Immortal Palace Longevity

Chapter 508: Refining Magical Weapons

"I obey my orders!"

Chen Shan immediately responded in a low voice.

Even if there is still sadness in his heart, under the influence of "Liu Li Confused Mind", some emotions will not affect the transmission of orders at all.

"Yes, Not Bad."

"You are all carefully selected. You are already familiar with the entire training process. When there are no tasks assigned, you will assist the instructors in training the juniors."

"It just so happens that you have "graduated", and the next batch of newcomers will arrive in a few days."

Liu Yu nodded lightly and gave instructions casually.

Seeing that after a round of brutal elimination, his subordinates were already a bit evil, he was generally quite satisfied.

Although in this way, half of the foundation-building dead soldiers under his command will be lost at once, but it is still worthwhile to be able to screen out the "elite".

After all, the tasks carried out by the Foundation Establishment Death Soldiers are not simple tasks. If some incompetent people are sent there, things may end up being ruined.

Rather than having bad things affect your plans later, it is better to eliminate the hidden dangers early.

Anyway, with the successful experience, cultivating foundation-building death warriors again for me is nothing more than spending some spiritual stones.

Life can sometimes be measured with spiritual stones.

"Spiritual stones are a good thing, but sometimes they are worthless!"

Liu Yu sighed slightly in her heart.

Then, he began to distribute top-quality magic weapons or high-grade spiritual weapons to the winners of the assessment one by one.

After about twenty years, nine foundation-building dead warriors and dozens of qi-refining dead warriors were obtained.

Although the effort is not proportional to the reward, it is normal to take some detours for the first time, and Liu Yu can barely accept it.

As the entire process is optimized, everything will gradually get on track, and his minions will become more and more numerous!

During this assessment, the only two people Liu Yu admired more were Chen Shan and Xu Haoran, and their strength was indeed superior to that of their peers.

Therefore, only high-grade spiritual weapons were awarded to the two of them.

As for the other seven, they are all top-quality magic weapons.

This result made the other seven people love and hate it, but they never dared to question the "Lord's" decision.

"This organization will be called - Shadow of the Sun from now on."

"Yue Xin is the first elder, and Bai Hu and Haoran are the first guardians."

"As for the others, they are all the first hall masters."

After distributing magic weapons and spiritual weapons to the nine people, Liu Yu calmly announced the name of the organization, and then announced each person's rank and subordinates.

"Yes, Lord!"

Leng Yuexin led the nine people to accept the order suddenly.

Liu Yu nodded lightly, then turned into a ray of light and soared into the sky, returning towards Yongquan Mountain.

In place, Leng Yuexin, as the only elder, began to arrange tasks for his subordinates.

Since Liu Yu took control of the branch, although it has been very smooth overall, there are still some local immortal cultivating forces in the Yuan Kingdom who have been disobeying his orders.

Sometimes, they even dare to secretly search for children with spiritual roots to hide, and compete with the branch for "population resources".

Whether it is the outer disciples sent to the sect every three years or the manpower needed by the "Shadow of the Sun", they all need to be supplemented by those with spiritual root qualifications.

These immortal cultivating forces dared to touch those with spiritual roots, which was tantamount to touching Liu Yu's interests.

At this time, the time is ripe for the branch to stabilize, and it is time to take action against these ungrateful forces!

Of course, if it was the Jin Dan force, Liu Yu would just turn a blind eye and pretend he didn't see it.

"Do you remember everything I just said?"

In Yongquan Cave Mansion, Liu Yu looked at the cold-eyed foundation-building dead soldier in front of him and said lightly.

"Haruyue will remember every word the Lord said!"

The female foundation-building cultivator codenamed "Spring Snow" immediately replied respectfully.


"This mission to the secular world must not be too ostentatious. The most important thing is to protect the safety of the descendants of the Liu family."

"Take this talisman and high-grade spiritual weapon. Don't use it unless absolutely necessary. Once used, you must leave no one alive."

"Kill all witnesses, mortals and monks alike!"

As he spoke, the storage ring in Liu Yu's hand flashed, and a special talisman and a flying sword spiritual weapon appeared, slowly floating in front of the opponent.

It is the "Purple Bell Talisman" that he obtained in his early years, and the high-grade spiritual weapon "Flowing Light Sword".

As his cultivation level increased to the Golden Core stage, these two things became useless.

In the golden elixir level fighting method, it has no effect at all, not even comparable to the power of casting spells.

After all, the talisman only preserves a small part of the power of the magic weapon.

"Thank you, Lord, for your gift. My subordinates will definitely act in accordance with the orders and will never make any arbitrary decisions."

The foundation-building female cultivator codenamed Haruyuki respectfully took the two items and saluted again.

"Well, if there's nothing else, just go down and take care of it immediately."

Liu Yu waved his hand.

With the effect of "glazed mind-bewitching technique", he can guarantee the "loyalty" of the foundation-building dead soldiers, so unlike ordinary subordinates, he does not need to worry about the feelings of the dead soldiers.

"As you command!"

"My subordinates resign."

After hearing this, Haruyuki bowed and slowly exited the cave, turned into a bolt of light and flew directly to the ancient city.

She will take the teleportation array back to Chu State and go to "Ping'an County" to take over Wu Chengen's affairs.

This mission may last for decades, or it may be her entire life!

This female cultivator is the one who is using the "Muyin Technique" to hide the truth during the assessment.

She has mastered this technique to the point of mastery, and is very good at hiding herself. She is the most suitable candidate to take care of the descendants of the Liu family.

In order to be on the safe side, Liu Yu not only gave her the talisman and spiritual weapon, but also made an exception to give her the first two levels of the "Hidden Spirit Technique".

This is so that Chunxue can secretly take care of the descendants of the Liu family without any accidents.

"Well, many things on hand have come to an end for the time being."

"With the experience of the first time, I don't need to monitor it often. The remaining eight dead men can continue to train new people and supervise each other with Leng Yuexin."

"Hehe, the warrior who slays the dragon eventually became an evil dragon?!"

Sitting in the hall, Liu Yu carefully recalled his arrangements and wondered if there were any omissions.

After confirming that there were no omissions, he put everything aside and entered a state of retreat.

All things were arranged by him.

On the branch side, Sun Yulan, Ma Wencai and others are responsible for daily operations, while Ji Ruyan and Jiang Qiushui are responsible for supervision.

As for the collection of spiritual materials, Jiang Qiushui was in charge of the Yuan Kingdom, and Yan Hongyu was in charge of the Chu Kingdom, and multiple channels were carried out simultaneously.

As for the affairs of the Shadow of the Sun, Leng Yuexin was mainly responsible.

However, the dead warriors were "loyal" to Liu Yu. In fact, after the first batch of dead warriors were trained, even without this woman, the Shadow of the Sun could still operate as usual.

In addition, the monster riots became more frequent, and the day when the big beast tide broke out completely was getting closer and closer.

In this context, Liu Yu retreated peacefully, completing daily practice, learning third-level spells, and improving his attainments in alchemy and refining.

Every day of retreat was very fulfilling.


Under the burning of the golden red pill fire, the light red spear trembled slightly, and the engraved rune array continued to merge into the spear body.

Under the reflection of the fire, Liu Yu looked serious.


After a few breaths, the spell in his hand suddenly changed, and he uttered a difficult syllable, which was the final finishing touch for this refining.

"Buzz buzz buzz"

The vibration of the magic weapon spear intensified, and suddenly calmed down when it reached the peak, and the originally shining spiritual light suddenly converged.

When the rune array was completely integrated into the spear body, the spear suddenly had a different temperament, that is a sharp and fierce power!

"Top-grade magic weapon."

Touching his most proud work so far, Liu Yu nodded gently, and couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment.

Although top-grade magic weapons are no longer rare for him, what he refined is different.

"With my current level, it is still a bit difficult to refine top-grade magic weapons."

"This time I was able to refine a top-grade magic weapon. It seems that I happened to catch the best time in the step of "opening the light."

Liu Yu summed up his experience.

The so-called opening the light is the last step of refining the weapon, the process of integrating the rune array into the magic weapon itself, or the last step of fusion.

The "opening the light" of refining the weapon is similar to the "opening the furnace" of alchemy. They are the most critical step in refining the weapon and the step that determines the success or failure.

No matter how well the previous steps were done, as long as there was a problem in the opening and furnace opening step, 99% of the previous efforts would be wasted.

The timing of opening and furnace opening is also the most experience-testing step in alchemy and refining, and it is difficult for novices to control it perfectly.

"This spear... let's call it "Red Flame"."

Liu Yu muttered to himself.

He named the first top-grade magic weapon he refined "Red Flame".

This is a special honor that all the magic weapons he refined before have never had.

That is, it was the first time he refined a top-grade magic weapon, which had a special meaning, so he was interested in naming it.

"Refining a top-grade magic weapon, even if there are accidental factors, can prove his refining attainments, which is indeed enough to refine his own magic weapon."

"The spiritual materials for refining the "Sunset Golden Rainbow Spear" have been collected, and maybe it's time to start refining."

This thought flashed through Liu Yu's mind.

Then, he carefully experienced the feeling of refining a top-grade magic weapon just now, and continued to refine the next magic weapon.

At this time, two years had passed since the first batch of dead soldiers were trained, and the spiritual materials for refining the life magic weapon had been collected.

And Liu Yu's attainments in refining weapons had also taken a step forward.

And with the help of Peiyuan Dan, his cultivation had also taken a small step forward on the road to the early stage of Jindan.


One month later.

Yongquan Mountain, the weapon refining room.

Liu Yu sat cross-legged on the futon, his hands naturally hanging on his knees, his eyes closed and his expression calm.

Constantly adjusting his own state, preparing for the next step of refining the life magic weapon.

One breath, two breaths, three breaths...

In the spacious training room, time flowed quietly, and it had been about two quarters of an hour.

At a certain moment after two quarters of an hour, Liu Yu's state was adjusted to the peak.

Blessings came to his mind, and he felt that the best time to refine weapons had come!

In an instant, he opened his dark eyes, and a divine light flashed in his eyes.

With a flip of his left hand, the golden-red pill fire emerged, slowly beating and burning in the palm of his hand!

Liu Yu moved his left hand, and the fire of the pill fell into the fire gate of the refining furnace, and began to preheat the furnace.

After more than ten breaths, the preheating was completed.

With a light move, a piece of light red magic weapon-level ore fell into the refining furnace.

Then, Liu Yu pinched the magic formula, and the flame in the fire gate suddenly rose, and began to refine the spiritual materials in it.

He was very familiar with the process of refining, so every move was smooth.

Although it was the first time to refine a magic weapon, and it was a very important magic weapon for one's own life, there was no rush.

After hundreds of years of ups and downs in the world of immortal cultivation, Liu Yu was calm in every major event. Even if there was a bottomless abyss under his feet, he could still face it calmly.

His heart was as cold and hard as the black ice that had been sealed for thousands of years!

Under the reflection of the golden red fire, the bronze refining furnace gradually became hot, and the temperature inside was getting higher and higher.

Time passed slowly, and after three hours, the first auxiliary material was refined.

Although Danhuo has a very good effect on low-level spiritual materials, it can be refined very quickly.

However, it is not so easy to use for spiritual materials at the magic weapon level, and the refining becomes slow.

To refine the Sunset Golden Rainbow Spear, there is one main ingredient and dozens of auxiliary ingredients. It takes at least one month to refine all the spiritual materials.

Refining the first spiritual material, Liu Yu had no waves in his heart.

Put the light red liquid after refining in the corner of the refining furnace, discharge the impurities, and then release another piece of light silver ore, and continue to refine the spell.

He has practiced every step of refining his life magic weapon countless times in his mind, so he is familiar with it at this time.

Continuously stimulating the fire to refine the spiritual materials consumes a lot of energy. Later, Liu Yu had to take out the middle-grade spiritual stone and absorb the mana while refining the weapon.

Any carelessness in this process may lead to the failure of the entire refining process, wasting a lot of spiritual materials and spending time and spiritual stones to collect again.

But fortunately, Liu Yu is very steady and would rather be slow than make mistakes, so there are no mistakes in the refining process.

A month has passed, and only the main ingredient "Meteoric Sun Crystal" has not been refined.

"As long as the Meteoric Sun Crystal is refined, this first step will be completed."

Liu Yu flashed this thought.

The next moment, a jade box beside him opened automatically, and a fist-sized, glass-red crystal floated out.

It was the Meteorite Crystal!


The Meteorite Crystal fell into the refining furnace, and Liu Yu's spell changed accordingly, increasing the fire output.

At this time, a thin layer of sweat appeared on his temples and forehead, and it was obvious that he had consumed a lot of energy.

The Sunset Golden Rainbow Spear is the top magic weapon, and it is more difficult to refine. Even for him with deep magic power, it is a bit difficult to refine for a long time.

However, Liu Yu has a solid foundation, and he is confident that he can persist even without the help of the power of the earth fire.

The main reason for not using the earth fire is that he is not familiar with it.

It may not be as easy to control as the pill fire, so after comprehensive consideration, he still chooses to use the pill fire.

If the moment comes when the magic power is not available, in order to refine his life magic weapon, he will choose to use the "Millennium Spirit Milk".

The Meteorite Crystal has a very high resistance to fire. Even though Liu Yu's pill fire far exceeds that of ordinary cultivators, it took him ten days and ten nights to refine it.


Ten days and ten nights later, Liu Yu exhaled a breath of turbid air, and the spell in his hand changed accordingly, and the fire in the fire gate instantly weakened by half.

At this time, in the furnace, the liquid after the melting of spiritual materials was quietly suspended.

If it is not refined immediately, these liquids will gradually cool down, and most of the spiritual materials will be directly scrapped.


Liu Yu took a deep breath, a trace of determination flashed in his eyes, and he pressed the acupuncture points on his chest and forced out nine drops of blood in a row.

As soon as the huge blood bead appeared in the room, it exuded pure spiritual energy and the desirable fragrance of blood.

Then, it fell into the furnace without stopping.


The blood bead fell into the furnace, and under Liu Yu's precise control, it immediately turned into wisps of thin blood and fell into the clumps of spiritual material liquid.


At the same time, Liu Yu's spell changed again, and he whispered unclear syllables, and the "blood refining" method was performed.

The biggest difference between refining the life magic weapon and ordinary magic weapons is the "blood refining" step.

Through the blood and blood sacrifice, the spiritual material will establish a weak and wonderful connection with the cultivator, making the subsequent refining process much easier.

The more blood and blood consumed by "blood refining", the closer the connection with the spiritual material will be, and the more difficult the subsequent refining will be.

In order to make the subsequent refining smooth, Liu Yu consumed nine drops of blood and blood at one time.

Ordinary cultivators only have sixteen drops of blood and blood at most.

After forcing out nine drops of blood and blood, Liu Yu's spiritual pressure quickly slid down a little, and his face turned pale.

Waves of weakness continued to rise from his limbs!

Even if he cultivated the "Star True Body" and reached the half-step third-level physical cultivation attainment, losing nine drops of blood and blood at once was also on the verge of the limit!

However, Liu Yu did so after precise calculations, and he can still hold on for now.

Since he wants to do it, he should do his best!

"Gather Qi and Concentrate the Mind, Embrace the Origin and Keep the Oneness"

Liu Yu silently recited the spell to concentrate his mind, and with his rock-hard will, he controlled the process of refining the weapon in an orderly manner.

In the refining furnace, the thin blood filaments shone with a hazy blood light, constantly blending into the spiritual material liquid, and the volume of the nine drops of blood was shrinking.

Fortunately, the firepower was reduced, otherwise, with the temperature of refining spiritual materials, I am afraid that the blood would be evaporated in vain in less than two breaths.

However, the low firepower state cannot be maintained for too long. If it is too long, the spiritual material liquid will solidify and turn into a solid state again. At that time, it will be a failure.

Liu Yu knew that time was urgent, so he did not dare to stop for a moment.

In the golden red flames, he kept casting blood refining spells to speed up the process of blood essence blending into the essence of the spiritual material.

As the blood essence blended, the aura of the essence of the spiritual material gradually changed.

It gradually became stained with a trace of Liu Yu's aura, and the aura became stronger and stronger.

When the first breath appeared, the resistance of the essence of the spiritual material to the blood essence immediately weakened a bit.

This, in turn, accelerated the integration of the blood essence.


Half a quarter of an hour later, as Liu Yu cast the last spell, it fell on the refining furnace through the air, and the step of "blood essence refining" was finally completed.

All the spiritual materials in the furnace were stained with his aura, and a weak connection was established.

However, he did not dare to pause. With a thought, the fire in the fire gate suddenly rose and became vigorous again!

"After the blood refining, we will further remove the impurities in the essence, and then mix dozens of essences to condense the prototype of the "Sunset Golden Rainbow Spear." "

In a flash, Liu Yu had this thought.

After only a half-breath pause, he cast the spell again with his hands, so fast that there was almost an afterimage.

Refining spiritual materials, blood refining essence, removing impurities, the prototype of magic weapon...

As time passed, Liu Yu's forehead was sweating more and more.

The consumption of mana was even more amazing. Even if he kept replenishing it with spirit stones and absorbing the spiritual energy from the spiritual mountain at the same time, there were only a little more than two layers left.

"Two layers of mana will probably not last until the end of the refining."


As his thoughts flashed, Liu Yu's eyes flashed with determination.

The storage ring flashed with a spiritual light, and an exquisite blue jade bottle appeared in his hand.

It was the thousand-year-old spiritual milk!

He lifted the sealing talisman and unplugged the bottle, tilted his head back and poured out a drop of spiritual milk and swallowed it into his mouth.


Liu Yu's Adam's apple moved, and a drop of thousand-year-old spiritual milk entered his stomach.

Suddenly, a pure and extremely gentle spiritual energy dissolved in his stomach.

Almost without the need for refining, this spiritual energy automatically turned into mana, constantly replenishing the dried-up mana lake.

In just two breaths, Liu Yu's mana returned to the fourth level, and he was immediately refreshed, and his condition immediately improved a bit!

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