Immortal Palace Longevity

Chapter 706: Exotic Customs

While Liu Yuxiu's strength was steadily improving, the thirty-six border cities, dominated by the "Great Wilderness City", had begun to officially fight between humans and monsters.

The demon clan's offensive is in full swing, becoming more fierce every day.

As the war officially started, even the most famous fourth-level demon kings from the Eastern Wasteland demon clan appeared one after another to take action.

However, on Qianting's side, the famous Nascent Soul Lord and the famous fourth-order spiritual ships were also dispatched. The defense was watertight, and the thirty-six cities were as stable as Mount Tai.

Even the great demon king in the late fourth level and the great monk in the late Nascent Soul are rumored to appear occasionally.

Although the intensity of the war continues to increase, it is still controlled within a certain range, and there is no sign of the gods on both sides taking action.

But even so, it also involves most of the energy of Qanting Holy Land.

Taking advantage of the fact that Qanting Holy Land had no time for him to pay attention to, Liu Yu gave an order, and the sub-rudder immediately accelerated the pace of expansion.

Currently, the first condition for completing the mission, the target of adding 5,000 Qi-refining foundation-building peripheral members, has only been completed one-tenth of the way, so we cannot miss this great opportunity.

The next day.

Because he often needs to report work, after three months of contact, Tian Xiaoyu has become more familiar with Liu Yu's work and rest.

The uneasy woman wrote an "action summary" immediately after returning home, and waited outside the attic early the next day.

He waited until noon before activating the attic formation.

"Captain, this is a summary of the failed actions to win over the Feng family. My subordinates have already summarized the shortcomings."

After saluting, Tian Xiaoyu took out a few pages of paper and placed them on the table, then respectfully stepped back and stood at a distance.

Liu Yu casually picked up the pages of "Action Summary" and scanned them ten lines at a time.

It has to be said that this woman is very careful in every aspect, starting from why she chose the Feng family, to inquiring about the situation in detail, and then arranging for An Zi to operate there.

Even in his opinion, no obvious problems were found. He was worthy of being a monk who had risen step by step from the grassroots level of the Purple Turban Army.

However, the gap in realm strength is there. No matter how strong the wishes of the other monks of the Feng family are, it is useless. The ancestor of the Feng family must agree.

As for Jin Dan Zhenren, Tian Xiaoyu cannot calculate it. This has nothing to do with ability.


"If you know your mistakes and can correct them, there is no greater good."

"I am very pleased that you can realize your own shortcomings."

Liu Yu said without changing his expression.

As he gained more and more experience in cultivating immortals, he was now able to speak proficiently in scenes that were originally a bit objectionable.

Thinking about it carefully, compared with some elders in the sect, there seems to be no difference?

Since you can't change the environment, you can only adapt to the environment.

"My subordinates have realized their mistake. Thank you very much, Captain, for disregarding the past grievances!"

"We will definitely meet next time..."

Seeing that Liu Yu didn't seem to care about the failure of this operation, Tian Xiaoyu finally felt relieved and quickly made various guarantees and reflections.

Having experienced so much along the way, she naturally knew the unwritten rule of "the superior is right", so she took the initiative to take responsibility for the failure of the operation.

Over the years, I have become accustomed to this kind of thing.

"Now that you have realized the shortcomings, go down and deal with the affairs immediately."

Halfway through the woman's words, Liu Yu waved her hand to stop her from continuing.

He didn't have enough time to practice, so he didn't have much time to listen to these scenes.


Tian Xiaoyu responded, bowed again, turned around and walked slowly out of the attic.

But looking at the tall and slender figure of this woman as she left, Liu Yu subconsciously locked her eyes on a few "key parts" for some reason.

At the same time, the qi and blood in the body are slightly restless and become more active than before.

"No, the sequelae of the exercise are occurring!"

Liu Yu's complexion changed slightly and he quickly realized this problem.

"Counting the time, the last time I "reconciled yin and yang" was when I left the Zixia Mountains."

"It has been suppressed for more than three months, and the time is indeed almost up."

His heart moved and he thought helplessly.

Thinking about this and looking at Tian Xiaoyu who was about to leave the attic, Liu Yu thought for a while and said:


When the latter heard this, he subconsciously paused, and a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

At this moment, a calm voice with a slightly strange tone came from far behind.

"Come here tonight and I will give you some pointers on your cultivation difficulties."

Picking up the teacup and taking a sip of the spiritual tea, Liu Yu forcibly suppressed the restless energy and blood in his body and remained calm on the surface.

After hearing this, the confusion in Tian Xiaoyu's eyes instantly turned into surprise, and he immediately responded:

"Thank you, helmsman, for the gift. I will obey your orders!"

After all, she is a female cultivator who has experienced ups and downs. She has grown up over the years without relying on external forces.

When she said this, the woman's face looked as usual, which was very different from ordinary female cultivators, as if she was reporting work to her superiors.

However, while being smart and capable, her appearance and figure are also remarkable, and she still has the feminine beauty of a female cultivator. ..

In particular, a pair of pale green boy's holes add a different charm.

"Just step back if you have nothing to do."

Liu Yu waved gently.

Tian Xiaoyu responded in a low voice, seeming a little uneasy, and quickened his pace to leave the attic.

As the rapid footsteps went away, the woman quickly disappeared from sight, and the attic became silent again.

"The sequelae of this "star's true body" are indeed a bit troublesome~"

Sitting on the armchair, Liu Yu retracted his gaze and thought helplessly.

Although Tian Xiaoyu had a good appearance and figure, her cultivation was too low and she was still a little bit worse. If it weren't for the fact that several concubines were not around, he would hardly have chosen this woman.

With the improvement of the cultivation realm, the life essence of the cultivator will gradually improve, and at the same time, the senses will become more acute.

Even if you look at mortals with the eyes of a cultivator in the late stage of Qi Refining, you can easily find countless "filth" inside and outside their bodies. The flesh is simply made up of various impurities.

Look carefully, the mites in the countless pores of mortals will be clearly seen under the observation of the cultivator.

In this case, even a beautiful woman with a stunning appearance will hardly arouse the interest of the cultivator, unless she is the kind of person who does not care about meat and vegetables.

The same thing, from the perspective of the cultivator and the mortal, is sometimes really two different things.

In addition to the fact that both parents are cultivators, the probability of the offspring having spiritual roots is higher, and the impurities in the mortal body are too many, which is also a key factor.

Therefore, even if the immortal cultivators want to reproduce, their first choice is often the cultivators of the same realm.

Under the sharp eyes of the immortal cultivators, no matter how clean the appearance of mortals is, it is impossible to remove the impurities in the pores of the flesh and blood.

In this case, how can they be interested?

Of course, the gap between the cultivators in the early and middle stages of Qi Refining and mortals is not that big, and they cannot detect the impurities in the flesh.

Therefore, there are indeed many examples of immortal cultivators falling in love with mortals in the early and middle stages of Qi Refining.

But once the cultivation reaches the late stage of Qi Refining, the spiritual consciousness is further enhanced, and they can immediately "see" the other side of the mortal body.

In this case, how can they be willing to live with the mites that can easily detect the impurities inside and outside the mortal body and the countless pores?

Therefore, most of the widely circulated plots in the secular world are just fictions.

Unless there is a blood tie, once the cultivation reaches the late stage of Qi Refining, the immortal cultivators usually reduce their contact with mortals.

Of course, if they just want to reproduce, many Qi-refining cultivators will still marry mortals, after all, it is easier to pass on the bloodline that way.

It is indeed easier to give birth to children with spiritual roots if you have three wives and four concubines and give birth to more children.

However, once the realm reaches the foundation-building stage, the room for choice will suddenly increase a lot. At this time, even if there is no hope of immortality and you want to reproduce, it is easy to find many Qi-refining female cultivators.

Because the essence of life is different, there are more things that can be perceived. Even if Liu Yu wants to solve the sequelae of the practice, he is more inclined to have a few concubines.

Looking at Tian Xiaoyu with his current eyes, if he observes very carefully, he can also see some "filth".

However, the other party is a foundation-building cultivator after all, and the essence of life is very different from that of mortals, which is still within the tolerable range.

Today's practice has been completed, and Liu Yu originally wanted to nurture a few magic weapons.

But because the sequelae of the practice occurred, he had to divide a part of his energy to suppress it at all times, so he chose to spend time in the hall to comprehend the practice and deal with some branch affairs.

After taking time to deal with the affairs of the branch, Liu Yu continued to comprehend a fire-related technique.

He immersed himself in it and completely ignored the passage of time. Several hours passed like this.

Unconsciously, the sun had set below the horizon, and the night gradually enveloped the earth.

“Tap tap”

Suddenly, there was a faint sound of footsteps outside the attic.

Liu Yu’s heart moved, and his consciousness spread out immediately, and he observed the appearance of the person who came in an instant.

Exotic pale green eyes, healthy and smooth skin like wheat, willow-like thin waist, and a perfectly proportioned figure...

The person who came was Tian Xiaoyu!

It seems that for tonight, this woman has dressed up carefully, and her makeup is not too heavy or too light, which adds a bit of beauty. She also changed her clothes specially.

However, unlike many female cultivators who wear skirts or gauze clothes, Tian Xiaoyu still wears the characteristics of Dongzhou.

This kind of dress is more daring, not only showing a long arm, but also revealing a part of the scenery in the gap between the upper and lower clothes.

However, what Liu Yu's consciousness stayed on for the longest time were the two steep peaks.

Although the size is not very large, it fits the body perfectly, and it is just right for his big hands, so he can fully grasp it with one hand.

Standing outside the attic, Tian Xiaoyu's face was still a little hesitant, and she did not move immediately.

In just a few breaths, she seemed to think a lot, and the hesitation on her face finally turned into determination.

Then, the woman moved her arm to touch the formation, and whispered to the attic:

"My little girl is visiting late at night, please don't punish me, helmsman!"

Taking this step, Tian Xiaoyu knew what would happen next, so she called herself "my little girl" and no longer used the self-proclaimed name of superiors and subordinates in official business.

"Come in."

In the next breath, a flat and indifferent voice came from the attic, and the formation also opened a gap.

Then, Tian Xiaoyu stepped into the attic without a trace of hesitation.

"Tap tap"

Accompanied by the sound of footsteps approaching quickly, she soon appeared in sight.

Liu Yu put the martial arts book into the storage ring, looked up and down at the woman carefully, and subconsciously nodded slightly with satisfaction.

At the same time, he sighed secretly in his heart.

He, Liu, is not a lustful person. It's all because of the sequelae of this "Star True Body".

But thinking that practicing certain martial arts can even affect the mind of the cultivator, this sequelae doesn't seem to be unacceptable?


Walking closer, Tian Xiaoyu saluted openly, then stood still, not knowing where to put her hands.

Feeling the blazing gaze, carefully examining her body, she twisted her body uneasily.

A blush quietly climbed up her cheeks and gradually spread to her ears.

Although she had a lot of experience, it was still Tian Xiaoyu's first time. As a female cultivator, she took the initiative to visit late at night, and she still felt shy and uneasy instinctively.

"It's quite inconvenient to teach the exercises here. Let's move to the second floor first."

"My "cold jade bed" is not only large and comfortable, but also has the effect of calming the mind."

"This way of teaching difficult cultivation will be more effective."

After glancing for about one or two breaths, Liu Yu gently nodded and retracted his gaze, saying softly without changing his expression.

After speaking, he disappeared from the original place without waiting for the other party to respond.

When he reappeared, he was already beside Tian Xiaoyu, took up the girl's hand, and walked towards the bedroom on the second floor.

Warm, soft, smooth...

This was Liu Yu's first feeling.

The cold touch was somewhat different from those female cultivators he had contacted before, and this was another different experience.

However, this contact also made his blood and qi in his body more agitated, and he began to show signs of losing control.

The sudden contact also aggravated Tian Xiaoyu's uneasiness and shyness.

Subconsciously, she gently shook her left hand that was held, and wanted to break free.

However, this force was too weak to change anything at all, and she was still led forward by that big hand.

Perhaps it was because it was the first time to contact with the opposite sex in this way, Tian Xiaoyu's face became more and more red while walking, and her breathing gradually became disordered.

Even calm thinking became unclear at this moment.

"Ta ta"

Climbing up the stairs, a short section of stairs was quickly completed.

Liu Yu opened the formation on the second floor, led Tian Xiaoyu into the bedroom, and sat directly on the cold jade bed that was emitting a trace of cold air.

"If you have any questions about cultivation, you can tell me now, and I will answer them one by one."

After sitting down, looking at the other party's extremely nervous appearance, Liu Yu smiled secretly in his heart, and his tone was rarely gentle.

"Thank you, Captain."

"About the late stage of foundation building to the peak, I still have a few unclear points..."

After a few breaths, Tian Xiaoyu said in a very low voice.

Seeing that the other party did not move immediately, she felt a little relieved in her heart, and tried to do psychological construction, while telling the problem of cultivation.

"About this problem, it is mainly because the purity of mana is not enough, you can..."

After thinking for a long time, Liu Yu spoke immediately.

With the realm of the late stage of Jindan, it is naturally very simple to answer some questions in the foundation building realm.

In the question and answer, with both sides having a tacit understanding, the distance between the two people is getting closer and closer.

The exchange of cultivation also made Tian Xiaoyu relax and no longer nervous. After the initial stiffness, her attitude began to be active and enthusiastic.

In this way, although this woman had little experience, this "guidance on cultivation difficulties" was naturally very pleasant.

Soon, in the dim and soft light of the attic, a "strange" sound was heard.

It lasted for seven or eight hours, until the sun was at its zenith, and the strange sound subsided.

(Omitted 10,000 words here)

After this exchange, Liu Yu experienced the beauty of the foreign land and understood the difference between the female cultivators in the Central Region and the female cultivators in the South of the Sky.

The strange knowledge has increased a lot.

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