can enter and exit the seventh floor of the Sutra Pavilion at will, and as long as you have enough merits, you can exchange for another technique at any time.

Moreover, there is a "virtual star" in the world of the Immortal Mansion. He can find a tool to store the power of the star and bring out the rich star power for the purpose of body refining.

In this way, the first realm of "Star True Body" should be able to be quickly cultivated.

As for the second and third realms, we will talk about it when the time comes. When the boat reaches the bridge, it will be straight.

After the Immortal Mansion "created" an illusory star, there was no subsequent change. So, can the existing star power be transformed into moonlight and sunlight?

At this moment, Liu Yu held two books of exercises in his hands, and many thoughts flashed through his mind.

This was something he had never thought of before. He planned to test it out after returning.

"Fifty-two points of merit."

After making a decision in his mind, Liu Yu no longer hesitated, put down the two books of exercises, and took a look at the exchange price of the star's true body.

It can only be said that the way of physical cultivation is really declining now. Such a top physical cultivation method is now only slightly higher than the price of the top-grade method of law cultivation.

This makes people sigh at the changes of time,

the world has changed!

Walking to the counter, Liu Yu bowed to the elder who was dozing, and said respectfully:

"Master Wen, I want to exchange for the star's true body."

The "original" or "unique" copies of the exercises placed in the seventh-floor Sutra Pavilion are all "original" or "unique" copies of the exercises, which have special significance.

If a cultivator exchanges, of course he cannot get the "original" or "unique", but only a copy with a jade slip.

Hearing this, Elder Wen, who had gray hair, wrinkled skin, and a sense of old age, opened his eyes.

His cloudy eyes looked at Liu Yu, and he paused and said:

"Xingchen's true body?"

"If I remember correctly, this is a body cultivation method, right?"

"You are so young, but you have already cultivated to the middle stage of foundation building, and you are also a true disciple. If you don't get distracted, you have a certain chance of condensing the golden elixir."

"Why do you want to distract yourself and waste a lot of time to practice this declining body cultivation method?"

Elder Wen's tone was relatively calm at first, but gradually became stern later, like an elder admonishing a younger generation.

He spent most of his life in the sect and had a deep affection for the sect.

So when he was old, he took the initiative to guard the Sutra Pavilion for the sect, which was also considered as retirement.

If ordinary disciples choose a method, Elder Wen will not care or ask, but it is different for true disciples.

True disciples are the very few who are the best in the sect in building the foundation, and their possibility of condensing the golden elixir is far higher than that of ordinary cultivators.

He didn't want to see a true disciple, because distraction will eventually lead to failure, so he asked this question.

"Reply to Master Wen, I know all the disadvantages of the physical cultivation path."

"But I have made up my mind!"

Liu Yu insisted.

Although Master Wen's tone was stern, he could sense a hint of concern.

However, the secret of the Immortal Mansion could not be revealed to anyone, so he just insisted on his own ideas without saying too much.

"If I remember correctly, your master should be Li Changkong, right?"

"Does that slick guy know your choice?"

Elder Wen asked.

"Reply to Master, my master doesn't know, this is my own choice."

"Please help me!"

Liu Yu said truthfully.

After speaking, he bowed again and presented the true transmission token with both hands.

There were only so many true transmission disciples, and he didn't feel strange at all that the elders knew his information, and he was more careful.

"Well, well."

Seeing that Liu Yu was determined to do it, Elder Wen shook his head slightly, feeling a little sorry.

But he still took the true transmission token, found the jade slip of "Xingchen Zhenshen", and began to copy it.

It is difficult for outsiders to interfere with the path that a cultivator ultimately chooses, and even the master and parents cannot force him to change it.

Having said this, he has already fulfilled his responsibility as an elder of the sect, and it is over if he interferes any more.

Fifty-two merit points were deducted, and the first three layers of the Star True Body were copied.

Elder Wen said a few more words about not leaking the skills and the serious consequences, and then handed over the jade slip.

Fifty-two merit points are exchanged for the complete skills, which can be practiced all the way to the Spiritualization Stage.

But now only the first three layers are given, and after practicing to the Golden Core Stage, the remaining skills can be collected, which is also part of the confidentiality measures.

In addition, in the oath of being promoted to a true disciple, there is also a treaty that the sect's skills must not be leaked.

Once violated, there will be extremely serious consequences.

"Thank you, Master Wen!"

"Disciple, I'll leave."

Liu Yu's heart was slightly rippled after receiving the jade slip of "Star True Body", but he still suppressed his emotions.

After the salute, he left the seventh floor and walked down.

Every move was flawless, without any impoliteness, and without leaving any handle.

The purpose of coming to the Sutra Pavilion has been achieved. Liu Yu has no intention of staying for long and left here directly.

A moment later, a black escape light shot up into the sky, leaving Qingquan Peak and flying towards Qingyun Peak.

Generally speaking, foundation-building cultivators either live in Tongtian Peak or choose a second-level sacred mountain within the sect. Both have their advantages and disadvantages.

However, once selected, it is basically impossible to change.

But after Liu Yu was promoted to the true disciple, he could change to a better sacred mountain. Taking advantage of this time to leave the cave, he planned to do this together.

He is not very dependent on external spiritual energy, but the people around him are different.


Half an hour later.

Qingyun Peak.

A side hall of the sect's main hall.

In the ancient and quaint hall, Liu Yu and the head of the sect, Zhuang Ziling, sat opposite each other, exchanging pleasantries and acting according to the occasion, looking like they were having a good conversation.

If someone didn't know them, they might think they were old friends.

On the table, there was a cup of steaming hot tea, which Zhuang Ziling personally filled.

"Junior Brother Liu, how is it?"

"Is my tea okay?"

Zhuang Ziling asked with a smile.

He was very friendly, as if the previous thoughts in his mind had never existed.

This person deserves to be the "master", he is indeed a very versatile person, he gets along with people very naturally, and can make people feel very comfortable.

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