Immortal Palace Longevity

Chapter 549: Secret Crossing of Sky Eagle Ridge

"Sorry, fellow Taoists, I can't help myself."

Soon, Mu Yunyan finished the worship, dealt with the ashes of the paper money, and returned to the team.

"It's okay, let's continue on our way."

Everyone is now on the same page, as long as they don't go too far, they have to endure what they should endure.

They are all hundreds of years old, and have long passed the age of self-centeredness. They all maintain a considerable degree of restraint.

If it's just a worship, it's still within the acceptable range.

As Mu Yunyan entered the coverage of the "Green Soul Veil", it didn't take long for the five people to continue their journey.


The stars and the moon gradually faded, and a ray of morning light broke through the darkness, and the dawn had arrived.

After half a day of traveling, maintaining a speed of about 2,000 miles, Liu Yu and his party arrived at the first difficult obstacle-Tianying Ridge.

The five people's escape lights stopped at the same time after a quick exchange of consciousness, and the consciousness explored forward.

Liu Yu's mind moved, and the powerful divine sense of 80 miles spread out from his forehead in an instant, sweeping forward.

A few dozen miles ahead, a towering spiritual mountain was the most eye-catching.

This mountain is nearly 2,000 feet high, and the spiritual vein grade is as high as the third-grade upper grade. It is lush with ancient trees and wildly growing grass.

However, Liu Yu's most concerned point is obviously not the spiritual mountain itself, but the cold sky eagle clan living in it.

The divine sense swept through, and he instantly locked the location of its nest.

It was a steep cliff with rugged rocks and extremely steep.

It is located in the upper middle layer of the third-grade spiritual mountain, and there are several spiritual nodes at the same time. It is the most concentrated spiritual location in the entire spiritual mountain.

It is about 1,500 feet away from the horizon.

In the observation of the divine sense, there are eagle nests on the cliff, densely packed and occupying most of the space on the cliff.

These eagle nests are oval in shape, and are all built with dried spiritual herbs and wood, exuding rich spiritual energy.

Such a waste of natural resources, if ordinary cultivators see it, they will definitely shout that it is a waste of natural resources!


In some eagle nests, there are still monster eggs and newly hatched chicks, which are making their first tender calls.

They cannot fly yet, and have no advantage against ordinary monsters. They don't even have full feathers, and their breath is extremely weak.

Even if they have the blood of spiritual monsters, they will become food for other monsters if they are not careful.

Therefore, in order to protect the safety of the cubs and prevent the mortality rate of newborns in the tribe from being too high, the eagle fathers and mothers will take care of the eagles until they grow full feathers and have the prerequisites for flying.


In the cliff, the chirping of eagles comes one after another, full of joy.

Some eagles have opened their eyes and are curiously looking at the world.

The feathers on their thin wings are sparse, not as black and shiny as those of adult winter eagles.

Anyway, they are dull gray and look a bit ugly.

Perhaps they are hungry or too bored, some young eagles flap their wings and play with their brothers and sisters.

As the young eagles get restless, pieces of fragile feathers fly out of the nest, fall from the sky, and land in the woods under Lingshan.


But perhaps the children are too naughty and wake up the sleeping adult winter eagles.

The broad wings fall down, covering the still noisy young eagles in the shadows, and easily suppress the "naughty children".

The eagle calls that come and go on the cliffs have finally calmed down a little.


Around Lingshan, adult winter eagles of several feet to several feet are circling and flying, making loud eagle calls from time to time, forming a beautiful landscape.

Among them, some are only the first level, while some have reached the second level.

Some of them have rested enough and want to stretch their muscles, or exercise to help digestion after eating.

Some have just reached adulthood and are more active and active. They are practicing their housekeeping skills and can't stop flying.


From time to time, the distant sky can hear eagle calls, echoing with the surroundings of the sacred mountain.

Soon after the sound falls, the cold sky eagles returning from hunting will appear and return to their nests.

For the cold sky eagle clan, this sacred mountain is undoubtedly a beautiful home, a perfect hunting ground, and a happy harbor.

But for human monks, it is a dangerous Jedi. Once discovered, they will be dead! !

Everything was seen by Liu Yu.

"The cold sky eagle clan in Tianying Ridge, including those who have gone out hunting and have not returned yet, is estimated to be around 2,000."

"Among them, there are as many as 300 to 400 that have reached the second level."

After a rough count, Liu Yu came to the conclusion and couldn't help but take a breath.

Such a scale is comparable to the foundation-building disciples of the sect.

"As expected of the spirit demon bloodline, the chance of innate promotion to the second level is much easier than that of ordinary demon beasts."

Liu Yu was secretly shocked.

If he was targeted by three or four hundred second-level winter eagles, even he would have to flee in embarrassment.

Not to mention, there are still third-level demon cultivators in their tribe, and the number is unknown.

However, judging from the number of second-level winter eagles, including the bonus of spirit demon bloodline, the number must be more than five, and even far more.

After all, once you become a third-level demon cultivator, you will have advanced wisdom and are no longer a low-level demon beast that acts on instinct.

Out of the instinct to expand the tribe, you may help your fellow tribe that is on the verge of promotion, so that the chance of promotion will be increased again.

The winter eagle is a demon bird that maintains the habit of living in groups!

The "demon consciousness" of the third-level monsters is no weaker than the spiritual consciousness of the cultivators. Some monsters with sharp spiritual perception are very sensitive to spiritual scanning.

Therefore, for the sake of caution, Liu Yu did not use his spiritual consciousness to directly observe the third-level cold sky eagle.

It was just based on the size of the tribe, it was estimated that the number reached the third-level sky eagle.

That was a force that five people could not match!

"Crossing the Sky Eagle Ridge, this matter still needs to be considered in the long run, not in a hurry."

Liu Yu said with a serious face.

He put his hands behind his back and stared at the direction of the cliff. His eyes seemed to pass through space and directly saw the scene of the cliff.

"Fellow Daoist Qingyang is right."

At this time, Mu Yuyan also observed the situation clearly, frowned slightly and looked serious.

Zhuo Mengzhen, Gao Jianhan, and Canglou also roughly understood the strength of the cold sky eagle clan, and nodded slightly at this time.

After reaching an agreement, the five people fell down at the same time and fell into a tall forest.

With the cover of the magic weapon "Green Soul Veil", the low-level monsters were unaware of the few people.

After landing, the few people fell into silence, as if they were thinking about something, weighing the pros and cons in their hearts.

"Everyone, it's time to hide it."

"In my opinion, let's exchange the information about Tianying Ridge from our respective sects."

"Otherwise, there is no need to continue this mission, so why not go back home!"

After a few breaths of silence, Liu Yu took the lead in breaking the silence and said in a deep voice.

Without waiting for the few people to speak, he continued:

"Regarding Tianying Ridge, the information collected by our sect is..."

He spoke slowly and told the information collected by Yuanyang Sect about the Hantianying clan and Tianying Ridge.

As long as they don't give up the mission, they will exchange the information of their respective sects sooner or later. They are still hesitating at this time, but it's just the constraints of their previous concepts.

In order not to waste time in vain, Liu Yu chose to speak out first, breaking the deadlock and making a good start.

If the first cooperation is not successful or not clean and neat, it will undoubtedly cast a shadow on the journey ahead.

He didn't want to see such a situation.

Staying in a place full of monsters, every extra minute means more danger.

If conditions permit, Liu Yu still hopes to leave early.

"Fellow Daoist Qingyang is right. We should put aside our past prejudices and not have too many reservations."

"Regarding the Frost Eagle Clan and Sky Eagle Ridge, our sect..."

Taoist Canglou then spoke and told the situation of Qingxu Sect.

Liu Yu heard that the information of Qingxu Sect was similar to that of Yuanyang Sect, but there were some differences in details.

After all, Sky Eagle Ridge is located on the outer edge of the Hengduan Mountains. It is not difficult for the five sects to explore here, and they have a more detailed understanding of this place.

"About Sky Eagle Ridge, our sect..."

"Our sect..."

"Our sect..."

As Liu Yu and Taoist Canglou chose to be honest, Zhuo Mengzhen, Gao Jianhan, and Mu Yunyan also spoke one after another and told all the information they knew.

After a discussion, the five people combined the information they had from each sect and had a clear understanding of all aspects of the Cold Sky Eagle Clan and Sky Eagle Ridge.

Including the weaknesses and some habits of the Cold Sky Eagle.

"In this case, it is better for us to stay put for now."

"The Cold Sky Eagle has sharp eyes, especially the third-level Cold Sky Eagle, whose eagle pupils can see through illusions and tricks."

"Even with the "Green Soul Veil", there is a high chance that we will be discovered."

"The Cold Sky Eagle retains some habits of eagles. Generally, it likes to hunt during the day, but its activity level is greatly reduced at night, and it usually returns to the eagle's nest to rest."

"In my opinion, it is better for us to wait until night and continue on our journey."

After thinking for a while, Liu Yu said calmly.

The cold sky eagle is a flying monster. It not only has excellent vision during the day, but also has a wide field of vision, so it is more risky to travel during the day.

Its eagle pupil is even better than the divine sense in finding the target.

Once it is night, its vision will be greatly affected, and the possibility of being discovered will be greatly reduced.

At that time, using the "Green Soul Yarn", as long as it is close to the border of Tianying Ridge, it is still relatively safe.

After the voice fell, the four people nodded.

"Yes, this plan is very good!"

Zhuo Mengzhen, Gao Jianhan and the other four thought about it. According to the habits of the cold sky eagle, they felt that Liu Yu's plan was very feasible.

Perhaps they also have similar ideas in their hearts.

As for detouring, away from Tianying Ridge and entering the area of ​​other monster cultivators, Liu Yu and the other five have no such idea for the time being.

The five sects have collected the most complete information about Tianying Ridge, and there have been successful cases in the past, crossing Tianying Ridge without anyone noticing.

Since there are successful cases in front, there is no need to go far away.

Since the alliance has formulated this route, it naturally believes that this route is the safest and the information collected is the most complete.

If you rashly choose an unfamiliar route, the risk will increase exponentially.

Once the previous route changes, the connection with the subsequent route will be a problem again.

It will be a hassle to solve it at that time.

Therefore, Liu Yu will not think of changing it rashly unless it is absolutely necessary.

After drawing up a plan, the five people reached a consensus and discussed various details, as well as how to deal with some emergencies.

Then, he used his spiritual sense to silently observe Tianying Ridge and waited in place.

As soon as the night was dark, they began to "smuggle".

In the forest, the roars of various monsters and the chirping of insects came one after another, converging into a symphony.

Patiently waiting, time passed slowly.

As time passed, the winter eagles returned from hunting and returned to their nests one after another.

On the cliffs of Lingshan Mountain, the winter eagles stayed in their nests, and their cold and ruthless eagle eyes silently looked around.

Only when they looked down at the eaglets and monster eggs, the coldness and ruthlessness in the eagle's eyes would be slightly dissipated.

While waiting, time seemed to be particularly slow.

Being in the Hengduan Mountains where danger may occur at any time, even a calm person like Liu Yu would have waves in his heart from time to time.

But fortunately, no accident happened. When the time finally came to midnight, he gently exhaled a breath of turbid air, and the uneasiness in his heart dissipated a lot.

"It's time."

Estimate the time, Liu Yu suddenly spoke, and sent a message to the four "teammates" with his spiritual consciousness.

"It's midnight, it's time for us to set off."

The old Taoist Canglou nodded, and he also felt that it was the right time.

In the team, Liu Yu and this person were more active and expressed more opinions.

As for the other three, they were relatively quiet and rarely expressed their opinions.

Especially Gao Jianhan, who rarely spoke without asking.

After communicating with their spiritual consciousness, the five people decided to set off, so they took action immediately.

Zhuo Mengzhen activated the Green Soul Veil to cover the team, and all five people used light body spells such as "Wind Control" to bless themselves and speed up their journey.

Under the eyes of the Frost Eagle, if they still flew in the air, they would undoubtedly be a living target and would be easily discovered by the third-level demon cultivators.

The "Green Soul Veil" magic weapon is not omnipotent. It can only cover up the breath, spiritual pressure and body shape. It is powerless against the wind noise generated during flight.

In this case, Liu Yu and others can only walk to travel, and they have to keep a low profile when they should.

However, the five of them were all Jindan cultivators, and their bodies were cleansed by spiritual energy. Even if they were not cultivators who specialized in body refining, they were not comparable to ordinary people.

Five hours was enough to cross Tianying Ridge.

"Tap tap"

The dead branches were stepped on, making extremely subtle noises, and the five people quickly passed through the dense forest.

Thanks to the strength of their bodies, even if they did not fly in the air, their speed was almost the same as that of cultivators in the Qi Refining period driving magic tools.


Under an ancient tree, a squirrel looked up vigilantly and looked in the direction where the few people left.

It clearly heard the noise just now, but after a careful inspection, there was nothing.

It was really strange!

With the simple little brain of the squirrel, it naturally couldn't figure out why.

But for safety reasons, it still held a pine cone and quickly moved to another place.

The unusual situation was probably that the jungle predator was approaching and had already regarded itself as a target.

This was the lesson of the blood and tears of the ancestors, an instinct engraved in the blood, so the little squirrel was very careful.

In the forest, the sound of insects continued to rise and fall, as if it would never stop.

Taking advantage of the thick night, Liu Yu and the other five people quickly moved along the border of Tianying Ridge.

Move out in the dark!

In just less than half an hour, they arrived at the central area, and were about to pass Tianying Ridge and leave the most dangerous area.

As long as they walked a dozen miles, with the cover of the "Qinghun Ya" magic weapon, the risk factor would drop sharply.

At this distance, with the vision of a Jindan cultivator, without using his spiritual sense, he could barely see the situation on the cliff.

Those were first- and second-level cold sky eagles.

Deeper in the cliff, there were more than ten breaths of a higher level in essence.

Third-level sky eagle!

Liu Yu flashed this thought and couldn't help holding his breath.

Even with the cover of the magic weapon, he unconsciously tried his best to restrain his breath and spiritual pressure, and the other four people did the same.

Time passed by minute by minute, and the five people walked through the forest carefully, and were about to pass through the central area.

Suddenly, all the chirping of insects in the forest disappeared.

Everything was quiet!

The next moment, a third-level spiritual pressure instantly enveloped a forest, just including the five people.

"Oh no, it's a third-level sky eagle!"

"Could it be discovered?!"

Liu Yu was shocked, and this thought flashed through his mind, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

However, he didn't act rashly for the time being before he figured out the situation.

Seeing that Zhuo Meng really thought she was discovered, she looked a little panicked and was about to sacrifice her life magic weapon.

In a hurry, Liu Yu pressed one hand on the woman's shoulder and made a shushing gesture with the other hand, indicating that the woman should wait.

The sudden arrival of the third-level spiritual pressure did not mean that several people were discovered. Maybe this cold sky eagle had been practicing for too long and suddenly felt hungry and wanted to go out to find food?

After thinking about it, based on his understanding of the cold sky eagle, he did not think there was anything wrong with his plan, so he chose to wait and see.


ps: I am typing slowly, and there are still 4,000 words to be posted in the early morning, so don’t wait.

------Off topic------

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