Immortal Palace Longevity

Chapter 77 The dust has settled

Although he was sure that she had not concealed or lied, Liu Yu would not be careless.

Later, he would compare the information obtained from the interrogation with Wu Chang, and it would be clear whether it was true or false.

Thinking of this, Liu Yu turned his head and looked at Wu Chang.

He saw that Wu Chang was torturing Feng Guangyou with various means in the soundproof shield. This mature, steady, and proficient Feng family monk had been tortured to the point of being unrecognizable.

Feng Guangyou fell to the ground and rolled, his hair was disheveled and his body was covered in blood. His clothes were torn and stained with blood and mud, and he looked like a poor prisoner in prison.

Although the soundproof shield could not hear the sound, it could be seen from the shape of his mouth that the screams and wails of this person must be loud, and the pain that Feng Guanglin suffered was not worth mentioning at all.

"I don't know where this Wu Junior Brother learned this trick from, but he has quite a few tricks, one after another."

The methods of immortal cultivators are beyond the imagination of mortals. Even if there are no corresponding tools for a while, there are many ways to torture people with magic and mana.

Liu Yu watched Wu Chang's every move and thought silently that Wu Junior Brother was different from those "ordinary" disciples in the sect. It seemed that he was a man with a story.

However, it seemed that it would take a while to pry open Feng Guangyou's mouth. Liu Yu did not urge him and stood there patiently waiting.

At this time, the six early Qi Refining cultivators of the Feng family had all died, including the young cultivator with a bloody heart. He fell on the ruins of the ancestral hall and became a headless corpse.

With the death of the early Qi Refining cultivators, more coalition cultivators freed up their hands and participated in the siege.

The remaining cultivators of the Feng family were struggling to death, but it seemed that they could not hold on for long.

As for the relatives of the Feng family cultivators, those dozens of mortals were slaughtered half at the beginning of the fight.

Later, the coalition monks focused their attention on fighting with the Feng family monks, and the remaining mortals scattered and fled in the other three directions.

If they ran down the mountain, they would meet the coalition monks arranged by Liu Yu in advance, and they would be greeted by direct death. If they found an enemy to hide in the mountain, they might be able to breathe more fresh air.

This Xiaomei Mountain is not big or small, and it is more troublesome to find people. The mortals hiding may survive for a while, but they still can't escape the fate of death.

The dark clouds covered the bright moon, the wind rustled, and it was dim tonight.

Liu Yu looked at the battle group where Hou Yanze and Gongsun Cang were.

Feng Tianwei's situation was even worse at this time. One of his arms had disappeared, and he might die on the spot at any time.

He didn't need to play it at this time. It seemed that he didn't have a trump card. If the two were not afraid of his dying counterattack, he would have died long ago.

Hou Yanze and Gongsun Cang hung him from a distance, using magic weapons to attack him from a distance, not giving him a chance to fight.

Feng Tianwei was extremely frustrated in the fight, roaring in anger but helpless, and occasionally swearing some vulgar words to provoke the two, wanting them to fight head-on.

But Hou Yanze and Gongsun Cang have been practicing for decades and have rich combat experience, so how could they be fooled?

The two did not get impulsive because of Feng Tianwei's provocative words. Although they fought back verbally, they did not stop controlling the magic weapon in their hands, not giving the enemy time to breathe or a chance to fight.

Liu Yu was also ready to take action when he saw this.

Although according to the agreement, the ready-made resources such as spirit stones and magic weapons belong to their own side, and the resource points of the Feng family belong to the two families equally, Feng Tianwei, as the patriarch, undoubtedly has the most money. If his storage bag falls into the hands of the Hou family and the Gongsun family, it will be hard to say.

Wealth and brocade are attractive. As the head of the family, Feng Tianwei, including the magic weapon, plus the family resources and spirit stones he carries, is worth nearly a thousand spirit stones.

This is already a "huge sum" for small Qi-refining families like the Hou family and the Gongsun family. It is hard to say what will happen if the storage bag falls into their hands.

If there is an internal conflict due to uneven distribution of spoils, and the strength of one's own side is lost, it will undoubtedly be detrimental to the plan to wipe out the Hehuan Sect monks, which is what Liu Yu does not want to see.

Liu Yu patted the storage bag and took out a low-grade rope magic weapon to tie up Feng Guangxiu and his brother, and their hands and feet were tightly bound.

He found this in the storage bag of an unknown fellow cultivator. He felt that it was somewhat useful, so he used his free time to practice it a little.

After tying up the brother and sister, Liu Yu's spiritual consciousness moved to retract the sub-blades, and the six sub-blades formed a two-foot-long, three-inch-wide, and dark-black sword blade.

This is the second form of the mother-child soul-chasing blade, which has the power of an ordinary top-grade magic weapon.

Liu Yu held the mother blade in his hand, controlled the dark blade with his spiritual consciousness, and added the wind control technique to his feet. He jumped three feet away and rushed towards Feng Tianwei's battle group.

After a few breaths, Liu Yu approached the three people.

Without saying hello to Hou Yanze and Gongsun Cang, he controlled the mother and child soul-chasing blades and slashed directly at Feng Tianwei.

The blade was as powerful as a rainbow, and its power exceeded that of the top-grade magic weapon by a large margin. The black light flashed and turned into a black shadow.

Like the sickle in the hands of the god of death, chasing souls and taking lives!

Hou Yanze and Gongsun Cang felt the power of Liu Yu's attack, and a deep fear flashed in their eyes, and they did not dare to stop him.

For some reason, their attacks stopped.

Feng Tianwei was tired of being teased by the two, and his reaction was a beat slower.

"Top-grade magic weapon"

Feeling the power of this magic weapon, he felt a little desperate, but was unwilling to give up his dying struggle. He hurriedly controlled the pale green halberd to meet it, trying to resist the attack.


The Soul-Chasing Blade directly knocked the Light Green Halberd away for more than ten feet, half of it sank into the ground and trembled.

This was because Feng Tianwei was seriously injured, and his reaction was a step slower. In a hurry, he could only exert 50% of his strength, which led to such a result.

After knocking the Light Green Halberd away, the Soul-Chasing Blade did not stop and slashed on the round shield in front of Feng Tianwei.


This round shield is just an ordinary middle-grade magic weapon, and the grade difference with the Soul-Chasing Blade is huge, and it can't resist its edge at all.

Under one blow, blood rained, and even the shield and the person were split in half.

Feng Tianwei's body fell to the ground, and the blood quickly flowed all over the ground, and it was still slightly hot.

Liu Yu's face was calm, and after killing Feng Tianwei, he walked over slowly, stretched out his hand and sucked his storage bag into his hand.

He didn't care about the blood on the bag, and just put it on his waist, then walked to the place where the light blue halberd fell and put it into the storage bag.

From the light blue halberd being knocked away to Feng Tianwei's death, the process did not take more than two breaths.

It was not until Liu Yu collected all the spoils that Hou Yanze and Gongsun Cang reacted.

What followed was deep awe. Feng Tianwei's strength was slightly stronger than the two of them, but he was killed so easily. Doesn't it mean that if Liu Yu wanted to kill them, it would only take a few moves.

It must be said that this move really shocked the two people. Liu Yu's image became unfathomable in their eyes, and they didn't know how deep it was.

I just sighed in my heart that this time the garrison of Hanyue City was much stronger than the previous ones.

Fortunately, it was not an enemy.

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