Immortal Palace Longevity

Chapter 805 Human Weakness

Revenge is just a reason!

Whether the things that happened hundreds of years ago can withstand the test is not important at all.

What is important is that the disguised identity has a background and reason, so it will not be so abrupt when fighting with the old demon Bai Gu.

"Today, I, "Ye Lingyun", will make you pay for your blood debt with blood, and also taste the taste of extracting souls and refining spirits!"

"To comfort those innocent souls who died!"

Liu Yu transformed into the lucky survivor of the Ye family, with a righteous face and asked for punishment.

Although the revealed cultivation level is not even at the peak of the initial stage, and is much lower than the old demon, it is still fierce.

With the courage to attack the mountain gate, it has the upper hand in momentum.

"Survivors of the Ye family?"

Hearing this, Bai Gu's already cold face seemed to become even darker.

However, this person's face was full of wrinkles, and it was difficult to see the change of emotions.

He was on the path of the devil, and he acted freely and unrestrainedly. He had cultivated to the Nascent Soul stage, and there were countless souls under his command. How could he remember so clearly?

Perhaps, there was really a lucky survivor in the Ye family, who was lucky enough to cultivate to the Nascent Soul stage and come for revenge?

In the hazy yellow mist, the old demon Bai Gu had this thought, but immediately denied it.

There are not so many coincidences in the world. He never believed that it would be such a coincidence that he could survive and cultivate to the Nascent Soul stage.

"Who are you?!"

He didn't speak, but the voice of the old demon Bai Gu had reached his ears through the telepathy.

The realm of the person coming was obviously lower than his. Although he looked like a fool, Bai Gu was cautious by nature and didn't dare to be careless because of this.

He dared to come to the door, maybe he had something to rely on.

He didn't need the target to believe in this reason, so Liu Yu naturally had no intention of persuading and explaining.

As soon as he finished speaking, he immediately took action with the surge of mana.


The next moment, a Yuanying spiritual pressure as big as a mountain and a sea swept in all directions.

It swept across the "Youyue Mountain" covered with ice crystals and reflecting colorful light, and spread to the area around the mountain for dozens of miles.

Yuanying cultivator!

The Black Bone Sect cultivators who heard the noise and approached subconsciously hesitated to approach.


At the same time, a green shirt exploded, and Liu Yu's body grew inch by inch.

Almost in the blink of an eye, it grew to a huge size of 21 feet.常

The huge "Star True Body" was covered with "armor" composed of azure spiritual light, as if a giant of light suddenly descended, revealing his strong physique.

"Meteor Fist"

The red spiritual light flowed on the fist tip, and with the boiling and burning heat of blood, Liu Yu swung his hands along the mysterious trajectory.


In just a moment, more than a dozen fist marks shot out from his fist and blasted towards the "Netherworld Yellow Spring Formation".

In order to avoid exposing his identity, Liu Yu deliberately made some changes in his attack to avoid being recognized by other cultivators.

After all, he had used body training before.

The red fist force was like substance, exerting some characteristics of the "power of the sun", the temperature was even higher than that of the "infant fire", and the power was simple and intuitive.

The power of each fist mark was no less than some fourth-level low-grade spells!

Although Liu Yu could have forced his way into the formation just now when he was caught off guard.

But since he had been discovered and it was impossible to sneak attack successfully, he naturally would not do so.

The Netherworld Yellow Spring Formation was, after all, a fourth-level middle-grade formation, and should not be underestimated.

Its power and means were unknown, so it was better not to be too arrogant.

Just as the red fist mark was about to arrive, the yellow mist surged and became solid in an instant, forming a magnificent "yellow wall".

"Bang bang bang"

The red fist fell on the yellow wall, and immediately a series of roars sounded, and the huge sound spread across the mountains.

Hundreds of ice sculptures on and below Youyue Mountain were shattered into pieces, and pieces of flesh and blood were still cold.


The extremely high temperature of the red fist quickly evaporated the yellow mist.

But immediately, more mist was generated and replenished.

Liu Yu's attack only caused fluctuations in the Netherworld Yellow Spring Formation, but there was no sign of breaking through. 倸

On the other side, although the opponent's cultivation was obviously much lower, the old demon Bai Gu was reluctant to come out to meet the enemy.

This person was cautious by nature and deeply understood that the victory or defeat of the battle was not that important.

Only those who survived to the end were the real winners.

Therefore, no matter how Liu Yu attacked, Bai Gu just stayed in the formation to passively defend.

"With such a big commotion and the news has been spread, why hasn't the sect protection formation been activated yet?"

"There must be something fishy about this matter. This "Ye Lingyun" is probably well prepared!"

It seems easy to be protected by the formation, but the old demon Bai Gu is extremely solemn. 倸

For a while, the willingness to go out to fight was even less positive.

There is a formation to protect the home field, and staying in the "Netherworld Yellow Springs" can attack or defend, so there is no need to rush.

Besides, with such a big commotion, the sect protection formation that should have been activated has not been activated yet, which made the old demon Bai Gu smell something wrong.

Seeing the old ancestor calm and composed, the Black Bone Sect monks who were originally in doubt gave up the idea of ​​escaping directly.

Some Jindan elders approached the battlefield hesitantly.

Although with their strength, the impact on the battle situation is minimal.

But the greater the risk, the greater the reward. If you can take this opportunity to leave a deep impression in the heart of the old ancestor, you will definitely benefit a lot in the future.

Others are afraid, I am greedy!

"If I hide my identity now, I cannot exert my full strength."

"It is probably difficult to break through this "Netherworld Yellow Spring Formation" with my strength in physical training alone. Although the old demon Bai Gu has a bad reputation, he still has one or two good friends."

"If the time is delayed for too long, I am afraid that his support will arrive, and it will be a bit difficult at that time."

"It is not advisable to force the formation. First, find a way to lead Bai Gu out of the formation."

After a series of unsuccessful attempts, Liu Yu's mind flashed with thoughts and he made a decision quickly.

The next moment, he spoke again:

"Bai Gu, you kill people and do all kinds of evil. Even if you die, it is not enough to atone for your sins."

"Five hundred years ago, you killed the entire Ye family for no reason..."

"Three hundred years ago, you forcibly defiled a female cultivator..."

"Two hundred years ago..."

When Liu Yu said this, he looked righteous, as if he had turned into a fair and just judge.

He listed Bai Gu's sins one by one, and there was not a single false word in his words.

Which old demon like this, who has cultivated to the Nascent Soul stage, does not have a long history of bad deeds?

There is no need to deliberately fabricate facts, just let his men collect a little bit, and you can get a lot of Bai Gu's black history.

In the middle of speaking, he changed the subject:

"But the dignified Demon Lord, in fact, is just a coward who bullies the weak and cowards the weak!"

"When he was beaten to the mountain gate, he just hid in the formation and did not dare to go out to fight."

"But do you think you can escape the judgment of justice like this?!"

"Today, I, "Ye Lingyun", will never give up until I avenge the extermination of my family!"

Liu Yuyi spoke righteously and quickly, as if he was the righteous side, judging evil on behalf of justice, and constantly testing Bai Gu's bottom line.倸

"Do you think that if you hide in the formation, I will be helpless?"

"Since you dare not go out to fight, then I will start with the Black Bone Sect."

"Let these demons pay for some of your sins!"

"Anyway, you demon cultivators are all deserving of death. Living in the world will only waste spiritual energy."

At the end, Liu Yu had obvious contempt on his face, as if he was very disdainful of Bai Gu, who had a higher cultivation level.

Then, he turned his eyes and looked at the cultivators who gradually gathered around him, with a cold look in his eyes.


The next moment, the huge real body moved, accompanied by bursts of breaking air, Liu Yu casually swung out a series of red fists in all directions.

He began to "slay demons and eliminate evil", using the entire Black Bone Sect as a hostage to force the old demon Bai Gu to go out to fight.


The red fist force cut through the sky, and screams rang out from all directions, dense and one after another.

Under the fourth-level attack, the Black Bone Sect cultivators, whose highest cultivation level was only the Golden Core, had no power to resist Liu Yu's attack.

In the blazing red fist force, they were quickly reduced to ashes.

"Ancestor, help me!"


Within a hundred miles, thousands of cultivators gathered around, facing Liu Yu's attack, and couldn't even escape.

The red spiritual light flashed, and the breath of each cultivator quickly disappeared.

Just like a drowning person, he would subconsciously grab the life-saving straw with all his strength. Before he died, some Black Bone Sect cultivators asked for help from the White Bone Demon without thinking.

When slaughtering the Black Bone Sect cultivators, Liu Yu was not in a hurry, and counted the White Bone's sins one by one, with contempt on his face.

Inside the formation, the old demon Bai Gu looked at this scene with a somewhat ugly expression.

At first, when he heard the visitor recounting the so-called "sins", he did not waver at all.

When he mentioned "coward", he began to feel a little unhappy.

When the other party used the sect as a hostage and began to slaughter the Black Bone Sect monks, there was already a trace of anger rising.

Especially the contempt and disdain revealed on Liu Yu's face, which hurt the old demon Bai Gu a little, making his anger more turbulent.

He remembered this kind of contempt and disdain. When he was still building the foundation pill, those so-called righteous monks who chased him often had this expression.

Under the pursuit of the "righteous monks", Bai Gu, who was not strong enough, could only find ways to avoid it, and had a memory that he could not bear to look back on.

Although after condensing the Nascent Soul, he had killed those people one by one, extracted souls and refined spirits to retaliate.

But now every time he recalled that expression, the old demon Bai Gu still instinctively felt extremely disgusted, and he hated words like "righteousness" and "justice".啸


Liu Yu noticed the changes in Bai Gu and thought to himself, and immediately moved faster.

He was full of righteousness, and regardless of his status as a true lord, he wantonly killed the Black Bone Sect monks in the Nascent Soul Realm.

He was as cruel as the Demonic Path.

On the other hand, he criticized Bai Gu's crimes with righteous words, and all kinds of charges came out of his mouth.

Every sentence was inseparable from the words "justice" and "evil", as well as "light" and "darkness".

He firmly occupied the moral high ground and provoked Bai Gu's sensitive nerves.

There is no doubt that human nature has weaknesses.

And Liu Yu, who has read "Essentials of Demonic Cultivation" and updated it on its basis.

Undoubtedly, he knows the weaknesses of human nature and can effectively use them.

Putting himself in their shoes, he was also unhappy when some of his dead souls accused him in the past.

So he knows very well where the pain points of these demonic cultivators are.

Some Yuanying demons, although strong-willed and experienced, extremely hate hypocrisy and falsehood.

They are particularly disgusting by the fact that countless righteous monks have done dirty things in secret, standing on the moral high ground and arbitrarily accusing themselves.

So Liu Yu took two approaches at the same time. On the one hand, he used the Black Bone Sect as a hostage to actually damage the interests of the White Bone Demon.

On the other hand, he attacked his heart and used extremely sharp words to stimulate the bad memories in his heart.

Thinking of this, Liu Yu's mind moved.


The next moment, strands of pure white flames rose from his huge body of 21 feet.

The white flames swayed, bringing the characteristics of "Impermanent Heart Flame" to the extreme.

A "power of desire" that could not be seen by the naked eye and could only be sensed by the spiritual sense spread, tentatively affecting the emotions of the White Bone Demon.

Although the Qingyang Demon Fire was only at the third level at this time, the characteristics of "Impermanent Heart Flame" also remained at the third level, which might not have much impact on the Yuanying cultivator.

But this strange attack, when the opponent's anger has risen, can still have some effect, and may become the key to influencing the opponent's decision.


There were screams between the mountains.

The red spiritual light shone in the sky, and dozens of cultivators died every breath. This beautiful spiritual land gradually became unrecognizable.

"If the old demon of bones remains unmoved by such stimulation, this action will have to be abandoned."

"Although my own strength is sufficient, there are more than 10,000 cultivators in the Black Bone Sect. I can't kill all the cultivators at the same time."

"After all, there will be some fish that slip through the net."

"From a long-term perspective, it is not worth exposing my own strength and ambitions for this, and even affecting my cultivation plan."

While stimulating the old demon of bones, Liu Yu thought silently in his heart.

In the Netherworld Yellow Springs Formation, the yellow mist was hazy, and the old demon of bones had a very gloomy face, and his heart was already surging.

"What a high-sounding words!"

"No matter how many times I have seen it, the hypocritical faces of these righteous monks are still so disgusting~!"

At this time, Bai Gu's eyes were fierce and his breathing was already a little heavy.

He clearly noticed the strangeness of the pure white flame.

But listening to the high-sounding words in his ears and watching the death of the Black Bone Sect disciples one by one, he no longer wanted to suppress his anger.

It took a lot of effort to establish the Black Bone Sect. The other party's behavior has seriously damaged the interests of Bai Gu.

If the other party is allowed to slaughter, once today's incident is spread, "White Bone Demon Lord" will become a joke.

For the demon monks, "reputation" is very important.

Once the reputation is gone, who will be afraid of him?

The old demon Bai Gu's heart was turbulent, perhaps because of the influence of the "Qingyang Demon Fire". After combining various factors, he finally had the idea of ​​​​going out to fight.倸

"It can't be wrong. This "Ye Lingyun" frequently attacks. Judging from the spiritual pressure, his realm is indeed the early stage of the Nascent Soul."

"And after several scans with his spiritual sense, he didn't find any helpers."

Bai Gu's eyes flashed fiercely, and he finally made a decision. He said coldly:

"Since you are eager to die, then I will fulfill your wish."

"Do you dare to fight on the Gangfeng layer!"

Although he is in the same early stage, he is sure to kill "Ye Lingyun", so he naturally has something to rely on.

Others only know that Bai Gu has been trapped in the bottleneck of the early stage for a long time, but they don't know that he has secretly broken through.

Because he didn't want to expose his trump card and avoid destroying the spiritual mountains and spiritual veins of the sect, this person took the initiative to propose to go to the Gangfeng layer for a battle.

Otherwise, a battle at the Nascent Soul level would break out. No matter what the final result is, the spiritual mountains and spiritual veins of the Black Bone Sect will probably be destroyed.

The old and gloomy voice spread among the mountains, making many Black Bone Sect disciples look happy.

Before he finished speaking, the old demon of bones turned into a gray light and fled to the wind layer thousands of feet high in the sky without waiting for a reply.

"Can't you bear it anymore?"

Hearing this, Liu Yu smiled in his heart and said without showing any weakness:

"Why not?!"



In just one or two breaths, the two arrived at the third wind layer one after another.


The bones stood in the air, with a cold smile on his face, as if he had thought of something and looked a little excited.


As soon as Liu Yu escaped into the third wind layer, he felt an extremely strong spiritual pressure, which was pressing hard from the front.倸

This spiritual pressure, like the vast ocean, gave people a sense of boundlessness; it was like a towering mountain, unshakable and difficult to surpass, and daunting.

In the spiritual perception, the cultivation level of the old demon of bones was surprisingly at the middle stage of the Nascent Soul!

His spiritual pressure was obviously much better than his at this time.

A mid-stage strongman, so terrifying!

. :

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