Immortal Palace Longevity

Chapter 852: The Ancestor Shows Mercy

"Not bad."

From high in the sky, Liu Yu looked down at the scene and nodded slightly with great satisfaction.

Destroyed Hehuan Sect, annexed Piaoxue Pavilion, and suppressed Cangyue Valley and Qingxu Sect.

After a great battle, the atmosphere of the entire sect was renewed.

It was like a dead tree coming back to life, full of new vitality.

The whole sect became full of vitality.

The root cause was that he made the cake bigger, and the sect was stronger and had more resources for cultivation.

With more resources for cultivation, some requirements would naturally be relaxed.

Even ordinary disciples would have more opportunities to obtain key resources and a greater chance of promotion to the next realm.

In this case, they would naturally practice well and serve the sect.

After all, if they were promoted to the next great realm, their lifespan would more than double.

As long as they were lucky enough to be promoted, even if they lost the opportunity to be promoted again, they would have more time to see the beauty of the world.

With more capital, they could find female cultivators with good conditions in all aspects and give birth to more outstanding blood descendants.

Isn't the instinct of life existence and continuation? !

And Liu Yu gave them this opportunity!

Although he didn't care much about the grand sacrifice at the moment, he would not refuse the opportunity to enhance his own prestige.

Anyway, he didn't have to do it himself, and the elders of the sect would take care of it.

Unlike the previous life, in this cruel world of immortal cultivation, strength is the root of everything.

The so-called "truth" is a joke in the face of absolute strength.

Including the immortal cultivators, everyone firmly believes that because the world will become better with the rule of the strong!

In the face of cruel competition, Yuanyang Sect also needs a strong leader to lead the sect to the peak!

Therefore, the highest combat power is inferior to others, and the end will be the same as Hehuan Sect and Piaoxue Pavilion, and eventually go to extinction.

Or, the resources they have are getting less and less, and they can only bow down to more powerful forces.

And the fewer resources, the lower the probability of the birth of high-level cultivators, and eventually fall into a vicious cycle until extinction.

Unless a genius cultivator appears in a certain generation, it can be revived again.

But this is the real world after all. No matter how talented you are, you still need cultivation resources as a foundation.

Without resources, it's like a fish out of water, you still can't go far.

So throughout the history of the cultivation world, there are very few examples of geniuses emerging and reviving.

Once you fall into a vicious cycle, it is almost impossible to turn things around.

“At present, the sect is in a state of disrepair, and the vast territory needs disciples to guard it.”

“Fortunately, the Qingyang Patriarch felt that it was not easy for his disciples to practice, so he specially gave a large number of strategic resources.”

“I announce that in five years, the sect’s big and small competitions will be held at the same time.”

“The top 20 in the small competition can all get a "foundation-building pill", and the higher the ranking, the more rewards.”

“The top six in the big competition can all get a "golden pill", and the higher the ranking, the more generous the rewards.”

“I hope you can perform well in the big and small competitions in five years.”

“You are the future of the sect, and the ancestor and the elders are looking forward to your performance!”

“Don’t let me and others, especially the ancestor, down.”

Unknowingly, the ceremony has come to an end. After completing the ceremony meticulously, the presiding elder announced with a smile.

Sect big competition!

Sect small competition!

In every big and small competition, the sect will release a large amount of immortal cultivation resources, intending to tilt the immortal cultivation resources towards those disciples who are capable of being cultivated.

No contribution and merit, or spiritual stones, etc. are required.

As long as you can stand out in the big and small competitions, you can get the key resources needed to advance to the next level for free.

And it is not allowed to kill each other among the sect disciples. The whole process is presided over by the Jindan elders, so there is no need to worry about life danger.

Therefore, the big and small competitions of the sect are real benefits for all disciples, especially those with good talents.

In general, there will be some elders watching the big and small competitions.

Even if you can't reach the ranking to get the reward, as long as you play your own style, you may still be favored by the Jindan elders.

And ordinary disciples, once they succeed in becoming apprentices, it is really like a carp leaping over the dragon gate, and their rank will rise a lot immediately.

"Thank you, ancestor, for your mercy!"

"Thank you, elders, for your concern!"

Whether it was sincere or not, as soon as the presiding elder finished speaking, more than 20,000 disciples of different levels of cultivation in the Zhenyang Dojo all bowed deeply in the direction of Liu Yu's cave.

Some disciples who were confident in their own strength but had difficulty obtaining key resources due to lack of backers showed excitement on their faces.

They made up their minds to do their best to perform well this time.

Even ordinary disciples wanted to join in the fun and participate in this grand event and wanted to perform well.

Maybe they would be noticed by the Jindan elder or the powerful deacon?

After the ceremony, as the presiding elder announced the news of the competition, the originally solemn and serious atmosphere of the dojo disappeared and became cheerful in an instant.

Almost all the cultivators had smiles on their faces.

At this moment, they truly felt the earth-shaking changes in the sect in just a few years.

Not only has the monthly salary increased significantly, but also strategies such as foundation-building pills and golden pills have become more numerous than before.

During the reign of Tianfeng Patriarch, only the top ten in the sect competition could obtain a foundation-building pill.

And only the top three in the sect competition could obtain a golden pill.

Not every cultivator has a little green bottle or an old grandfather.

Ordinary cultivators want to strive for the top and stand out from thousands of peers. The difficulty of ranking in the top ten or top three can be imagined.

But now, you only need to rank in the top 20 or top six to get the foundation-building pill.

The number of places has doubled, but the number of competitors has not increased much for the time being, so everyone has a greater chance of getting it.

Even ordinary cultivators have a certain chance to get it, which is a real change.

Tongtian Avenue is right under your feet!

Ordinary disciples with no background also have a chance!

For a while, many disciples had bright lights in their eyes and were ready to participate in the sect's grand event.

On the high platform, Yan Qun'er, Jiang Qiushui, Yan Kai, Li Buyu and others saw this scene and nodded slightly with satisfaction.

The presiding elder's implication was very clear. As long as they serve the sect well, everyone can have a bright future.

In fact, this is of course an illusion.

Even if the sect has more resources for cultivating immortals, only a small number of cultivators can enjoy them.

Most cultivators are still not destined to achieve the Golden Elixir.

But looking at the history of the world of cultivating immortals, isn't it full of lies?

People need "dreams", "beliefs", etc., so that the sect and the country can be revitalized.

Sometimes discovering the cruelty of the world too early often makes people lose the motivation to work hard, which may not be a good thing.

It is precisely because of the depiction of "grand ambitions" that people are determined to pursue and it is impossible to complete the "dream".

There are almost countless cultivators who sacrificed their lives, so that the human race can have the current grand occasion.

Occupy the whole world, the most essential Central Region!

It is because of the illusory "dream" that the dream of becoming a great cultivator like the predecessors, while living forever, also leaves a strong and colorful mark in the history books.

Only then will there be ancient cultivators who discover other regions outside the Central Region and expand the territory step by step.

For example, the East Desert, the West Desert, the South Xinjiang, the North Plain, and the overseas islands, etc.

This world needs lies, people cannot lose their spiritual support!

Without dreams and beliefs, people will lose the motivation to move forward, and eventually become like a pool of stagnant water.

And what can replace one lie is often another lie.


"This time, I will definitely..."

The sect's small competition was advanced, and there was an uproar in the dojo, and the disciples looked excited.

Just as the ceremony was over, they began to whisper to each other.

For a while, the huge dojo became noisy.

On the high platform, the elders smiled at this scene and did not stop it immediately.

It was not until ten breaths later that the foundation-building deacon was ordered to maintain order, and soon the Zhenyang dojo became quiet again.

Seeing this scene, the elders looked at each other, and finally the presiding elder announced:

"I declare that from today onwards, the sect competition will be shortened from once every fifty years to once every thirty years."

"The small competition will also be shortened from once every ten years to once every five years."

"Thanks to the mercy of the ancestor, we have such a godsend opportunity!"

"I hope you will seize the opportunity and don't waste your time!"

Simple and unadorned words seem to have some kind of heart-stirring power, which makes people's blood boil.

Thirty years!

Five years!

The time of the sect competition and the small competition is almost half of the original time.

This means that in the same period of time, more foundation-building spiritual objects and elixir-forming spiritual objects are issued.

All disciples have their opportunities immediately improved.

Even if it doesn't work this time, it may not miss the golden age of breakthrough. Just be prepared and keep working hard next time.

Good news!

Great good news!

For all Yuanyang Sect disciples, this is undoubtedly great good news.

After all, if there is no suitable channel, ordinary cultivators will have almost no hope in their entire lives to obtain the key resources needed for promotion.

At present, not only has the number of rewards for the sect competition increased, but the frequency of holding it has also been shortened by almost half.

As long as they make effective efforts, ordinary disciples have a lot of hope.

And to ensure fairness, the competition is not only based on strength, but also divided into "fighting" and "literary fighting".

The final ranking is determined based on the comprehensive results.

After all, if only strength is considered, disciples with the support of their families and masters will undoubtedly have a natural advantage.

Their elders only need to prepare a sophisticated magic weapon for them, which is equivalent to decades of efforts by ordinary disciples.

The number of rewards has increased, the frequency of competitions has increased, and the rules of the competition have changed.

As the presiding elders announced the news one by one, the eyes of the disciples in the dojo became brighter and brighter.

It can be predicted that once the news is spread today, it will surely cause a storm among the cultivators below the golden elixir in the nearby cultivation world.

When Yuanyang Sect opens its gates in the future, more monks will choose to join, and both quantity and quality will be greatly improved.

And all this is naturally due to the pity of the old ancestor!

Because of the rule of the strong, this sect and this country have become better!

"Absolute fairness does not exist."

"But under my own rule, perhaps I can pursue relative fairness."

"In fact, ordinary disciples have very simple demands."

"As long as they can maintain relative fairness and do not let the promotion ladder disappear, they are willing to work hard to cultivate and serve the sect."

"What a pity"

"What a pity, this kind of fairness needs to be implemented from top to bottom."

"No matter what kind of power there is, there must be a vested interest group. They will instinctively block the ladder of ascension, so that the latecomers will lose the opportunity to compete for resources and power, so as to maintain the prosperity of their own family."

"The so-called "fairness" is ultimately a luxury for most cultivators."

Landing on the cliff, Liu Yu retracted his gaze, shook his head slightly, and walked towards the cave.

With his current strength, he is no longer afraid of most threats, so he can naturally release some foundation-building pills and golden pills in moderation to enhance the overall strength of the sect.

Of course, this degree has always been firmly controlled by Liu Yu, and will not attract the attention of the "Heavenly Thunder Palace".

And all the spiritual objects of the sect that can form infants are naturally firmly grasped in his hands. If the sect wants to obtain the golden pill, it must first get his approval.

To refine the infant pill and the infant pill, you need to use spiritual materials that cannot be ripened, and the Immortal Mansion cannot ripen them.

However, Liu Yu has collected three relatively ordinary spiritual objects of spiritual herbs and medicines that can form infants.

The three spiritual objects used together can increase the chance of forming a baby by about 20%, and can be ripened at a very low cost through the Immortal Palace.

However, the Yuanying Zhenjun can already affect the rise and fall of a country or a sect, change the power comparison of a large area, and affect the sensitive minds of countless cultivators.

Therefore, Liu Yu does not intend to give the ripened baby-forming spiritual objects to anyone except his four concubines.

As for the baby-forming spiritual objects collected through the sect channels, they can be given at discretion.

However, the concubines should be given priority.

He has always put his own interests first, and the four concubines are undoubtedly closer than the sect disciples.

Even if the chance of forming a baby is lower, Liu Yu's decision will not change.

All decisions are based on his own strength.

With his current strength, he does not need any cultivator's assistance, and he can suppress the current territory by himself.

His own status matches the resources he has, and the combat power of a great cultivator is enough to suppress all dissatisfaction in the camp!

If it doesn't work, there are Huang Mei, Mo Mei and other fellows as external aid.

In this case, one or two Yuanying early stage cultivators are insignificant and can't affect the overall situation of Yuanyang Sect.

So Liu Yu's decision is entirely based on his heart, and he acts at will.

Even if it consumes precious infant spirit objects, it doesn't matter if several concubines fail to break through.

Liu is happy!

The reason why he is determined to climb the immortal path, in addition to exploring the truth of the great way and eternal life, is it not for freedom and unconstrained?

Now, since he has good strength, he should act according to his own will!

Unless there is a situation similar to Yan Kai.

Stuck at a very delicate time, Liu Yu urgently needs a Yuanying thug, and this principle will be broken, and there will be exceptions.

Of course, if he does not have absolute strength, he will naturally not waste resources at will.

He will also consider the overall situation, which is another situation.

"I'll release a batch of foundation-building pills and golden elixir pills. I wonder how many of these disciples can succeed in breaking through?"

"With the bonus of the war and the grant of key resources, I'm sure the promotion rate will be higher than usual."

"In the next few decades, there will be a lot more Qi-refining disciples, foundation-building deacons, and even golden elixir elders."

Thinking of this, Liu Yu kept walking and disappeared in the huge cave on the top of the mountain.

"Tap tap"

To him, the battles at the Qi-refining and foundation-building levels are no different from playing house, so he naturally has no interest in watching them in person.

The list of winners of the big and small competitions will be sent to Jiang Qiushui, who is in charge of the internal affairs of the sect, after the event.

After Liu Yu nodded in agreement, key resources such as foundation-building pills and golden elixir pills will be distributed.

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