Immortal Palace Longevity

Chapter 807: Killing and Leaving (Subscription Request)

Blue aura lit up in his eyes, and Liu Yu's spiritual consciousness spread out at the same time. disaster

Enter a more microscopic realm to observe and interfere with the "spirits" that are everywhere in the world.


In an instant, the third Gangfeng layer was filled with wind and clouds.

Under his influence, even the Gangfeng, which was constantly generating and dying, stopped.

Under the influence of an invisible and intangible force, countless colorful light spots emerged from the space.

Gold, cyan, blue, red, yellow...

Countless light points gathered together to form pieces of spiritual mist of different colors, which quickly rushed towards Liu Yu's direction. disaster

The five-color cloud and mist entered within half a mile, and its properties were changed at the microscopic level, quickly transforming into a red color unique to the fire attribute, and blending into the "Qingyang Nebula".

Suddenly, the huge cyan light and shadow began to grow exponentially.

Two hundred and fifty feet, two hundred and seventy feet, three hundred and thirty feet...

In just two moments, with the blessing of massive spiritual power, the nebula body surged to 330 feet, like a giant of light standing tall on the sky and the earth.

Its power has also increased with the times, and it has improved significantly compared to the beginning.

Using the ability to control the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, Liu Yu easily broke through the boundary between the middle and late stages of Nascent Soul.

His casual attack at this time was probably better than the "Ghost Dharma" that Fu Qingshan had blessed with secret techniques. disaster

At the same time, he controls the spiritual energy within a radius of dozens of miles. Even after condensing the Yuanying, Liu Yu Yuanshen has been greatly improved, and he still feels a lot of burden at this time.

In the dantian, the cyan Nascent Soul, which has grown to a size of nine inches, has a tense look on its little face and is under great pressure.

It's too late, but it's soon.

But in an instant, the cyan light and shadow had grown to 330 feet, and its power skyrocketed to the late Nascent Soul level.

With the increase in the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, it can be said that Liu Yu's strength has undergone earth-shaking changes!

Although the Nascent Soul cultivator has a lot of magic power, it is ultimately not as good as the power of heaven and earth, and is almost endless!

"It's not advisable to delay for too long."

"Exposing the trump card, we must not keep this old demon with bones today!"

With this thought flashing through his mind, Liu Yu didn't say a word, and controlled the attack of "Qingyang Nebula" with a thought.

The cyan aura shone, and the air became boiling hot.

The huge nebula body moved its arms, and the two palms were opened not far from each other. A large amount of spiritual power quickly poured into the palms, and a cyan fireball took shape quickly.


The terrifying power in the fireball even made the space faintly distorted, creating circles of undetectable waves.

"Whoosh~" Disaster

In an instant, the cyan fireball expanded to a hundred feet, was gently pushed out by Liu Yu (nebula body), and pointed directly at the target ten miles away.

The green fireball, which was about a hundred feet long, was inspired by the Qingyang Nebula at that time. Its power was equivalent to a full-strength strike by a great monk, and even exceeded some fourth-level high-grade spells.


Even though he was an old demon, his bones couldn't help but his Adam's apple twitching when he looked at the huge Dharma form that was more than three hundred feet tall, and he secretly swallowed his saliva.

"not good!"

Seeing the cyan fireball approaching rapidly and feeling the terrifying power contained in it, his expression changed drastically.

The wrinkles on his face were all twisted together, and the sense of crisis was stronger than ever. disaster

However, the monk's movement speed is almost impossible to surpass the magic weapon. Since it has been locked by the divine consciousness, there is no way to escape from this blow.

At the critical moment, Bai Gu could only grit his teeth and control the bone snake to refine the corpse, and hit the blue fireball with all his strength.

He himself continued to hold on to the pale shield and fled downwards with all his strength, trying to escape back into the "Netherworld Underworld Formation".

Although giving up the physical body and teleporting directly in the Nascent Soul state, the speed will undoubtedly be faster.

But in the Nascent Soul state, the monk's strength will be weakened by at least half, and he will be defenseless against monks of the same level, which is obviously the last choice.

Unless the situation is truly exhausted, basically no Nascent Soul monk would do this, and this would naturally include White Bones.

Of course he can be cruel to others, but he cannot be cruel to himself. disaster

On the other side, looking at the target's fleeing back, Liu Yu naturally would not remain indifferent.

After the cyan fireball, the huge nebula opened its right palm, and a dark gold spear of suitable size quickly condensed out.

The details and texture of this dark gold spear were lifelike, and it exuded a fiery aura of fire attributes. The next moment, it was suddenly grasped tightly.

Liu Yu (nebula body) leaned forward with her left shoulder, and slightly moved her right shoulder back to accumulate strength. The next moment, the dark gold spear was thrown out like an arrow from the string.


The terrifying power drew a golden rainbow light in the air, easily breaking the obstacles of the strong wind along the way.

At the same time, Liu Yu's eyes flashed as he looked at the powerful bone snake refining the corpse. disaster

The spiritual consciousness spreads out instantly, reaching dozens of miles away, and interferes with the activity of fire-attributed spiritual energy by affecting the "spirits" in an area.

Under the influence of his interference, the characteristic of "Nine Nether Demonic Fire" that increased the activity of fire-attribute aura lost its effect at this moment.

It can be seen with the naked eye that the power of the Bone Snake Corpse Refiner has dropped significantly, falling to the level of the early fourth level.


"Spiritual fire increases activity level, but it still stays at the "spiritual energy level." "

"And when I control the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, I am not only skilled in the technique, but also go deep into the more microscopic "spiritual level", so I can offset the characteristics of the demonic fire. "

With rich knowledge of cultivating immortals, Liu Yu clearly understands the principles. disaster

The spirit sublevel is more subtle than the aura level. If the former is a microscopic level, then the latter is a macroscopic level.

When the micro level is changed, corresponding changes will naturally occur at the macro level.

It's not that the characteristics of "Nine Nether Demonic Fire" have disappeared, it's just that due to the interference of Liu Yu's divine consciousness, its characteristics have temporarily become ineffective.

Once the interference effect disappears, it can still function.

Even because he is extremely familiar with the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and has a more thorough insight into the world, Liu Yu can also increase the power of his attacks when suppressing the properties of the Nine Nether Demonic Fire.

During the attack, the power of each shot is increased by increasing the total amount of spiritual energy, or by increasing the activity of corresponding attribute spiritual energy.

But it is always difficult to do this just by using the bones of the Nine Nether Demonic Fire. disaster

Knowledge sometimes equals power.


On the other side, through the mental connection, the Bone Demon instantly realized something was wrong.

Feeling the decline of the overall strength of the bone snake refining the corpse.

But it was too late. He could only watch helplessly as the hundred-foot-long bone snake's body suddenly met with the cyan fireball that was growing in power.

The next moment, a zombie, each about a hundred feet in size, suddenly met in mid-air with a spell.

"Boom!!!" Disaster

Immediately, there was a violent roar.

In Bai Gu's senses, the entire Gangfeng layer seemed to be shaking slightly.

Immediately afterwards, his face turned pale, and the spiritual pressure around him instantly dropped a small amount.

One's combat power has dropped to the early stage of the fourth level, but the power of the other has continued to increase, even surpassing many fourth-level high-quality spells.

The difference is very huge.

Without any fancy, fierce head-on collision, the ending can be imagined.

The huge body of the Baizhang Bone Snake quickly disintegrated bit by bit under the illumination of azure spiritual light, and was burned inch by inch. disaster

"Bang bang bang!!"

After only a moment of stalemate, the snake's body was torn into pieces, and its remaining limbs were attracted by the green fireball and could not escape.

In a green aura, it turned into piles of ashes and was burned very thoroughly.

The closely connected corpse refining was destroyed, and due to the force of the backlash, the Bone Demon was slightly injured in an instant.

Reiatsu breath, all

There were quite a few fluctuations.

But at this time, he had no time to use his energy and breath, because a dazzling dark golden spear light was already close at hand.

At the critical moment of life and death, Bai Gu could only control the real treasure of the bone knife and attack the dark golden aura with all his strength. disaster

Try your best to weaken the power of this attack.

At the same time, he was not stingy with his magic power, and used all his strength to activate the white orbs, the true defensive treasure, to strengthen the defense of the pale light shield.

At the moment of life and death, Bai Gu can't care less about his heartache and reservations.

The next moment, he took out a black soul flag and released hundreds of ghosts,


Thousands of ghosts exuded a ghostly aura, murmuring and rushing towards the dark gold gun shadow, just to reduce the power of this attack as much as possible.

Among them, there is a fourth-level low-grade ghost king. disaster

After doing this, Bai Gu decisively burned the origin of the Nascent Soul, and his strength instantly returned to its peak, even better than in its heyday.

This person showed all his cards because he knew it clearly.

Once you can't withstand this round of attacks, you will encounter a devastating blow in the next breath!

The next moment, the true treasure of the bone knife, which had transformed to dozens of feet, suddenly met with the dark gold spear.

Although the two are similar in size, their power is different.

One's power is only the fourth-level mid-level, while the other's power is more than the ordinary fourth-level high-level. The difference is more than one or two.

"Ding~~!" Disaster

When the two came into contact, the bone knife was knocked away the next moment, flying back at a speed not much slower than when it came.

He barely managed to stabilize his body, and the aura of this treasure was mostly dimmed.

The dark gold spear flashed with inspiration, and continued to absorb spiritual power during the attack. However, its power continued to recover, and it continued to shoot towards the Bone Demon.


Fierce ghosts with different levels of power and strange shapes were densely blocking the path of the dark gold spear.


However, the powerful fire-attribute aura filled the air, and in the next moment hundreds of ghost figures were directly passed by the dark gold spear. disaster

With a flash of golden light, most of the evil ghosts were wiped out in an instant.

Even the fourth-level low-grade ghost king had a huge hole in its body that was difficult to heal, and eventually collapsed into countless pure pitch-black ghost energies.

Refining corpses, ghosts, puppets, spells, supernatural powers...

It has to be said that the old demon with bones has lived for a thousand years, and the number of methods he can use is truly dazzling.

At this time, I did not hesitate to use it, and I did get some results.

Although it was difficult to stop the powerful dark gold spear, it also consumed a lot of power in this attack, causing it to fall from the fourth-order high-grade to the fourth-order mid-grade.

Then, it suddenly fell on the pale light curtain that was fully stimulated by the white bones. disaster


Dark gold and pale auras shone, falling into a brief stalemate.

"Block it!"

In the eyes of Bai Gu, whose eyes were splitting, the dark gold spear finally exhausted its power and dissipated, and the pale light curtain also dimmed.

However, before this person could be happy, a green light shone.

It made his body extremely heavy, the operation of his magic power obscured, and even his mind felt tired, as if he had been sleeping for a year.

withered! disaster

"What kind of weird magical power is this?!"

Under the influence of the withered magical power, even if the White Bone Old Demon burns the source of the Nascent Soul, the power of his spiritual pressure is still not as powerful as it was in its heyday.

On the other side, Liu Yu was naturally not prepared to give him a chance to breathe, and immediately pinched dozens of spells with both hands.


With a thought in his mind, he controlled the 330-foot nebula body to fly out of the air.

It turned into a cyan rainbow light, flew toward the target at lightning speed, and launched the final killing blow.

"Can't stop it." Disaster

The huge cyan light and shadow came through the sky, moving more than ten miles every moment. Feeling the vast and majestic power on it, the old white-bone demon came up with this idea.

A decisive look flashed in his eyes, and he finally did

He made the decision to abandon his physical body and use his Nascent Soul to escape.

However, just when this person's Yuanying came out of his body and consumed the source of his Yuanying to use teleportation, he was shocked to find that something was wrong!

The surrounding space suddenly became as hard as iron.

The secret technique was clearly performed smoothly, but his one-foot-sized black Nascent Soul did not move at all.

"Space treasure."

The Bone Old Demon finally had this thought. disaster

His true treasure of the bone knife contains spatial attributes and can directly move in space. He is no stranger to this situation.


The next moment, a cyan rainbow light approached, and the white-bone old demon's physical body and soul were all reduced to ashes by the cyan flames.

A large amount of spiritual energy was released, causing a large-scale spiritual storm in the third Gangfeng layer.

A generation of demon kings died a tragic death!

In its place, only a black storage ring remained, which was not destroyed under Liu Yu's attention.

Dozens of miles away, the bone knife true treasure and the white orb with dim aura also survived. disaster

Unlike Fu Qingshan, Bai Gu still had luck before he died, so he didn't destroy the storage ring.

"it's over."

There was a calm expression on Liu Yu's face, and this thought flashed across his mind.

He immediately controlled the nebula body, took the storage ring and the real treasure, and quickly returned to his side.

Without the idea of ​​checking the loot immediately, he put the black storage ring into his pocket and put the two real treasures into his storage ring.

Then he turned his eyes and looked at the blue flames that spread everywhere because the bone snake's corpse was destroyed. disaster

As a fourth-grade spiritual fire, the Nine Nether Demon Fire will not be destroyed casually.

However, when the Bone Snake Refined Corpse was bombarded by the cyan fireball, the fire was also bombarded head-on, so it was inevitable to suffer severe damage to vitality and power.

However, the source of the spiritual fire did not suffer much damage.

Using his magic power, Liu Yu's five fingers formed into claws and shot from the air, and a powerful suction force suddenly formed.

The blue flames were scattered into thousands of flames, scattered throughout the Gangfeng layer, and the flames swayed and reacted immediately.

Losing the control of the master, thousands of flames turned into blue streamers, moving at a faster or slower speed, gathering and floating towards the source of the suction.

After three breaths, thousands of flames reunited and turned into a blue flame the size of an adult's head. disaster


Liu Yu was in a good mood after successfully achieving the goal of the trip with the "Nine Nether Demonic Fire".

He observed carefully that the fire was a faint blue with purple in it, and its power was better than some fourth-level low-grade spells.

If the characteristics are used perfectly, the power can even reach the fourth-level mid-level level.

At this time, the blue aura in Liu Yu's eyes disappeared, his vision returned to normal, and he no longer interfered with the aura of heaven and earth.

But he clearly felt that as soon as the Nine Nether Demon Fire was exposed in the air, the surrounding fire attribute aura became much more active.

"Very good." Disaster

After observing for a moment, under the blue spiritual light, a smile appeared on Liu Yu's face, and she was very satisfied with the Nine Nether Demonic Fire.

Immediately, he took out a jade box made of thousand-year-old black ice.

After firing dozens of spells in succession, he put the blue flame into the box, then attached the spirit-sealing talisman and put it into the storage ring.

Then, Liu Yu released the "Qingyang Nebula", and countless dark green and dark red auras returned to his body.

Without the support of mana essence and qi and blood essence, the 330-foot cyan light and shadow immediately began to collapse.

The chaotic and disordered spiritual energy turned into spiritual energy, forming a spiritual energy storm that quickly transformed from high concentration to low concentration.

Then, Liu Yu skillfully handled the battlefield and cleared away the aura about himself. disaster

Although the fight takes place in the Gangfeng layer, if the aura is not cleared in time, those Yuanying old monsters can still guess the truth of the matter based on clues.

The entire battle process, including the end of the hand, did not last more than ten breaths.


Liu Yu's magic power turned into a silver escaping light, which quickly fell downwards.


Since you are playing the role of "Ye family monk", you must act to the end, although those Nascent Soul monsters will most likely not believe it.

After all, judging from the situation in the Tiannan Immortal Cultivation World, there are only so many high-level immortal cultivation resources, and it is impossible for someone of the same level to appear out of thin air.

But regardless of whether they believed it or not, Liu Yu tried his best to maintain the authenticity of the story and reduce the disturbance of the sudden sudden death of the Bone Demon. disaster

As a survivor of the "Ye Family Massacre", it is obviously unreasonable to leave immediately after killing the old demon.

After all, there are always rumors of involvement in the world of immortality, and True Lord Yuanying has always acted without any scruples.


In just two breaths, Liu Yu returned to the Black Bone Sect's mountain gate and revealed his body in a flash of light.

In the Black Bone Sect, the White Bone Demon's prestige is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Even though he took the initiative to invite a fight, most of the monks were relatively confident, so they stayed at the mountain gate instead of fleeing like other monks.

After all, escaping from battle is a serious crime. Once the old demon of bones defeats his opponent, the prosecution will be very serious. disaster

Only a few monks with quick minds, who were not affected by the majesty of the past, took the risk and chose to run away first.

Back on the ground, Liu Yu looked around.

There was no one escaping in the sky, and the entire Black Bone Sect mountain gate was silent.

But he observed with his spiritual sense and clearly saw that the Black Bone Sect monks were looking forward to the outcome of the battle.

Seeing this, Liu Yu naturally attacked without hesitation.

The silver-white spiritual light flowed on the tip of his fist, and before many monks could react, fist marks fell into the vast mountains.


The ice crystals spread, emitting an extremely cold breath that seemed to freeze the soul.

In a few breaths, large areas were turned into a desolate area covered by ice.

Although they had been prepared, about 40% of the monks were frozen to death in a few breaths.

Between the mountains, the breath of life disappeared rapidly,

In just a few breaths, three or four thousand people died.

The remaining monks were like frightened birds, driving their magic tools and magic treasures, scrambling to escape.

"Small whoosh~"

Liu Yu tapped his fingertips lightly, and hundreds of tiny silver-white qi shot out.


Instantly, screams came from the mountains one after another.

Realizing that their ancestor might be in a bad situation, the remaining cultivators were all terrified.

Hearing the screams of their fellow disciples, they were afraid that it would be their turn in the next moment.

Using the Nascent Soul Realm to kill low-level cultivators at the Golden Core or even below the Golden Core, the efficiency is naturally very high.

In just ten breaths, nearly half of the more than 10,000 cultivators still in the Black Bone Sect's mountain gate died.


When the death toll approached 50%, Liu Yu had this thought and suddenly stopped.

Immediately, he used his magic power, and the silver light flashed and disappeared out of thin air.

He did not have a strange habit of killing for fun. The reason why he killed these Black Bone Sect cultivators was just to make this "revenge" look more real and reasonable.

Seeing that the effect was achieved, he naturally stopped, since his identity was not exposed anyway.

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