Immortal Palace Longevity

Chapter 552: Smuggling across the Bibotan Lake

The originally calm surface of Bi Bo Tan was now surging with raging waves.

A huge monster suddenly emerged from the bottom of the water, with only half of its body about 70 to 80 feet long.

If it were fully exposed, it would be close to 20 feet long. For ordinary creatures, it would be a prehistoric monster!

The whole body of the ice dragon was light blue, with large and small scales on its body. The smallest was the size of a human head, and the largest was the size of a millstone.

The densely packed scales had a metallic texture, and it was obvious that it had very strong defensive capabilities.

In the sunlight, it reflected brilliant colors, comparable to the most beautiful jewelry!

Its huge head was more three-dimensional than Xiao Qing's. It did not have the sinister feeling of snakes, but instead had a sense of majesty and handsomeness.

The body of the ice dragon that emerged from the water was not ugly like ordinary monsters, but was full of a sense of power and beauty.

Compared with ordinary cultivators and monsters, it had a more perfect feeling.

From the perspective of some cultivators, it is closer to "Tao".

Even though the species is different, Liu Yu did not find it ugly at all when he saw it at this time.


After emerging from the water, the Ice Dragon raised its head and roared.

Along with the roar, the spiritual pressure of the third-level peak spread in all directions, and there was an inexplicable majesty that enveloped the hearts of all creatures.

Suddenly, the Bi Bo Lake and its surroundings were as quiet as cicadas, and the bodies of all creatures were stiff, and all the original movements stopped.

But after a breath, some monsters with too low life essence fell into a frenzy because of the fear brought by the pressure.

Either they turned around and ran away from the Bi Bo Lake, or they ran around, and their behavior was illogical.

Liu Yu took in the scene, and quickly looked away after a glance, not daring to watch it directly with his eyes.

With the spiritual perception of the third-level peak innate dragon, if he stared for a little longer, he would be discovered in nine out of ten cases.

"The dragon has appeared, come quickly."

After sending out a telepathic message to notify several teammates, Liu Yu's spiritual consciousness, which reached a range of 80 miles, spread out.

First, according to the method of "The Magic Method of Conserving the Spirit", compress and condense in a special way to build an "invisible wall" around the body to prevent the detection of spiritual consciousness and demon consciousness.

As long as the spiritual consciousness is not strong enough, it will only see a piece of "nothingness", and it will not exist in the spiritual consciousness scan.

First, keep its own secrets, and then Liu Yu spreads out the spiritual consciousness and explores the Bi Bo Lake.


Perhaps the gap in life level is too big. In the eyes of the ice dragon, the first-level monster is no different from an ant, and it is not worth distracting attention.

Even if it is a bit rude, there is no intention to pursue it.

The ice dragon that broke out of the water first flew on the lake, emitting a trace of cold air, and then cried to the bottom of the lake, as if urging it.



Soon, there was another movement on the water surface, accompanied by a huge sound of breaking water, and another ice dragon appeared on the lake surface.

Compared with the previous one, this one looked much "smaller", with a body length of only about 18 feet, and it seemed to be a male and a female.

However, they were still at the peak of the third level, and their auras were very deep and stable.

Obviously, neither of them had just broken through, and both were "old-fashioned dragons".

After both appeared in the air, the two ice dragons did not stay for too long, and flew rapidly to a certain direction in the west, and their figures quickly disappeared.

From beginning to end, they did not look much at the first-level monsters living in Bi Bo Tan.

With the appetite of the third-level dragon, these first-level monsters were not qualified even as food, and eating them was a waste of time.

Perhaps this is one of the reasons why many first-level monsters still live here even though they know that there is a strong aura left?

Not long after, the two ice dragons disappeared in the consciousness, and Liu Yu's face relaxed.

"Fellow Daoist Qingyang"

After a few breaths, Taoist Canglou, Zhuo Mengzhen, Mu Yunyan, and Gao Jianhan came over, and Canglou was the first to greet them.

"The two ice dragons appeared?"

He asked tentatively.

In fact, the residual pressure around him had already given the answer, but just in case, he still confirmed it again.

"It is indeed two third-level peak ice dragons that appeared."

Liu Yu nodded.

As soon as he finished speaking, he pointed in the direction of their departure.

After hearing this, several people walked up and stood side by side, looking towards the direction of Bi Bo Tan.

Zhuo Mengzhen still activated the "Green Soul Veil" to cover the existence of several people.

It was just a rough demon sense scan, even a third-level peak dragon would find it difficult to detect the existence of several people.

After all, this place has been uninhabited for a long time, and there may be no human cultivators for dozens or hundreds of years.

Even if they already have high-level wisdom, most demon cultivators have no patience, and the ice dragons cannot always focus on this aspect.

Unless the five people are particularly unlucky, the ice dragons just happen to be in a good mood.

Closely observing the Bi Bo Lake, the five people had no intention of leaving. They wanted to take the opportunity to estimate the time when the two third-level peak ice dragons left.

The information collected by the sect was after a period of time. The extremely accurate information at that time may have lost its effectiveness now.

It is necessary to verify it in person to be the safest.

No one dares to be careless when it comes to life and property.

In a somewhat depressing atmosphere, time seems to be particularly slow, passing by minute by minute.

The mentality of the five people, those heartless low-level monsters, can't understand it at all.

After the ice dragon left, they returned to their normal state and did what they had to do.

About two quarters of an hour later, Mu Yuyan suddenly spoke.

"Here it comes."

The powerful divine sense made this woman aware of the situation first, and other cultivators were a step slower in terms of divine sense and spiritual perception.

Even Liu Yu, who was equal to her in spiritual perception, was still a step slower in spiritual observation due to the range of divine sense.

Soon after the words fell, two third-level peak spiritual pressures full of demonic energy suddenly appeared in the sky and quickly approached from far away.


Accompanied by a majestic roar, two huge monsters appeared on the lake.

The cold light and powerful claws of the dragon still held several dying and bleeding prey.

Looking at its demonic energy, it was at least at the second level.

The sudden pressure caused chaos in the low-level monsters on the shore of the lake.


However, accompanied by two huge sounds of breaking water, the two ice dragons did not stop at all and sank directly into the lake and disappeared.

After the storm, the lake rippled in circles and slowly returned to calm.

"It's been more than two quarters of an hour. It seems that after so many years, the information collected by the sect is still not outdated."

Liu Yu whispered.

Since it has been confirmed that the news is not outdated, the next step is to wait for a suitable time, wait until the two third-level peak ice dragons go out, and then it happens to be a time when there is sufficient sunlight and yang energy.

This time can be long or short. If you are lucky, you may wait until the next time. If you are unlucky, it is possible that it will take several months or years.

However, as a Jindan cultivator, this patience is naturally there.

"In this case, this place will be handed over to Fellow Daoist Gao."

Liu Yu said, and then turned and entered the cave, intending to take a nap for a while to recuperate.


Waiting for the right time, this wait lasted for two months.

The two ice dragons went out four times, but because the timing was not right, the five people did not choose to take risks.

"The Ice Dragon has gone out, fellow Taoists, come quickly!"

One day, Liu Yu, who was closing his eyes to regulate his breathing, suddenly received a message from Gao Jianhan. He suddenly opened his eyes, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

"According to the time, this should be the fifth time that the Ice Dragon has gone out."

"The message is sent at this time, could it be that the time has come?"

Thinking of this, Liu Yu did not slow down at all and quickly walked out of the secret room.

When he came to the hall, he happened to run into the other three people. The four of them nodded to each other and walked towards the ground together.

When he appeared on the ground, a ray of scorching sun shone on Liu Yu's face. At this time, the sky was cloudless and it had not rained for half a month.

"This kind of environment is exactly what the Ice Dragon does not like."

Liu Yu's heart moved, and then his spiritual sense carefully sensed it.

Around the Bi Bo Lake, there were still traces of pressure that had not dissipated. It seemed that the Ice Dragon had left not long ago.

"The time has come. Should we cross the lake today?"

Zhuo Mengzhen asked with a rare nervousness in his heart.

With the strength of a third-level peak dragon, she couldn't hold out for a while even if she played all her cards.

"How about we wait and see?"

When the time came, Taoist Canglou hesitated and wanted to wait and see.

Gao Jianhan, as always, remained silent and didn't express his opinion, as if he was going with the flow.

"I think we should set off immediately."

Mu Yunyan spoke.

Faced with the choice, she was more decisive than the others.

"Don't forget, fellow Taoists, the more days we stay in the Hengduan Mountains, the more danger we will face."

"Staying in one place for too long is definitely not the best strategy, this is the territory of the Ice Dragon."

"If we stay too long, it is inevitable that we will be discovered by it."

"Liu thinks we should set off immediately."

Liu Yu said to Zhuo Mengzhen and Taoist Canglou with a resolute look.

Waiting and setting off formed a 2 to 2 vote, so everyone looked at Gao Jianhan, waiting for him to cast the crucial vote.

Seeing everyone looking at him, Gao Jianhan frowned slightly, thought for a while and said:

"I also agree to set off immediately."

Three to two, majority to minority, when everyone's cultivation is not much different, this can already determine the direction of the team.

After the voice fell, Zhuo Mengzhen and Canglou Laodao did not refute again, and it was unknown whether they had figured it out or had no choice but to accept the reality.

It was said that it was too late.

In fact, the exchange between the five people only took four or five breaths, and the decision was made after four or five breaths.

Under the cover of the "Green Soul Yarn", the five people tried their best to restrain their breath and flew close to the ground along the edge of the lake.

Everyone tried their best to reduce the fluctuation of mana, for fear of being detected by the remaining two ice dragons.

Bibotan is actually a large lake, with a radius of dozens of miles. Even Liu Yu's consciousness can only barely scan the border.

If you use your legs to travel, even if you add the "Wind Control Technique", it is impossible to run out of the range of Bibotan within two quarters of an hour.

Therefore, the five people could only take the risk of flying away and try to reduce the fluctuation of mana.


A breeze swept by, and the sika deer who was drinking water looked around vigilantly, but saw nothing.

After carefully confirming that there were no natural enemies hiding, it lowered its head again and drank water slowly.

For these low-level monsters or wild beasts, they may have never seen humans in their lives.

Humans are very strange animals.

With their chaotic thinking, they would never associate them with human cultivators.

Because they had to converge the fluctuation of mana, the five people had to greatly reduce their escape speed.

But with the speed of the Jindan cultivator, it still took a little more than half an hour to reach the parallel position in the middle of the lake.

According to common sense, the dragon's nest should be in the center of the lake. This location is relatively close and is the easiest to be discovered.

Liu Yu and the other five looked at each other and tacitly reduced their speed again, and the fluctuation of mana was further reduced.

"According to the situation that two third-level peak ice dragons go out once every half a month, does it mean that the other two ice dragons have not gone out for at least two hundred years?"

"Based on normal circumstances, their condition must not be very good, otherwise they would not be like this now."

"Xiao Qing is also an ice attribute. The demon pill and flesh of the ice dragon should be a great tonic for it, right?"

"If you can get its demon pill, you may be able to transform into a dragon immediately, and your strength will be greatly increased by then."

"But compared with your own safety, what does the increase in the strength of your spirit pet count for?"

"It's not worth the risk."

While slowly flying, Liu Yu flashed this tempting thought, but still smiled and put it aside.

A spirit pet is always a spirit pet. Its purpose is only to serve itself. He will not put the cart before the horse.

One breath, two breaths...

The five people's escape speed has been greatly reduced, which is also relative, but for a lake of dozens of miles, the speed is still very fast.

After another half a quarter of an hour, they have arrived at the other side of the Bi Bo Lake and are about to leave this area.

At this time, less than a quarter of an hour has passed.

The scenery along the way has not changed much. The two third-level peak ice dragons have no intention of returning.

The two third-level auras at the bottom of the lake have not fluctuated at all, and it seems that they have not discovered everyone.

"The auras of these two dragons seem a little strange."

Liu Yu's heart moved when he sensed the two auras.

In theory, the blood of the third-level innate dragon should be far more powerful than ordinary cultivators.

But the auras of the two dragons left in the lake are only at the level of ordinary early Jindan, which seems to be one level higher than Zhuo Mengzhen, which is obviously a bit abnormal.

"If it is the "child of destiny", entering the lake at this time may be another opportunity."

"If the luck is enough."

Thinking of this, Liu Yu smiled dumbly.

But he didn't mean to laugh at me. After all, if he tried hard, the bicycle would become...


Seeing the most dangerous moment was over, Zhuo Mengzhen exhaled lightly.

The other people also looked relieved.

There was always a danger of life-threatening danger. Even Gao Jianhan, who placed his mind on the "Spirit Sword", felt a huge pressure.

Since the flight, his body has been tense.

Although he had been prepared to be buried in the mouth of the monster since he participated in the Chang'an plan, who can really see through life and death when the time comes?

The "conservative suggestions" of Zhuo Mengzhen and Canglou Laodao before were just human nature, nothing strange.

Liu Yu was also tense, and his performance was not much better.

For the sake of caution, the five people supervised each other and did not touch any grass or tree in Bibotan.

Finally, he looked back and completely left this area and flew northwest.

-------Off topic------

ps: There is another chapter to be posted in the early morning, but it may be a bit late, fellow Taoists, don't wait and go to bed early.


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